WebLink DM Guide To Adaptors

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9 Financial
Data Quality Management

Guide to Adaptors
Hyperion FDM 9.2.0
2000 2006 - Hyperion Solutions Corporation. All rights reserved. Hyperion, the Hyperion logo and Hyperions
product names are trademarks of Hyperion. No portion hereof may be reproduced or distributed in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval
systems, for any purpose other than the licensees personal use, without the express written permission of Hyperion.
This software is licensed according to the conditions set forth in your Hyperion software license agreement.
Hyperion, LedgerLink, Hyperion Enterprise, and Essbase are registered trademarks of Hyperion Solutions
Hyperion Solutions, Hyperion Planning, and Hyperion Financial Management are trademarks of Hyperion Solutions
Citrix is a registered trademark of Citrix Systems Inc.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affliates.
Table of Contents
Module 1 - AdAptors overview
About AdAptors ............................................................................................................................................... 1-1
AdAptor CoMponents ....................................................................................................................................... 1-1
AdAptor dLL/EXE .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
AdAptor XML ................................................................................................................................................................. 1-1
integrAtion with the tArget AppliCAtion ........................................................................................................... 1-2
Module 2 - integrAting with the tArget AppliCAtion
integrAtion overview ....................................................................................................................................... 2-1
integrAtion proCedure ..................................................................................................................................... 2-1
1. Log into thE hypErion FdM AppLicAtion viA thE WorkbEnch ........................................................................................ 2-2
2. iMport thE tArgEt SyStEM AdAptor ............................................................................................................................ 2-3
3. rEgiStEr thE AdAptor ................................................................................................................................................ 2-5
4. Add MAchinE proFiLE .................................................................................................................................................. 2-6
5. UpdAtE dcoM SEttingS ............................................................................................................................................. 2-7
6. MAp hypErion FdM diMEnSionS to tArgEt diMEnSionS ................................................................................................ 2-9
7. Log onto thE hypErion FdM AppLicAtion viA WEb cLiEnt .......................................................................................... 2-12
8. vEriFy AppLicAtion SEttingS...................................................................................................................................... 2-13
9. UpdAtE intEgrAtion SEttingS .................................................................................................................................... 2-14
10. tESt thE intEgrAtion SEttingS ................................................................................................................................. 2-16
Module 3 - Current integrAtion AdAptors
hyperion hFM AdAptors .................................................................................................................................. 3-1
F3d-1 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3-1
F3E ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-1
F3F ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-1
F3g ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
F3h ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-2
F3J ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-2
F3i ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-2
F3i-1 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3-2
F3k-1 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3-2
F3J-2 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3-3
hFM4X-A ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3-3
hFM4X-A1 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3-4
hFM4X-b ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3-5
hFM4X-bg2................................................................................................................................................................... 3-6
hFM4X-cg2 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3-7
hFM4X-dg2 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3-9
hFM4X-E1g2 ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-9
hFM4X-Fg2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-10
hFM4X-gg3 ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-10
Current hyperion essbAse/plAnning AdAptors............................................................................................... 3-11
E65A .............................................................................................................................................................................3-11
ESS6X-F .......................................................................................................................................................................3-11
ESS6X-h .......................................................................................................................................................................3-11
ESS7X-A .......................................................................................................................................................................3-11
ESS7X-A1 .................................................................................................................................................................... 3-12
ESS7X-A4 .................................................................................................................................................................... 3-12
ESS7X-b ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-12
ESS7X-d ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-12
ESS7X-E ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-13
ESS7X-F1 .................................................................................................................................................................... 3-14
ESS7X-gg3 ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-16
SEtUp itEMS to conSidEr ............................................................................................................................................... 3-16
Current hyperion enterprise AdAptors ......................................................................................................... 3-17
hEt6X-A ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-17
hEt6X-b ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-17
hEt6X-c ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-17
hEt6X-d ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-18
hEt6X-E ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-18
hEt6X-F ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-19
hEt6X-gg3 ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-19
SEtUp itEMS to conSidEr ............................................................................................................................................... 3-20
diMEnSion cAchE ........................................................................................................................................................... 3-20
Module 1 - AdAptors overview
Module 1 Adaptors Overview
About Adaptors
Adaptors are predefned software codes that understand how to communicate with various source/target
applications. Each adaptor has been programmed to integrate with a specifc source (SAP, SQL, etc) or target
system (Essbase, HFM, etc). These adaptors compromised of a two components the DLL/EXE and XML metadata.
The DLL/EXE contains the system specifc instructions for interacting with the target or source system. The XML
contains all data relating to the Hyperion FDM application that is being integrated.
Adaptor Components
Adaptor DLL/EXE
The Adaptor DLL/EXE acts as a buffer between the Hyperion System 9 Financial Data Quality Management
(Hyperion FDM) program and the target application. The DLL/EXE contains all of the instructions for Hyperion
FDM to communicate with the specifed target or source application such as connecting to the database, loading
data, extracting data, etc. Each Adaptor DLL contains the API calls for the specifc target or source application.
This allows Hyperion FDM to be fexible to integrate with many target systems and not have to maintain large
amounts of application specifc calls within the program itself.
Adaptor XML
The Adaptor XML acts as a second layer between the Hyperion FDM program and the target application.
The XML stores application setup parameters/options, pre-defned scripts to call API functions and return the
desired data/results from the target application.
The Dimensions section contains all of the available dimension lists for the target application. Each item
under the main Dimension section represents one available dimension and contains a script that retrieves a
list of all members in the selected dimension from the target application. These member lists are provided to
Hyperion FDM. Dimensions are only included in Target Adaptors not in Source Adaptors.
Pre-defned scripts that interact with the target application and use the Integration Adaptor DLLs API calls to
perform such functions as: Connect, Load, ValueGet, Export, etc.
Machine Profle
The machine profle contains all of the information to allow Hyperion FDM to determine on what computers/
servers the source & target databases are located. The machine profle also stores global logon information
for connecting to the target application.
Note: When the Global Login option is selected, Hyperion FDM will always use this username and
password to logon to the target application server / target application. This means that this user
account must have access to the target application server and must have the appropriate security
privileges in the target application for Hyperion FDM to load and retrieve values to and from the
target application, regardless of the user who is logged into Hyperion FDM.
A machine profle must be setup for every computer that has the Hyperion FDM Application Server or the
Hyperion FDM Task Manager installed. However the only felds that must be flled out are: Target Machine,
Source Machine, & Domain (Domain may be entered as NA if you are not using the global login ID).
Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
The options section of the XML fle contains the default options for the integration settings and application
settings within Hyperion FDM for the specifc target application that you are integrating with. When options
are changed from within Hyperion FDM they are stored in the options section.
Integration with the Target Application
Integration settings are used to point a Hyperion FDM application to the target application. The target application is
the application to which you want to load data. Hyperion Enterprise, Hyperion Essbase and Hyperion Planning
and Hyperion Financial Management (HFM) are examples of valid target applications. Detailed procedures for
setting up integration adaptors are included in subsequent modules in this guide.
Module 2 - integrAting with
the tArget ApplicAtion
Module 2 Integrating with the Target Application
Integration Overview
Integration settings are used to point a Hyperion FDM application to the target application. The target application is
the application to which you want to load data. Hyperion Enterprise, Hyperion Financial Management (HFM), and
Hyperion Essbase are examples of valid target applications.
Integration Procedure
The process of integrating with the target application is competed from within the Hyperion FDM Workbench
1. Log into the Hyperion FDM application via the Hyperion FDM Workbench
2. Import the target system adaptor
3. Register the adaptor
4. Add machine profle
5. Update DCOM launching user rights (Enterprise and Essbase only)
6. Map Hyperion FDM dimensions to Target dimensions (Enterprise and Essbase only)
7. Log into the Hyperion FDM application via Hyperion FDM Web Client
8. Verify application settings
9. Update integration settings
10. Test integration settings
Note: A new Hyperion FDM application must have been created before proceeding with the procedure outlined
in this module. Refer to the WebLink 8.3 Installation Guide or WebLink 8.3 Administrator Training Guide
for detailed procedures for creating a new Hyperion FDM application.
Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
1. Log into the Hyperion FDM application via the Workbench
Launch the Workbench Client located in the Hyperion System 9-->Financial Data Quality Management program
Log onto the new application using the same user name and password used to create the new application.
Figure 2-2: Workbench Logon Screen
Module 2 Integrating with the Target Application
2. Import the Target System Adaptor
From the Workbench desktop activate the Adaptors page by clicking on the Adaptors tab (bottom of the left
Select File-->Import. This will prompt the Open Import File dialog (Figure 2-3).

