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Al Noor International School

Kingdom of Bahrain
British Middle Section
Term 1
Revision worksheet (2023- 2024)

Grade: 6 Name: __________________________________

Division: ____ Date: __________________

1. Work out these additions:

a) – 8 + 7 = ___________

b) – 6+ – 9 = ___________

c) 4 + - 7 = ____________

2. Work out these subtractions:

a) – 7 – - 8 = ________

b) 4 – – 2 = _________

c) -10 – 6 = _________

3. Complete these workings.

i) 12 X = - 36 iii) - 20 ÷ 2 =

ii) X - 8 = 56 iv) 64 ÷ = -8

4. a) Write first 8 multiples of 7.

_____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , ______ .

b) Write first 8 multiples of 8 .

_____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , ______ .

c) Find the Lowest common Multiple of 7 and 8 .


5. a) Write first 5 multiples of 12.

_____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ .

b) Write first 5 multiples of 4 .

_____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ .

c) Find the Lowest common Multiple of 4 and 12 .


6. a) Find the factors of 19.

_____ , _____

b) Find the factors of 25.

_____ , _____ , _____ .

c) Find the Highest Common Factor of 19 and 25.


7. a) Find the factors of 12.

_____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____ .

b) Find the factors of 8.

_____ , _____ , _____ , _____ .

c) Find the Highest Common Factor of 12 and 8.


8. Test whether the number 12 480 is divisible by 2. (Use the tests for divisibility)

9. Test whether the number 4 563 is divisible by 3. (Use the tests for divisibility)

10. Circle all Multiples of 10.

222 2540 356 124 78900

11. Complete the following.

23 = ___________________________________

112 = ___________________________________

72 = ____________________________________

12. Complete the following.

√64 = ________

√64 = ________
13. Work out.

√16 + √125 = ________


14. Work out the value of each expression.

i) x – 12 when x = 23
ii) When y = 35


15. Write an equation for the following statement. Use the letter n.

“I think of a number and subtract 4. The answer is 40.”


16. Imran thinks of a number, p. Write an expression for the number Imran gets when he divides the
number by 4.


17. Match an expression from the table on the left with an expression from the table on the right.

Write the correct letter in the second table.

a 7b – 3b 3b
b 2bc + bc
c b + 2b
d 8bc – 2bc 3bc

18. Complete this algebraic pyramid. Find the expression in each block by adding the expressions in the
two blocks below it.

19. Simplify these expressions.

i) 4a + 3b -2a –b


ii) 3pq + 10ac + 2pq – 2ac


20. Expand the brackets.

a) 4(a – 2)


b) 8(z + 10)


21. Solve each of these equations.

a) x – 4 = 12


b) 6a + 4 = 40

c) 4b – 6 = 14

22. Write these statements as inequalities.

a) x is less than 4.


b) y is greater than -10.


23. Match each inequality on the left to the correct list of integers on the right by writing the correct letter.

a p > -7 -8,-9,-10,-11,-12, …
b q<3 9,10,11,12,13, …
c r>8 -6,-5,-4,-3,-2, …
d s < -7 2,1,0,-1,-2,-3 , …

24. For the inequality x> -3, write down the smallest integer that x could be.


25. Write the inequality that the number line shows. Use the letter x.


26. Show each inequality on the number line.

a) x > 3

b) x < -1


27. Work out.

a) 78 x 104 = ___________

b) 7.8 x 103 = ___________

c) 0.78 x 105 = __________

28. Work out these divisions.

a) 58 ÷ 102 = _________

b) 58 ÷ 103 = _________

c) 58 ÷ 104 = _________

29. Match the numbers from the table on the left with the correct powers of 10 on the right, by writing the
correct letter.

a 10 106
b 1000 000 000 103
c 1000 000 109
d 1000 10

30. Ali and Hasan round the number 56.25974 to 3 decimal places. Who is correct?

“Ali: I think the answer is 56.260”.

“Hasan: I think the answer is 56.26”



a) Round the number 4.59818 to three decimal places ( 3 d.p.).


b) Round the number 10.2597 to two decimal places ( 2 d.p.).


c) Round the number 6.547846 to four decimal places ( 4 d.p.).


32. Write the correct sign, < or >, between each pair of numbers.

i) 4.30 ____ 4.03

ii) 5.2 ____ 5.01
33. Write the correct sign, = or ≠, between each pair of numbers.

i) 2.30 2.3

ii) 45.25 45.52

iii) 78 78.0

34. Arrange the decimals in order.

21.07, 21.3, 21.008, 21

____, ____ , ____ , ____
35. At the start of the day, the water level in a tank was 62.8 litres. During the day, the water level
decreased by 21.6 litres. What was water level in the tank at the end of the day?

____________________________________________________ litres.

36. Work out.

a) 1 - 0.70 = _________

b) 1 – 0.35 = __________

37. Work out these multiplications.

a) 0.42 x 6 = _______________

b) 12.6 x 5 = _______________

c) 60 x 0.3 = ________________
38. Arun works out that 531 x 22 = 11 682.

Use this information to write the answer to the following.

531 x 0.22 = _______________________________

531 x 0.022 = ______________________________

39. Bo pays $16.32 for six pencils. How much does one pencil cost?


40. The table shows four of the Heights of students in a classroom.

Name Height
John 6.10

Bred 5.80

Leslie 5.30

Rebecca 5.70

a) Write the Heights in order, starting with the smallest.


b) Which student has the second smallest height?


41. Write the correct symbol, = or ≠, between each pair of fractions.



42. Write the correct symbol, < or >, between each pair of fractions

43. Complete the addition pyramid.

44. Work out the Multiplications and write in its simplest form.

45. Work out the Divisions and write in its simplest form.

46. If 1% of 2500 metres = 25 metres

a) What is 3% of 2500 metres?


b) What is 2.5% of 2500 metres?


47. Write 7% as a decimal.


48. Work out 40% of $450.


49. Write 0.8% as a fraction in its simplest form.


50. Rima has 500g of flour. She uses 200g to bake Cookies and 350g to make cake. Work out the
percentage of the flour she uses to make:

i) Cookies.


ii) Cake.


51. Write these mixed numbers as a percentage.

a) 3 𝟓 = ______________________________

b) 5 𝟐𝟓 = ______________________________

52. Write these fractions below as a percentage.

= ________

= _______

53. Find of 64.


All the best

Study well for the exam!


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