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Narrative Writing #3

Prompt: Write about an insignificant event/moment in your life that says something
significant about you. As with prior writing, you should aim to include literary devices to
enhance your writing.

After sitting through hours of classes, endless lectures, and seminars that felt
hopelessly long and hopelessly designed to make me regret even showing up, I went to
lunch. I took the cold, dark trek down the hall, down the stairs, and into the lunchroom
with Declan, my friend. Declan is an interesting guy; he is full of emotions and likes to
laugh, especially when I’m writing about him in front of him. Declan is a nice guy; he
loves to give away his stuff to help others, particularly food. On this day, going to lunch,
Declan and I were especially hungry; we craved the food that we brought to school: a
quesadilla for him and a grilled cheese for me. We are very predictable, you might say,
every day I bring a grilled cheese, sometimes burnt, sometimes undercooked, but it’s
exactly what I need each day. Declan introduces slightly more variety into his meals,
and although he eats a quesadilla every day, he likes to bring an apple, some pretzels,
and other snacks along with him. Another thing he brings, however, is GUM. Declan’s
gum is something you just need to taste. JT can confirm it’s delectable. Hugo can
confirm it’s indescribably delicious. The gum is something out of a fairy tale; it’s
store-bought, sure, but something about it is just remarkable. Maybe it’s the fact that it
sits in his backpack for months, undisturbed by the human touch.

Declan’s gum brings out the best in me. I can remember biting into it, chewing on
it, and tasting its minty flavor, which unfortunately only lasts for a few minutes. However,
it makes me feel better and brightens up my day. The gum burst in my mouth; it popped
and snapped when I chewed, only increasing the satisfaction it brought me. Instantly, I
thanked Declan for allowing me to chomp on his mouthwatering chewables. I couldn’t
believe the joy it allowed me to obtain; the feeling was immense. The rest of that day
carried on like it was nothing; school ended, I went home, did my homework, and
relaxed, still chewing that same piece of gum. Although the flavor was long gone, it was
still comforting to have something to chew on, for whatever reason. As the day went on,
I continued chewing; at this point, I knew that it had been in my mouth for a couple of
hours, and I decided I was going to keep it there, at least until I went to bed. I
succeeded, not even eating dinner in order to continue chewing. I went to bed happy
with myself, confident that I could receive more the next day. I just had to wait a little bit,
but that was something I could manage.

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