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J Clin Periodontol 2008; 35: 346–355 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2008.01204.

A Retrospective study of root Stéphane Kerner1, Alain Borghetti2,

Sandrine Katsahian3, Daniel Etienne1,
Jacques Malet1, Francis Mora1,

coverage procedures using an Virginie Monnet-Corti2, Jean-Marc

Glise2 and Philippe Bouchard1
Department of Periodontology, Service of

image analysis system Odontology, Hôtel-Dieu Hospital, AP-HP,

Paris 7 – Denis Diderot University, U.F.R. of
Odontology, Paris, France; 2Department
of Periodontology, University of Marseille,
Faculty of Odontology, Marseille, France;
Kerner S, Borghetti A, Katsahian S, Etienne D, Malet J, Mora F, Monnet-Corti V, 3
Department of Biostatistics, Saint Louis
Glise J-M, Bouchard P. A Retrospective study of root coverage procedures using an Hospital, AP-HP, Paris 7–Denis Diderot
image analysis system. J Clin Periodontol 2008; 35: 346–355. doi: 10.1111/j.1600- University, Paris, France

Aim: To investigate the efficacy of root coverage procedures and factors that may
affect the clinical outcomes in non-experimental patients.
Material and Methods: Two hundred and eighty-seven root coverage surgical
procedures in 215 adult patients were evaluated retrospectively. Descriptive statistics
were used to determine the patient profile. Comparisons between surgeries were
assessed, and the impact of different parameters on the probability of mean/complete
root coverage and gingival augmentation was explored.
Results: The mean percentage of root coverage was 72.29 ( 28)%. Complete root
coverage was observed in 35.56% of the defects. The difference between the surgical
procedures was not significant. The mean percentage of gingival augmentation was
106.18 ( 260)%. The difference between non-submerged grafts and the other
techniques was significant (po10  3). A significant negative impact of smoking, and
maxillary teeth for both mean and complete root coverage were found. A significant
positive impact of the tuberosity donor site was found for complete root coverage.
Maxillary teeth and Miller’s Class II and III were positive predictive factors for
Key words: gingival recession/surgery;
gingival augmentation.
gingival recession/therapy; grafts; image
Conclusions: Under non-experimental conditions, root coverage procedures are analysis; retrospective study
effective. Smoking, maxillary teeth, donor site, and Miller’s Classes are prognostic
factors that may affect the results. Accepted for publication 31 December 2007

Root coverage surgical procedures Bouchard et al. 1997, Jepsen et al. et al. 2006). For example, statistical
remain among the most widely used 1998, Borghetti et al. 1999, Tatakis & power calculations indicate that using a
therapeutic strategies for the correction Trombelli 2000). Although significant power of 90% and an a 5 0.05, 22 test
of gingival recession defects. Numerous differences between various surgical subjects and 22 control subjects (N 5 44)
surgical techniques have been proposed procedures have been shown in some are required to observe a statistical dif-
and evaluated clinically. Prospective studies (Jahnke et al. 1993, Paolantonio ference when the expected clinical dif-
comparative clinical trials have focused et al. 1997, Trombelli et al. 1998, Lins ference in linear measurements between
on evaluations and comparisons of var- et al. 2003), the majority of the rando- groups is 1 mm, with estimated group
ious techniques (Pini Prato et al. 1992, mized clinical trials (RCTs) were not standard deviations of 1 mm. However,
able to find statistical differences, a difference of 1 mm between groups
thus concluding on the equivalence of is rarely found. For a more realistic
Conflict of interest and source of treatments. expected difference of 0.5 mm, the
funding statement This lack of difference in the outcome sample size per group is 86 (N 5 172).
The authors declare that they have no may be due to a low statistical power To compensate for the effect of a
conflict of interests. because of a small sample size. In small sample size, an evidence-based
No external funding, apart from the sup- parallel-design studies, the number of approach was proposed, and a meta-
port of the authors’ institution, was avail- defects for each group ranges from 12 to analysis was conducted (Roccuzzo
able for this study.
37 (Tatakis & Trombelli 2000, Moses et al. 2002, Oates et al. 2003). The
346 r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Root coverage surgical procedures 347

