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Chapter 3: New Semester

Plucking the strings with my fingers, I make a sound.

It's a lively melody with a resonating bass, but just before the chorus ends,
the sound disappears as soon as my fingers stop.

"......I can't concentrate at all." (Rintaro)

I release my hand from the strings and lean back against the couch.

It has already been three days since I went on a date with Mia.

Our agreement was to spend time as temporary lovers until Rei returns.

And that agreement ends today.

Originally, Rei's absence was estimated to be about a week, but it seems

that her work finished smoothly, and she will be coming back this evening.

Since that date, if asked if I had done anything special with Mia, I would
answer no.

At most, I just helped her with her summer homework, if it counted?

Honestly, I'm glad that I didn't have to do anything more embarrassing than


(Why do I.......feel so awkward?)

Until yesterday, I was with Mia, and from today, I will be with Rei. I feel a
sense of guilt, as if I'm switching between women, and with that thought
my mood is not good.

(And, why do I have to be so restless?)

That's right. It's not like I'm dating anyone, so I should just think of it as
hanging out with a friend.

――――Even if I convince myself with that, my heart is still clouded.

"......Are you okay?"

"Whoa!?" (Rintaro)

A voice suddenly sounds next to my ear, and I turn around with a surprised

Standing there is Rei, with a surprised expression just like mine. She blinks
a few times while looking at me.

"Sorry, I didn't expect you to be so surprised like that." (Rei)

"W-when....did you come back?" (Rintaro)

"Just now. I opened the door and came in normally. Then I realized that
Rintaro didn't notice me at all, so I decided to call out to you." (Rei)

"Ah.......sorry. I was lost in thought." (Rintaro)

I stand up and gesture for Rei to sit on the couch instead, then head towards
the kitchen.

"I'm thinking of making iced coffee, do you want some?" (Rintaro)

"Yes, I want some. It was really hot when I came back." (Rei)

"Alright, wait a moment." (Rintaro)

Unlike making regular coffee, when making iced coffee, you need to
consider the amount of ice and brew the coffee stronger.
However, the process itself doesn't change much.

Just use more beans and make it with the same amount of water as usual.

Put ice in a glass and pour the strong and hot coffee over it.

When the ice melts, it will be the perfect strength.

"I've added coffee creamer and gomme syrup. Let me know if it feels off
and I'll adjust it." (Rintaro)

"Thank you." (Rei)

Rei takes the glass from me and sips the coffee with the straw I prepared.

"Mmm, taste good. It's just right." (Rei)

"I see. Then I'll make it with the same recipe next time." (Rintaro)

"It's because you're so proficient like this that I can't leave you, Rintaro."

"You're exaggerating." (Rintaro)

Feeling somewhat content, I also sit on the sofa and sip the iced coffee.

The cold coffee flows into my stomach, calming down my restless thoughts.

"You finished work pretty quickly, didn't you?" (Rintaro)

"Yeah. It was a shoot for a small commercial to be aired on video sites and
such, but the required duration suddenly became shorter, so we finished in
about half the time." (Rei)

"I see. " (Rintaro)

"Hey, Rintaro?" (Rei)

"W-what?" (Rintaro)
"Is it true that you went on a date with Mia?" (Rei)

――――Suddenly, my sweat bursts out.

I feel a sensation as if all the moisture in my body has evaporated, and my

throat becomes suddenly dry.

(No, wait, this is strange, isn't it?)

Right. Why do I have to react like a cheating husband who got caught?

I haven't done anything wrong.

Yea, I'll go with that feeling.

"Ah, well, yeah. She wanted to know what it feels like to be a lover for her
next job, so I cooperated." (Rintaro)

Hmm, it sounds like I'm making excuses, doesn't it? This is troublesome.

"By the way, how do you know about that?" (Rintaro)

"Mia was flaunting it in front of me." (Rei)

Rei shows me her smartphone screen with a perpetually displeased


On it, there was a photo of me and Mia making heart signs with our hands
in the photo box.

Seeing it again like this, it's truly embarrassing from the bottom of my

"......That's unfair. I want to go on a date with Rintaro too." (Rei)

"Well, umm....haven't we done that a few times already?" (Rintaro)

"That's true. But I want more." (Rei)

Rei leans forward, and our faces come close together.

A slightly different scent is tickling my nostrils, maybe it's because she used
a different shampoo than usual while she was out.

Even if I try not to be conscious of it at this distance, my heart starts


"I.......I understand. I'll go along with what you want to do next time."

"Really?" (Rei)

"Yeah. We can go out together again, or if there's something else you want
to do, that's fine too." (Rintaro)

"Then, I want us to go around the school festival together." (Rei)

The school festival, huh?

I start thinking with a calm head again.

"No....that wouldn't do, right?" (Rintaro)

"Why?" (Rei)

"Going around the school together like that would be like inviting
suspicion. It's practically suicidal." (Rintaro)

Even if I try to push it by using the excuse of being relatives, it still feels
unnatural to enjoy the cultural festival together.

Even if most people were convinced, it would still be troublesome if some

doubted it.

"You have.......a point. Then I'll think of something else." (Rei)

"Hey, I feel like you're gaining more rights to casually make me listen to
what you say, aren't you?" (Rintaro)
"It's just your imagination." (Rei)

"That's unreasonable...... " (Rintaro)

What a lass, she leaves no room for carelessness or vulnerability.

(Well, it's fine.)

It seems I still can't resist Rei's pleas after all.

And by being asked like this, the guilt I felt before fades away.

I have to admit that, even my own mind is simple.

"Are you going to take a break from work for a while?" (Rintaro)

"Yup. I have a lot of free time in my schedule. Since students must be

struggling with summer vacation assignments, I was given extra time off."

"And what about your idol activities? Are you taking a break too?"

"Something like that." (Rei)

So, from today onwards, I'll be able to cook for Rei almost every day.

"Hmm....Since work has settled down, I'll make a feast today." (Rintaro)

"Is that okay?" (Rei)

"Thanks to your hard work, I can live in this apartment, so doing this is no
sweat." (Rintaro)

I knew Rei would come back, so I bought the ingredients properly.

This should be enough to make a slightly luxurious meal.

"By the way, what do you want to have?" (Rintaro)

"Then, I want a hamburg steak?" (Rei)

"Okay, leave it to me." (Rintaro)

I pick up an apron and say so in a slightly cool manner.

The peaceful time of summer break for students passed by in the blink of an
eye, and the new semester arrived.

After finishing the opening ceremony in the lingering heat, the next day

The classes for the new semester have already begun, and during our lunch
break session, some classmates wear weary expressions.

As usual, I sit across from Yukio at our desks, eating lunch and engaging in
small talk.

"Rintaro, did you properly put away the mug cup we bought the other day?"

"Of course. I washed it and put it away neatly for when you came."

"Well, that's good then. Yeah." (Yukio)

As he says that, Yukio has a satisfied expression on his face.

In the second half of summer break, as promised, I went to buy a mug cup
with Yukio. I vividly remember Yukio excitedly picking out a cup with a
dolphin character similar to the one Rei and I used.

"By the way, how's your bass practicing?" (Yukio)

"Bass practicing? Umm... about that." (Rintaro)

"Huh? Is it not in good progress?" (Yukio)

"No, it's not that. I practice every day without fail, and I'm getting
better――――I think. but I haven't practiced with the other two even once,
so I can't really say." (Rintaro)

"I see... I'm not familiar with instruments, but it seems like it's quite
difficult to harmonize with other instruments." (Yukio)

I'm not a particularly cooperative person, and in terms of skills, I'm still a
beginner who has been playing for less than a month.

To be honest, I've been anxious for about a week now, and there have been
times when I didn't know what to do because my growth seemed to be
slowing down.

"Right now, it's like this, but as the performance approaches, we're planning
to rent a studio for practice, so I'm not too worried." (Rintaro)

"Heh, I see. I'm looking forward to seeing you play the bass, Rintaro. Do
your best." (Yukio)

"Yeah, I'll do everything I can." (Rintaro)

I touch my fingertips, which have become hardened from pressing down on

the strings all this time.

It makes me a little bit proud that I can be so engrossed in something other

than household chores.

"Hmm.......Anyway, what's the afternoon class today?" (Rintaro)

"It's to decide what we're going to put on for the school festival. It's only a
month left after all." (Yukio)

Our school has a lot of students, so the school festival itself is quite large.

Every class puts in all their efforts, and there are even new students who
chose this school because they wanted to experience and participate in our
school festival.
"What did we do last year?" (Rintaro)

"You forgot? We had a food stall. There was a disagreement about whether
to have a takoyaki or yakisoba at the festival, so we ended up having both."

"Oh yeah, there was." (Rintaro)

I'm starting to remember.

We opened four different stalls in the classroom: yakisoba, takoyaki, cotton

candy, and shaved ice.

"Last year was quite successful, but I wonder how it will be this year."

"Well, as long as we don't choose the wrong theme, there shouldn't be any
failures." (Rintaro)

"Yeah, that's true. Our class has a lot of serious people after all." (Yukio)

As the start of a big event approaches, there is a slightly restless atmosphere

in the classroom.

It's evidence that many people are looking forward to it.

Time passes, and it's after school.

As we sit at our desks waiting, our homeroom teacher, Harukawa Yuri-

sensei, enters the classroom.

After we finish the greetings, Harukawa-sensei clears her throat and begins
to speak.

"Well, this season has come again. Let's decide on the theme for our long-
awaited school festival!" (Harukawa-sensei)

Cheers rise from the enthusiastic classmates.

I hope we don't end up with a troublesome theme, looking up at this high


"Yes, yes, it seems like everyone is motivated. Before we get into a serious
meeting, shall we decide on the school festival committee member first?"


"Hey, hey, stop blatantly lowering the tension." (Harukawa-sensei)

Well, that position is the most bothersome after all. I can understand why
everyone's tension drops.

To be honest, as long as I can avoid being a committee member, it's fine

with me, no matter what the performance is.

"Sigh.......Well, for the time being, anyone who wants to be a committee

member is fine." (Harukawa-sensei)

Harukawa-sensei calls out to us so.

What follows is a probing among classmates.

Gazes filled with the wish for someone to do it are flying around the

"......I knew it would come to this, makes Sensei a little sad. Well! I
understand the feeling though!" (Harukawa-sensei)

Sensei sympathizes that this task is bothersome.

"But if we leave it like this, nothing will be decided. Should we try the
usual recommendation method next? Is there anyone who can be entrusted
with this?" (Harukawa-sensei)

And so it begins.
The recommendation for the school festival committee member is nothing
more than the selection of a sacrificial lamb.

Once recommended here, it goes without saying that it's difficult to refuse.

And because everyone understands that, it's also difficult to betray their

――――That being said.

And also, it's only natural that no one will speak up in this situation.

".......Sigh. Last year, you guys decided quite easily." (Harukawa-sensei)

That was because we didn't understand the harshness of being on the school
festival committee.

By now, the freshmen must have decided easily.

And the serious one who unintentionally became the sacrifice will bear the

"Well, there's no helping it. about you, Kakihara-kun? I think

you're quite suited for it." (Harukawa-sensei)

"Eh, m-me...?" (Yuusuke)

Everyone's gaze turns towards Kakihara.

It seems that this year's sacrifice has been decided.

"I-if it's Kakihara, we can trust it on him with peace of mind!"

"Yeah! He's the perfect person for it!"

"I've always thought he was dependable!"

Everyone starts raising their voices all at once.

Kakihara has already been completely locked on.

Of course, even if someone were put in this situation, they would

unhesitatingly refuse. At least, that's what I would do.

However, due to Kakihara's personality――――

"......I-I understand! I will live up to everyone's expectations!" (Yuusuke)


――――This is how it turned out.

As if it had been planned in advance, Kakihara is chosen to be the school

festival committee member.

But, to put it this way, there is no doubt that he is the most qualified person
for it.

He is recognized by everyone as an honor student, and he does not belong

to any clubs or committees, so he doesn't have to juggle multiple

In terms of logic alone, there's no one more suited for the role.

"Alright! So Kakihara-kun is decided as the committee member! Class

representative Nikaido-san, please support Kakihara-kun from now on."

"Yes... understood." (Azusa)

When Nikaido is requested so, I can see Kakihara making a small victory
pose in the corner of my vision.

(I see.......Kakihara, you're surprisingly a tactician.)

The school festival committee usually consists of one person from each
class, but it is customary for class representatives to assist in some way.
The reason it is described as 'customary' is because it is not officially
mandated as part of the system.

At least in the class overseen by Harukawa-sensei, this is how the system


The class representative must prioritize assisting the school festival

committee over the regular duties, which inevitably increases their time

However, this situation can be seen as the best preparation for the festival.

While it may not be commendable for personal interests to be involved in

the committee's work, I don't mind at all.

He's taking care of our troubles for the sake of his own romantic pursuits.

Rather, I believe there should be some kind of reward for his efforts.

"Then, I'll leave the rest to Kakihara-kun and Nikaido-san?" (Harukawa-


"Understood." (Yuusuke)

Kakihara and Nikaido stand up and take their place at the teacher's desk,
replacing Harukawa-sensei.

"Now, let's decide on what we're going to present right away. Can those
with opinions raise their hands?" (Yuusuke)

And so, the discussion smoothly transitions to the topic of what to put on
the school festival.

Kakihara listens to the opinions while Nikaido writes them on the

It seems that this format is established without much discussion between
both of them, perhaps due to their long-standing relationship.

"Me, me! I want to suggest a haunted house!"