Figure 2-3: Open File Import dialog. Locate and select the target system adaptor fle from here.
From within the Open Import File dialog, locate and select the target system adaptor fle then click on
to display the Import window (Figure 2-4).
Note: HETxx.xml fles are Enterprise adaptors, ESSxx.xml fles are Essbase adaptors. HFMxx.xml fles are
HFM adaptors. The flename of the current release of the adaptor and location of the adaptor may vary.
The most recent adaptors can be downloaded from Support section of the Hyperion web site.
Refer to the Administrator Guide or the Hyperion Web site for more information about adaptors.
Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
From within the Import popup screen (General tab), check the items to import (Figure 2-4).
Click the Options tab. This tab contains the following options:
Save existing machine profle if this box is not checked, all existing machine profles will be deleted.
Remove all report groups before updating reports this option deletes existing report groups before
updating the application with new reports.

Figure 2-4: Import File Dialog. Import of adaptor General Tab (HFM left,
Enterprise and Essbase center) and Options tab (right).
Select/deselect the options to be used and click . The selections will be imported and displayed on the
desktop under Target System Adaptors (Figure 2-5).

Figure 2-5: After importing the target system adaptor it is displayed on the Workbench desktop
under Target System Adaptors - Enterprise (left), Essbase (center) and HFM (right).
Module 2 Integrating with the Target Application
3. Register the Adaptor
Note: Adding the adaptor and setting up machine profles needs to be completed once for every Hyperion
FDM application that is created. Registering the adaptor needs only to be once. Skip this step if a
Hyperion FDM application using the same adaptor that has already been registered. The fle will be
registered for any future applications.
From the Workbench desktop, select File-->Register Adaptor to display the Register Adaptor dialog (Figure
Figure 2-6: Select File-->Register Adaptor to prompt the Register Adaptor dialog. Register
the adaptor using the .exe fle for Enterprise and Essbase or the .dll for HFM.
Select the fle from the list (upsENxxx.exe for Enterprise, upsFMxxx.dll for HFM) and click (Figure 2-
Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
4. AddMachineProfle
A Machine Profle must be created for every computer that has the Hyperion FDM Web Server Components, the
Hyperion FDM Application Server, or the Hyperion FDM Task Manager installed. Working from the Adaptor tab
in the Workbench desktop, expand the directory Target System Adaptors directory by clicking to expand the
Adaptors directory, then clicking next to the adaptor listed to open the adaptor subdirectory.
Right-click on the Machine Profles folder and select Add Machine Profle from the fyout menu (Figure 2-7). The
Add Machine Profle dialog box will be displayed (Figure 2-8).
Figure 2-7: Right-click on the Machine Profles folder to add a machine profle (example for HFM).
Complete the Source Machine and Target Machine
information in the Add Machine Profle dialog box.
Source Machine Name enter the Hyperion FDM
Application server name here.
Target Machine Name enter the computer name or
IP address of the application server or application cluster
User Name specify a user name, password, and
domain for the local machine to override the logon method
specifed in the Integration Settings logon method. This
computer will always use the specifed user name and
password to log onto the target application server and
the application. The user account specifed here must
have access to the target application server and have
appropriate security privileges, regardless of the user who
is logged into Hyperion FDM. This option is generally not
used, but rather the unifed logon functionality in Hyperion
FDM to that provides network authentication is the more
preferred method.
Figure 2-8: Add Machine Profle Dialog box.
Password the Windows password for the target machine.
Domain the domain for target machine.
Select when fnished.
Module 2 Integrating with the Target Application
5. Update DCOM Settings
Note: This procedure is for integrating Hyperion FDM with Hyperion Enterprise and Hyperion Essbase only. If
integrating with Hyperion Financial Management proceed to step 7.
The upsIntBlockEB7XA.clsHypWindowEB object (Essbase) or the upsIntBlockHE6xG.clsHypWindow object
(Enterprise) must be confgured to allow access by the same UserID as is confgured in the Application Servers.
To do this frst launch DCOM Confg from the Run command.
Figure 2-9: Launch the DCOM Confguration from the Windows Run prompt.
Change DCOM Identity settings on the upsIntBlockEB7XA.clsHypWindowEB object or upsIntBlockHE6xG.
clsHypWindow by right clicking on the object and selecting Properties (Figure 2-10).

