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Things Done in v5.

Things added
Made a new routine under Export/Import for importing Parasharas Light
Added a new window that shows the 5 Asteroids in sidereal and tropical
Feature to restore Window Styles to their original settings thus original look
When printing dashas from Print window you can now specify how many
The Transit Hits window got online Help
The Pallet got a face lift and was made to be more stable, to default better
Dashes now have times alongside date
Dasha format type, Abbreviations, Names, Icons, Glyphs, is remembered
All buttons were turned into "System Buttons", native to the platform
Installers won't overwrite any old datafiles or JS version

Panchang window calendar wasn't working to change date
Varshaphal was hanging
Varshaphal wasn't bringing up the varshaphal chart after calculating
Panchang output was fixed in various little ways
On TriWheel advancing the date blew away the graphics
Selecting Varga charts went one wrong after Varga 12
Chart window styles code was made better, hopefully fix errors some get
The online help system wasn't showing many of the pictures
The Quickview window calendar wasn't working
Dasha window opened by itself wasn't working properly
Dashas with icons wasn't respecting European date
Dasha would open with US date format only
Chart list windows will now update the date if left open overnight
Coloring the name of the chart was made chart specific
Labels on outer planets weren't showing in some cases
Coloring Retrograde Indicators was merged with labels
Coloring TriWheel names and labels was only doing the name
Coloring planet labels on regular chart wasn't working
Any blacked out radio buttons or checkboxes were fixed
User manual on Mac wasn't opening when button clicked

Things Done in v5

Click Planet Pop Up Information and Readings

Added a QuickStart Users Guide Window to help people get started
Changed the dominant typeface used throughout the program to Verdana
Made the Look on Windows, the dominant platform, much better
Improved the looks of many windows throughout the program
Readings for the Varga Charts was added to the Readings Window
Windows Users now get the Print to a Single PDF feature
The XCOMPS for Planets and Dashas were made compatible and 64 bit
REMOVE DUPLICATE CHARTS added to FILE MENU on chart list window
The Jyotish font was debugged, a bold version was made, smoothed
The program was brought up to Omnis Version 10 Compatibility
Entries and Exits got the Align All by Date Features click, hilights line from
other clicks
Transit Wheel got it's own context menu, as single chart one is
You can now spark transits to NOW by using the Tri wheel context menu
Chart window made to open a little faster
Double clicking on a dasha takes you to the next level of detail, a drill down
Dashas now scroll to the middle always correctly
Bug affecting charts in Eastern England was finally found and fixed
Now when you open a chart window, the current transit is set for all transit
Full Save, Readings and Attributes were made standard on Save
Bug in the Tropical Chart affecting the Outer Planets was found and fixed
Print Report Set to a single PDF was made more stable per chart identity
and city of birth
The ICONS were moved into the Library ICONS file from UserPic.df1

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