main conclusions of these studies are affect root coverage rates in a non- coverage therapy between 1981 and
as follows: (1) several root coverage experimental group of patients. 2005. Figure 1 indicates detailed infor-
surgical procedures are effective in mation on the reasons for excluding
reducing gingival recessions; (2) further recessions from the analysis. All clinical
research is needed to identify the factors Material and Methods cases entered into the database complied
associated with successful outcomes; This was a retrospective study, with with all the primary inclusion criteria
(3) more information is needed to aid masking of the examiner and the statis- and were excluded if one or more exclu-
in the selection of appropriate treat- tician, on the effect of root coverage sion criteria were found.
ment options; and (4) the heterogeneity therapy. The population consisted of
of RCTs is often high, and does not consecutive outpatients treated in seven
allow comparisons between various private practices limited to perio- Inclusion criteria
surgical techniques. Thus, decision dontology (three in Marseille and four
making for root coverage procedures in Paris). In each private office, all All the following criteria must be ful-
can only be partly based scientific patients had received root coverage sur- filled for inclusion:
evidence. geries by a single periodontal specialist
Taken together, these considerations with 415 years of clinical experience.  Males and females must be at least
make the selection of a surgical techni- All specialists hold an academic posi- 18 years of age.
que in daily periodontal practice diffi- tion, and have published articles dealing  Patients must be in good general
cult. To date, no study has evaluated the with root coverage in peer-review jour- health without any systemic diseases.
clinical results of root coverage proce- nals. Each periodontist was asked to  Patients must be free of periodontal
dures performed by experienced period- select from their files clinical cases of disease.
ontists in the routine condition of their root coverage techniques documented  Patients must have at least one
practices. Therefore, a study including a with pre-operative and post-operative buccal Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 Miller’s
large number of patients/recessions rou- photographs with a minimum of 6 months gingival recession defect to be trea-
tinely attending private practices is of follow-up, and to complete a study ted (Miller 1985).
interest to determine the impact of the form corresponding to the surgical  The experimental teeth must be
surgical technique in the success of root procedure. maxillary and mandibular premo-
coverage therapy and to determine the lars, canines, and incisors.
patient profile.
Study population
 The experimental teeth must be free
The aim of this retrospective survey of endodontic lesions and of caries
is (1) to further explore the mean per- Three hundred and sixty-three surgeries, or restorative dentistry in the defect
centage of root coverage following var- 232 coincident patients, and 691 coin- area on the date of the surgical
ious surgical procedures and (2) to cident recessions were submitted for the procedure and on the date of the
examine treatment variables that may analysis. All patients underwent root control.

Fig. 1. Diagram of the inclusion cases.

r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
348 Kerner et al.

 The experimental teeth must be 8-Connective tissue graft1double processing program, which calculated
documented with two high quality papilla flap area and pixel value statistics for user-
photographs – one at the date of the 9-Connective tissue graft1coronally defined selections (Rasband 1997–2007,
surgery, and one at the date of the positioned flap Abramoff et al. 2004).
control. 10-Envelope techniques. In order to ensure the comparability
 The control will be X6 months after of pre-operative and post-operative
the surgical procedure. When applicable, additive treatments photographs, the following lines were
were recorded as follows: drawn on a graphic tablet: (1) a mesio-
distal horizontal line at the maximum
Exclusion criteria  Root surface modification agents width of the crown and (2) a mid-facial
(citric acid, TTC-HCL, EDTA, vertical line from the most coronal edge
 Any medical conditions that could others) of the crown to the muco-gingival line
interfere with normal healing,  Enamel matrix proteins (Figs 2 and 3). These two lines were
including current pregnancy at the  Non-resorbable membrane barriers measured with Image J, and used as
time of the surgical procedure and (ePTFE, ePTFE reinforced, others) references to check the comparability
during the healing phase.  Resorbable membrane barriers of the magnification. The image deforma-
 Palatal and lingual gingival recessions. (polymer, collagen, others). tion was evaluated using the following
 Molar teeth. formula:
 Lack of visibility of the cementoe- 1  ½ðpre-op and post-op vertical
namel junction and/or of the muco- Root coverage and gingival augmen-
gingival line on the photographs. tation measurements lines ratioÞ  ðpre-op and post-op
horizontal lines ratioÞ:
To ensure the blinding, photographs
were coded independently into a spread- To be included in the database, the
Study procedures and assessments sheet using a proprietary randomization image deformation must be 45%.
For each of the surgeries, patient char- program (under Excel, Microsoft, Red- All measurements were performed by
acteristics including age, gender, smok- mond, WA, USA). Unblinding was car- one calibrated examiner (S. K.). The
ing status, and post-operative antibiotic ried out after completion of calculation intra-examiner calibration was assessed
prescription as well as type of tooth and for merging with clinical worksheets. by reproducibility for linear measure-
Miller’s classification of the defects Pre-operative and corresponding ment that was o2%. Results were given
were recorded. post-operative slides were digitalized in pixel values. Details of the standardi-
The indications of the surgical proce- under 300 dpi with a scanner, and dis- zation of pre- and post-surgical photo-
dure were recorded as follows: played using Adobes Photoshops soft- graphs, and recession evaluation, with
ware (version 7.0 Adobe Systems Image J have been described and vali-
Europe Ltd., Uxbridge, UK). Each slide dated previously (Kerner et al. 2007).
 Aesthetics was analysed using Image J for win- The percentage of root coverage was
 Root sensitivity dows, a public domain Java image calculated using the recession depth
 Pre-prosthetic procedure
 Pre-orthodontic procedure
 Soft tissue augmentation
 Other indications.
When applicable, the donor site was
recorded, including palatal, tuberosity,
and edentulous ridge.
Surgical techniques were recorded
using the following classification
(Bouchard et al. 2001):
Pedicle soft tissue grafts
1-Laterally positioned flap
2-Double papilla flap
3-Coronally positioned flap
4-Semilunar flap
Non-submerged graft
5-One stage (free gingival graft)
6-Two stages (free gingival graft1
coronally positioned flap)
Submerged grafts
7-Connective tissue graft1laterally Fig. 2. Pre-operative (a) and post-operative (b) views of a clinical case with complete root
positioned flap coverage. Root coverage 5 100%; gingival augmentation 5 203%; image deformation 5 2%.
r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Root coverage surgical procedures 349