"A haunted house, huh? It's a classic as the first suggestion." (Yuusuke)

One boy's opinion is added to the blackboard.

During our freshmen time, the haunted house, which is relatively a popular
attraction, was handled by the sophomores under the authority of the grade.

Or rather, it could be said that the popular attractions were all monopolized
by the sophomores.

It was somewhat inevitable, as the seniors were struggling with entrance

exams, and the sophomores already understood the know-how and had
more freedom to act.

As a result, the sophomores' requests were more likely to be granted.

"What about something like a show? Like a theater or a dance show,

something in the performance category."

"A show, huh... It sounds quite challenging, but it also sounds worthwhile."

One girl's opinion is added to the blackboard, adding up the choices to two.

"We'll hear more suggestions about the content of the show after all the
opinions have been given. Now, please share other ideas." (Yuusuke)

"Ah.......How about a café? I think it's also a classic."

"Sounds good. Since the sophomores were mainly in charge of the café last
year, everyone might have been holding back their frustrations." (Yuusuke)

Kakihara jokingly says so, and laughter erupts among us.

Most of our classmates can relate to it.

The café is also a popular attraction on par with the haunted house, and last
year it was, as expected, monopolized by the current seniors.

It's no wonder that many of them are fired up about it this year.

By the way, I'm the type who's pretty much fine with anything as long as it's
not too much of a hassle.

It's not like I really want to do a café or haunted house, so for now, I'll just
go along with the atmosphere and laugh.

"Feel free to express your opinions. It's okay to have as many opinions as
you want here." (Yuusuke)

In times like this, Kakihara is definitely reliable.

With his precise leadership, the brainstorming proceeded quite smoothly.

And through voting, the idea of a café, which everyone had admired, ended
up surviving.

Well, I guess it's reasonable up to this point.

"――――Alright, then we'll go with a café. The question is what kind of

café we'll present... Do you have any opinions, Azusa?" (Yuusuke)

"Me? Hmm... Maybe a Japanese-style café. It would be fun if the girls

dressed in kimonos and the boys in jinbeis served the customers, don't you
think?" (Azusa)

"That's a good idea! Write it down for now." (Yuusuke)

There might be a slight bias in Kakihara's excitement, but Nikaido's opinion

itself is not bad.

There's no need for flashy decorations, and if we make traditional Japanese

sweets like clear warabimochi, it'll still attract attention and become a hot
topic within the school. And in fact, the process of making it is surprisingly

After several ideas were proposed, the final choices narrowed down to
"Japanese-style café," "Maid-butler café," and "Cross-dressing café."

While it's only the classic choices that still remained. It's understandable
because most high school students yearn for them.

"We surprisingly made it this far smoothly. Now, let's decide which genre to
go with through another voting." (Yuusuke)

"Kakihara! Before that, I have a question!"

Just as they are about to move on to another voting, a lively boy raises his

"Hmm? What's it?" (Yuusuke)

"If the maid café chosen, will Otosaki-san also cosplay?"

With those words, everyone's (mostly boys) attention turned to Rei.

Until now, she has been mostly on the sidelines, but now she wears an
expression of confusion as she suddenly becomes the center of attention.

"Eh.......Me?" (Rei)

"EEH?! I wanna see Otosaki-san in a maid outfit!"

Following that, the excited voices of the girls could be heard.

Being able to see a popular idol dressed in a maid outfit up close is not
something that happens often.

For fans, it would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience and a lasting memory.

"......I don't think I can do it on the first day because the general public will
also come, but I think it will be fine on the second day." (Rei)

How many times have I heard this cheer today?

The enthusiasm of my classmates is so overwhelming that even Rei, who is

usually composed, looks perplexed.

"Ah, let me say this first. Otosaki-san will only participate in the school
festival on the second day. On the first day, the general public can enter, and
it wouldn't be good if something happened." (Harukawa-sensei)

"Understood, Sensei."

Everyone agrees with Harukawa-sensei's words.

Our school's cultural festival takes place over two days, with the first day
open to the public. And the second day is reserved for the students to enjoy.

If Rei were to serve customers or walk around while the general public is
present, it would be chaotic and not conducive to the festival.

This is a classic reminder that becoming famous is not always a good thing.

"Hahaha... given the current situation, it seems like it has already been
concluded, but let's take a voting just to be sure." (Yuusuke)

With a somewhat astonished expression, Kakihara asks for a show of hands,

and about 80% of the class raises their hands for the maid and butler café.

Following the flow, I also raise my hand modestly for the maid and butler

It doesn't matter which one, but it's a safer choice to go with the majority.

Though, I have no ulterior motive either.

――――――Or do I?
"Then, let's decide on the menu and work distribution right away. Does
anyone have any suggestions?" (Yuusuke)

In response to Kakihara's question, several hands go up.

All of them are the ones who have been giving opinions and suggesting
ideas for the café from the beginning.

Tea, coffee, cola, and juices like orange juice.

As the drinks are mostly decided, the focus shifts to the food.

"The drinks are decided, I guess. Now, moving on to the foods......"


"Kakihara-kun, why don't we ask Shidou-kun for advice on food?" (Azusa)

"Huh, ask Rintaro?" (Yuusuke)

Suddenly, Nikaido mentions my name and the whole class turns their
attention towards me.

It is so sudden that I can't hide my surprise.

"M....Me?" (Rintaro)

"Yes. You were really efficient during the cooking practice the other day, so
I thought we could rely on you if we need to make something." (Azusa)

" that's what you meant." (Rintaro)

Kakihara, Nogi, and Doumoto, who were in the same group during the
cooking practice, look somewhat contented.

And when I see Rei nodding discreetly, trying not to be noticed by

everyone, I let out a small sigh.

"I can't think of anything right now, but I had a menu in mind that I wanted
to propose if we were to have a Japanese-style cafe. It's a clear
warabimochi......" (Rintaro)

"Clear? What it means?" (Yuusuke)

"It's clear because it's made with potato starch. It's not that difficult to make,
and I think it can be surprisingly light." (Rintaro)

"Oh, that sounds good! Can we take it as a suggestion for now?" (Yuusuke)

"Yes, it's okay, I guess." (Azusa)

The words "clear warabimochi" that I proposed are written on the


It's a seriously random suggestion, but I'm relieved that no one opposed it.

Somehow, it's kind of embarrassing to be relied upon by my classmates like


However, it's not a bad one either.

"Keep conveying more of your opinions and ideas like this. The school
festival is the most exciting event in our high school life, no exaggeration.
That's why, let's do our best so that we won't have any regrets in the future."

Kakihara's speeches make me feel that the class is coming together more
and more.

Although Kakihara had become more of a good-for-nothing person due to

being in love, when he took the lead, his charisma was undeniable.

That is why, Nikaido, could you please look at the person next to you
instead of me? I beg you, please.

"Hey, are you really going to cosplay?" (Rintaro)

"Huh?" (Rei)

On the night after our performance for the school festival was decided, I ask
Rei who is sitting on the couch while doing the dishes.

She has a puzzled look on her face, as if she doesn't understand why she's
being asked that question. She stops eating her vanilla ice cream cup dessert
and turns her gaze toward me.

"Well...... I'm just wondering if you're really going to cosplay......" (Rintaro)

"Mmm. I think I might be causing trouble for everyone because of me, so if

I can at least meet their expectations, I want to do it." (Rei)

"...I see." (Rintaro)

She must be feeling guilty about not being able to participate and help on
the first day and not being able to attend events due to work.

But even so――――

(Why I kind of feel somewhat uneasy..... )

I realized that I have been washing the same plate for a while and become
overwhelmed with mixed emotions as I rinse off the clinging bubbles with

"Rintaro." (Rei)

"What is it......" (Rintaro)

"Could it be that you don't want me to cosplay?" (Rei)

I involuntarily flinch.

She hits somewhere in my heart that I had thought shouldn't exist, and this
upset me to a level that surprised even me myself.

(Do I really not want Rei to cosplay ?)

I take a deep breath and think calmly about it.

I think cosplay itself is okay and she can do whatever she wants with it.
Yeah, I mean this.

In the first place, it doesn't matter to me how others dress up, so there's no
need to be against it in the first place.

So why do I feel unsettled――――

"...I don't know." (Rintaro)

"You don't know?" (Rei)

"I've never thought about criticizing what others do......" (Rintaro)

After rinsing off the foam on my hands and placing the last dish in the
draining basket, I pick up my vanilla ice cream from the freezer and sit on
the couch, just like Rei.

"Sorry, it sounded like I was nagging you." (Rintaro)

"No, it's fine. I'm actually happy about it." (Rei)

"Huh, why?" (Rintaro)

"More importantly, your ice cream is melting, you know?" (Rei)

While feeling somewhat puzzled by Rei's happy attitude, I look down at my

cup of ice cream.

Certainly, the edges have become soft, and it's clear that it has already
started to melt from my body temperature.

"......That's true." (Rintaro)

Using the spoon, I scoop up the softened part and brought it to my mouth,
savoring the unique smoothness of the slightly expensive ice cream as it
slowly melts on my tongue.
This ice cream was given to me as a treat when I worked part-time at
Yuzuki-sensei's place during the latter half of summer break, but it's good
enough that I want to buy it with my own money next time.

It can even blow away my unsettled feelings――――.

"By the way, do boys wear butler uniforms too?" (Rei)

"Hmm? Yeah, that was the plan." (Rintaro)

If Kakihara or Doumoto wear it, they will look decent, and considering
their popularity among girls, it'll also have an impact on attracting

Yukio's butler appearance is also likely to be popular. He is quite popular

among girls as well.

"Do you wear it too, Rintaro?" (Rei)

"Yeah. It seems like the cook and waitperson roles will be swapped between
the first and second day, so I'm supposed to wear it at least once." (Rintaro)

"I see." (Rei)

What a strange conversation.

As I'm thinking that, Rei finishes her ice cream cup and turns towards me.

"Hey, Rintaro, do you want to see me in a maid outfit?" (Rei)

"H-huh!?" (Rintaro)

I almost drop my ice cream in surprise.

Somehow managing to regain my composure, I meet her gaze as she blinks

like a curious child asking a simple question.

"I want to see it. The Rintaro in a butler outfit. I'm sure it'll look cool." (Rei)
"...You're expecting too much. It definitely won't be anything special."

"No, I'm sure it will." (Rei)

Well, I don't usually take that much care in dressing myself up, so it might
have some novelty――――.

"But I don't want others to see you in that butler outfit too much. I know I'm
asking for too much, but I want to be the first one to see you in it. Just like
with the swimsuit." (Rei)

"O-Oh... You're still curious as ever, huh?" (Rintaro)

"What about you, Rintaro?" (Rei)

"Pardon?" (Rintaro)

"Do you want to see me in a maid outfit?" (Rei)

"Well, um...... I do want to see it." (Rintaro)


I unintentionally let out a small voice.

Hearing me say so, Rei smiles.

Right now, I have just revealed the true nature of the uneasiness I have been
feeling to her.

It is the same feeling that Rei has towards me――――.

"I-I'm going to go grocery shopping......" (Rintaro)

"At this hour?" (Rei)

"I don't have enough ingredients for tomorrow's lunchbox. If I don't go now,
I won't make it in time for the morning." (Rintaro)
"......I guess that can't be helped. Lunchbox is important." (Rei)

Leaving Rei, who easily believes me when I mention the lunchbox, I stand
up from the couch.

I only take my wallet, smartphone, and house keys, put on my sandals, and
head outside.

"......I was impatient." (Rintaro)

I sit on the flower bed in front of the apartment building, exhaling and
hanging my head.

I feel like I've said it many times before, but maybe only Otosaki Rei can
shake me up like this in my entire life.

The time I spend with her is pleasant, but at the slightest provocation, my
composure is blown away.

It's really lame to run away like this, but I can't help it anyway.

I look up at the sky to cool down my strangely heated cheeks.

"――――What are you doing?"

At that moment, I meet eyes with a familiar girl with red hair.

"Whoa!?" (Rintaro)

"WHY are you so surprised? Or.......did a sudden appearance of a beauty

like me make you flustered!?" (Kanon)

"Phew, don't startle me, Kanon." (Rintaro)

"Huh? Was my voice too quiet? I didn't expect to be ignored!" (Kanon)

"I'm not ignoring you. We're having a conversation, looking at each other."
"What too convenient ears you have there!" (Kanon)

As always, I can't help but laugh at Kanon's loud voice on the night street.
She has a bag for work and a hat to obscure her face.

Clearly, she is on her way home from her work.

When I look at her face, she seems more tired than usual.

"Are you just done with work? Good job." (Rintaro)

"Thanks. Well, shooting a music video for a single is a piece of cake for
me." (Kanon)

"......You seem tired though." (Rintaro)

"......Well yeah. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to sleep like a log tonight."

"You must be really exhausted." (Rintaro)

At a time like this is my turn.

"Well, I have something special in my room――――Ah!" (Rintaro) "Hmm?

What's with that 'Oh no!' expression?" (Kanon)

"Well...... come to think of it, I left Rei in my room......" (Rintaro)

"Did you have a fight? It's rare to see you outside like this." (Kanon)

"It's not a fight.......It's just a little awkward, or rather, embarrassing."


Upon hearing my words, which have unintentionally become softer, Kanon

let out an exaggerated sigh.

In the second half of summer break, as promised, I went to buy a mug cup
with Yukio. I vividly remember Yukio excitedly picking out a cup with a
dolphin character similar to the one Rei and I used.

