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Choose the best answer

31. Active: He wore a blue shirt.
Passive: A blue shirt .................... by him.
1) wore 2) was wore
3) was worn 4) is worn
32. Active: May God bless you with happiness!
Passive: ................... with happiness.
1) May you blessed 2) May you blessed
3) May blessed you be 4) May you be
33. Active: They are building a house.
Passive: A house ...................... by them.
1) is built 2) is being built
3) has been built 4) was built
34. Active: I have finished the job.
Passive: The job .......................... by me.
1) has finished 2) was finished
3) has been finished 4) is finished
35. Active: I sent the report yesterday.
Passive: The report ................... yesterday.
1) is sent 2) had sent
3) was sent 4) has being sent
36. Somebody wanted a pizza, …………………..?
1) hadn't they 2) did they
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3) don’t they 4) didn't they

37. He has a daughter, ………………..?
1) has he 2) does he
3) hasn't he 4) doesn't he
38. There weren’t any issues, ………………..?
1) were there 2) were they
3) weren't there 4) are there
39. Ravi wants to be an actor, ………………..?
1) hasn't he 2) does he
3) isn’t he 4) doesn't he
40. Julia visited you yesterday, ………………..?
1) doesn't she 2) did she
3) wasn’t she 4) didn't she
41. I wouldn’t tell her if I ……….. you. She can’t keep a
a. will be b. were
c. am d. had been
42. Paul would be a good artist if he …….... more patience.
a. had b. has
c. will have d. have
43. If they invited me to their party. I ………… absolutely
a. am b. will be
c. would be d. was
44. He ……….. so many accidents if he drove more carefully.
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a. hadn’t b. wouldn’t have

c. hasn’t d. won’t have
45. I would help them if they ……….. to me.
a. had listened b. listened
c. will listen d. would listen

No 46 - 50
a. other b. another
c. the other d. others

46. I have been to New Zealand, Australia and many ………..

47. I’d like ……….. beer, please.
48. Where is ……….. shoe? There is only this one in the shoe
49. I think you should see ……….. people.
50. I’ve talked to Josh and Sarah, but I haven’t talked
to ……….. students yet.

51. She can’t believe his act .......... is really bad and
worthless at all.
A. who B. whose
C. which D. whom
52. There are some companies.......... need many employees.
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A. whom B. that
C. whose D. who
53. The colourful candles .......... Ria brought from Singapore
were lighted.
A. who B. which
C. whose D. whom
54. An ant bites Renita .......... is busy thinking about
something in the yard.
A. whose B. whom
C. that D. who
55. The dog barks Andre .......... has stolen Mr. Andrew
golden spoon loudly.
A. who B. which
C. whom D. whose
56. The people _________________ flight was cancelled
were upset.
A. who B. which
C. whom D. whose
57. She was in a hurry, so she washed the utensils . . . . . .
A) himself B) itself
C) herself D) myself
58. The dog bit . . . . .
A) themselves B) itself
C) myself D) herself
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59. We don’t have to call plumber; we can fix the tap . . . . .

A) herself B) himself
C) myself D) ourselves
60. Every night, I clean my face with soap and stare at . . . . .
. in the mirror.
A) myself B) herself
C) himself D) itself
61. That racing bike is in a class all by . . . . .
A) themselves B) herself
C) yourselves D) itself

No 62 – 65
a. upstairs b. completely
c. neatly d. certainly

62. The children are playing ………………………..

63. I ……………………. feel better today.
64. My brother ………………………….. forgot my birthday.
65. Write your answers ………………………
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66. Which sentence is correct?

a. Let’s make some tea you.
b. Could you send to me this bill?
c. I will lend you some money.
d. I would like you to explain your decision to our.
67. Which sentence is correct?
a. She sent a gift for me.
b. She told to us an interesting story.
c. Post the letter to me as soon as you can.

d. Lend them her.

