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Topic 13:

What were the first antibiotics?

Who was the pioneer of modern medicine?
What was the first medicine
What is one of the futuristic technologies that has been implemented in medicine?
What is your opinion on the advancements of medicine?

Topic 14.1:

Who was Nikola Tesla?

•Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in Austria-Hungary and emigrated to the U.S. in 1884
as a physicist. He pioneered the generation, transmission, and use of
alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be transmitted over much greater
distances than direct current.

How works the tesla robot boat?

Nikola Tesla created a basic design for radio. Tesla's robot-boat was constructed
with an antenna, which transmitted the radio waves coming from the command post
where Tesla was standing. Those radio waves were received by a radio sensitive
device, which transmitted the radio waves into mechanical movements of the
propellers on the boat

What was the importance of tesla coil?

•Today, although small Tesla coils are used as leak detectors in scientific high-
vacuum systems and igniters in arc welders, their main use is entertainment and
educational displays.

What was the problem with the electricity of Edison?

it wasnt free. Tesla pointed out the inefficiency of Edison’s direct current electrical
powerhouses that had been built up and invented a different way to transport
In you own opinion, what was the most useful invention of tesla?

Topic 14.3:
Why was the printing press invented?
It was made with the main purpose of making more copies of the Bible available, but ended
being able to make all kind of information more reachable for different people.

How many people use the WWW nowadays?

Around 3 billion people around the world.
In your own words, why communication improvements are important?

Topic 15
1. How did Mayan astronomical observations impact their agricultural practices and cultural
- Mayan astronomical observations influenced agriculture by helping predict seasons for
planting and harvesting. Culturally, they integrated celestial events into rituals and

2. What technological advancements have facilitated modern space research, contrasting

with methods used by ancient civilizations like the Mayans?
- Modern space research benefits from technologies like space telescopes, spectrometers,
and spaceships, which enable unprecedented observations. In contrast, ancient civilizations
like the Mayans relied on naked-eye observations and rudimentary instruments.

3. What significant transformation occurred in human cosmogony regarding the perception of

Earth's position in the universe, and how has this influenced space research?
- Ancient beliefs positioned Earth as the center of the universe, but modern research
reveals a vast cosmos with at least 20 billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy alone. This shift
has prompted the development of technologies like space telescopes to explore and analyze

4. How did Carl Sagan contribute to science communication, and what contemporary
methods are utilized to share scientific discoveries with the public?
- Carl Sagan significantly contributed to science communication through books, television
programs like "Cosmos," and public lectures, inspiring generations to engage with science.
Today, innovative methods such as internet platforms, social media, and educational videos
continue to democratize science communication, making knowledge accessible to everyone.

5- *What impact do you think the continued exploration of space will have on humanity's
understanding of itself and its place in the universe?*

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