1-0 Session Protcols

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Technician License Preparation Class

Zoom Session Protocols

1) You may check-into the Zoom session that will be held the day before the
first class starts to make sure that your connection is working.

2) Please check into each class session 5 minutes before the session starts so
the class can begin on time.

3) When you check-in, you may, initially, get a screen that says “OOPS”……..
Just wait a few seconds and another screen will appear for you to sign-in.

4) Please turn on your video by hitting the icon so we can see you.

5) Please keep your microphone muted during each class session to

minimize any background noise.

6) Questions: If you have a question during the class, you can un-mute your
microphone and ask your question. After your question has been
answered, please mute your microphone again.

Or, you may hit the “Reactions” button on your screen and select the raised
hand icon . When we see this icon on your video screen, we will
recognize you and you can then unmute your microphone and ask your
question. When your question has been answered, please mute your
microphone again.

7) Before we end each session, we will ask for questions and give a brief
description of what will be covered in the next class.

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