Testare Bilingv II

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Choose the correct item:

1. It…… for four weeks now.

a) doesn’t rain b) hasn’t rained c) didn’t rain
2. She’s probably …. famous actress in England at the moment.
a) the more b) most c) the most
3. The boy …. managed to win the race was only fourteen.
a) which b) than c) who
4. I really wish I …. away from this damn office.
a) am b) have been c) were
5. Could you give me …. more milk in my tea?
a) a little b) many c) a few
6. We couldn’t help …. them how upset we were.
a) show b) showing c) to show
7. He never takes much luggage when he travels, and …
a) so do I b) neither do I c) neither I do
8. He …. be much faster when he was younger.
a) was b) had c) used to
9. Is there …. I could do to help you?
a) anything b) something c) anyone
10. They can ask …. they like. I don’t mind.
a) whoever b) who c)which
11. I’ll go to bed as soon as I …. home.
a) will get b) get c)got
12. They …. say yes. You never know.
a) must b) may c) ought
13. …. helpful your children are! I’m very jealous of you.
a) What b) How c) Such
14. ….. I couldn’t admit was that they didn’t warn me.
a) Which b) What c) Whatever
15. Don’t you think …. English people are very friendly?
a) any b) the c) -
16. We all look forward …. from you.
a) to hear b) hearing c) to hearing
17. They’ll never let you ….their new car.
a) use b) using c) to use
18. We had to queue for nearly two hours, and …
a) neither had he b) so did he c) so had he
19. Could you give me ….more vegetables, please?
a) some b) any c) not
20. I ….my lawyer next week to discuss about this issue.
a) see b) am seeing c) will see
21. I last heard of him ….
a) six months ago b) for six months c) six months
22. She said she ….do it, but she wasn’t sure.
a) might b) may c) will
23. She got the job ….she was the best candidate.
a) because b) due to c) owing to
24. We ….seen a marvellous film.
a) are going to b) did c) have just
25. You …take a rest or you’ll fall ill.
a) would rather b) had better c) would
26. Let’s visit the museum, ….we?
a) do b) will c) shall
27. Who is ….tolerant? Mr. or Mrs Brown?
a) the most b) as c) the more
28. The dog tore up the sofa while I ….the baby.
a) was feeding b) feed c) am feeding
29. Things ….have been worse – everything seemed to be going wrong.
a) Shouldn’t b) couldn’t c) mustn’t
30. There weren’t ….seats left but I managed to get two.
a) no b) many c) any
31. Very ….of the people present enjoyed the concert.
a) many b) few c) little
32. In spite of all my efforts, I couldn’t find ….to advise them.
a) anyone b) someone c) no one
33. They ….the jackpot in 1998.
a) win b) have won c) won
34. We have known them ….
a) for four years b) four years ago c) four years
35. If I were them, I ….stay in that hotel.
a) won’t b) wouldn’t c) didn’t
36. I wouldn’t like to have to go to the hospital again. ….
a) Would you? b) Haven’t you? C) Have you?
37. I ….learn German than Spanish.
a) would prefer b) would like c) would rather
38. Don’t do that again. They’re ….touchy!
a) such b) how c) so
39. ….you tell them, you’ll have to be very careful.
a) Which b) Whoever c) Whatever
40. You ….to prevent him from going out, are you?
a) are not going b) are not about to c) have just
41. He’ll probably have to do what she tells him to, ….
a) will he? b) won’t he? c) does he?
42. You’ll never manage to make him ….during his holidays.
a) to work b) working c) work
43. If I had got up earlier, I ….the train.
a) Didn’t miss b) wouldn’t have missed c) won’t have missed
44. He said he ….me up tonight.
a) may ring b) might ring c) may have rung
45. He said he would go ….for me, even to the moon.
a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere
46. You ….polish your shoes. I’ve already done it.
a) must b) should c) needn’t
47. I wish I ….more money.
a) have b) had c) will have
48. There’s no reason why we ….tell her the truth.
a) Don’t b) didn’t c) shouldn’t
49. John ….in Spain before he returned to his native country.
a) had lived b_ lived c) has lived
50. It’s time ….if you’ll come or stay.
a) decided b) have decided c) for you to decide
51. Harrison, ….doctor in London, was yesterday at the conference.
a) the b) - c) a
52. I am really looking forward to ….a film on TV.
a) watch b) watching c) be watching
53. Why don’t you try to understand instead of ….?
a) laughing b) laugh c) to laugh
54. She ….to see you right now.
a) had better b) would rather c) would prefer
55. I had my car ….yesterday.
a) mend b) mending c) mended
56. She ….for nearly twenty-five years now.
a) acted b) acts c) has been acting
57. I’ve been looking for my glasses ….dinner-time.
a) for b) since c) after
58. She didn’t say a word, ….made me feel quite uneasy.
a) which b) what c) whose
59. If I ….in your position, I would buy a new suit.
a) would be b) will be c) were
60. They said I …manage to mend it myself.
a) won’t b) don’t c) wouldn’t

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