"By the way, how's your bass practicing?" (Yukio)

"Bass practicing? Umm... about that." (Rintaro)

"Huh? Is it not in good progress?" (Yukio)

"No, it's not that. I practice every day without fail, and I'm getting
better――――I think. but I haven't practiced with the other two even once,
so I can't really say." (Rintaro)

"I see... I'm not familiar with instruments, but it seems like it's quite
difficult to harmonize with others." (Yukio)

I'm not a particularly cooperative person, and in terms of skills, I'm still a
beginner who has been playing for less than a month.

To be honest, I've been anxious for about a week now, and there have been
times when I didn't know what to do because my growth seemed to be
slowing down.

"Right now, it's like this, but as the performance approaches, we're planning
to rent a studio for practice, so I'm not too worried." (Rintaro)

"Heh, I see. I'm looking forward to seeing you play the bass, Rintaro. Do
your best." (Yukio)

"Yeah, I'll do everything I can." (Rintaro)

I touch my fingertips, which have become hardened from pressing down on

the strings all this time.

It makes me a little bit proud that I can be so engrossed in something other

than household chores.

"Hmm.......Anyway, what's the afternoon class today?" (Rintaro)

"It's to decide what we're going to put on for the school festival. It's only a
month left after all." (Yukio)

Our school has a lot of students, so the school festival itself is quite large.
Every class puts in all their efforts, and there are even new students who
chose this school because they wanted to experience and participate in our
school festival.

"Sigh, it's probably just because of Rei's casual remark that your pace is
thrown off, right?" (Kanon)

Is she an esper or something?

Kanon seemed to have confirmed it when I stayed silent. She lets out
another big sigh.

I never thought I would be astonished by her――――and it's quite


"Since it’s such a common occurrence, it’s no use worrying about it. It's
troublesome if you get all flustered just because you're involved with an
idol!" (Kanon)

"Y-yeah... I know it." (Rintaro)

She's right.

Because I get too excited, I have weird expectations, and then get weirdly

――――Hmm, I'm starting to calm down and think rationally.

Finally, Shidou Rintaro felt like he has regained his footing on the ground.

"Thanks, Kanon. I've cooled my head." (Rintaro)

"......Is so, then that's good." (Kanon)

Kanon crosses her arms and smiles, as if she's relieved about something.

I don't know what that relief implies.

However, I know that it is something that leaked out against her will.
――――Therefore, I will pretend not to notice.

"Well then, show me that special thing you mentioned earlier." (Kanon)

"Sure. I won't let you down." (Rintaro)

I brush off the bit of sand on my pants and stand up.

I return to my room with Kanon, and Rei, who has remained in the living
room, look at us with a surprised look.

"Hn, Why is Kanon with Rintaro?" (Rei)

"We ran into each other at the entrance. I met her at the entrance. She
looked tired, so I thought I'd treat her to a little something special I've been
preparing for a little while." (Rintaro)

"A special treat?" (Rei)

"I had originally planned to save it for tomorrow, though――――"


I encourage Kanon to sit down on the couch and open the refrigerator.

"I wonder what this something special actually is? Do you have any clue of
it, Kanon?" (Rei)

"I just followed him a few minutes ago, so I don't have any clue. But the
nuance seems to be that it's something that will relieve your fatigue......."

"I see......." (Rei)

While listening to their conversation, I take out a jar filled with a golden
liquid from the refrigerator.

The yellow-peeled fruit is sliced thin and soaked in the liquid beautifully.
"This is my favorite. The lemon pickled in honey." (Rintaro)

""OOH......."" (Rei, Kanon)

Their exclamations of admiration overlap.

I put it on the table in front of them, and they both begin to observe the
contents of the jar.

"I was actually going to let them soak until tomorrow, but I thought it was
already aged enough. Besides, I also wanted to see what it tasted like, so
why don't you two be my test subjects?" (Rintaro)

"I'd love to try it. At this point, it already looks delicious." (Rei)

"I was also surprised at how much prettier it looked than I thought it would
be. Alright, time to give these a try." (Rintaro)

I hand out plates to both of them and each picks a slice of lemon from the

And almost simultaneously, they put them in their mouths and their eyes

" is too good!" (Kanon)

"So good......!" (Rei)

I'm silently nodding at Kanon and Rei's impressions.

The sweetness of the honey perfectly compensates for the sourness and
bitterness of the peel.

And while it is sweet, the lemon's unique cool, refreshing sensation seems
to be addictive.

――――And for your information.

All of the lemons used in this recipe were local.

Although the price is a little expensive, there is a good reason why we went
to the trouble of using domestically grown lemons.

First of all, there is little possibility of pesticides adhering to the peel.

Lemons imported from overseas must be stored for a long time, and
measures are taken to prevent them from spoiling.

I honestly felt uneasy about pickling the lemon that contained additives on

Therefore, I decided to use local lemons that could be pickled as they are.

On a related note, if it was difficult to obtain local lemons, I could use

foreign lemons with no problem if I just peeled the yellow peel off the
surface with a peeler or the like.

It would be more work to do, but it would also shave off some of the bitter,
cottony bits in the peel and make it easier to pickle.

――――Well, that's enough for trivia.

I get up and head for the kitchen.

Then I take out three glasses and fill each a half full of ice.

After carrying the ice-filled glass to the table, I put the carbonated water I
have chilled in the refrigerator to them.

"Put two spoons of honey in the glass half-filled with ice. Then top it off
with the carbonated water...... and for the finishing touch, put a pickled
lemon on top. Voila, your lemon honey squash is ready." (Rintaro)

""WHOA!"" (Rei, Kanon)

Rei and Kanon's excitement levels are skyrocketing, and their sparkling
eyes were directed at the glasses.
If I prepare the second serving in the same way, we will have enough lemon
squash for three.

"The actual fact is, I wish I could have made this when summer was in full
swing, but I genuinely forgot about to do....... Well, forget about that and
just drink these." (Rintaro)

The three of us all slurp down our lemon squash.

The lemon aroma infiltrate the nose, the sweetness of honey on the tongue,
and the refreshing feeling of carbonated water are pleasantly mixed together
and surprised me.

"Delish......!" (Kanon)

"Second!" (Rei)

"What, already." (Rintaro)

Aside from Kanon, who had just returned home, Rei, who had been eating
and drinking a lot of things earlier, wanted a refill was somewhat out of

To be frank, it's a little late for that.

"It can't be helped......." (Rintaro)

But I'm still happy to hear they praise that something I put so much time
and effort into is delicious.

With a wry smile on my face, I make lemon squash once again.

"Ah, I made it based on the default recipe for now, but if you want to make
any adjustments, feel free to use the contents of the jar. You can try making
the taste a bit stronger or even add the carbonated water to make it
stronger." (Rintaro)

"Then I'll add a teaspoon more of it!" (Kanon)

After handing her a spoon to put the honey in, I'm surprised.

Next to Kanon, who is adding the honey in high spirits, I find Rei gulping
down the lemon squash with the same momentum as before.

Seriously, what the heck with this lass' stomach dimension? It's too big.

"......*Burp*." (Rei)

"H-hey!? Is it appropriate for idols to burp!? Have some self-awareness!

Self-awareness!" (Kanon)

"I'm sorry. I let my guard down." (Rei)

"Well, it's like the fizz in carbonated drinks just escape.......You're going to
give such an analogy, right?" (Kanon) (PTW/N: this part is hard)

"That's your exaggerated interpretation. Kanon was bombing." (Rei)

(PTW/N: this as well)

"I wasn't trying to be funny!" (Kanon)

She is a girl who perfectly suits the voice of "Grrrr!" no matter what.

"Even you don't like women who burp in front of you, right, Rintaro?"

"Huh?.......No, I don't mind. It's normal for women to burp and fart, right?
So, it's okay." (Rintaro)

"Idiot! Idols don't burp! They don't even go to the bathroom!" (Kanon)

"Which era are you come from?" (Rintaro)

I can't help but laugh at Kanon, who starts talking like a troublesome old-
fashioned fan.

I have to say that she has a high level of professionalism, but it'll be nice if
she can loosen up at least a little bit in a situation like this.
Well, it's not my place to say that.

"Anyway! Rei, be a little more careful! Your selling point is your

mysterious beauty, and if you start burping, you'll lose all your fans at
once!" (Kanon)

"......You may be right. I'll be more careful." (Rei)

"Good!" (Kanon)

Kanon nods in a grand manner to her response and then sips on her newly
made lemon squash.

She is, after all, the most serious person in terms of work.

Normally, Kanon is a noisy and teasable character, but if you ask who is the
most respected person in MilleSta, her name will most likely be mentioned.

"Oh, speaking of which, Rintaro. I heard you've been practicing an

instrument recently?" (Kanon)

"Hmm? Yeah, I agreed to help out a little with the festival. I'm going to play
bass in a three-piece band." (Rintaro)

"Hmm......." (Kanon)

"Is there a problem with that?" (Rintaro)

"No, if you don't mind, how about practicing with us?" (Kanon)

"Practicing with mean, in a band?" (Rintaro)

"That's what I mean." (Kanon)

Kanon glances at Rei and ruffles her head.

"Au......" (Rei)
"We were discussing of trying it as a hobby between Mia and me, but this
girl wasn't enthusiastic at all about it." (Kanon)

"Because.......I prefer singing to playing instruments." (Rei)

"Well, that itself is not a problem. We didn't want to force anything either.
The discussion ended when Rei said she wouldn't play the bass, but I
thought if you could play the bass, this girl would only have to sing, so we
brought this up again." (Kanon)

As she says so, Kanon gives me a somewhat expectant look.

".......From what you just said, I can deduce you and Mia have experience
with musical instruments, can't I?" (Rintaro)

"I've never played in front of an audience, though. I like to play the guitar,
so I practiced by myself, and Mia played the drums for a while to relieve
stress." (Kanon)

It may be somewhat surprising, but it's not really strange.

Certainly, the sound of the drums feels good, and it's imaginable that the
more skillful you are at playing them, the more exhilarating it feels.

"Are you okay, Rei?" (Rintaro)

"Yes. It seems fun to do something like that together." (Rei)

It seems that Rei is also interested in it.

"This month, we're getting quite a bit more time off because of your school
festival, and if you're willing to cooperate, I'll learn the songs that you're
practicing so we can play together. What do you think of it, Rintaro? I don't
think it's a bad condition." (Kanon)

".......Yeah. There's no reason for me to refuse either." (Rintaro)

"Then it's settled. I'll let Mia know." (Kanon)

Kanon looks truly happy and immediately pulls out her phone and begins
texting in Line.

A band with three national idols, huh?

Lately, I feel like I've become able to honestly enjoy this situation.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I still don't know yet.
Chapter 4: The Preparation for The School

"Hey, could you bring that over here?"

The voice of a classmate echoes through the classroom.

The new semester has started and it has been over ten days since the
decision was made for the school festival performance.

Lately, almost every day after school, we gather in the classroom and
prepare for the school festival.

Although there are some who can't participate because they still have club
activities, there is a unique system of cooperation where, depending on the
club advisor, the club activities will be suspended for a week just before the

While everyone is actively moving around, I sit on the floor and diligently
move the paintbrush soaked in paint.

I am now painting the decorative sign to be used in the classroom.

"As expected of a manga assistant. You're efficient at painting." (Yukio)

"Huh, rather, I've been doing a lot of beta coloring, so I'm better at this kind
of thing." (Rintaro)

With Yukio supporting the sign, I paint carefully, making sure not to go
over the lines.

I quite enjoy this kind of work.

The progress is straightforward and the results are clear, so I don't get bored
doing it.

"But still... he seems busy, doesn't he?" (Yukio)

"Huh? Yeah, he's on the executive committee after all." (Rintaro)

Glancing at the hallway, I catch a glimpse of Kakihara talking with students

from another class and upperclassmen.

Because he is truly exceptional, people around him come to rely on him.

Even though he's only a sophomore, Kakihara always seems to be at the

center of the conversation.

Even the seniors come to him for advice, so his skills must be remarkable.

After giving instructions to a few people, Kakihara walks away quickly,

holding some documents.

I must say, he's too disciplined, to follow the rule of not running in the
hallway, even when he's busy.

"It's quite something to be too outstanding." (Yukio)

"Yeah. But he's been looking tired lately, and honestly, that worried me."

Although people around him may not notice, there is a hint of exhaustion
on Kakihara's face.

When I asked him if there was anything I could do to help, hoping to reduce
the burden on him if possible, Kakihara himself insisted saying "I'm fine".

Since I don't really understand the responsibilities of being on the school

festival executive committee, I can't just interfere without permission.

I hope I can find a way to help him before he reaches his limit――――
"Since Nikaido-san is here, it probably won't escalate into something
serious. For now, let's focus on our own work." (Yukio)

"......Yeah, you're right." (Rintaro)

After that, we decided to immerse ourselves in making the signboards.

As we are doing that, about an hour had passed.

"I told you that we also have things we need to do, didn't I?!"

"You're being unfair by making excuses and not helping at all!"

A voice of anger can be heard from the hallway.

The classroom falls silent, and several people peek their heads out into the
hallway, curious about what is happening.

Curious as well, Yukiho and I quietly look into the hallway.

There, we witness a group of boys and girls from a different class, pided
into two groups, glaring at each other.

"Ah, youth." (Yukio)

"Yeah, youth indeed." (Rintaro)

We casually observe their situation, thinking it has nothing to do with us.

The girl at the front is probably a member of the school festival executive
committee. She has the same documents that Kashihara has earlier.

