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Exercise 1:

Person A has monthly taxable income from salaries of 60 million dong. He has 1
dependant. Person A must pay compulsory insurance at the rate of 10.5% on the
income of 12 million dong. He has also contributed 5 million dong to a fund of
charitable donation. He received the income of 30 million dong from business
activities. Moreover, he gained the income from won prizes of 50 million dong in
that month.
Calculate the amount of tax payment?
Exercise 2:
In June 2022, Mr. A has a total income from wages and salaries of VND 25
million. Knowing the basic salary (wage for participating in insurance) is 7 million
VND, food support is 700,000 VND, phone support is 2 million VND, gas support
is 3 million VND, bonus is 4 million VND)
The compulsory insurance rate is 10.5% (social insurance: 8%, health insurance:
1.5%, unemployment insurance: 1%) on the insured salary of 7 million. Mr. A has
2 small children
Calculate the amount of tax payment?
Exercise 3:
In 2022, according to the labor contract signed between Mr. A and company B,
Mr. A is paid a monthly salary of VND 31.5 million. Mr. A is paid by the
company for the sports club membership fee of 1 million VND/month. Mr. A has
to pay compulsory insurance of VND 1.5 million/month. Calculate the payable
personal income tax of Mr. A?

Taxable income: 31.5 mil +1 mil = 32.5 mil

Compulsory insurance: 1.5 mil
Personal deduction = 11 mil
Taxed income: 32.5 -1.5 - 11 = 20 mil

PIT = 5% x 5 + 5 x 10% + 8 x 15% + 2 x 20% = 2.35 mil

Exercise 4:

The business situation of a company in the taxation period is as follows:

1. Situation of consumption of products 1 USD = 22,000 VND
- Sell domestically 50 tons of iodized salt at the price of 3 million dong / ton. 150
mil ( doesn’t count)
- Exporting 100 tons of salt to Laos at the FOB price of 110 USD / ton. 242 mil
- Export of 200 tons of rice to EU at the FOB price of 250 USD / ton. 1,100 mil
- Selling 20 tons of canned fish to a supermarket at a VAT-exclusive price of 30
million dong / ton. 600 mil
2. Cost and input VAT corresponding to the volume of goods consumed in the
period are as follows:
- The VAT-exclusive price of raw materials purchased is 950 million dong. Total
input VAT amount of raw materials is 95 million dong, the company can not
separately account taxes for each type of product.
- Depreciation of fixed assets is 30 million dong. Creditable input VAT amount is
10 million dong.
- The VAT-inclusive prive of outside services is 165 million dong (VAT 10%)
+ Input VAT on services purchased for the production and trading of goods
subject to VAT is 10 million dong.
+ Input VAT on services purchased for non-taxable products is 5 million dong.
- Cost of wages: 850 million dong
- Interest payments on bank loans: 60 million dong
1 USD = 22,000VND
a) Calculate the payable VAT amount? (VAT 10%)
1) VAT output = 0 + 0 + 0 + 600 x 10% = 60 mil
2) Input VAT = 95 – 150/(150 + 242 +1,100 + 600) x 95 = 88.2 m
Creditable input VAT = 10 mil
VAT input = 165/1.1 x 10% = 15 mil
+ VAT input for service purchased for the production and trading of goods
subject: 10 mil
+ VAT input on services purchased for non-taxable products: 5 x 242/(242+150) =
3.08 mil
 Total Input = 88.2 + 10 + 10 + 3.0 = 111,28 mil
VAT payable = 60 -111.28 = -51.28 mil
b) Calculate the EIT amount (the tax rate of EIT is 20).

Total Revenue = 150 + 242 + 1100 + 600 = 2092

Total expense = 950 + 30 +150 + 850 + 60 = 2040
Net income = 2092 -2040 = 52 mil
 EIT amount = 52 x 20% = 10.4 mil

Exercise 5:
The business situation of a company in the taxation period is as follows: (unit:
million dong)
1. The total revenue: 5,000
2. The expenses:
- Cost of wages and salaries: 850;
- Buying life insuarance for employees: 50
- Expenses for construction of gratitude houses under the program of the Ministry
of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs: 300
- Cost of costume in kind for the employees: 300 (there are 50 employees)
- Interest payments on loans: (borrowing 500 million from a commercial bank at
the interest rate of 16% per year; borrowing 300 million from employees at the
interest rate of 18% per year) 500x 15% + 300 x 15% = 120 mil
- Fines for violations of the law on labor use: 10
- Expenditures for waste water treatment: 100
- The VAT-exclusive price of raw materials purchased: 900.
- Depreciation of fixed assets: 50.
- Creditable input VAT amount: 5
- The VAT-inclusive price of outside services: 88
- License fee: 5
- Tax on Non-agricultural land use: 20
3. Other Income from transfer of assets: 30
a) Calculate the payable VAT amount with the tax rate of 10%?
Output VAT = 5,000 x 10% = 500 mil
VAT input of raw materials: 900 x 10% = 90 mil
VAT input of outside service: 88/1.1 x 10% = 8 mil
Creditable input VAT amount: 5 mil
 Payable VAT amount = 500 – 90 – 5 – 8 = 397 mil
b) Calculate the EIT, assuming that: the tax rate of EIT is 20%, basic
interest rate of the central bank is 10%, The company has
contributed sufficient capital. Life insurance is not included in the
labor contract

Total Revenue = 5,000 + 30 = 5,030 mil

Total Expense = 850 + 300 + 300 + 120 +100 + 50 + 5 + 20 + 900 + 80 =
2,725 mil
 Net income = 2,305 mil
 EIT = 2,305 x 20% = 461 mil

Exercise 6:
The business situation of a company in the taxation period is as follows: (unit:
million dong)
1. The total VAT-exclusive turnover: 4,000 (in which the turnover of goods
subject to excise tax is 1,500)
2. The expenditures:
- Cost of wages and salaries: 850
- Depreciation of fixed assets: 70.
- Creditable input VAT amount: 8
- The VAT-inclusive price of raw materials purchased: 1,100.
- Expense for advertisement, marketing, sales promotion and brokerage
commissions: 200.
- Cost of costume in money for the employees: 250 (there are 40 employees)
- Interest payments on bank loans: 50
- Fines for overdue debt: 5.
- Other deductible taxes: 20
3. Other incomes: 50
a) Calculate the payable VAT amount with the tax rate of 10%? Calculate the
excise tax amount with the tax rate of 50%?
b) Calculate the EIT, assuming that: the tax rate of EIT is 20%? Life insurance
is not included in the labor contract
Exercise 7:
The business situation of a trading company in the taxation period is as follows:
- Importing 100 air-conditioner with the import-duty calculation price of 4 million
dong / unit. The company has sold all of the goods at ET-exclusive price of 12
million dong / unit.
- Exporting 300 smart phone at the FOB price of 5 million dong/unit.
- Buying 50 TVs from a local company at the VAT-inclusive price of 4 million
dong. The company has sold all of these TVs at the VAT-exclusive price of 8
million dong.
- Other deductible expenses of the company are 300 million dong
Calculate the EIT, assuming that: the tax rate of EIT is 20%? the rate of VAT is
10%; the import tax rate of air-conditioner is 10%, the excise tax rate of air-
conditioner is 20%, the export tax rate of smart phone is 0%.

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