accounted for correlations between the

several recessions in the same patient
through random effects (Goldstein
Additionally, a second level of corre-
lation was considered using random care
provider effects.
The detailed structures of both fixed
and random effects best fitting the data
were selected using Schwartz’s Baye-
sian Information Criterion (BIC) model
selection criterion (Schwartz 1978).
Once the final model was fitted, specific
hypotheses regarding fixed effects were
tested (Venables & Ripley 1997). Ana-
lyses were performed using R.2.0.1 soft-
ware (The R Development Core Team).
All variables achieving statistical sig-
nificance at a 0.20 level in the univariate
analysis were considered in the multiple
analysis model. A backward variable
selection procedure with a p-value cut-
off at 0.05 was used to identify the set of
Fig. 3. Pre-operative (a) and post-operative (b) views of a clinical case with partial root independent predictors of primary and
coverage. Root coverage 5 50%; gingival augmentation 5 57%; image deformation 5 1%. secondary variables. The validity of the
logistic regression models was checked
using the Hosmer and Lemeshow lack-
(RD) according to the following stan- linear midfacial measurement. Second- of-fit test.
dard formula: ary variables included change in the
percentage of complete root coverage
½ðpre-operative RD  post-operative
and change in the mean percentage of
RDÞ=ðpre-operative RDÞ  100: gingival augmentation. Descriptive sta- Results
tistics are reported as means and stan- The final sample, after controlling for
The width of keratinized tissue (KT)
dard deviations, or as numbers and inclusion and exclusion criteria,
was measured as the distance from the
percentages. Qualitative variables were included 287 surgeries corresponding
gingival margin to the muco-gingival
compared using the chi square test. The to 215 patients, and 495 coincident
junction. The percentage of the gingival
significance of differences between recession defects. The mean number of
augmentation (GA) was evaluated using
groups was tested using unpaired para- teeth treated per surgery was 1.7  0.9
the following formula:
metric (normally distributed continuous (median 5 1). The mean follow-up was
½ðpost-operative KT  pre-operative variables) or non-parametric (non- 17.25  17.69 months. The characte-
KTÞ=ðpre-operative KTÞ  100: normally distributed data or frequen- ristics of the study population are
cies) tests. Intergroup comparison was described in Table 1. Females were
performed by one-way analysis of var- overrepresented in the sample. The
iance (a 5 0.05). If a statistical differ- mean age was 38.54 (12.36) years,
Statistical analysis
ence was detected, a post hoc procedure ranging from 18.01 to 92.19 years.
was used for a non-pairwise multiple Considering age and gender, the major-
Data collected were organized into a comparison (Scheffé’s test) to identify ity of the recession defects were treated
spreadsheet using a computer program differences among the groups. Multi- in 21–40-year-old patients, females
(Excel, Microsoft, Redmond, WA). variate linear regression was applied to accounting for 76% of them (Table 2).
After proofing for entry errors, the data- determine which covariates were inde- The smoking status of nine subjects was
base was locked and loaded in statistical pendently associated with the mean per- unknown. Among 206 patients available
software. All statistical tests were per- centage of root coverage. Multiple for the analysis, non-smokers repre-
formed with R 2.4.1 software (R Foun- logistic regression was used to deter- sented the majority of the sample. No
dation for Statistical Computing, mine independent predictors of com- significant adverse events were reported
Vienna, Austria) on PC architecture. plete root coverage. The levels that in each intervention categories.
The techniques were pooled for statis- were identified for the hierarchical ana- Figure 4 indicates the number of
tical analysis into the following three lysis were (1) the patient and (2) the recessions treated according to the 10
categories: (1) pedicle soft tissue graft; surgeon. Given the structure of the data, recorded initial surgical procedures.
(2) non-submerged grafts; and (3) sub- where recession is considered to be the Figure 5 shows the number and the
merged grafts. Recessions were used as unit of analysis, with several recessions type of surgery according to tooth cate-
the unit of analysis. The primary vari- in the same patient and several patients gories after grouping. Maxillary canines
able was the change in the percentage of treated by the same surgeon, we used a (n 5 128) accounted for 26% of the
root coverage based on a single vertical linear mixed-effect model. This model sample and for 41% of the treated
r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
350 Kerner et al.

