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3 new things you learned

Kayla Haviland
1. I am now aware of what the BIG 3 factors are to distance education, which included
technology, pedagogy, and relationships. My assumptions we made in the poll were
similar to the big 3, but not exactly correct. It was interesting to read more about how
those 3 factors can impact online education greatly.
2. I learned new strategies on how to implement the big 3 factors in multiple distance
education settings (asynchronous, synchronous, and digital). These could easily be
applied in face-to-face learning settings, as well. It was great to have those strategies
broken down between the different types of distance education to gain new insights.
3. I learned new reflection questions to ask when planning teachings for my online courses.
These reflection questions allow you to review your lesson to be sure you are meeting
the big factors of online learning for student success.

Which 2 will be the most challenging for you to implement in your unique setting? Why?

Kayla Haviland
The 2 I think would be most challenging to implement (based on my 1st grade learners) would
be pedagogy. I have never taught online, but think it would be hard to teach with how hands-on
our learning is at this level. I know there are a lot of great online tools that would be useful but
with these younger learners, they need hands-on materials. Being sure they all have exactly
what they need at home with materials would be challenging.
The second factor that would be hard to implement is relationships and I think this goes for all
ages of learning. With the younger kids, they need that socialization time to build up social skills,
make friends, learn how to be in a classroom setting, and learning how to do all of that over a
computer would be a big challenge.

1 GIF showing how you feel about the BIG 3. Add a comment that explains your thinking.

Kayla Haviland
I am feeling eager to keep learning about how I can better improve my teaching to better fit my
learners. Learning about the big 3 and the strategies on how I can implement them into my
teachings is exciting (the tail wagging) but still wanting to learn more and I am often hesitant to
try new things (standing still with hands out, feeling slightly tense).

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