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Choose the correct item:

1. We had better … umbrella when we go aut.

a) taken b) takes c) take
2. We don’t know the ….of the game.
a) rules b) laws c) facts
3. I’m sorry I haven’t got any money. I’ve … wallet at home.
a) left b) forgot c) both a and b
4. She …..her parents for the failure of her marriage.
a) blamed b) quarreled c) objected
5. When the company had to lay off a number of workers, he became …..
a) redundant b) dismissed c) deliberate
6. We are ….listening to her advice.
a) interested with b) tired of c) bored in
7. If anybody ….question, please ask me after class.
a) has b) has a c) have the
8. When we felt thirsty, we stopped …..
a) drink b) to drink c) drinking
9. A good clock always keeps …. time.
a) certain b) accurate c) true
10. I think you ….better not tell him the truth.
a) would b) should c) had
11. Our flight from Amsterdam to London was delayed ….the heavy fog.
a) because b) as result c) duet o
12. The team’s success was largely ….our efforts.
a) because b) come from c) due to
13. My uncle Tom ….you met the other day, i sone of the best lawyers in the city.
a) whose b) that c) whom
14. They will certainly come …..them.
a) if you call b) when calling c) do you call
15. The judge wasn’t very convinced by the ….presented in the court.
a) proofs b) proves c) prooves
16. This is the place …..the accident occurred.
a) which b) when c) where
17. We can ……the difficulty without too much effort.
a) get away b) get through c) get over
18. The noun from „angry” is …..
a) angrily b) anger c)angel
19. Darwin was a …..scientist in the nineteenth century.
a) world-wide b) fantastic c) brilliant
20. Dr. Nam was believed … New York.
a) to be living b) having lived c) living
21. I will have your bicycle …..before returning it to you.
a) repaired b) to repair c) repairing
22. …..if I take the map.
a) I will get lost b) I will not get lost c) I would not get lost
23. Most people enjoy … different parts of the world.
a) to travel b) travelling c) travelled
24. Listen to what I’m saying, ….?
a) will you b) don’t you c) would you
25. We had to use our neighbour’s telephone because ours was.
a) aut of work b) aut of order c) off work
26. I disapprove ….people smocking in public places.
a) with b) at c) on
27. We felt very … hear you were safe.
a) worried b) relieved c) convenient
28. Dr. Johnson is a very … in our neighbourhood.
a) impossible b) unpopular c) disliked
29. Mr. Brown …..a car if he had enough money.
a) would buy b) will buy c) bought
30. Julian … Greg lately because he is mad at him for not helping him with the computer.
a) hasn’t talked b) didn’t talk c) hadn’t talk
31. If I understood the question, I ….give the teacher the correct answer.
a) shall b) will c) would
32. She has….a lot of money in her new job.
a) gained b) earned c) done
33. What he says makes no ….to me.
a) sense b) reason c) truth
34. Last year, Matt earned ….his brother.
a) because b) duet o c) owing to
35. I was ….to go out when you telephoned.
a) plan b) about c) just
36. Mike always keeps his promise, so you can rely ….him.
a) on b) to c) for
37. My dog always barks if he ….anything unusual.
a) will hear b) would hear c) hears
38. How many medals have the British athletes ….at this competition?
a) gained b) won c) earned
39. I helped my daughter ….her homework.
a) finishes b) finish c) to finish
40. …..people go to the movies now than ten years ago.
a) Less b) Few c) Fewer
41. She … to the station every day but then she decided to walk.
a) was used to b) was using c) used to
42. My father jogs a ….of miles every morning.
a) couple b) little c) some
43. My mother can’t ….seeing me at home all day.
a) stop b) stand c) suffer
44. Only when you are old enough …..the truth.
a) you know b) will you know c) do you know
45. If I …..Mary’s address, I ….her letter.
a) have/ would write b) have/ write c) won’t have missed
46. Your hair is long. It needs …..
a) cutting b) to cut c) ha scut
47. …..time do you spend learning English.
a) How much b) How many c) How long
48. It was …..a boring speech that I felt asleep.
a) such b) so c) very
49. Her father won’t … his car.
a) allow b) permit c) let
50. Having …..the table, Mrs. Roberts called her family for dinner.
a) ordered b) finished c) laid
51. This time next week they … the United States.
a) will be flying b) will fly c) have flown
52. Of course she would come to the meeting if you …..her
a) will ask b) asked c) have asked
53. Listen to your mother. She …..knows what she says.
a) is knowing b) knows c) has known
54. Have you ever ….to London? Yes. Two times.
a) been b) gone c) visited
55. Would you … opening the windows now?
a) mind b) want c) worry
56. The opposite of „to reduce” is …..
a) to increase b) to decrease c) to diminish
57. He …..a bad cold; he sneezes so often.
a) is having b) will have c) has
58. Take this road and you will … the hotel in five minutes.
a) come b) reach c) arrive
59. They asked me ….I had read „Moby Dick” by Herman Melville.
a) if b) whether c) both a and b
60. If you had locked the gate properly, the robbers ……into the house.
a) would not break b) should not break c) would not have broken

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