Table 1. Demographic parameters, mean  standard deviation, number (percentage) Table 3 also shows the percentage
distribution of the main indications for
Parameter Unit All (n 5 215)
root coverage surgeries in the sample.
Gender M/F 50/165 Aesthetic reasons account for the major-
Age Years 38.54  12.36 ity of the sample, whereas root sensitiv-
Smokersn Non-smokers 172 (83%) ity and soft tissue augmentation account
Current smoker 34 (17%) for only 27.35% and 10.81%, respec-
n 5 206 corresponding to nine missing values. tively. Submerged graft techniques were
the most frequently chosen procedures
Table 2. Distribution of recessions considering age and gender for aesthetic indications. The distribu-
tion of the recession defects in the
Males (%) Females (%) Total (%)
sample according to Miller’s categories
18–20 years 7 (1.4) 8 (1.6) 15 (3) was limited to the first three classes,
21–40 years 70 (14.1) 227 (45.9) 297 (60) Class 1 and 2 accounting for 91% of the
41–60 years 33 (6.7) 109 (22) 142 (28.7) recession defects. Among the teeth that
61–80 years 9 (1.8) 30 (6.1) 39 (7.9) received a non-submerged or a sub-
81–100 years 0 (0.0) 2 (0.4) 2 (0.4) merged graft (n 5 443), 29 were treated
Total 119 (24) 376 (76) 495 (100)
with a graft retrieved from the maxillary
tuberosity (7%).
One hundred and thirty-seven reces-
250 sions (28%) were treated with an addi-
209 tive treatment. Table 3 shows the
Number of recessions

200 distribution of these treatments. Forty-

154 six, 74, and one received citric acid,
TTC-HCL, and EDTA, respectively, in
100 the root surface modification group. In
62 the GTR group, one recession was trea-
50 33 ted with a reinforced titanium mem-
10 4 5 9 7 2 brane; the remaining 15 received a
0 resorbable polymer membrane. Mem-
LPF DPF CPF SF FGG FGG CTG CTG CTG ET brane barriers were only used in the
pedicle soft tissue graft group.
Pedicle soft tissue grafts Non submerged grafts Submerged grafts The antibiotic prescription was not
recorded for five surgeries correspond-
Fig. 4. Number of treated teeth according to the surgical technique. LPF: laterally positioned
flap; DPF: double papilla flap; CPF: coronally positioned flap; SLF: semilunar flap, FGG: free ing to the treatment of six recession
gingival graft; CTG: connective tissue graft; ET: envelope technique. defects. A post-operative antibiotic pre-
scription was given for 33 surgical pro-
cedures (11%), corresponding to 53
70 treated recession defects. Two hundred
Maxillary and forty-nine surgeries (89%), corre-
sponding to 436 recession defects, were
50 performed without antibiotics.
Number of recessions