And the boy she's arguing with is probably the sophomore ace of the
baseball club.

The seniors retired since the summer, and he had become the captain or
something like that.
By comparing their voices from earlier and their respective positions, it's
easy to understand the cause of their dispute.

The committee girl wanted more help with the school festival preparations,
while the baseball club wanted to focus more on practice as a new team.

It seems that the baseball club had lost in a close match during the summer
tournament and was burning with enthusiasm for the upcoming year.

Both positions are understandable, but......

"What are you guys doing?" (Yuusuke)

Kakihara returns to the scene of the conflict and raises his voice.

He intervenes between the two and creates some distance.

"Why are you fighting?" (Yuusuke)

""Because this guy is......""

From each person's perspective, the other was at fault. Well, that's natural.

Having somewhat understood the situation, Kakihara clenches his molars

and sighs.

"Sigh... As a member of the baseball club, you want to do more club

activities, and as a class, you want him to dedicate more time to
preparations. That's what this is about, right?" (Yuusuke)

In response to Kakihara's question, each party nods.

"You understand that you two have each standpoint, don't you?" (Yuusuke)


"But do you also understand that there are times when compromises have to
be made?" (Yuusuke)
Both remain silent as they listen to Kakihara's words.

What they need at that moment is time to calm down.

It's not like they hate each other.

If possible, neither of them wanted to use strong words. It should be that


"Put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to think." (Yuusuke)

The two look at each other awkwardly.

Then they seemed to achieve some kind of understanding about each other.

"...I'm sorry. The club is also important. I've always wanted you to put "club
activities" aside, but that's just how committed you are to it, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry too.......I mean, you also want to make the school festival a
success as an executive committee member. We were thinking the same

The executive committee member who wanted to make the cultural festival
a success and the baseball club captain who had to lead the members to
advance in the next year.

Indeed, their standpoints as leaders were the same.

"Starting tomorrow, we'll reduce the practice time a bit. When it comes to
carrying heavy things or things like that, don't hesitate to ask us for help."

"Understood. I'll do that!"

The tense atmosphere in the hallway eases.

Kakihara lets out a sigh of relief, understanding that the matter has been

"Thank you, Kakihara. I was a little too preoccupied with myself."

"I'm glad you guys are able to reconcile. Well then, I'll take my leave......"

Saying that, Kakihara leaves the scene, walking quickly as if he were busy.

Unbeknownst to them, the onlookers have returned to their usual tasks, and
time begins to flow as if nothing had happened.

"Whoa, Kakihara-kun is amazing after all." (Yukio)

I nod in agreement with Yukio's words.

I guess you could call him charismatic. I feel that his words can easily reach
many people.

Every word he says is persuasive.

(There's no way he's unpopular...)

Because he is excellent, there are girls who send warm gazes to his
departing back even now.

Yes, there's no way he's unpopular.

And yet, despite that――――.

"Ah, Shidou-kun! Have you seen Kakihara-kun?" (Azusa)

"......Aah, Nikaido-san. If it's Yuusuke-kun, he walked over there." (Rintaro)

"I see, thank you." (Azusa)

Why does this person always overlook all of his good points?

It's almost impressive.

With just this one girl, she can turn the guy named Kakihara Yuusuke, who
seems to have been born with all fortune, into an unfortunate character.
After seeing Nikaido leave the classroom to look for Kakihara, Yukio and I
continued making the signboard.

After about an hour of concentrating on our work, a girl who has been
working elsewhere calls out to someone in the classroom.

"Sorry! Is there anyone who can go throw away the cardboards?"

Looking there, I notice that there are cardboard remnants used for carrying
materials and decorations piled up in a corner of the classroom.

Certainly, it's becoming quite obstructive.

"...Oh, are you going to take care of that, Rintaro?" (Yukio)

"Yeah, I am. I'm feeling a bit stiff, so I'll go for a change of pace." (Rintaro)

"Okay. Then I'll continue here." (Yukio)

"Yeah, thanks. For the trouble, I'll buy you a drink on my way back."

"Oh, then I'll ask for something carbonated." (Yukio)

"Got it." (Rintaro)

I stand up and approach the girl who has called out.

"I'll take care of it. Is it okay to dispose of them behind the school
building?" (Rintaro)

"Ah, thank you, Shidou-kun! Yeah, there's a place to throw it away behind
the school building. There might be things that other classes have thrown
away, so it should be easy to find."

"Understood." (Rintaro)
I bundle up the piled-up cardboard with duct tape to some extent and lift it

Even though it's just cardboard, it becomes quite heavy when there's this

And because it's quite bulky, it might be a bit difficult for the girl to carry.

"Heave-ho..." (Rintaro)

I carry the cardboard on my shoulder and head towards the back of the
school building.

As she has described, there's indeed a designated area where cardboard and
other items have been discarded.

It's easy to spot, which is convenient.

After tossing the cardboard onto the trash pile, I dust off my hands and turn
my heel to walk away.

However, when I look ahead, I notice a familiar face and can't help but stop
in my tracks.

"Otosaki, did the agency tell you not to date guys after all?"

"Huh?.......Well, they haven't explicitly told me that." (Rei)

There, leaning against the wall of the school building, is Rei. In front of her
stood a tall, blond-haired guy.

I vaguely remember him as someone from Class B, named Kinjou or

something like that.

If I have to describe him more precisely, he's the kind of "a popular guy
wannabe" who hung out with the suchlike people, acted like they were the
coolest, and were always shouting and making a big fuss.

His catchphrase is "Isn't it f*cking awesome?".

――――Sorry, that's a bit biased.

To be honest, I don't know him well enough to know his catchphrase.

However, you probably have a rough idea of what kind of person he is.

Incidentally, when two blondes stand next to each other, it is a bit dazzling.

Although I think Rei's hair color is more beautiful.

Anyway, they don't seem to notice me at the moment.

So this is my chance to quietly slip away.

"Hey, how about secretly dating me?"

The moment I hear those words, I instinctively hide behind the pile of trash.

What the h*ll is that idiot thinking?

(And why did I even hide...?)

This situation... It would have been much better to leave right away, as it
might have led to an unexpectedly good outcome, but I ended up staying,
unable to move.

Who the h*ll would want to witness someone else's confession scene?

Besides, who would have thought that it would be her――――

"I mean, I recently became a model, right? I've even got contact information
for celebrities now. This is a straight path to success, isn't it? If you date me,
you'll definitely benefit in the future."

"..." (Rei)

"School festival is coming up, right? Let's go around together. It'll be okay
even if we get caught, won't it? I mean, if the other person is me, everyone
will understand."
"I understand what you're saying, but I'm sorry. I can't date you." (Rei)

"......Huh? What?"

A deep furrow appears on Kinjou's forehead.

"You know, aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself? You may be an idol,
but you're just a girl, you know? Why don't you just follow my word

"I've said it multiple times, but I'm sorry. I can't date you, and I don't want
to." (Rei)

"......Are you being serious?"

Rei nods without hesitation in response to Kinjou's words. In the face of her
resolute attitude, he clicks his tongue.

"Tch... You'll regret this for sure."

It's a rather petty parting remark.

Since it didn't escalate to a big incident, I pat my chest and let out a sigh of

I had thought I would have to intervene somehow, but it was a relief that
everything ended peacefully.

However, despite this relief, I can't shake the sense that something is still
bothering me.

――――Anyway, I can't linger like this forever.

As I'm about to step out from behind the trash pile, Rei, who senses my
presence, turns her gaze toward me.

"Rintaro, why are you here?" (Rei)

"I came to throw away some garbage, and then suddenly a confession scene
unfolded right in front of me. So I couldn't leave." (Rintaro)

"Sorry about that." (Rei)

"No need to apologize.......Did Kinjou call you out?" (Rintaro)

"Yes. He said he wanted to talk, and when I followed him, he suddenly

asked me out." (Rei)

Rei recounts the events calmly, without any signs of upset.

It seems like she had grown accustomed to such situations somehow.

"Even after becoming an idol, things like this still happen, huh." (Rintaro)

"It's not that many, but it hasn't gone away. Some people say it's for making
memories, and there are also some people like the one earlier who have
some strange confidence. Honestly, it's a bit of a nuisance." (Rei)

There's no sign of excitement or any such emotion, and Rei has a somewhat
tired expression.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't fall for some weird guy. Otherwise, my efforts of
holding back for you girls' dreams would have been in vain." (Rintaro)

"What do you mean?" (Rei)

"Huh? What do I mean......" (Rintaro)

――――What do I mean, I wonder?

I tilt my head and reconsider my words.

Am I holding something back?

I feel like I have a crack in a tank where I have been storing something
away, and that something is starting to leak out, but I can't quite grasp it.
I can't afford to ignore this feeling.

With that unsettling premonition in mind, I shake my head and shift my

focus away.

"Everyone is probably still preparing, so let's head back. It would be

troublesome if we were seen slacking off." (Rintaro)

"......Mm, okay." (Rei)

Rei offers a faint smile and walks alongside me.

"By the way, Rintaro, have you ever been confessed to before?" (Rei)

"Huh? Hmm.......Well, it's not like I've never been, but I guess you could
say it's happened once." (Rintaro)

"What do you mean?" (Rei)

"Let's see, if you include a confession from kindergarten, then yes. if you
exclude it, then there hadn't been any." (Rintaro)

I can't exactly brag about confessions from when I was five or six years old.
It was undoubtedly an expression of genuine feelings, but I think it was
quite different from the emotions that high school students experienced.

So, I didn't really count it.

But I'm not disparaging it either.

"When I was in kindergarten, there was a girl who really liked me. She said
she wanted to marry me when we were older." (Rintaro)

"And what did you respond?" (Rei)

"Hmm? Ah.......I mean, I understood that it was impossible, so I think I told

her it would be okay if we were boyfriend and girlfriend. After that, we
graduated, and we went to different schools. We haven't seen each other in
over ten years now." (Rintaro)
It was the kind of cute puppy love that young children might experience.
Thinking back on those hazy memories, I can't help but feel a little warmth.

"If my memory serves right, her name was Yuzu――――Eh, what's with
that face." (Rintaro)

"......It's nothing." (Rei)

I suddenly turn my gaze to Rei, who is wearing an unusual pout, showing

her displeasure.

Her expression is more openly displeasure than when she had watched me
and Kanon goofing around the first time we met with jealous eyes.

But even that expression has a charm of its own, and it makes me smile a

"Was it boring to you? That story." (Rintaro)

"It wasn't a story I particularly wanted to hear." (Rei)

"I see. Then please just forget about it." (Rintaro)

"...I'm lying. I'm not so childish as to dislike that kind of story." (Rei)

"Is that so? Then let's leave it at that." (Rintaro)

I decided that it was a good thing the conversation ended here.

If she delves any deeper into the story, I might start recalling more about
that childhood story.

(First love, huh...)

The person who fits that description best would undoubtedly be that girl
from kindergarten.

Even though I have no romantic feelings for her right now, I can't help but
wish that she's out there somewhere, living a happy life.

Several days have passed since I witnessed Rei being confessed to.

Today, exactly one week before the cultural festival, I stand before a few of
my classmates in the home economics room.

"So, Shidou-kun, can you teach us how to make transparent warabimochi?"


"Yeah, I'll give it a try, but I can't guarantee it'll be easy to understand."

I give a feigned modest smile in response to Nikaido and look down at the
ingredients in front of me.

Potato starch, mineral water, sugar, ice, soybean flour, and brown sugar

With these ingredients, we have everything we need.

"First, put the potato starch, sugar, and water in a pot in the specified
amounts and mix them over low heat." (Rintaro)

I'm demonstrating my instructions, putting the ingredients into the pot and
setting the stove to low heat.
"After stirring over low heat for a while, the mixture will gradually become
transparent, at which point you don't need to heat it anymore. Place it on a
damp cloth and continue stirring for a while." (Rintaro)

Being careful not to get burned, I stir the mixture, and the gooey liquid
gradually transforms into a solid.

Once it reaches that stage, the final steps are easy.

"Cut the solidified mixture into bite-sized pieces, place them on paper
plates, sprinkle soybean flour over them, and drizzle brown sugar syrup on
top. That's how you complete the transparent warabimochi-like dessert."


The students in charge of the kitchen, including Nikaido, express their


It's tasting time, each of them picking up the paper plates with warabimochi
and eating them with toothpicks.

"It's delicious!" (Azusa)

"Great.......Well, the cooking itself is quite simple, so I don't think it's too
difficult a task to do. Just be cautious with the heat. Low heat is sufficient,
so try to minimize the risk of accidents by not turning up the heat too high."

"You're right. As long as we're careful with that, it doesn't seem too
difficult." (Azusa)

With Nikaido seeming satisfied and convinced, I let out a sigh of relief.

While we have other snacks planned for the actual day of the festival, this
transparent warabimochi will likely be the main attraction due to its

With this, I have been able to contribute to the class to some extent.
"Now, let's make sure to prepare it ourselves the day before and double-
check everything. Can you all go back to your respective tasks for today?"

At Nikaido's call, the classmates who have gathered here return to their

I remain in the kitchen, as there are still dishes to be cleaned up. So I pour
the soap onto a sponge and begin washing the pot.

"Shidou-kun, you're really amazing, aren't you?" (Azusa)

"Huh?" (Rintaro)

When I'm focused on doing the dishes, I'm unexpectedly addressed by

Nikaido, who has stayed behind for some reason. I can't help but look up.