Figure 2-10: Right-click on the object and select Properties (Enterprise object example shown).
Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors

From the Properties Window, select the security tab,
then click .
Figure 2-11 (right): Properties Dialog - Security Tab
Change DCOM Security settings for Launch/Activation
Permissions & Access permissions, to Custom. Click
the Edit button and ensure that the User ID running the
application servers is added to the Custom permissions.
If any users will be running the workbench their User
ID must also be confgured in this manner.
Figure 2-12 (right): Launch Permissions Screen
Module 2 Integrating with the Target Application
6. Map Hyperion FDM Dimensions to Target Dimensions
Note: This procedure only needs to be completed when integrating the Hyperion FDM application to
Hyperion Essbase or Hyperion Enterprise. If integrating to Hyperion Financial Management proceed to
Step 7.
Enterprise - Map Hyperion FDM Dimensions to Enterprise Dimensions
The NameCat.txt fle is used to hold the Hyperion Enterprise name and category that are used to determine
if an Enterprise account is calculated. The name selected should represent a typical base name, and the
category selected should represent a category used to store actual data.
Return to the Workbench Client and click on the scripts tab. The Script Editor directory will appear (Figure

Figure 2-13: Script Editor Directory

Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
Open the Custom\General folder and double-click on the HET_EditNameCat script. The script will be
displayed in the right side window (Figure 2-14).

Figure 2-14: Script Editor
Click on the (run button). The Editor dialog box will be displayed (Figure 2-15).
Click and select a typical base name from the target application. Click and select a category that
represents one that will be loaded by the Hyperion FDM
application then click . A message box will appear
confrming that the script has run.
Figure 2-15 (right): Editor Window
Note: The Default for the Dimension Cache Switch
is set to off. When set to On the dimension list
values are retrieved from Hyperion FDM cache
tables and not from the target system. When set
to On, then the HET_UpdateDimensionCache
script must be run from the Workbench in order
to update the tables with the current target
application dimension list values.
Module 2 Integrating with the Target Application
Essbase Map Hyperion FDM Dimension to Essbase Dimension
Open both the Essbase database and Hyperion FDM Workbench side-by-side.

Figure 2-16: Open both Essbase DB and Workbench to Map dimensions.
Right-click on the Hyperion FDM dimensions and update the Foreign Name and Alias to refect the associated
Essbase dimension name.

Figure 2-17: Update the Foreign Name and Alias in the Dimension Properties Screen for each dimension.
Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
7. Log onto the Hyperion FDM Application via Web Client
Launch the Web Client located in the Hyperion System 9-->Financial Data Quality Management program
Log onto the new application using the same user name and password used to create the new application.
Figure 2-19: Web Client Logon Screen
Module 2 Integrating with the Target Application
8. Verify Application Settings
From the Hyperion FDM desktop, open the Administration Menu by selecting the Administration Tab.

Figure 2-20: Administration Menu
From the Administration Menu click the Application Settings link to switch to the Application Settings screen.
Select System Code from the Options dropdown feld. It should contain the name of the adaptor that was just
added. If several adaptors currently exist in the application, they will be selectable in this feld. Use the pull-
down menu to select the correct system code key/adaptor for the target system and click .
Figure 2-21: Application Settings Screen
Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
9. Update Integration Settings
From the Administration Menu select Integration Settings to display the Integration Settings Screen. Select
Application Name from the Options feld
In the App Name feld type in the name of the
target application. Click to update the
integration settings.
Figure 2-22 (right): Integration Settings
Screen - Application Name Option
Logon Method
From the Integration Settings menu, click
the dropdown in the Options Field and
select Logon Method.
This option controls the method that
Hyperion FDM uses to log onto the target
system whenever Hyperion FDM makes a
connection. There are two logon methods,
Unifed and Global.
Figure 2-23 (right): Integration Settings
Screen - Logon Method Option
Unifed the Hyperion FDM
username and password are used
to log onto the target system. The
username and password for users to
log onto the target must be the same
as the Hyperion FDM username and
password in order to use this option.

Global the username and password specifed in the Global Logon Information Option is passed to the
target system. Using this option, all users connect to the target system using the same username and
If a machine-specifc username and password is specifed in the Workbench then it will override the logon
method specifed above for this specifc machine.

Module 2 Integrating with the Target Application
Global Logon Information
This option is used in conjunction with the Logon Method option. If the Logon Method option is set to Global
then use this option to set the user ID and password used to log onto the target system. Separate the user
ID and password with a semicolon, i.e.. UserID;Password (Figure 35).
Figure 2-24: Integration Settings Screen - Global Logon Information Option
Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
10. Test the Integration Settings
From the Hyperion FDM Workbench
Select the Metadata tab. Double-click Categories under the Control Tables directory and the Category
Control Table will be displayed. In the Category table, click the Target Category and view the items in the
dropdown menu. The categories from the target application will be displayed if the integration of the adaptor
was successful (Figure 2-25).
Figure 2-25: The categories from the target application will be displayed
if the integration of the adaptor was successful
From the Hyperion FDM Web Client
Open the Activities Menu by clicking the Activities Link on the left desktop menu. Select Maps from the
Activities Menu (Figure 2-26).

Figure 2-26: Activities Menu
On the Maps screen (Figure 2-27) click . A new row will be added to the grid.

Module 2 Integrating with the Target Application
Click Browse For Target Value to display the list of target accounts. If another window is displayed with the
list of accounts then the integration settings are confgured correctly (Figure 2-28). Otherwise, an error will
be displayed.

Figure 2-27: Maps Screen. Add a row then browse for a target value.

Figure 2-28: A list of target members appearing indicates the integration was successful.

Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
Module 3 - current
integrAtion AdAptors
Module 3 Current Integration Adaptors
Hyperion HFM Adaptors
Date Created: 1/23/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 7.0.1 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.4 and Higher
The Consolidation Action was modifed to test for Validation Entity Group over-ride set in a
BefConsolidate event script. If true the over-ride group value is used rather than the group assigned to
the location.
For Periodic data loading the Export Action was placing the word Per in the export Dat fle rather than
the word Periodic. Conditional statement added to replace Per with Periodic.
Date Created: 1/23/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM: Version 7.0.1 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.4 and Higher
Data Protection option values are executed within the Export action, rather than half in the Export
action and half in the Load actions. This change was made to support State less web API Objects,
and it provides a cleaner approach to data protection.
Data Protection and Line Item Loading will only function for single period loads. If either of these
options are enabled and the data load is for a range of periods, the options will be ignored.
Date Created: 2/12/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 7.0.1 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.4 and Higher
Alter Connection Method modifed connection action to for changes in Hyperion Financial Management
single sign on authentication.
Removed validation of DOMAIN value from connection action. SSO does not use Domain.
Date Created: 2/12/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 7.0.1 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.4 and Higher
New System option switch to show enable period dimension enumeration to list all periods (Base and
Created new integration option named Force Calculate before Consolidation. When this option is
activated, an explicit recalculation will be performed before a consolidation is run for each entity.

Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors

Date Created: 4/22/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 7.0.1 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.0 and Higher
Resolved issue with running AftValidate script event to display invalid intersection report.
Date Created: 4/22/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 7.0.1 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.0 and Higher
Added ability to load journals from Hyperion FDM into HFM as Journals in HFM.
Date Created: 6/02/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.0 and Higher
Added logging of script errors, added ability to have target period user defned instead of derived by
Hyperion FDM, set File encoding to ANSI for HFM extract.
Date Created: 7/06/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.0 and Higher
Correct UNIFIED login failure.
Date Created: 10/21/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.0 and Higher
Enhancement Intersection Validation Report performance has been dramatically improved by using
caching of HFM member name/Key value relationships.
Enhancement Check Report performance has been dramatically improved by using caching of HFM
member name / Key value relationships and caching HFM intersection values that may be used more
than once in a Hyperion FDM validation rule.
Fix HFM application server (HSXServer.Exe) and HFM data server (HSVData.exe) shut down
prematurely cause Remote Procedure Call Failed and/or Remote server Unavailable runtime errors.
Note: this problem also surfaced as an empty message being returned after a data load, but not error
being thrown.

Module 3 Current Integration Adaptors
Date Created: 3/21/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.0 and Higher
Ability to load journals from Hyperion FDM into HFM as Journals in HFM.
Enhancement Now allows you to select which locations are to load Hyperion FDM journals as HFM
journals as well as select which data values should be used. To use this, place a value of 1, 2, 3 or
4 in the Group Tag feld in the Location screen for each location you want to active the journal loads.
Each value represents a data value accordingly:
1 = <Entity Curr Adjs>
2 = <Parent Curr Adjs>
3 = [Contribution Adjs]
4 = [Parent Adjs])
Note: When loading to a journal based data value (i.e., Entity Curr Adjs or Parent Curr Adjs) you will
need to update the data value in the Validation Rules. This is the last argument in the GetValue
function. For example, if your base GL data is going to Entity Currency and your journals are
going to Entity Curr Adjs, you will need to add the Total Entity data value to your validation rules
to get the combined value. If GL data is going to Entity Currency and your journals are going to
Parent Curr Adjs, you will need to add the Total Parent data value to your validation rules
Supports the loading of Hyperion FDM memo items as Cell Text into HFM (activate this function in
the Integration Options screen).
Date Created: 3/30/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.5 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.5 and Higher
Release Notes: This integration uses the upsFM40A.dll HFM integration COM wrapper
Added the function called: fIsMemberADescendentOf.
Added the function called: fMetaDataLoad.
STICKY SERVER - HFM Application Server Cache Delay. The integration Option STICK SERVER
has been enhanced to use the direct server connection for consolidate and validate. The adaptor
stores the HFM application server used during the LOAD action and then attempts to connect to that
server specifcally for the CONSOLIDATE and VALIDATE actions. This function requires that an HFM
cluster be defned for each HFM application server.
Line Item Detail intersection checking. The enhanced intersection checking routine introduced in the
HFM3x-K adaptor considered any intersection using LID to be read-only. This has been corrected by
testing the HFM ACCOUNT and SCENARIO for LID activation prior to evaluating the status of the


Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
Date Created: 4/27/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.5 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 3.5 and Higher
Release Notes: This integration uses the upsFM40A.dll HFM integration COM wrapper. This is the frst adaptor
that supports Oracle intersection checking.
Added the function called: fIsMemberADescendentOf.
Added the function called: fMetaDataLoad.
STICKY SERVER: HFM Application Server Cache Delay. The integration Option STICK SERVER
has been enhanced to use the direct server connection for consolidate and validate. The adaptor
stores the HFM application server used during the LOAD action and then attempts to connect to that
server specifcally for the CONSOLIDATE and VALIDATE actions. This function requires that an HFM
cluster be defned for each HFM application server.
Added new mRemoveMultibyteNulls function to upsFM40A.dll that checks the specifed fle for the
presence of char 0 and replaces with a VB Nullstring.
Line Item Detail intersection checking. The enhanced intersection checking routine introduced in the
HFM3x-K adaptor considered any intersection using LID to be read-only. This has been corrected by
testing the HFM ACCOUNT and SCENARIO for LID activation prior to evaluating the status of the
ValueGet action failed for when the Test Rule and Test Display functions were executed from the
WorkBench rule builder with adaptor (HFM4x-A). This adaptor fxes the connection error from the
Load Action was enhanced to handle fle paths that include an IP address. Prior adaptors would
parse the fle path incorrectly as a result of multiple . characters contained in the string.