40 The overall mean percentage of root

30 coverage was 72.29 ( 28)%. Figure 6
shows the mean percentage of root
20 coverage according to the categories of
10 the root coverage procedures. The dif-
0 ference between groups was close to,
PM2 PM1 C LI CI CI LI C PM1 PM2 but did not reach significance
(p 5 0.06).
The overall percentage of complete
20 root coverage was 35.56% (176/495).
30 Complete root coverage was achieved in
15/52 (29%), 23/71 (32%), and 138/372
Pedicle soft tissue grafts Non submerged grafts Submerged grafts
(37%) recession defects for the pedicle
Fig. 5. Distribution of the category of surgery according to the tooth type. soft tissue grafts, non-submerged grafts,
and submerged grafts groups, respec-
tively. The difference between groups
was not significant.
defects at the upper jaw. Similarly, istics according to categories of root The corresponding mean percentage
canines (n 5 52) accounted for the coverage procedure indicate that most of gingival augmentation was 106.18
majority of the treated defects at the of the defects were treated with sub- ( 260.58)%. The difference between
mandible (28%). The sample character- merged grafts (Table 3). groups was significant (po10  3) as
r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Root coverage surgical procedures 351

Table 3. Sample characteristics according to categories of root coverage procedure, number (percentage)
Parameter Unit Categories of root coverage procedure

pedicle soft tissue non-submerged submerged total p

graft graft grafts

Treated defects Number 52 (10.51) 71 (14.34) 372 (75.15) 495 (100)

Indicationsn o0.0001
Aesthetic 42 (8.57) 9 (1.84) 243 (49.59) 294 (60)
Root sensitivity 4 (0.82) 39 (7.96) 91 (18.57) 134 (27.35)
Soft tissue augmentation 6 (1.22) 22 (4.49) 25 (5.10) 53 (10.81)
Othersnn 0 (0) 1 (0.20) 8 (1.64) 9 (1.84)
Miller’s category o0.0001
Class 1 41 (8.28) 27 (5.45) 255 (51.52) 323 (65.25)
Class 2 9 (1.82) 31 (6.26) 88 (17.78) 128 (25.86)
Class 3 2 (0.40) 13 (2.63) 29 (5.86) 44 (8.89)
Donor sitennn 0.099
Palate NA 70 (15.80) 344 (77.65) 414 (93.45)
Tuberosity NA 1 (0.23) 28 (6.32) 29 (6.55)
Additive treatment Root surface modification 6 (4.38) 12 (8.76) 103 (75.18) 121 (88.32) 0.01
Membrane barrier 16 (11.68) 0 (0.00) 0 (0) 16 (11.68) NA
Antibioticsnnnn No/yes 46/6 (9.41/1.23) 60/9 (12.27/1.84) 330/38 (67.48/7.77) 436/53 (89.16/10.84) 0.79
n nn nnn nnnn
n 5 490; Not included in the analysis; n 5 443; n 5 489; NA 5 not applicable.

100 Regarding gingival augmentation, the

74 linear regression model (Table 6) shows
that the teeth at the maxilla have 122%
Percentage of root coverage (%)

more chance than the teeth at the mand-
ible (po10  3). This model also indi-
cates that Miller’s class 3 have 126%
more chance of gingival augmentation
0 than Miller’s class 1 (p 5 0.004) and
that Miller’s class 2 have 56% more
chance (p 5 0.04).

p = 0.06 Patient characteristics
Pedicle Non submerged Submerged In our study, the sample included adults
soft tissue grafts grafts grafts only in order to eliminate the risk of
distorting results by including child
Fig. 6. Box plots showing the mean percentage of root coverage according to the category of recession defects, which may be sponta-
neously healed over time (Andlin-
Sobocki et al. 1991). Thus, no conclusion
can be drawn from the present survey
shown in Fig. 7. Post hoc analysis decreased by 7% at the upper jaw com- on recession defects in children. How-
indicates a statistical difference between pared with the mandible (p 5 0.01). ever, the effect of age on root cover-
the pedicle soft tissue group and the We then applied a logistic regression age has been advocated, although the
non-submerged group (po10  3), the model to identify the parameters asso- literature does not demonstrate evi-
submerged group and the non-sub- ciated with complete root coverage dence. If the percentage of complete
merged group (po10  3), but the dif- (Table 5). The model indicates that root coverage is taken into considera-
ference between the pedicle soft tissue current smokers have a 63% risk of not tion, a trend towards a better response
group and the submerged group was not achieving complete root coverage com- has been observed in younger age
significant. pared with non-smokers (po0.05), and groups (Vergara & Caffesse 2004).
The multivariate analysis (Table 4) that maxillary teeth have 49% less Table 2 shows that young adults
performed to identify variables asso- chance of achieving complete root cov- between 21 and 40 years of age account
ciated with the mean percentage of erage compared with the teeth at the for 60% of the sample. The table also
root coverage demonstrates that current mandible (p 5 0.03). This model also indicates that young females, less than
smoking reduces the chance to achieve indicates that the tuberosity donor site the age of 40, were the most frequent
root coverage by 5% compared with increases the chance of complete root candidates for root coverage techniques
non-smoking habits (p 5 0.01). Simi- coverage by 278% compared with pala- (45.9%). The female gender per se con-
larly, the chance of root coverage is tal grafts (p 5 0.02). tributed to 76% of the recessions
r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
352 Kerner et al.