"Your cooking skills and your kindness... Just having you around makes me
feel so safe." (Azusa)

"Haha, you're giving me too much credit." (Rintaro)

"No, I'm not!" (Azusa)

Nikaido strongly denies my words, nervously fidgeting with her fingertips

in front of her navel.

It gives off an impression of her being embarrassed or shy.

"...Hey, Shidou-kun. If you're okay." (Azusa)

"Hmm?" (Rintaro)

"Would you like to spend time together at the campfire during the closing
party?" (Azusa)

――――Honestly, I have anticipated this topic to come up.

In fact, our school's post-festival closing party includes not only the stage
performances but also a campfire held in the center of the schoolyard.

Though it's called a campfire, it's not like we're going to dance folk dances
or anything.

Teachers bring snacks, and around the campfire, we can also enjoy the stage
performances, so everyone spends the evening as they please.

"Ah, I heard you're going to be on stage, so it's fine afterward, but..."


I lower my gaze to think for a moment.

If I were to decline, it would surely hurt her feelings. Even though I have
little experience in romance, I understand that much.

"......Sorry, there's someone who I want to spend time with." (Rintaro)

Even so, I have an answer already predetermined.

"I see. No, it's okay. I just thought I'd ask." (Azusa)

"Thanks for asking me. I appreciate it." (Rintaro)

"Okay... If there's another chance, maybe you can invite me." (Azusa)

"Sure, I'll keep that in mind." (Rintaro)

Nikaido seems somewhat shocked, hesitating about what to do, and

eventually chooses to leave the scene.

Maybe it would have been better to start with this from the beginning.

I've been lying and evading quite a bit.

While I thought I was being tossed around by them, from Nikaido's

perspective, it was the opposite.
I was the one who was tossing her around.

Finally realizing this, I feel a pang of guilt.

The only saving grace is that we hadn't had a clear conversation about our

"Nikaido-san!" (Rintaro)

"Huh?" (Azusa)

I call out to her as she's about to leave the classroom.

Surprised, she turns toward me.

"Take care of Yuusuke-kun, okay?" (Rintaro)

"......? Y-yes, got it." (Azusa)

With a final tilt of her head, she leaves the classroom.

(That was unnecessary meddling...)

I understand that my actions are somewhat intrusive.

However, it just slips out.

I just hope she'll take a look at what Yuusuke is doing, even if it's just a

From her perspective, I think she doesn't have any obligation to do that, but
I can't help but want his efforts to be rewarded.

"......Now then." (Rintaro)

Here's where the problem arises.

I had mentioned that I already had someone I wanted to invite, but to be

honest, I hadn't decided on anyone at all.
Refusing without a reason like "I don't want to spend the cultural festival
with you" would be difficult, and it would leave too much of an aftermath,
making it terrifying.

I somehow thought I would spend time with Kashihara and Doumoto after
the performance, and if they had someone else to spend time with, I thought
I would naturally be with Yukio――――.

However, the way I phrased it earlier clearly sounded like I wanted to invite
a girl.

Being seen with a boy would only lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.

"The worst-case scenario would be dressing up Yukio as a girl... No, that's

not good." (Rintaro)

Using Yukio like that won't be fair to him, and I don't want to be
misunderstood as having an interest in cross-dressed Inaba Yukio.

So, what should I do?

(......I can't think of anyone but Rei.)

I hold my head in my hands with my wet hands after finishing washing the

If I have to spend special time with someone of the opposite sex, Rei will
be the one.

That's my honest feeling.

But that will be difficult too.

To avoid being seen together by others, I deliberately turned down Rei's


I have to think of something clever...

When I'm about to return to my classroom for the time being, my
smartphone in my uniform pocket vibrates.

Looking at the screen, I get a message from the Line group created by
Kakihara and Doumoto.

[Let's meet in front of the station tomorrow at 13.00! Don't forget to bring
your instrument, okay!]

The one who sent it is Doumoto.

Since I have already read it, I immediately reply with "Got it".

Tomorrow is finally the first rehearsal.

Hmm, I have too many things to think about and now, my stomach is
starting to hurt......
Chapter 5: The Band

"...Heave-phew..." (Rintaro)

I put the bass I had been playing until last night into its case and sling it
over my back.

Today is a day off, and it is the day of the first rehearsal for the band I
formed with Kakihara and Doumoto.

As I step outside the apartment building, I notice that the temperature has
dropped somewhat.

"...It's almost autumn, huh." (Rintaro)

Muttering softly, I can't help but feel a sense of melancholy. I'm grateful for
this weather.

To be honest, the bass is one of the heaviest instruments to carry among

portable ones.

When considering the instrument alone without peripherals, the bass is

slightly heavier than the guitar.

After receiving it, I had been careful not to strain myself while handling it.

Now, as I carry it on my back, I genuinely think it's a good thing that I had
engaged in some physical activity to prevent my body from becoming

"Hey! Rintaro! Over here!" (Ryuuji)

"Okay..... " (Rintaro)

When I arrived at the station, Kakihara and Doumoto, who had come
earlier, waved to me.

Kakihara, like me, has a guitar strapped to his back, while Doumoto is
pulling some kind of carry-on bag.

"Now that we got ourselves meet up ahead of the appointed time. There's
still some time before our studio reservation, so let's take it easy." (Ryuuji)

"Yeah, got it.....By the way, what's in that bag of yours, Ryuuji-kun?"

"Huh? This? I'll show you when we get to the studio." (Ryuuji)

Saying so proudly, Doumoto leads the way.

Following him, I get to one of the slightly dimly lit buildings near the

The darkness is partly because many of the buildings here are six stories or
taller, but also because there are many so-called "nighttime establishments"

Now is still just past noon, so these places aren't open yet.

I feel somewhat uneasy, but I obediently follow them, and we enter a

flashy-looking door.

"Yo, Manager." (Ryuuji)

"Oh, you're here, you little rascals."

"I'm not a rascal anymore. Anyway, is the setup done?" (Ryuuji)

"It's the usual, isn't it? You're the only one who'd treat me like this, even
though I'm the manager."

Doumoto and a flamboyant man sitting at the counter beyond the door
exchange friendly banter.
It seems like they have a close relationship.

"Are you guys his band members?" (Manager)

"Ah.......yes." (Yuusuke)

In response to the manager's question, Kakihara replies hesitantly.

His attitude makes me wonder.

It seems like he's even less energetic than usual, or rather, his expression
lacks its usual brightness.

It makes me uneasy just watching him.

"Use Studio 5. Do you know how to set up the amps?" (Manager)

"I'll teach them that." (Ryuuji)

"Oh, I see. Then take your time." (Manager)

With a wave of his hand, the manager bid us farewell. Then, we walk
through toward the door marked "Studio 5."

Seeing the thick door, I'm reminded of the time Rei had led me around the

Inside, there are large amplifiers to enhance the sound of guitars and basses,
a microphone for vocals, and a neatly arranged drum set.

"The manager is my uncle. He's the reason I started playing drums. I used to
play drums with him sometimes when there were few reservations."

"Heeh.......He seems like a nice person." (Rintaro)

"He's not a bad person. Well, he lacks a bit of considerateness, though."

As we approach the drum set, Doumoto shares some stories about the

It seems like he has admired him since childhood, and his face lights up
with joy as he speaks.

"All right, guys, let's start with how to use the amps. Yuusuke, this is
probably your first time using a big one, right? It might seem a bit
complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's easy." (Ryuuji)

And so, Doumoto begins his tutorial on how to use the amps.

I have been concerned that I may not be able to use them properly because
they look so rugged, but when I listen to his detailed instructions, it doesn't
seem that difficult.

Things like making sure the volume is set to zero before turning on the
power, and connecting the cord to the instrument first and then to the amp.

As long as I pay attention to these finer details, it seems unlikely that I will
break anything.

"And then... the contents of my bag that Rintaro was curious about, it's
this." (Ryuuji)

Saying that, Doumoto unzips his bag.

"This is my own snare drum. It's not a problem to use the one they have
here, but having your own snare with a custom tuning just gives it a
different vibe, you know?" (Ryuuji)

"Oh... That sounds kinda professional, doesn't it?" (Rintaro)

"Haha, I'm not trying to show off or anything, though." (Ryuuji)

Doumoto cradles the snare drum carefully, then takes a seat on the chair in
front of the bass drum.

From his attitude, it's clear that he truly loves playing the drums.
When it comes to instruments like guitars and basses, even the basic ones
will cost at least tens of thousands if you want something you can use for a

I assume snare drums won't be cheap either.

Some people say that love isn't about the price, but for me, the price is often
a quick indicator of how much love someone has for something.

Time, energy, and any finite things expended for the sake of something
demonstrate love. It's something I can't help but envy at times.

"Well then, once we finish tuning, let's give it a shot." (Ryuuji)

With excitement in his eyes, Doumoto hits his own snare drum once.

I can feel my body tingling with anticipation too.

The results of all the solo practice I have done are finally coming together
as we play as a trio.

There's no way I can't be excited about this.

I adjust the tuning of my bass using the pegs on the head and correct any
notes that have gone out of tune with the tuner.

Kakihara, who handles both guitar and vocals, has to adjust the microphone
in addition to tuning the instrument.

Once that's done, we look at each other.

"All right... Shall we start from the count?" (Ryuuji)

Doumoto poises himself with his drumsticks, tapping them to set the tempo.

Following his count, we begin the rehearsal.

The drums maintain the tempo, the bass provides the foundation, and the
guitar and vocals boldly carry the melody.
――――That's the ideal scenario, but I still don't have the skills to support
them properly yet.

Doumoto, who loves playing the drums and practices regularly, is another
story. Kakihara, although not as experienced as Doumoto, is still pretty
good, especially considering he's playing the guitar and singing

(...I shouldn't be thinking about unnecessary things right now.)

I couldn't afford to be impressed.

With my limited skills, my primary focus should be on keeping the tempo.

I can ignore minor mistakes, and in the more complex parts where the
music feels overwhelming, I can simplify them as long as it doesn't
significantly impact the performance.

Desperately, I move my fingers.

Somewhere along the way, I feel that Doumoto is syncing up with my


He must have noticed that I was struggling with this first rehearsal.

When the drum's rhythm slightly slows down, Kakihara's rhythm naturally
becomes more relaxed.

While the tempo is undoubtedly slower than the original song, I'm surprised
that we managed to avoid turning the performance into a chaotic mess
among the three of us.

(How wonderful... to be so engrossed in something.)

With a bit of breathing room, I turn my gaze to Doumoto.

He meets my eyes and smiles with genuine joy.

I wonder what it feels like to have a hobby at which you can excel to such
an extent.

From the depths of my heart, I envy Doumoto.

――――But what about Kakihara?

Come to think of it, just as I have drawn a line with them, I realize that I
don't really know much about them either.

Is Kakihara enjoying the performance right now?

This guy is singing with his back turned to us.......So, I can't see his

"Are you freaking kidding me!" (Ryuuji)

At that moment, Doumoto's angry voice echoes through the studio.

An awkward atmosphere flows through the studio.

Kakihara, the target of Doumoto's anger, turns to face him with a lost
expression, unlike his usual cheerfulness.

"Rintaro practiced so hard even though it's his first time playing an
instrument, and he's been desperately trying to keep up with us...! And yet,
why are you, the lead player, playing so carelessly?!" (Ryuuji)

"......" (Yuusuke)


Although I think that the beginner should not speak up, Kakihara's mistakes
began to be noticeable as the number of rehearsals increased.

Because I was able to keep up with the tempo, it became more noticeable.
Even though over an hour had passed since we entered the studio, it could
be said that most of it was not good practice.

"We're spending time to make your confession a success! If you don't have
the motivation, what are we supposed to do then?" (Ryuuji)

"――――Yeah." (Yuusuke)

"HUUH?" (Ryuuji)

"Even if we practice this much, it'll just become all meaningless if the
confession doesn't succeed!" (Yuusuke)

I've never seen Kakihara raise his voice like this before.

Doumoto also seems surprised by Kakihara's outburst and is visibly shaken.

"......I can't let you waste your time for a confession that won't succeed
anyway. If it's becoming a hassle, you can stop if you want." (Yuusuke)

"You.. " (Ryuuji)

"Sorry. I'm heading home for today." (Yuusuke)

While we're dumbfounded, Kakihara puts away his guitar and leaves the

And Doumoto, seeing him off, clenched his fist in frustration.

"......Damn it, he got chickened after we came this far." (Ryuuji)

No, rather than dispirited――――he looks like he's in pain.

"He looked somewhat pale, so he probably wasn't feeling well." (Rintaro)

"...Probably was, or was not I don't know." (Ryuuji)

Anyway, it doesn't seem like we can continue the practice in this

I hate to say it, but... honestly, I don't have a good impression of Kakihara

Doumoto isn't really angry about the mistakes themselves.

The problem is his lack of motivation.

Different people may have different opinions on this, but I can't help but
feel that it's strange for us to be more enthusiastic than Kakihara, who came
to us seeking advice on how to get together with Nikaido.

If he's already given up, then we don't have an obligation to cooperate with
him anymore.

"I don't know what he meant by saying that, but let's ask him when we meet
at school next time. Maybe he'll return to normal if he takes a break."

"......You're probably right." (Ryuuji)

In the end, we call it a day and go home.

I have to say, today is definitely unsatisfying.

In the evening, as the sun begins to set, I walk alone and let out a deep sigh.

I'm no saint or anything, but I just found this situation to be a real pain.

It's different from doing things for Rei and the girls or for Yukio.

In the end, it's difficult to break down the wall once it was built.