Module 3 Current Integration Adaptors
Date Created: 5/20/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.5 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 4.0 and Higher
Release Notes: This integration uses the upsFM40B.dll HFM integration COM wrapper.
Support for Replace By Security added to DLL and XML. This functionality is accessed through the
Load Options Dialog that is displayed prior to executing the load process.
Support for Translation added prior to executing a consolidation and validation. This function is
turned on/off by setting the integration option Force Translate.
HFM Intersection validation has be improved to allow support for ICP Restricted Accounts. Any
account that has the ICP Restricted attribute set to true is tested during the intersection validation
process to make sure that it is not used with an Entity that has intercompany with itself.
Enhanced Workbench Validation Rule builder support. The Test Rule and Test Display buttons
now support rules that use Period Math values. These are rules that use a (-1 or +1) to get a period
value relative to the current global period.
Load action has been enhanced to handle load fles that have a . character in the directory path. In
prior adaptors a . in the path would generate an error during the process of archiving a load error
log fle.

Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
Date Created: 5/20/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.7 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 4.0 and Higher
Release Notes: This integration uses the upsFM40B.dll HFM integration COM wrapper. This is a GENERATION
2 integration adaptor which makes use of some of the 8 new integration actions available with UpStream
WebLink 8.0.7.
New Actions Used in the Adaptor
IntersectionCheck (Replaces need to use AftValidate Event Script)
ExportA & LoadA (Used to separate Journal Loads from regular DAT fle loads)
ExportB & LoadB (Used to separate CellText Loads from standard DAT fle Loads)
ControlsSubmit (Used to set process management in HFM)
Support for Replace By Security added to DLL and XML. This functionality is accessed through the
Load Options Dialog that is displayed prior to executing the load process.
Support for Translation added prior to executing a consolidation and validation. This function is
turned on/off by setting the integration option Force Translate.
Intersection checking can now be controlled by a global system option. The option titled Enable
Intersection Checking is used to turn on/off HFM intersection validation.
HFM Intersection validation has be improved to allow support for ICP Restricted Accounts. Any
account that has the ICP Restricted attribute set to true is tested during the intersection validation
process to make sure that it is not used with an Entity that has intercompany with itself.
Support for Journal Entry loading has been added to the ExportA & LoadA actions of the integration
adaptor. Journal entry loading is controlled by the Enable Journal Loading integration option. The
behavior of the journal load is controlled by the following integration options:
Journal Status: Controls the posting status used during the load (Default = 4 - Posted)
Journal Default Data Value: Controls the default Value dimension member used for loading the
journal (Default value = <Entity Curr Adjs>).
Note: This value will only be used if a location does not have an optional Switch value set in the
Grouping Tag feld on the location setup screen. The Grouping Tag feld is used to allow
different locations to load journal for different Value dimension member values.
Location Grouping Tag values:
1 = <Entity Curr Adjs>
2 = <Parent Curr Adjs>
3 = [Contribution Adjs]
4 = [Parent Adjs]
Journal Balancing Attribute: Controls the required balance checking value for HFM. The default
value for this option is U-Unbalanced.
Support for CellText loading has been added to the ExportB & LoadB actions of the integration
adaptor. CellText loading is controlled by the Enable CellText Loading integration option. If this
option is activated any Hyperion FDM Memo items for the intersections being loaded into HFM will be
added to the HFM intersection as pre-formatted CellText.


Module 3 Current Integration Adaptors
Support for setting HFM Process Mgmt has been added to the SubmitControls action of the
integration adaptor. Process Mgmt is controlled by the Enable Process Mgmt integration option. If
this option is activated HFMs process management will be started and promoted to the
point of publishing each base entity that Hyperion FDM loaded. This process will be automatically
fred when Hyperion FDMs fnancial controls Submit process is fred. In addition, the same entities
will be Unpromoted / rejected when Hyperion FDMs fnancial controls Unsubmit process is fred.
Workbench Validation Rule builder support has been enhanced in two ways.
Browsing custom dimension values when building a lookup formula now lists all members of a
dimension (Parent and Child).
The Test Rule and Test Display buttons now support rules that use Period Math values.
These are rules that use a (-1 or +1) to get a period value relative to the current global period.
Date Created: 8/22/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.7 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 4.0 and Higher
Release Notes: This integration uses the upsFM40C.dll HFM integration COM wrapper. This is a GENERATION
2 integration adaptor which makes use of some of the 8 new integration actions available with UpStream
WebLink 8.0.7.
Bug Fixes:
Inter-Company Intersection Checking now performs properly when the inter-company switch for
accounts or entities in HFM is turned off. All HFM adaptor DLLs prior to upsFM40C.dll would not
recognize accounts or entities with the inter-company fag turned off as invalid when used with an
ICP Partner value other than [ICP None].
Connect Action has been streamlined in order to prevent connections to HFM for actions that are not
active. The enhancements were added for the following actions:
Check Intersections - If Enable Intersection Validation option = Off then not HFM connection
Chain Load: If Enable Chain Load option = Off then not HFM connection attempted.
Controls Review: If Enable Controls Review option = Off then not HFM connection attempted.
Controls Submit:: If Enable Process Mgmt option = Off then not HFM connection attempted.
Single Sign-On (SSO) support is now available for use with Release 8.1.0 and higher. To enable this
feature a new system option Use SSO must be turned on and the following confguration steps must
be followed:
The integration DLL upsFM40C.dll must be installed and registered on the Hyperion FDM Load
Balance Manager Server.
The proper single sign-on script must be activated through the Load Balance Server
confguration utility.
Hyperion FDM must be launched from within HFM 4.0 with the custom ASP pages contained in
integration zip fle.
Journal Entry loading has been modifed to allow journal processing to be active/inactive on a location by
location basis. Journal are now controlled by the combination of the Enable Journal Load global option
and Data Value assigned to a location.



Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors

Enable Journal Load = True
Locations Data Value = <Entity Currency>
Journal Processing For the Location = Off
Enable Journal Load = True
Locations Data Value = <Entity Currency>;<Entity Curr Adjs>
Journal Processing For the Location = On
Enable Journal Load = False
Locations Data Value = <Entity Currency>
Journal Processing For the Location = Off
Enable Journal Load = False
Locations Data Value = <Entity Currency>;<Entity Curr Adjs>
Journal Processing For the Location = Off
General Rule:
If the Enable Journal Loading value is set to TRUE, and the Locations Data Value contains two values
delimited by a semi-colon then journal loading is ON for that location.
Note: Journal loading is NOT supported for text based multi-loads.
Force Calculate and Force Translate were made to run independent of consolidate. However,
these calculation still require a that the Enable Consolidate global option be set to true, and that a
validation entity group be setup for each location. To run a Force Calculate or Force Translate without
a consolidation, enable the required global options but leave the consolidate check box on the
validation entity screen unchecked for each entity to be calculated/translated.
Module 3 Current Integration Adaptors
Date Created: 10/14/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.7 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 4.0 and Higher
Release Notes: This integration uses the upsFM40C.dll HFM integration COM wrapper. This is a GENERATION
2 integration adaptor which makes use of some of the 8 new integration actions available with UpStream
WebLink 8.0.7.
This adaptor has the same functionality as HFM4x-CG2. The adaptor has been enhanced to support
WebLink 8.2.0 expanded dimensions only. The areas changed to handle the expanded dimension
processing are list below:
Adaptor XML Script Value Get: Parameter array has been expanded and re-ordered to handle
expanded dimensions
Adaptor XML Script Export: Text/Range based export has been modifed to handle expanded
Adaptor DLL Code fIntersectionCheckEx: Intersection Array has been modifed to handle
expanded dimensions.
Date Created: 12/20/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.7 and Higher (Including Release 8.3 With Expanded
HFM Compatibility: Version 4.0 and Higher
Release Notes: This integration uses the upsFM40E.dll HFM integration COM wrapper. It has the same
functionality as HFM4x-EG2. The adaptor has been enhanced to reduce connections to HFM during batch
processing. The actions changed to reduce connections during batch loading are listed below.
Adaptor XML Script Changes:
Connect: Connection action now recognizes when it is being used for batch processing and reuses
an existing HFM Connection when it can.
All Other Actions: When in batch mode these actions do not close connections to HFM when the
action script completes. This allows actions to share HFM connections.
Note: For web processing separate HFM connections are still required. Web processing is stateless
and connections to HFM cannot be maintained between page calls.
Fix Hyperion Single Sign On: Using the Hyperion SSO integration caused an error in previous blocks
because the Hyperion FDM version was not correctly retrieved.



Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
Date Created: 01/05/2006
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.7 and Higher (Including Release 8.3 With Expanded
HFM Compatibility: Version 4.0 and Higher
Release Notes: This integration uses the upsFM40F.dll HFM integration COM wrapper. It has adaptor has
the same functionality as HFM4x-EG2. It has been enhanced to reduce connections to HFM during batch
processing. The actions changed to reduce connections during batch loading are listed below.
Adaptor XML Script Changes:
Connect: Connection action now recognizes when it is being used for batch processing and reuses
an existing HFM Connection when it can.
All Other Actions: When in batch mode these actions do not close connections to HFM when the
action script completes. This allows actions to share HFM connections.
Note: For web processing separate HFM connections are still required. Web processing is stateless
and connections to HFM cannot be maintained between page calls.
HFM Member List call has been exposed in the upsFM40F.dll com wrapper. A new function
fListMemberlistIDs has been added to expose this functionality. The arrays returned by this function
can be passed to the Extract routine for the Entity, Account, and Period parameters.
HFM Extract Functionality has been enhanced in four ways:
The performance of the Multi-Byte null fle cleaning process has been greatly enhanced.
The extract function now supports arrays of IDs returned from new member list function called
New optional parameter was added blnNoRemoveMultiByteNulls allows mutli-byte clean null clean
up to be switched off.
New optional parameter blnArraysContainIDs is used as an indicator for that the extract member
arrays for Entity, Account, and Period contain IDs rather than labels. The parameter must be set to
true when passing arrays from member lists.
Bug Fixes:
Fix Hyperion Single Sign On : Using the Hyperion SSO integration caused an error in previous blocks
because the Hyperion FDM version was not correctly retrieved.
Fix Consolidate Action Return Value: The consolidate action would return a Fail when there was an
entity listed in the validation entities table without the consolidate switch turned on or the ForceCalc /
ForceTran switches turned on. This problem has been corrected.
Date Created: 02/15/2006
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.3.0 and Higher
HFM Compatibility: Version 4.0 and Higher
Release Notes: This integration uses the upsFM40G.dll HFM integration COM wrapper.
This adaptor provides handling of Lookup Function Errors for check report notifcation.
This adaptor has been enhanced to support use of the additional custom dimensions and attributes that
were added in webLink 8.3.0




Module 3 Current Integration Adaptors
Current Hyperion Essbase/Planning Adaptors
The Essbase Adaptor is slightly different from the normal HFM Adaptor. The Essbase Adaptor consists of three
components: Essbase API DLL, Adaptor DLL (An *.EXE fle is used for this integration) & the Adaptor XML. Both
the EXE and the Essbase API must be in the UpStream Shared Components installation directory.
Date Created: 6/29/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 6.0.1 --> 7x
Essbase Compatibility: Version 6.5 and Higher
Date Created: 8/18/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Essbase Compatibility: Version 6.1.x / 6.5.x
Load Action: Modifed to fx the following problems:
Export fle name was truncated to 4 characters to account for Essbase Object length limitation.
Error Log is now created on the Hyperion FDM application server if the Load process fails.
In prior releases the error log was created on the Essbase server and it could not be read by
Hyperion FDM.
Consolidate Action: Modifed to return true of the consolidate action is turned off.
In prior releases if consolidate was not active an error message was returned stating
Consolidate Failed because the process was not executed and it returned a false.
Date Created: 8/31/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Essbase Compatibility: Version 6.1.x / 6.5.x
Consolidate Action - Returns OK if the active Location does not have a Validation Entity group. Prior
adaptors used to return the message Consolidate failed.
Date Created: 6/29/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Essbase Compatibility: Version 7.0.0 / 7.0.1
Standard Essbase Template revised to work with Essbase 7.0.1. No new functionality was added for this
adaptor, all changes made centered around Essbase 7.0 API call changes.


Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors

Date Created: 11/24/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Essbase Compatibility: Version 7.0.0 / 7.0.1
Standard Essbase Template revised to work with Essbase 7.0.1. No new functionality was added for this
adaptor, all changes made centered around Essbase 7.0 API call changes.
Date Created: 2/23/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Essbase Compatibility: Version 7.0.0 / 7.0.1
Modifed Consolidate Action to allow calculations to run on entities loaded if not Validation Entity Group
was assigned to the location. Prior integration adaptors required that each location have a validation
entity group in order to execute a calculation.
Date Created: 8/15/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Essbase Compatibility: Version 7.0.0 / 7.0.1
Load Action: Export fle name was truncated to 4 characters to account for Essbase Object length
limitation.Error Log is now created on the Hyperion FDM application server if the Load process
fails. In prior releases the error log was created on the Essbase server and it could not be read by
Hyperion FDM.
Date Created: 8/31/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Essbase Compatibility: Version 7.0.0 / 7.0.1
Consolidate Action: Returns OK if the active Location does not have a Validation Entity group. Prior
adaptors used to return the message Consolidate failed.