500 tive factor (Wennström & Pini Prato

2003). The reasons for the discrepancy
between the outcomes of the various
Percentage of root coverage (%) 400
studies have recently been presented in
an excellent discussion by Silva et al.
300 (2006).
The outcomes of the present study
200 confirm that the main indication for root
440 coverage is the aesthetic demand. This
is in accordance with a recent survey
100 showing that aesthetic concern was the
major indication for root coverage pro-
0 cedures (Zaher et al. 2005). Indications
other than aesthetic, root sensitivity, and
soft tissue augmentation were so low
−100 that they were grouped in the ‘‘Other’’
Pedicle Non submerged Submerged
soft tissue grafts grafts grafts category, accounting for 1.84% of the
indications. The fact that pre-prosthetic
Fig. 7. Box plots showing the mean percentage of gingival augmentation according to the indications were recorded in the aes-
category of surgery. thetic category by the operators cannot
be disregarded. It is also of interest that
Table 4. Multivariate analysis (linear regression model) explaining the predictive factors for the pre-orthodontic indications were found
mean percentage of root coverage to be low. This may be explained by the
Independent variables Parameter estimate Standard error t value p value minimum age inclusion (18 years),
excluding children and teenagers.
Intercept 0.7671 0.0272 28.160 o10  3
Smoking habits  0.0473 0.0190  2.481 0.0137
Maxillary teeth  0.0724 0.0296  2.444 0.0151 Defect and tooth characteristics

Figure 5 shows a rather symmetrical

distribution of the recession defects.
Table 5. Multivariate analysis (logistic regression model) explaining the predictive factors for From an epidemiological standpoint,
complete root coverage this treatment need corresponds to the
Independent variables Parameter estimate Standard error t value p value OR CI95% distribution of mean attachment loss that
can be observed in adults (Bourgeois
Intercept  1.8666 0.6642  2.811 0.0049 0.15 0.04–0.57 et al. 2007). The distribution of the
Smoking habits  0.4567 0.2293  1.992 0.0463 0.63 0.40–0.99 recession defects according to the type
Donor site 1.3311 0.6027 2.208 0.0272 3.78 1.16–12.33 of tooth is not in accordance with
Maxillary teeth  0.7163 0.3301  2.170 0.0300 0.49 0.26–0.93 the landmark epidemiological study of
Albandar & Kingman (1999) showing
that the maxillary first molars and
Table 6. Multivariate analysis (linear regression model) explaining the predictive factors for the the mandibular central incisors were
mean percentage of gingival augmentation the most prevalent teeth to be affected
Independent variables Parameter estimate Standard error t value p value by gingival recessions. Even if, in our
study, the molars were not included in
Intercept 0.3924 0.1954 2.007 0.0456 the sample to avoid a bias related to
Maxillary teeth 1.2205 0.2628 4.644 o10  3 aesthetic indications, this means that
Miller class 2 0.5599 0.2791 2.005 0.0462 decision making in root coverage widely
Miller class 3 1.2596 0.4367 2.884 0.0043 depends on the patient demand, and not
on the presence of the defect per se.
Our results demonstrate that maxillary
defects. This may be interpreted in light Silva et al. 2006). Interestingly, 17% of canines are the most frequently treated
of the aesthetic indication for this pro- smoking patients were subjected to root teeth with root coverage procedures.
cedure, which accounts for 60% in our coverage procedures in the present When submerged grafts are not taken
study. study. This means that the practitioners into account, pedicle soft tissue graft
Epidemiological studies suggest that involved in this study did not consider techniques are more prevalent at the
smokers are patients with greater root smoking as a contraindication for root upper jaw, whereas non-submerged
coverage treatment needs compared coverage procedure but as a severe grafts are more prevalent in the lower
with non-smokers (Martinez-Canut limitation. It must also be kept in mind jaw. This confirms that practitioners are
et al. 1995, Susin et al. 2004). Recent that until recently, the influence of sensitive to aesthetical procedures at the
studies indicate that smoking should be smoking in root coverage procedures maxillary.
viewed as a factor negatively influen- was still considered to be a controversial The present investigation demon-
cing the degree of root coverage issue, except for GTR procedures, strated a higher prevalence of Miller’s
(Martins et al. 2004, Erley et al. 2006, where smoking was accepted as a nega- Class 1–2 treated defects (91%)
r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Root coverage surgical procedures 353