"Phew~..." (Rintaro)

I return to the apartment and unlock the door to my room.

Then I noticed that there were three pairs of girls' shoes lined up next to my
own shoes.
As I walk down the hallway with a distant look, I see the familiar figures of
those girls in the living room.

"My, welcome back." (Kanon)

"Just to make sure, this is still my house, right?" (Rintaro)

"What such weird things are you saying? Obviously, this is your house."

Those three, Kanon, Rei, and Mia, look at me with a gaze questioning if I'm

They're all dressed casually and enjoying snacks and carbonated drinks that
they must have bought from somewhere.

"Welcome back, Rintaro-kun. We've been waiting for you." (Mia)

"Me?" (Rintaro)

"Well, for now, we want you to sit down." (Mia)

"Sure, whatever. But first, let me wash my hands and gargle." (Rintaro)

I don't really mind if they are in my house.

I finish washing my hands and gargling in the bathroom and return to the
living room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. So, what's it?" (Rintaro)

"Rintaro, do you remember the talk we talked about when we were with
Kanon before?" (Rei)

"Oh, that talk about the band, right?" (Rintaro)

I believe it was about practicing together with Kanon playing the guitar,
Mia playing the drums, and Rei doing the vocals.
At that time, Mia hadn't been informed yet――――

"After that, I contacted Mia and she easily agreed." (Kanon)

"Well, it sounds interesting. I occasionally rent a studio to relieve stress by

playing the drums alone, but I've never played with anyone else before."

"......That's it. I just wanted to inform you." (Kanon)

I understand most of it.

Doumoto seemed to be having a lot of fun, too, and playing in a band is

definitely a different kind of fun from playing alone.

Of course, it's just a hobby, but both they and I should have taken care of
what we usually need to do, so there's no reason for anyone to complain.

"I get all of it, but couldn't you have just told me with a message on LINE?
You didn't have to come all the way to have a girls' meeting in my room."

"You are really.......Look, it's that thing." (Kanon)

"What do you mean by that thing?" (Rintaro)

"I mean that thing so it is that thing!" (Kanon)

I see, there doesn't seem to be any particular reason.

I know Rei's schedule, and I know that she has today and tomorrow off.

In other words, they are also off.

Seeing them being lazy like this, it's hard to believe that they are immensely
popular idols.

Their appearance is very good, but it's a matter of attitude.

――――Whatever the talk, I, who tend to be a somewhat fastidious
person, have allowed them to invade my home, and I feel like I'm trusting
them too much.

It's not that it's bad, though.

"Rintaro, do you have a song you're practicing now? Come on, tell me. I'll
learn it for you." (Kanon)

"Wow, that's so cool..."――――I was about to say that, but since it's
Kanon, I'll refrain.

I can't let her get carried away.

After I swallow my words, I let them know the name of the song, and
Kanon and Mia nod in agreement.

"As expected, that's the go-to song for practicing. The structure is
straightforward, and there aren't any particularly difficult parts." (Kanon)

"I may not be perfect, but I understand most of it. We'll be ready by
tomorrow." (Mia)

Wait, tomorrow?

"Ah.......Rintaro, do you have time tomorrow?" (Rei)

"That should be the thing you ask first, Rei." (Rintaro)

"I forgot." (Rei)

Rei's nonchalant response makes me sigh involuntarily.

What would she have done if I had already made plans?

Or did she think I was too laid-back to have plans?

――――Well, she's not wrong though.

Yuzuki-sensei said it's okay if I don't come over often this month because
I'll probably be busy at school, and I'm not hanging out with Yukio every
day either.

"But don't we need to reserve a studio for band practice? Is it okay?"


"Who are you talking to? I just contacted the manager and had the drums
and amp moved to the private studio." (Kanon)

"Ah, you're on a different level." (Rintaro)

According to what I heard, the studio I delivered lunches to the other day
turned out to be a private studio.

I thought Rei was renting it and waiting in line every time, but it seems that
it meant the tenant was the agency.

In other words, that place is the studio rented by "Mille-Feuille Stars" and
no one else uses it――――.

"I heard that other artists build their own personal studios. But it's enough
for us to just rent it, otherwise, we'd just use it as a hangout spot or let it go
to waste." (Kanon)

I guess so.

"Rei, memorize the lyrics. You're okay with it, right?" (Kanon)

"Yeah, okay." (Rei)

The conversation proceeded smoothly, and I'm grateful for the opportunity.

I couldn't have a satisfying rehearsal at the studio today, and I had been
wanting more time to practice with others.
Even if the other person wasn't Kakihara or Doumoto, the experience of
playing music together with someone else would be beneficial.

"But still... There aren't many people like Rintaro who come to the office
with us, right?" (Mia)

"I'm still worried about whether I stand out too much." (Rintaro)

"Haha, if we were seen walking alone together, it might be different, but if

it's with the three of us walking together, we probably just look like people
from the entertainment industry. You just need to be confident." (Mia)

Confident, huh?

Does she really think I, who isn't even a celebrity, can confidently walk
alongside these girls?

Let me say it upfront, it's impossible, not even a bit.

Perhaps she understands my personality well, Mia stifles a chuckle,

covering her mouth.

"......Hey, don't you think Mia and Rintaro are getting too close? Their way
of addressing each other is somehow different." (Kanon)

"They are, I'd like them to keep a bit more distance." (Rei)

Kanon and Rei are muttering something as they look at us.

When they mention the distance, I glance at Mia, and it does seem like
there was less space between us than usual――――or does not.

It's probably just my imagination. It must be just a minor difference.

"Come on, our distance has always been like this. Right, Rintaro-kun?"

Saying that, Mia wraps her arm around mine.

When she does that, a soft sensation is transmitted to my upper arm, and my
mind is thrown into disarray.

Dang, why do women smell so good? Even though I have no intention in

this, please stop making me feel dizzy.

"Mia, get away from Rintaro." (Rei)

"Huh? Why? Isn't this just a little bit of skinship?" (Mia)

Why are there sparks flying between Rei and Mia?

Anyway, I don't want unnecessary fights, so I try to pull Mia away with my
free hand――――

"Get away from him." (Rei)

――――That very arm I try to pull Mia away is now entangled by Rei.

The soft sensation that almost drove me insane with just being transmitted
to one arm now doubles.

I seriously can't handle this sensation. Seriously, I can't handle this.

It is said it's better to say important things twice.

"Your philtrum is getting longer, you know." (Kanon) (PTW/N:

(hana no shita ga nobiru), [Idiom], lit.: the area below one’s nose
gets longer, meaning: to make a goofy face when seggsually attracted, to
have a l*wd look on one's face, to ogle.)

"It's not. Don't make light of my record of feigning innocence." (Rintaro)

"If you say that, it means you're actually happy, right? After all, philtrum
can't physically get longer, can it?" (Kanon)

That's definitely true.

Thanks to Kanon's comment, seems like I've dug my own grave.

By the way, I'm just holding back with all my might, but I do have the
sexual desires of a high school boy.

I'm trying my best to endure and not cross that line.

I beg you, please stop doing things that easily push me to cross that line.

"Sigh... hey, didn't I tell both of you multiple times not to touch a guy so
easily? Just get away from him already." (Kanon)

At this point, Kanon looks like a goddess of salvation to me.

"If Mia does, I'll do too." (Rei)

"I'll do too if Rei does." (Mia)

Rei and Mia glare at each other without giving in.

Perhaps getting annoyed by their stubborn attitudes, Kanon gives them a

fierce look and chops them both in their heads.

"Cut it out! It's fine to fool around in private, but I won't allow any indecent
behavior!" (Kanon)

""Ouch......"" (Rei, Mia)

As Rei and Mia hold the spots where they were chopped, my arms are
finally freed.

I lift my head to thank Kanon, but she unexpectedly flicks my forehead as if

she has aimed for it.

"Ouch!" (Rintaro)

"You too, you could have forcibly pulled them away if you wanted to. It's a
punishment for being spoony." (Kanon)

"Y-you...!" (Rintaro)

"What, do you have a complaint?" (Kanon)

"...No." (Rintaro)

You're just like a mother――――

As I'm about to say that, I remember my position.

I can't find the words and I unintentionally avert my gaze from Kanon's
questioning stare.

"You're such a weirdo, Rintaro. Come on, you guys need to get your act
together!" (Kanon)

"Kanon's chop still works as usual......" (Mia)

Judging from Mia's words, it seems that they've received her iron-fisted
punishment several times.

Seeing them instantly become obedient, they must've been through

situations like this a few times before.

They both indeed have a tendency to go wild, and Kanon must have gone
through a lot of hard times.

"......Well, let's cut the playtime off. Should we gather at the office
tomorrow?" (Mia)

"Sounds good. Rintaro, you remember the place, right?" (Kanon)

I nod.

I won't easily forget what happened a few months ago.

"Then we'll go ahead and pick you up at the lobby later. Make sure to bring
your instrument, okay?" (Kanon)

"Got it....hmm?" (Rintaro)

Just when I think the conversation is settled, suddenly a rumbling sound

comes from somewhere.

Attracted by the sound, the gaze of me, Mia, and Kanon are drawn towards
"――――I'm hungry." (Rei)

Well, I had a feeling that this lass was the culprit.

While we were talking about this and that, it's already about time for dinner.

It's about time for me to fulfill my original role too.

"I'll prepare the dinner. Both of you wanna join too?" (Rintaro)

"Is it alright?" (Kanon)

"It's strange to tell you girls to leave when you're here. And there are
enough ingredients, so you can join us without hesitation." (Rintaro)

"Really? Then I'll take you up on that offer." (Kanon)

I grab an apron and head to the kitchen.

"Ah, by the way, do you girls have any specific food you want to eat?"

"I'm fine with whatever Rei wants." (Kanon)

"Me too. The one who is the hungriest is probably her." (Mia)

These girls really get along well after all.

The tension from earlier seemed like it could escalate, but it was just
playful banter.


"Well then, I'll prepare according to what Rei wants, but what do you want
to eat?" (Rintaro)

"I want omelette rice." (Rei)

"Ah, that's easy since it doesn't need much preparation." (Rintaro)

I have chicken thighs ready, and there are still some onions left.

If I mix in carrots and green peppers, we can at least get some vegetables in

"Ah, right. Rintaro, can you make a runny omelette rice?" (Rei)

"A runny one?" (Rintaro)

"Yeah, the one that's half-cooked." (Rei)

I'm called from the living room, and when I turn back, Rei walks towards
me and shows me her phone screen.

What is displayed is not a traditional omelette rice that wraps chicken rice,
but a type of omelette rice where the egg is lightly cooked on top of the rice
and then cut open.

"Do you want to eat this?" (Rintaro)

"Oh, sorry. It's not like that. But if you can make it, I wanted to try it." (Rei)

"It's not impossible, but it's not doable today. Making demi-glace sauce
takes quite some time after all." (Rintaro)

"I understand. I'll ask you next time." (Rei)

"Sure." (Rintaro)

After that exchange, I returned to cooking.

(The demi-glace sauce... the demi-glace sauce, huh?)

It's a versatile sauce that can also be used for hamburg steak, so I do want to
get better at making it.

The problem is, the more serious I want to make it, the more I have to buy
"red wine".
I have reservations about buying it as a minor, and even if I can buy it, it'll
lower the credibility of that store.

I've heard that alcoholic beverages for cooking like cooking wine are

"Don't you envy that exchange?" (Kanon)

"Yeah. I'm honestly envious." (Mia)

While Rei and I are having our conversation, the other two seem to be
talking about something, but I have no way of knowing as I retreat into the
depths of the kitchen.

Just like yesterday, I carry my bass on my back and leave my house a little
later than the time Kanon had told me.

The weather is clear. Although the temperature is high, it isn't as scorching

hot as the peak of summer.

With the weight of the bass slowing me down a bit, I make my way to their
agency office.

It's within walking distance without needing to take a train, but it's a bit far
for walking, or rather, it's at that perfect distance where it's not too close or
too far.

Of course, those three who belong to the agency are being picked up and
dropped off by taxis and such, but that is not the case for me.

I thought that using a bicycle would make it a bit easier, but when I actually
tried it, the bass was too heavy and I couldn't ride it properly.

I could force myself to go, but it's much better to walk than to fall and break
the bass.
By the time I started sweating, I finally arrived at the Fantasista
Entertainment Office, which I hadn't been to in months.

I enter the entrance and go to the reception desk.

The woman who had helped me last time was standing at the reception,
making a startled look on her face when she saw me.

"Could you be Mister Shidou?"

"Huh? Ah, yes, I am." (Rintaro)

"I've been informed about you. Please wait a moment."

Seems like they had already informed the details in advance this time.

The woman in reception makes a phone call and after a while, a familiar
red-haired girl appears from the elevator wearing practice clothes.

"Hey, Rintaro. Right on time." (Kanon)

"Yeah. Thanks for letting the receptionist know." (Rintaro)

I remember being looked at with suspicion last time.

"I've learned to be considerate since Rei picked you up last time. Especially
this time, it's completely private, so we should be more cautious about our
surroundings." (Kanon)

"You really have it together." (Rintaro)

"Yeah. No matter how good you are at singing and dancing, you can't make
it as an idol without thoughtfulness and charm." (Kanon)

And a little bit of cunningness too――――

Saying that, Kanon puts her index finger on her lips and winks at me.