Cloze test (No 68 – 74)

Travelling and transport

John and David’s flight home from Amsterdam was at

nine in the morning. They had arranged to meet with John’s
friend Mark at half past six but Mark arrived at the hotel
almost half an hour late – that, however, was just the
beginning of their problems. On the way from the hotel to
the airport, their car (68) _______________ in the middle of a
busy intersection, causing a traffic jam. Then, David realized
that he had left his mobile phone in the hotel, but it was too
late for them to (69) _______________. When they arrived at
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the airport, they had just enough time to (70)

_______________, go through passport control and security
check and (71) _______________ the plane. The plane (72)
_______________ very shortly after that and eight hours later,
they landed in New York, but they couldn’t (73)
_______________ the plane because there was a problem on
the runway. They felt a jet lag and finally, forty-five minutes
after landing, they (74) _______________.

68. a. check in b. broke down

c. get on d. broke out

69. a. turn back b. turn down

c. get on d. check out

70. a. turn back b. turn down

c. get down d. check in

71. a. turn off b. took off

c. get on d. check in

72. a. turn off b. took off

c. take off d. get off

73. a. turn back b. get down

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c. take off d. get off

74. a. turn back b. got off

c. run off d. get off

Part 1: Conversation

75. Librarian: Write your name and address here.

Wimon: Oh, I’ve forgotten my pen. Could I borrow
Librarian: __________
1) Never mind. 2) I don’t like yours.
3) Sure. Here you are. 4) Yours is in the
76. Sumalee: I’m hungry. Where’s the nearest restaurant?
Phuri: There is Aroi Dee Restaurant. Just over there.
Sumalee: How’s the food there?
Phuri: __________
1) Clean and delicious. 2) It’s about 20–25
3) The service is excellent. 4) You can use
credit card.
77. Seller: May I help you?
Nisa: Yes, please. I want to buy a nice blouse for my
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Seller: What size does she wear?

Nisa: __________
1) I like that size. 2) A blue blouse,
3) Not an expensive one. 4) The same size
as yours, I think.
78. Danai: Hello, Nid. Would you like to go to the movies
with me, tonight?
Nid: I’d love to, but I can’t. I have some work to do.
Danai: Well, how about tomorrow night?
Nid: __________
1) I’ll go with my sister. 2) Let me ask my
3) That’s very kind of you. 4) It sounds okay
for me. See you then.
79. Nattha: Malinee, I went shopping today and bought a
dress for you.
Malinee: __________
1) Oh, is it beautiful? 2) Oh, how much
is it?
3) That’s very kind of you. 4) I want to buy
one for you, too.
80. Pimpan: Hello. May I speak to Wisit, please?
Phada: __________
Pimpan: Thanks a lot.
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1) Pardon? 2) No, thanks.

3) Never mind. 4) Wait a moment,
81. Samapon: Oh! You stepped on my foot.
Nat: I’m sorry.
Samapon: ____________
1) Pardon. 2) No, thanks.
3) Don’t mention it. 4) You’re welcome.
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82. Tip: Would you lend me this magazine, please?

Chock: ___________
1) I’ll be glad to. 2) You’re welcome.
3) Certainly. Here you are! 4) I haven’t
finished it yet.
83. Traveller: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to
Central World?
Naphat: Certainly. Go along this street and turn left at
the corner. Central World is on your left.
Traveller: __________
1) That’s wonderful! 2) Thank you so
3) That’s quite all right. 4) Can you come with
84. Kai: Have you heard about the result of the interviewing
Nat: Yes. I’ve got the scholarship.
Kai: __________
1) You look good! 2) Congratulations!
3) You’re welcome. 4) How do you feel?
85. Malinee: __________ to disturb you again.
Pongsak: Never mind. I’m willing to help you.
1) I’m sorry 2) Forgive me
3) I apologize for 4) Please apologize
86. Customer: Could I have a glass of iced coffee, please?
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Assistant: Of course.
Customer: How much is it?
Assistant: It’s __________.
1) all right 2) very cheap
3) 25 baht, please 4) rather expensive
87. Doctor: Good morning. __________
Patient: Not so well. I have no appetite at all.
1) How about you? 2) How’s everything?
3) How do you feel today? 4) Did you sleep
very well last night?
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88. Yuttana: I’ve got to go home. My father passed away