compared with Class 3 (9%). No Class 4 main surgical approaches. The compar- therapy with a mouthrinse, respectively.
was available for the analysis. This ison approached but did not reach sig- However, when additive treatments
means that the operators’ indications nificance (p 5 0.06). There is only a including the use of biomaterials are
are in accordance with the literature, trend towards better results with sub- used in conjunction with the root cover-
showing poor clinical outcomes in merged grafts. Similarly, the difference age procedure, an antibiotic prescription
Classes 3 and 4, where complete root between groups was not significant for seems to be mandatory. In the present
coverage cannot be achieved. complete root coverage. sample, 16 defects were treated with
Only four teeth were non-vital in the Regarding the overall mean percen- membrane barriers. All of them were
database. Consequently, no conclusion tage of root coverage, it may be in the pedicle soft tissue graft group
could be expected from the analysis assumed that the results are optimistic including only three defects treated
with this parameter. Nevertheless, it is because it is possible that worse results with antibiotics. This means that 13
interesting to note that non-vital teeth were not documented with photographs. defects treated with membrane barriers
are rarely subjected to root coverage However, the operators were encour- did not receive antibiotics, and that 50
procedures. Non-vital teeth are often aged to provide all available documents defects received an antibiotic prescrip-
treated with restorative/prosthetic den- recorded in their files, whatever the tion without any specific indication.
tistry. This may prevent the surgical results. Blinding was a key point to We do not have an explanation for
attempt to cover the root surface. ensure the anonymonity of the opera- this, but international guidelines for the
tors. Interestingly, the box plots in Fig. 6 use of antibiotics in root coverage pro-
Treatment modalities
show the presence of outliers, indicating cedures should be published to prevent
that failures were also included in the resistances.
The results of clinical trials have often sample. The maxillary tuberosity may be used
been challenged in contrast to those The mean percentage of gingival to retrieve a connective tissue graft in
expected in a routine practice. Subject augmentation has not yet been sub- root coverage procedures (Azzi et al.
selection biases, such as volunteer bias mitted to systematic reviews dealing 1998). In the present study, this area has
and Hawthorne effects, may affect the with root coverage procedures. The been used as the donor site in a limited
daily clinical applicability of the con- main reason may be that gingival aug- number of defects (7%). This low per-
clusions. The major strength of our mentation procedures and root coverage centage may correspond to the limits
study is that the patients included in techniques are classified as distinct inherent to the technique requiring (1)
the analysis were routinely treated in a therapies due to the distinctive goals of the lack of wisdom tooth, (2) a sufficient
private periodontal practice. Incorpora- the surgeries. In the present report, the thickness of the soft tissue behind the
tion of routine patients may have facili- mean percentage of gingival augmen- second molar, and (3) a recession defect
tated gathering of data that represent tation between groups was highly at the recipient site limited to one single
actual use situations, giving a realistic significant (po10  3) in favour of non- tooth.
snapshot of the expected results. submerged grafts. In this group, the It is interesting to observe that the
However, the present study has some gingival augmentation was evaluated at wide majority of the root coverage
limitations inherent to the retrospective 440% (Fig. 7). It is not surprising that procedures (72%) were conducted with-
design, which is prone to bias but may the non-submerged grafts perform better out any additive treatment. This must be
be very useful to generate hypotheses. than the other procedures because they interpreted in view of systematic
First, the sample is not representative of are commonly used for a gingival aug- reviews that fail to see an advantage
the entire population attending perio- mentation purpose. Interestingly, the to the tissue engineering approach for
dontal private practices. It includes con- outcomes of our study confirm that the treatment of gingival recessions
secutive patients treated by seven keratinized tissue increases following (Roccuzzo et al. 2002, Oates et al.
exclusive periodontists operating in a pedicle soft tissue and submerged grafts 2003). However, recent studies show
private practice. Thus, the external (Trombelli 1999, Zucchelli & De Sanctis additional benefits to the use of enamel
validity of this study and its applicabil- 2000). This may be the reason why these derivative matrix agents (Castellanos et
ity to other settings must be considered approaches were used by the operators al. 2006, Pilloni et al. 2006, Cheng et al.
with caution. Also, large sample sizes in soft tissue augmentation indications 2007). No treatments with this agent
need to pool the outcomes of interest (Table 3). were recorded in the database. It can
into categories. Consequently, part of In the present study, 53 defects be assumed that new products need
the information is lost. For example, in (10.84%) were treated with adjunctive major evidence in order to be included
our study, no conclusion can be drawn systemic antibiotics therapy. To be in the daily therapeutic armamentarium.
regarding the indications/results of the included in this study, the patients Interestingly, the root surface modifica-
various procedures that were included in have to be healthy. This means that tion was the most frequently used
the pedicle soft tissue grafts category. antibiotics were prescribed for the pro- additional therapy. This is inconsistent
Another limitation is inherent to the cedure itself, and not to prevent a sys- with the outcomes of the clinical trials
methodological approach using an temic risk. There is no consensus in the from which data do not support the use
image analysis system, which cannot literature on the use of systemic anti- of root modification agents to improve
take into account the absolute value of microbial therapy in root coverage pro- root coverage (Sanz & Addy 2002). The
the recession depth. This point has been cedures. Normally, the antimicrobial decision to use an additive treat-
discussed previously in a companion preventive treatment consists of im- ment seems to be based more on the
paper (Kerner et al. 2007). provement of mechanical and chemical operator’s opinions and personal experi-
Our study fails to demonstrate a sig- plaque control by means of oral hygiene ence, rather than on an evidence-
nificant difference between the three instructions and adjunctive antiseptic based approach. On the other hand, the
r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
354 Kerner et al.