Caught off guard by her cuteness, my heart jumps and I shyly look away.
"Oh my goodness~!? Could it be that this sweet Kanon-chan got you
fascinated?" (Kanon)

"Thank you, Kanon. Your attitude brought me back to my senses." (Rintaro)

"Why!? Why are you being so cold!" (Kanon)

If she just stayed quiet, she would be such a cute girl, but that annoying
attitude of hers ruins everything in an instant.

However, that's fine with me. Totally fine.

I walk down the path I had only taken once before and enter the heavy door
of MilleSta's private studio with Kanon. Inside, two girls wearing exercise
clothes for lessons are sitting and chatting with each other.

"Oh, you're here." (Mia)

"Are you guys done with the setup?" (Kanon)

"Yeah. Mine is all set. Rei's microphone is also set up." (Mia)

When Mia directs her gaze in a certain direction, there are drums and large
amps like in the studio that Doumoto had taken us to.

There is a microphone in the center, and Rei heads towards there.

"Rei, is there any problem with the lyrics?" (Kanon)

"I had one night, so it's no problem." (Rei)

"Alright. Then you also get ready, Rintaro." (Kanon)

Prompted by Kanon, I approach the amp.

It is not much different from the one I used in the studio yesterday.

Following the startup instructions taught by Doumoto faithfully, I connect

the bass.

"Kanon, aren't you more excited than usual?" (Rintaro)

"Well, of course! I've always wanted to play with someone like this!"

Kanon has the brightest smile on her face as she plays her guitar. Maybe it
is because she said words similar to Doumoto's, I feel closer to Kanon than

"A~, a~." (Rei)

Rei's voice echoes through the studio via the microphone. It is a voice that I
should be used to hearing. But just by passing through a single machine, her
voice suddenly becomes closer to the atmosphere of a live performance.

It goes without saying that my heart, which is captivated by that moment,

jumps a beat at such a simple thing.

"Yeah, I'm ready anytime." (Rei)

" Okay. Are you guys ready too?" (Kanon)

I nod in response to Kanon's question, and Mia hits the drums dynamically
to indicate that we can start anytime.

"Alright, then, Mia! On your count!" (Kanon)

Mia taps her sticks, counting the beginning of the song.

The intro of this song starts with the vocals coming in slightly faster,
followed by the guitar.

In other words, at the starting point, the main focus is on Rei and Kanon.

Rei sings, and Kanon plays the guitar.

As for Kakihara, who has to do both singing and playing guitar, it is a bit
risky, but since they pided the roles, it's not a problem for them.

Moreover――――they are incredibly skilled.

(Of course, that's obvious...)

Kanon's background is like Doumoto's.

Due to practicing instruments as a hobby for a long time, it's natural for her
to play smoothly like this.

And as for Rei, she is a professional singer.

She flawlessly handles this song that was originally sung by a male singer.

I can't help but wonder where she can produce such a low tone, even though
her voice is usually somewhat fluffy and bell-like.

(Well, this isn't the time to be drowned in thoughts.)

Once their duet is over, the A melody will begin from here.

Both Mia and I will join in from here.

Whether it's because of the experience of playing with others even once, I'm
able to join in more smoothly than yesterday.

Mia's performance is undeniably skilled, even from an amateur's


While Doumoto's drums had strength and power, her drums exude a
precision that never falters.

Each beat is exact, or well, that's what an amateur like me will say.

But even with my untrained ears, I can sense that.

(――――This is fun.)
As the song progresses, that feeling wells up from the depths of my heart.

Even though I only have a moderate level of skill to just keep up, playing
with someone else is so much fun.

It must be fun.

"......" (Rintaro)

As I feel the last chorus approaching, I clench my back teeth.

Because playing with these girls is so fun, I regret missing out on that
rehearsal with Kakihara and Doumoto even more.

Even then, I'm sure I would have enjoyed it.

Unlike work or study, we were just indulging in our hobbies.

There's no point in having a hobby if we're not having fun.

As the last chorus begins, I decide to play more intensely than before.

After all, this is just a practice. It might be better if I play this intensely so
that I won't panic during the actual performance.

But as I play intensely, I see Kanon, who is nearby, smirk.

And at the same time――――the momentum of her guitar playing


I think that it's because I intensified my momentum that Kanon follows, and
that makes me happy.

And as we get more intense, the momentum of Mia and Rei naturally

Ultimately, we race through this song at its peak excitement.

"You did well, Rintaro. I never expected you to lead us from the very
beginning." (Kanon)

Well, you made a lot of mistakes though――――

Adding that, Kanon laughs teasingly.

Indeed, I should reflect on making several mistakes, even after playing with
such intensity.

To put it bluntly, it is no exaggeration to say that I misled myself with my


But thanks to that, I feel like something snapped.

"...Thanks, Kanon." (Rintaro)

"Huh? W-what... that's so unlike you." (Kanon)

It's rude to say it's unlike me just because I sincerely thanked her.

Well, she doesn't know all the circumstances I have, so I guess it can't be

"Hmm, I don't really get it, but let's do it again! This time, a bit faster
tempo! I know that you slowed down a bit to pamper Rintaro! Mia!"

"Oh, you noticed?" (Mia)

"Of course. But it's fine, but now that we know that Rintaro is unexpectedly
'capable' to keep up, so it'll be okay, right?" (Kanon)

"You're right. I'll play at a normal tempo next." (Mia)

I hear them talking like that, but I don't feel much sense of crisis.

Because I played with all my might once, I feel like my fingers move better
than usual now.
――――Tomorrow, I'll talk to Kakihara at school.

Confession or whatever, that doesn't matter.

Anyway, I'll have words with Kakihara so that he can have fun performing
with us.
Chapter 6: Honest Intention

The day after practicing in the studio with Rei and the girls.

I go to the school, with the determination to talk to Kakihara and Doumoto.


"Huh, he hasn't come?" (Rintaro)

"Yeah, I'm a little worried because there hasn't been any contact from him."

I go to check with Doumoto since Kakihara wasn't in the classroom, but all
I find out is that he's apparently absent today.

Neither Nikaido nor Nogi seem to know why, and they have the same
worried expression as Doumoto.

"Yusuke, is he okay? His parents are overseas, right? If he's not in good
shape, it could be really bad if he doesn't have anyone to take care of
him......" (Ryuuji)

Come to think of it, I heard something like that during the tripartite

If he's feeling unwell, there's a possibility that he's in a situation where he

can't expect help from anyone.

"Rintaro, can you keep me company after school for a bit?" (Ryuuji)

"Sure. You're going to visit him, right?" (Rintaro)

"Yeah. He's not a frail guy, but just in case something happens......" (Ryuuji)
Maybe there's another reason why he's absent.

But I remember his recent condition being somewhat strange.

His complexion was off, and his mental state seemed to be down.

With these factors in place, there's a high possibility that he's unwell after

"Even if I can't help with today's preparations, is everything okay with you,

"Yeah. Everyone's moving proactively, so we have some leeway for a day.

Sorry for leaving Kakihara-kun to you. Since he's not here, I have to take
charge......" (Azusa)

If Kakihara, who is a member of the school festival executive committee, is

absent, it's inevitable that Nikaido, who is his assistant, will have to take
charge of coordinating everyone.

Since the preparations for the festival have to proceed steadily, it'll be a
problem if she were to go visit him as well.

"I'll also help Azu-rin today. If it turns out that he's really unwell, I don't
think it's a good idea to visit him in a large group. And if we stay at school,
there might be something we can do too." (Honoka)

"Okay, that sounds good. Then, Rintaro and I will stop by the pharmacy
before going to Yuusuke's house." (Ryuuji)

I nod in response to Doumoto's words.

Buying sports drinks and medicine shouldn't be a waste if we're going to

visit him.

After the conversation is settled, the first-period chime rings.

We exchange brief greetings and return to our seats.

When I have time to think alone during class, an inexplicable anxiety well
up inside me.

(I hope he doesn't end up like this on the D-day of the school festival...)

I open my left palm and look at my fingertips.

Although it's only been about a month, calluses have formed that can be
seen as proof of practicing the bass every day.

The corn I got on the first day burst the next day, and there were times when
it bled.

My time, accumulated in a short period, is packed in here.

Apparently, I feel terrible that all this time I've spent is going to waste.


I explain the situation in detail to Yukio, who has been working on the
school festival preparations, and then I leave the school with Doumoto.

Following his lead, we board a train and get off at the fifth station.

It's a place I've walked to several times, being close to the school station.
But my memory of the area is not enough to say that I'm familiar with it,
and of course, I don't know Kakihara's house, so I'll rely on Doumoto here.

"...Here we are. It's still as huge as ever." (Ryuuji)

"O-oh......" (Rintaro)

We walked through the residential area for about five minutes.

At the place of Doumoto pointed to, and there stood a three-story mansion.

Compared to the surrounding houses, it was noticeably larger.

It seems like both of his parents working abroad is no joke.

We open the lattice gate that is as tall as our shoulders and stand in front of
the front door.

When Doumoto presses the intercom installed next to the door, we hear the
chime ring from inside the house.

However, even after waiting for a while, no one comes out.

"......Is he not home?" (Ryuuji)

"If he's unwell, there's a high chance he's in bed." (Rintaro)

"Sigh....Well, there's no helping it then." (Ryuuji)

Doumoto takes out a key from his bag, inserts it into the front door keyhole,
and turns it.

With a clicking sound, the front door is easily unlocked.

"I know Yuusuke's mom as well. They trust him, but they gave me the spare
key just in case he collapses alone at home. I guess this is the time when it
comes in handy." (Ryuuji)

Doumoto opens the door and we enter the house.

I had expected that a single boy living in such a mansion would have at
least some mess, but it's surprisingly well-organized, to the extent that it
defies my expectations.

According to Doumoto, a hired housekeeper-like person came once a week

to clean up.

"This is Yuusuke's room." (Ryuuji)

We went upstairs and Doumoto pointed to the door at the end of the

By the way, I have already confirmed Kakihara's shoes at the entrance, so I

know he is inside the house.
"Hey, Yuusuke! Are you there?" (Ryuuji)

Doumoto calls him out with a slightly louder voice into the room, and then
there is a rustling movement from inside.

"Hmm... Ryuuji, huh?" (Yuusuke)

"Yeah. Can I come in?" (Ryuuji)

"Yeah... Sure." (Yuusuke)

The voice from inside the room is definitely Kakihara's, but his usual spirit
and cheerfulness are nowhere to be found.

This is clearly that he's not in good condition.

"Well, I'm coming in then." (Ryuuji)

Upon entering the room, a bed, a study desk, a TV, and a computer placed
on a desk come into view.

Overall, it's tidy, and there isn't much of a masculine smell.

"I see you're here too Rintaro........sorry I didn't contact you guys."

"It's okay, it can't be helped right? That....are you feeling okay now?"

"I managed to catch a taxi first thing in the morning and had myself
checked at the hospital, so it's not a serious condition. They said it's
probably just accumulated fatigue, no specific illness. I've been so busy,
after all." (Yuusuke)

Fatigue, huh.

It seems that what I had feared before had come true.

"With all the stuff you've been juggling, it's no wonder your body gave out."

As Doumoto looks at the printouts on the study desk, he mutters.

Those printouts were filled with details about the class budget and schedule.

"Yeah... the seniors asked if we could cut down the budget a bit, so I've
been thinking about where we can make cuts. Especially the costumes were
going to be expensive, so I called the vendors and tried to negotiate with
them.......Haha, I wish I could have done better." (Yuusuke)

Kakiwara tells this with a somewhat apologetic expression.

In response, Doumoto makes a bitter face, clenches his fist tightly, and
lowers his head.

"Yuusuke... I'm sorry for yelling at you that time. I have forgotten that
you've been working really hard in the committee." (Ryuuji)

Accepting the sincere apology, Kakihara scratches his cheek, looking


"Same here, I'm sorry...... No matter how tired I was, I shouldn't have
shown such a throwaway attitude to you guys, who have been helping me."


Pausing, Kakihara twists his expression in frustration.

"I'm anxious. Even though you've been helping me so much, if I confess

and get rejected, I'll feel incredibly sorry――――No, to be more honest, I
think I'm more scared of that happening." (Yuusuke)

Trying to downplay his anxiety with a chuckle, the Kakihara now doesn't
seem like the super extrovert person I imagined, but just a shy boy.
"…Well, maybe I should just stop with the confessions." (Yuusuke)

"Huh?" (Rintaro)

Hearing Kakihara say that, that word just slips out of my mouth.

The two of them look at me in surprise.

"You're pressured because you're so determined to confess, why not think

about confessing after standing on stage? It's not too late, right?" (Rintaro)

Whether Kakihara is considering confessing to Nikaido or not, no one

besides us would know.

If you're scared to confess, just don't do it.

If you've mustered up the courage to overcome your fear, then just go ahead
and do it.

It's all Kakihara's choice.

Confessing in the first place isn't something he "has to" do, after all.

".......Yeah, that might be true. Confessing or things like that shouldn't be

done out of obligation." (Ryuuji)

With Doumoto's agreement in place, I look at Kakihara.

He has a relieved expression, as if a weight had been lifted off his


"I see… Yeah, you're probably right. There might have been some strange
sense of obligation. Maybe because of that, I wasn't sure if I really liked
Azusa or not." (Yuusuke)

I think it's a common story for people to be crushed by a sense of obligation

and forget their original purpose.
Kakihara's feelings for Nikaido are genuine. But the busyness and pressure
had deprived him of the luxury to enjoy those feelings to the fullest.

And now, it's time for me to speak my mind.