Module 3 Current Integration Adaptors
Date Created: 11/10/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Essbase Compatibility: Version 7.0.0 / 7.0.1
Multiload Text Export: Multiload text fles processed on Oracle were not resolving the target period
properly. The export text fle would contain an empty value in the period column of the export fle.
Shared Member Suppression: Shared members are now automatically removed from dimension
member lists for the mapping process.
Installation Steps
a) Open the Hyperion FDM WorkBench and Log into the desired application.
b) Next select the File Menu, then select Import and select the fle (ESS7X-E.XML).
c) Check the Target System option in the tree and select OK.
The Hyperion FDM Integration Adaptor wrapper for Essbase 7x (UPSEB7XE.EXE) must be copied to and
registered on each Hyperion FDM application server.
a) Create a folder under C:\Program Files\UpStream Software\ named Integration Adaptors.
b) Copy the EXE fle to that new directory location.
c) Open the Hyperion FDM WorkBench on each server and select the File Menu, then select Register
Integration Adaptor and next select the fle (UPSEB7XE.EXE).
Essbase 7x RunTime Client must be installed on each Hyperion FDM application server. Installing the
Essbase Runtime client ensures that all required Essbase API fles exist on the Hyperion FDM Application

Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
Date Created: 11/30/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: 8.0.0 and Higher
Essbase Compatibility: Version 7.0.0 / 7.0.1
Release Notes:
Oracle Text Multiload Export: Multiload text fles processed on Oracle were not resolving the target
period properly. The export text fle would contain an empty value in the period column of the export
Oracle Text Multiload Data Clear: Data Clear during Multiload Text fle processing on Oracle were
not resolving the target period properly. The Data Clear Calc script fle would contain an empty value
(Invalid Member) in the period (Time Dimension) in the calc script.
Oracle Text Multiload Consolidate: Consolidate during Multiload Text fle processing on Oracle were
not resolving the target period properly. The Calculate Calc script fle would contain an empty value
(Invalid Member) in the period (Time Dimension) in the calc script.
Shared Member Suppression: Shared members are now automatically removed from dimension
member lists for the mapping process.
Base Member List Reading: Essbase base member queries have been enhanced to deal with
problems caused by the existence line-feed characters within a member name or member description
in the Essbase outline.
Check Rule Editor Lookup: The Check Rule editor now returns a value from Essbase from with the
Hyperion FDM Workbench. Check rules would function properly in prior adaptors but they could not
be tested from within the Workbench.
Oracle/Essbase Case Sensitivity and Capability: Oracle is a case sensitive database and as a result
Hyperion FDM converts all felds that will be query to upper case. This enables Hyperion FDM to
query the Oracle database consistently. Essbase is also case sensitive with respect to member
names and as a result upper case member names listed in Hyperion FDM mapping tables may be
considered invalid members in Essbase if the member is not defned as upper case in Essbase. To
solve this problem Hyperion FDM must perform an extra step when loading Essbase from Oracle.
Hyperion FDM uses a lookup mechanism to resolve the Oracle Member Case to the Essbase specifc
for each member in the export fle.
Added Dimension Caching: A new system option was added titled Dimension Cache Switch. The
option controls how Hyperion FDM gets the list of members when a member browsing screen
is opened. If the switch is On then Hyperion FDM will query its own tDimXXXX to build the list of
target system members.
Filling Dimension Cache: A custom script HEB_BuildDimensionCache is now included with the
Essbase adaptor. This script can be run from the Web or the WorkBench and it will read all active
Essbase dimension members and fll the appropriate cache tables.
Note: Dimension Caching may be used with very large member lists. In general Hyperion FDM will be
able to perform the member look functions faster if they are run from its own table cache.
CalcBaseEntity Option - A new option was added to enable the calculation of all base entities that were
loaded during the fle load. If this option is turned on and the Hyperion FDM location that is loading data
has NO VALIDATION ENTITY GROUP, then the standard calc script will execute for each entity that
was loaded.


Module 3 Current Integration Adaptors
Installation STEPS:
Open the Hyperion FDM WorkBench and Log into the desired application. Next select the File Menu, then
select Import and select the fle (ESS7X-F1.XML). Check the Target System option in the tree and
select OK.
The Hyperion FDM Integration Adaptor wrapper for Essbase 7x (UPSEB7XF.EXE) must be copied to and
registered on each Hyperion FDM application server.
a) Create a folder under C:\Program Files\UpStream Software\ called Integration Adaptors.
b) Copy the EXE fle to that new directory location.
c) Open the Hyperion FDM WorkBench on each server and select the File Menu, then select Register
Integration Adaptor and next select the fle (UPSEB7XF.EXE).
Essbase 7x RunTime Client must be installed on each Hyperion FDM application server. Installing the
Essbase Runtime client ensures that all required Essbase API fles exist on the Hyperion FDM Application
Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
Date Created: 02/15/2006
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.3.0 and Higher
Essbase Compatibility: Version 7.0.0 / 7.0.1
Release Notes: This integration uses the upsEB7XG.exe HFM integration COM wrapper. It provides handling of
Lookup Function Errors for check report notifcation and it has been enhanced to support use of the additional
custom dimensions and attributes that were added in webLink 8.3.0
Installation STEPS:
Open the Hyperion FDM WorkBench and Log into the desired application. Next select the File Menu, then
select Import and select the fle (ESS7X-F1.XML). Check the Target System option in the tree and select
The Hyperion FDM Integration Adaptor wrapper for Essbase 7x (UPSEB7XF.EXE) must be copied to and
registered on each Hyperion FDM application server.
Create a folder under C:\Program Files\UpStream Software\ called Integration Adaptors.
Copy the EXE fle to that new directory location.
Open the Hyperion FDM WorkBench on each server and select the File Menu, then select Register
Integration Adaptor and next select the fle (UPSEB7XF.EXE).
Essbase 7x RunTime Client must be installed on each Hyperion FDM application server. Installing the
Essbase Runtime client ensures that all required Essbase API fles exist on the Hyperion FDM Application
Setup Items to Consider
When running the Workbench from a local computer you will need to make a few system changes to ensure that
all of the Enterprise Adaptor features work correctly.
Change DCOM Identity settings on the upsIntBlockEnt6x.clsHypWindow object from launching user to
the This User feld. The feld should be then updated to contain the same service ID that is being used
for Hyperion FDM Web and Application server setup.
Change DCOM Security settings for Launch/Activation & Access permissions to Custom. Ensure that
the User ID of the user who will be running the local version of the Workbench is added to the Custom
Add a machine profle to the Hyperion FDM application with the name of the local computer that will be
running Workbench. The Source & Target machine names both need to be set to the local computer
Ensure that Hyperion Essbase is installed on the local computer and can access the Essbase application
on the application server.

