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Symbolism of the Sea

„Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe is considered an important figure in American Romanticism for his poems
(e.g. „Annabel Lee”), he made a big contribution to the thriller genre, and is also considered
an important figure in the American Gothic genre thanks to his works like: „The Raven”,
„The Black Cat”, „The Tell-Tale Heart”.
„Annabel Lee” is the last poem of Edgar Allan Poe which was published after his death and
illustrates a love story between the narrator and a young woman that will become a tragedy
after her death. The narrator is deeply in love with Annabel Lee who is considered his
soulmate but her unexpected death affects him gravely giving the rest of the poem a
melancholy illustrated through his mourning.
Poe’s musical, and rhythmic language and his descriptions of the natural and supernatural
worlds offer „Annabel Lee” a beautiful and haunting atmosphere. Romantic and thanatic
themes are the reasons why this poem is considered one of the most notable works in
American literature. Another feature that made Poe famous was his mystic symbolism which
can be seen in many poems, especially in „Annabel Lee”.
Symbolism is a vital component in both Romanian literature and universal literature. It allows
us to unravel the message conveyed in a poem and immerse ourselves in a deeply moving
experience within the realm of lyrical expression. Consequently, to fully grasp the
melancholic essence of Poe's work, we must delve into the symbolism that is anchored in the
fundamental element of "Annabel Lee" - the sea.
Edgar Allan Poe's "Annabel Lee" uses the sea as not just a physical backdrop, but also as a
significant symbol that adds deeper meaning to the poem. The sea creates a romantic and
ethereal atmosphere, providing a spiritual background for the reunion of the two lovers. It
also stands as a symbol of eternity and paradise, disrupting the natural cycle of life and death.
Second topic: Symbolism of the Sea in „Annabel Lee”
I. Introduction
A. Background information on "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe
B. Brief overview of the role of symbolism in literature
C. Thesis statement: The sea symbolism in "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe
represents different themes and ideas such as love, death, and the power of nature.

II. The Sea as a Symbol of Love

A. The narrator's love for Annabel Lee
B. The use of the sea as a metaphor for the depth of the narrator's love
C. The idea that the sea represents the never-ending love that the narrator has for
Annabel Lee
III. The Sea as a Symbol of Death
A. The role of the sea in Annabel Lee's death
B. The idea that the sea represents the separation between the narrator and Annabel
C. The use of the sea as a metaphor for the destructive and cruel nature of death

IV. The Sea as a Symbol of the Power of Nature

A. The use of the sea to emphasize the vastness and power of nature
B. The idea that the sea represents a force greater than human life and love
C. The use of the sea to convey a sense of inevitability and fate

V. Conclusion
A. Recap of the main points
B. Restate the thesis statement
C. Final thoughts on the significance of the sea as a symbol in "Annabel Lee" by Edgar
Allan Poe.

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