retrospective design of the present study donor site positively influences the com- site seems to be more efficient than the
cannot take into account the influence of plete root coverage. This finding must palate to achieve complete root cover-
surgical advances and information on be interpreted cautiously. In the tuber- age, (2) the maxillary teeth have less
the choice of the operator’s procedure. osity area, the graft size is limited by the chance of root coverage but more
width of keratinized tissue. It cannot be chance of gingival augmentation com-
Prognostic factors
excluded that tuberosity grafts corre- pared with the teeth at the mandible, and
sponding to single-tooth recession (3) the chances of complete root cover-
Few data are available in the literature defects may explain why the tuberosity age are negatively influenced by cigar-
dealing with root coverage about prog- parameter appears to be a positive prog- ette smoking and maxillary teeth.
nostic factors. Retrospective studies, nosis factor. Nevertheless, the literature Further studies are needed to explore
including a large sample size, have an does not show evidence for a more the prognostic factors that may impact
appropriate design to identify indepen- favourable prognosis for root coverage the results of root coverage procedures.
dent parameters through multivariate in single-tooth recession defects com- The present methodology using image
analysis. pared with multiple defects. Further analysis associated with questionnaires
The present analysis revealed that investigations are needed to explore may allow for international databases
smoking habits and maxillary teeth the ability of tuberosity donor sites to that may be useful to analyse large
parameters deteriorated the prognosis perform better than palate sites. non-experimental samples, retrospec-
of both mean (Table 4) and complete The multivariate analysis (Table 6) tively leading to a better determination
root coverage (Table 5). It is not surpris- shows that maxillary teeth have more of the patient profile.
ing that smoking impacts the results chance of gingival augmentation than
negatively. This observation is in accor- the teeth at the mandible. We do not
dance with the previously discussed have an explanation for this finding. The
literature results. Including smokers for analysis also demonstrates that Miller’s
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Clinical Relevance Principal findings: The overall mean Practical implications: Smoking sta-
Scientific rationale for the study: The percentage of root coverage was tus, defect location, donor site, and
prognosis of root coverage proce- 72.29 ( 28)%. Complete root cov- Miller’s classification should be
dures depends on numerous patient- erage was achieved in 35.56% of the viewed as major factors in the indi-
related factors. Practice-based studies recession defects. Smoking, maxil- vidual decision-making process.
taking into account patients, and sur- lary teeth, donor site, and Miller’s
geons, variability may improve the Classes are parameters influencing
surgical decision-making process. the chances of success.

r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard

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