"......I've finally realized how much fun it is to play music with someone
else. That's why I want the three of us to have a proper performance
together." (Rintaro)

That's why――――.

"Please don't say that it's okay to stop." (Rintaro)

".......!" (Yuusuke)

This is my true feelings, and it's selfish.

It took quite a bit of courage for me to express my true feelings to them for
the first time.

The trigger that gave me the courage was undoubtedly the practice with Rei
and the girls yesterday.

Because that time was just so much fun, I wanted to spend similar time with
these two.

"Just enjoying the stage isn't enough. For the confession.......Let's just forget
about it for now." (Rintaro)

"…Rintaro." (Yuusuke)

"We've worked so hard to get this far, so I don't think we'll be punished for
having a bit of fun from now on." (Rintaro)

"――――Yeah, you might be right." (Yuusuke)

I hope this will provide some comfort, but judging by the smile he puts on
his face in front of me, it seems to have a significant effect.
In my heart, I express my gratitude to Kanon, who had invited me to
perform together.

The next time that lass comes over, I'll treat her an apple pie.


"Hey! Is Kakihara-kun here?"

A senior suddenly pops into my class, where we are preparing for the
school festival. She seems to be looking for Kakihara-kun, glancing around
the classroom.

"Ah! Nikaido-san! Do you know where Kakihara-kun is?"

"Ah... Kakihara-kun is absent today due to not feeling well." (Azusa)

I had just received a message from Doumoto-kun, so I already knew about

his health condition.

After I relayed the news, the senior's face looked as if she had seen the end
of the world.

"Ah, for real......"

"Umm, What happened?" (Azusa)

The senior, looking troubled, awkwardly began to speak.

"Well, it's just that....we were discussing the budget. Kakihara-kun was so
good at adjusting and calculating, so everyone relied on him."

I see.

It seems like she thinks Kakihara-kun fell ill because they relied on him too

If that's the case, I can understand why she's feeling apologetic.

"......Well, even though he's outstanding, it's not right to rely on
underclassmen too much. Instead of using exams as an excuse, we should
try to handle things on our own a bit more."

Saying that, the senior leaves the classroom.

I always thought he was amazing, but seeing even the senior relying on
him, I realize that Kakihara-kun really isn't just an ordinary person.

And when my friend is being praised by others, I feel a little proud too.

"Azurin! Come over here for a sec!" (Honoka)

"Huh...? What's up?" (Azusa)

I'm suddenly called by Honoka, so I move to a corner of the classroom.

There, two classmates look troubled and seem relieved to see me.

"They're in charge of shopping, but it seems like the budget doesn't quite
match with what we need to buy on the day. We have to either increase the
budget or cut down on the materials cost. What should we do?" (Honoka)

"W-What? The budget doesn't match?" (Azusa)

I'm in trouble.

I had never been involved in budget discussions at all, so I had no idea of

what to do.

I can't give careless instructions about money, which is such an important

aspect. If only I could come up with a clever solution...

"......Sorry, I haven't been involved in those discussions. I'll ask when

Kakihara-kun returns, so can you wait until then?" (Azusa)

"Y-yeah...... Sorry, we're kind of in a hurry."

The only thing I could do was to postpone the problem.

I have to report to the teacher about the budget we are going to use in the
class, so I can't really afford to be leisurely.

It's indescribably frustrating that I have no choice but to wait for Kakihara-
kun's return here.

"Nikaido! Where can I find the materials for the advertising signboard?"

As I depart from them, a boy, panting and sweating, rushes towards me.

"What? Ah, um... I think they might be in the multipurpose room." (Azusa)

"I see! Thanks!"

The boy, who seemed to be in a hurry, ran down the corridor as he thanked.

The warning not to run in the hallway had already fallen on deaf ears, and
in no time, his back disappeared from sight.

"Nikaido-san! We've run out of paint, where can we get some?"

"Um... I think you can find it in the gym storage room." (Azusa)

"Thank you!"

Once the girl asking about the paint had left, the homeroom teacher,
Harukawa-sensei, peeked into the classroom.

"Kakihara-ku――――oh, right, he's absent today. Nikaido-san! Can you

come here for a moment?" (Harukawa-sensei)

"Oh, yes! What is it?" (Azusa)

"We have a meeting for the School Festival Executive Committee, and I
want you to attend. Just listen to what we have to say for now." (Harukawa-

Told that all I have to do is take notes, I walk behind the teacher to the
meeting place.
When I got into the room, most of the class had already gathered there.

Then all eyes turn towards me.

"Ah, Harukawa-sensei. Is Kakihara not coming today?"

"Huh? Yeah, he is... Is there a problem?" (Harukawa-sensei)

"Ah, no... We always relied on Kakihara-kun to lead, so we're not sure what
to do today."

The senior girl scratches her cheek apologetically.

I've been constantly surprised up to this point.

Wherever I go, I hear Kakihara-kun's name, and everyone relies on him.

He whom supposed to be close to me, but before I knew it, he had become
someone that everyone in this school relied on.

It's something to be proud of, but at the same time, it fills me with guilt.

(I knew he wasn't someone strong enough to bear all these expectations......)

Doumoto-kun said that Kakihara-kun was feeling unwell due to fatigue.

He must have been running around so much to push his body to the limit.

During that time, Kakihara-kun never once asked for my help.

――――No, that's just an excuse.

It's my fault for not realizing Kakihara-kun's limits.

He, who always comes to my rescue when I am approached by someone

scary on my way home from cram school, is not someone I can call a

He is always too desperate to be called that.

Suppressing the fear and holding back the tears that well up with it.

He's not some perfect super prince, but a kind and gentle "hero" who
always gives his all.

"Ah..." (Nikaido)

At that moment, I felt something melting inside me.

I see. For me, Kakihara-kun is――――

"...I'm sorry, Sensei. I just remembered something urgent." (Azusa)

"Huh? What happened?" (Harukawa-sensei)

"I'm sorry! I have to go somewhere!" (Azusa)

"H-huh?! Nikaido-san?!" (Harukawa-sensei)

While hearing the bewildered voice of Harukawa-sensei behind me, I walk

down the hallway with larger strides than usual.

[Take care of Yuusuke-kun, okay?] (PTW/N: chap 85)

As I leave the school building, Shidou-kun's words keep repeating in my


There is no doubt that I was attracted to Shidou-kun. But now I understand.

The feelings I had for him were just "admiration."

It's completely different from my feelings for Kakihara-kun.

As I pass through the school gate, I start running.

I don't want to convey anything. I don't want to talk about anything.

Right now――――I just want to see him.

"Oops, looks like it's getting late, huh?" (Ryuuji)

Checking my phone after hearing Doumoto's words, it's already time for
dinner, no doubt about it.

Even if I were to go back to school now, it would be past the time to leave.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have kept you in conversation when you're still not
feeling well." (Rintaro)

"It's okay. Thanks to both of you, I feel better, so I'm actually relieved to be
able to talk about various things." (Yuusuke)

Even though Kakihara says that, it's really just inexcusable that we ended
up having some conversation in his room for about two hours.

I'm glad that it helped him with mental recovery, as it is said that illness
starts from the mind, but I'm not sure I can say that about his physical

"Just to be safe, I'll take another day off tomorrow, and then I'll make sure
to attend from the day after." (Yuusuke)

"Yeah, I'll be waiting."

"......Thanks. And... um..." (Yuusuke)

Kakihara seems to have something difficult to say, but after nodding

decisively, he speaks up.

"When I come back, would you like to practice in the studio with me
again?" (Yuusuke)

At that question, Doumoto and I look at each other.

As we originally intended to do so, being asked in such a formal manner

feels a bit strange.
As we pretend to keep a serious expression holding our laughter, we turn to

"I'll make the reservation just in case, but if you play as half-heartedly as
you did last time, you won't get off easy, you know?" (Ryuuji)

"I'm still a beginner, but at that time, I'll take advantage of Ryuuji-kun and
get angry. You won't get off easy too, you know." (Rintaro)

As we teasingly convey that, Kakihara scratches his head apologetically, yet


"All right, now that we've wrapped this up! Let's rock the main event of the
closing party! We're gonna be the ones who are having the most fun! That's
the spirit!" (Ryuuji)

"The ones having the most fun are us... huh. Yeah, you're right. When you
do something, it is always the best to enjoy it.." (Yuusuke)

"Yeah! let's do it!" (Rintaro)

Doumoto and Kakihara thrust their arms into the air with the momentum of
their burning spirits.

( Is this what real youth is all about?)

―――I hope so.

It is a different feeling from the hardship I experienced at the pool with

them, this has a refreshing atmosphere.

With this kind of atmosphere, it is definitely not unpleasant.

Thinking that, I also raise my arm.

Though, because I'm more reserved than the two of them, my

embarrassment got the better of me.

"Well then, we're heading home―――" (Doumoto)

At that moment, interrupting Doumoto's words, the chime of Kakihara's
house rings out.

It seems like someone has come.

"Oh, a visitor?" (Rintaro)

"Hmm, I didn't have any notice for an acquaintance to come.......and I didn't

order anything online either......" (Yuusuke)

Anyway, it's probably best to confirm who it is.

I stand up, pull away from the two, and walk towards the room's exit.

"Since we're leaving anyway, should Ryuuji and I go check? If it's door-to-
door sales, we'll have to turn them away." (Rintaro)

I can't let someone who is unwell do that.

"Ah, that would be great. Can I ask you to do that?" (Yuusuke)

"Yeah, leave it to us."

We decided that we would probably leave soon, so we prepared to leave and

exit the room.

As we walk through the hallway and go to check the camera footage on the
intercom, we see an unexpected person there.

"......For real?" (Ryuuji)

As Doumoto is surprised, I am equally shocked.

There stands Kakihara's crush, Nikaido Azusa.

Judging by her disheveled hair and the way she is breathing heavily, she
seems to have come here in quite a hurry.

"We can't just turn her away now, can we?" (Ryuuji)
"Yeah..." (Rintaro)

The two of us head to the entrance and open the door.

On the other side of the door, Nikaido looks puzzled as she sees me and

"Ah... you two are still here." (Azusa)

"Yeah, what's up, Azusa? Are you here to visit Yuusuke too?" (Ryuuji)

"......Yes, I wanted to see Kakihara-kun's face too." (Azusa)

Blushing slightly, Nikaido confessed.

No matter how you look, her attitude was clearly――――

"I see. Well, I guess we should just head out then." (Ryuuji)

"Yeah, that's probably for the best." (Rintaro)

Doumoto and I exchange glances and slip past her.

If her feelings had changed, it would have been convenient for us.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that we could see hope for his

confession at the post-festival closing party.

"Shidou-kun!" (Azusa)

"Hm?" (Rintaro)

As I'm leaving, Nikaido calls out to me, and I turn around.

"Thanks for turning me down at that time and for entrusting Kakihara-kun
to me." (Azusa)

"...You're welcome." (Rintaro)

I had been wondering what had caused her change of heart, but I guess that
was it.

It seemed that my clear refusal had worked out in the end.

(I should have done that from the beginning...)

It's too late for regrets.

In the end, it's our own fears that have made things complicated.

The fear of getting hurt, the fear of hurting others.

Everyone understands how terrifying both of those are.

But if you take a step forward from there, the world starts to move so

"Rintaro, thanks. Thanks for sticking with us this far." (Ryuuji)

"Why the sudden sentiment?" (Rintaro)

"Thanks to you starting hanging out with us, everything seems to be

heading in a good direction." (Ryuuji)

Doumoto says it with a happy smile.

For some reason, that makes me happy too.

I may have recognized that they were closer to me than I thought.

"Well, see you tomorrow. Don't skip practice, okay?" (Ryuuji)

"Of course. I'll do my best to make sure everyone has fun." (Rintaro)

"Yeah, let's do our best." (Ryuuji)

I part ways with Doumoto at the intersection leading to the station, where
he could walk home.
I arrive at the station, board the train, and get off at the nearest station to my

As I walk home alone, I find myself immersed in a deep sense of


"――――Seem like you're in a good mood, 'Rintaro-sama'."

Suddenly, a black luxury car pulls up next to me.

As I stop walking, the car comes to a complete stop, and the window on the
passenger side opens.

A woman in her late twenties with silver hair pops her head out.

She gives off a similar vibe to Rei, maybe because she has some foreign
blood in her.

"......Sofia-san." (Rintaro)

"You remembered me, I'm honored." (Sofia)

She says this in a matter-of-fact tone.

Sofia Kornilov. That's the name of this woman who works for a certain

I'm trying to keep a calm face, but deep down, I'm really confused.

"We had an agreement not to have any contact until I graduated from
college, didn't we." (Rintaro)

"I'm aware of it. However, this is a bit of an emergency." (Sofia)

Sofia takes an envelope out of her pocket and hands it to me.

"This is a letter from your 'father'. Please check the contents." (Sofia)

"......What if I don't want it?" (Rintaro)

"In that case, I'll put it in the mailbox at your house. I'll keep doing that
until you check it." (Sofia)

I let out a deep sigh and take the letter.

I was in a good mood to go home, but now everything's ruined.

I shove the letter into my pants pocket and give her a sidelong glance.

"......Tell my old man. Someone who can't keep his promises shouldn't be
president." (Rintaro)

"Understood." (Sofia)

The car window closes, and then the car drives away from me.

I feel like dark clouds have crept into my clear mind, and my shoulders feel
terribly heavy.

(I have to pull myself together......)

I grip the letter in my pocket tightly and start my walk home again.

Kakihara has finally gotten better.

I can't absolutely afford to lose it here.

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