Natta: I feel very sorry for you. Anything I can do for
Yuttana: __________, but nothing just now. Thank you
very much.
1) Sure, you can 2) You’re welcome
3) Don’t mention it 4) That’s very kind of
89. Operator: Hello. W.P. Publishing Company.
Mr. Black: Hello. Could I speak to Miss Sirintra, please?
Operator: Sorry. She isn’t in now. __________
1) Thanks. 2) Just a moment,
3) Shall I take a message? 4) When will you
call her again?
90. Somsri: Good bye and thanks again for everything.
Boonrat: __________.
1) Fine 2) My pleasure
3) Very nice of you 4) Okay, see you again
91. Yanyong: Have a good trip, and take care of yourself.
Panya: Thank you. And I hope you’ll enjoy your
weekend, too.
Yanyong: I will.
1) See you later. 2) I’ll do my best.
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3) It’s my business. 4) Don’t worry about

92. Chanikarn: Do you mind if I sit down here?
Ampon: __________
Chanikarn: Thank you.
1) Yes, I do. 2) Not at all.
3) No, you can’t. 4) You’re welcome.
93. Pim: _________ turning on the light, please?
Ploy: All right.
1) Can you 2) Could you
3) Would you 4) Would you mind
94. Shopkeeper: Can I help you?
Neena: _________ I’m just browsing.
1) No, thanks. 2) Yes, please.
3) Is it expensive? 4) How much is it?

No 95 - 100
a) What hobbies do you have?
b) How do you like my company?
c) What sort of salary would you expect?
d) Do you play any sports?
e) And why do you want to join our firm?
f) How long have you been a salesman, Mr.
g) What were you selling?
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Interviewer : Good morning, you must be Mr. Chai?

Chai : Good morning, sir. Yes, I am.
Interviewer : Good. Please sit down.
Chai : Thank you, sir.
Interviewer : ______________(95)________________
Chai : For at least five years.
Interviewer : So you have some experiences.
Chai : I have been selling industrial machinery, sir.
Interviewer : Good. Because, as you know, this firm
manufactures heavy industrial machinery, and we
require a salesman with a good sales record in this
field. Which university did you attend?
Chai : I’m an engineer graduate from Kasetsart
University, sir.
Interviewer : Jolly good. Why do you wish to leave your
present job?
Chai : Because it is a small family firm with limitation, and
certainly no longer – term prospects for non –
family members.
Interviewer : I see. ___________(97)______________?
Chai : Because your firm is one of the biggest companies
in the business with excellent reputation, and I feel
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I would have very good career prospects with your

Interviewer : Good. I like salesman who knows what he
wants. I see, form your resume, that you have a
good sales record. _________(98)__________?
Chai : I expect to be paid only what I am worth, sir.
Interviewer : Good answer. Tell me. Do you have a family?
Chai : Yes, sir. My wife and I have a baby daughter, 6
month old.
Interviewer : Very good. We prefer family men.
Chai : Yes, I play tennis and enjoy swimming.
Interviewer : Jolly good. What hobbies do you have?
Chai : I enjoy model making, especially ancient sailing
ships; and playing the piano.
Interviewer : Very good. ____________(100)____________?
Chai : Very much. Your company is well – known, well –
established and well – organized.
Interviewer : Very good answer, Mr. Chai. It’s enough. I will
contact you in two days’ time and let you know
the result.
Chai : Thank you very much, sir. I hope I shall be
Interviewer : Thank you . Mr. Chai. We’ll be in touch. Good
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Chai : Good day, sir.

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