Module 3 Current Integration Adaptors
Current Hyperion Enterprise Adaptors
The Enterprise Adaptor is slightly different from the normal HFM Adaptor. The Enterprise Adaptor consists of two
components: Adaptor DLL (An *.EXE fle is used for this integration) & the Adaptor XML. The EXE fle is registered
instead of a DLL for this integration.
Date Created: 6/04/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Enterprise Compatibility: Version 5x/6x
The Hyperion Enterprise Integration Adaptor adds the ability to store Enterprise Account & Entity
dimensions within the Hyperion FDM database.
Date Created: 11/30/2004
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Enterprise Compatibility: Version 5x/6x
Unifed logon method: the Unifed method was failing as a result of an invalid property reference.
Calculate on Load Event: when a consolidation is NOT run.
Date Created: 4/25/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Enterprise Compatibility: Version 5x/6x
Multi-Load load parameters for Hyperion Enterprise:
Default Scale was not set: Now set to value (255) None
Default View was not Set: Now Set to value (YTD)
Hundred Thousands was set incorrectly: Now set to value (5)
Add short version of multi-load load parameters for Hyperion Enterprise. Adaptors HET6x-A and B
required a full length value for each option but should allow an abbreviated value.
Example: Replace is required but R should be allowed. The short values were added in this adaptor and
are documented in the 807 admin guide.


Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors
Date Created: 5/20/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Enterprise Compatibility: Version 5x/6x
Add Period Math capability to value get action. This will allow validation rules to be written using (+1
or -1) in the period position of the lookup formula in order to get a period number that is relative to the
current global period.
Workbench Validation Rule builder support has been enhanced. The Test Rule and Test Display
buttons now support rules that use Period Math values. These are rules that use a (-1 or +1) to get
a period value relative to the current global period.
Load Action has been enhanced to handle load fles that have a . character in the directory path. In
prior adaptors a . in the path would generate an error during the process of archiving an load error
log fle.
Connect Action has been enhanced to check for the existence of the Hyperion Enterprise INI fle. If
the INI fle exists, then it is searched in order to determine if the application to be open can be found
in the fle. In the event of a failure of either of these tests, an error is raised with a detailed message.
Date Created: 8/18/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Enterprise Compatibility: Version 5x/6x
Now supports the full Enterprise account length and ability to have two levels of sub-accounts.
Previously if an Enterprise application used the full 20 character account length, 17 (or more)
characters in the frst level sub account and used a second level sub-account the import account
process would return an error.


Module 3 Current Integration Adaptors
Date Created: 8/18/2005
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.0.0 and Higher
Enterprise Compatibility: Version 5x/6x
Release Notes:
Full Account Desc - Enhanced account description by allowing sub-accounts to contain a full account
description (Main + Sub-Account1 + Sub-Account2).
This new functionality is controlled by the adaptor option value:
Use Full Account Desc (TRUE/FALSE)
If this switch is set to TRUE then the full account description will be used for account listing calls. If the
switch is set to FALSE then only the most detail account description will be used for account listing
Enhanced Error Logging for procedures that update data (Enterprise Error Codes added to Log).
Lock/Unlock Data
Load Data
Consolidate Data
Date Created: 02/15/2006
WebLink/Hyperion FDM Compatibility: Version 8.3.0 and Higher
Enterprise Compatibility: Version 5x/6x
Release Notes:
This integration uses the upsEN6XG.EXE Enterprise integration COM wrapper.
This adaptor provides handling of Lookup Function Errors for check report notifcation.
Has been enhanced to support use of the additional custom dimensions and attributes that were added
in webLink 8.3.0.


Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors

Setup Items to Consider
When running the Workbench from a local computer you will need to make a few system changes to ensure that
all of the Enterprise Adaptor features work correctly.
Change DCOM Identity settings on the upsIntBlockEnt6x.clsHypWindow object from launching user to
the This User feld. The feld should be then updated to contain the same service ID that is being used
for Hyperion FDM Web and Application server setup.
Change DCOM Security settings for Launch & Access permissions to Custom. Ensure that the User ID of
the user who will be running the local version of the Workbench is added to the Custom permissions.
Add a machine profle to the Hyperion FDM application with the name of the local computer that will be
running Workbench. The Source & Target machine names both need to be set to the local computer
Ensure that Hyperion Enterprise is installed on the local computer and can access the Enterprise
application on the application server.
Dimension Cache
The Hyperion Enterprise Adaptor adds the ability to store Enterprise Account and Entity dimensions within
the Hyperion FDM database. This enables Hyperion FDM to display the Account and Entity dimensions more
quickly than connecting to the target system for every request. Enabling this option is done be turning on the
Dimension Cache Switch in the Integration Options.
Once this switch is enabled two scripts must be run in order to populate the dimension tables (HET_EditNameCat
& HET_UpdateDimensionCache). These scripts must be run from the Workbench.
Note: If this option is enabled then the HET_UpdateDimensionCache script must be run any time that the
Dimensions are updated in Enterprise. It is recommended that Hyperion FDM Task Manager be setup
to run this script on a regular basis to ensure the dimension lists are correct.

Module 3 Current Integration Adaptors
Hyperion FDM Guide to Adaptors

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