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Factors that Influence Grade 10 Students of La Purisima

Concepcion Academy About their Preferred Senior High School Strands.

A Research Paper
presented to
the Faculty of the English Department
La Purisima Concepcion Academy

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1

Louis Peji
Jayshelle Palcuto
Jerome Tanael
Sofia Denise Dimaano
Paul Deniel Postrero
Clancy Eayah Baculo


Introduction 6
Statement Of the Problem 7
Research Objectives 8
Significance Of the Study 9
Scope And Limitations 10
Operational Definition of Terms


Related Literature 11
Synthesis 15







Choosing a strand is a pivotal moment in a Grade 10 student's academic journey. In many

educational systems, students are often presented with the opportunity to specialize in a particular field of
study or career path through the selection of a specific strand. This decision marks a critical step towards
shaping their future and is a significant aspect of their educational and vocational development.

This study aims to investigate the preferred senior high school strands among Grade 10 students.
The choice of senior high school strands is a crucial decision as it plays a significant role in shaping
students' future academic and career paths. By understanding the preferences of Grade 10 students,
educators and policy makers can better tailor educational programs to meet their specific needs and

To conduct the study, a survey questionnaire will be distributed to Grade 10 students in various
schools. The questionnaire will include items that assess students' knowledge and understanding of senior
high school strands, their level of interest in each strand, and their perceived alignment of each strand with
their future career goals. Additionally, socio-demographic data will be collected to identify potential
variations in preferences across different groups.

The data collected from the survey will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as frequency
and percentage distributions. Furthermore, chi-square tests will be conducted to identify any significant
associations between students' preferences and socio-demographic variables.

Findings from this study can provide valuable insights into the factors influencing Grade 10
students' choices of senior high school strands. This information can be used to enhance career counseling
services, guidance programs, and curriculum development at the secondary level. Ultimately, the goal is
to facilitate a more informed decision-making process for students, enabling them to choose senior high
school strands that align with their interests, aptitudes, and future aspirations.


This dedication is an homage to your relentless pursuit of knowledge, as you stand at the crossroads
of your academic journey, contemplating the Senior High School strands that will shape your future. Your
journey through La Purisima Concepcion Academy has been marked by dedication, curiosity, and a hunger
for growth that serves as an inspiration to all who have had the privilege of witnessing your academic

In the hallowed halls of La Purisima Concepcion Academy, where curiosity is nurtured and dreams
take flight, you have demonstrated a profound understanding of the significance of the choices before you.
This dedication is an acknowledgment of the depth of your introspection and the courage you exhibit as
you make decisions that will set the course for your educational trajectory.

May this work be a testament to your unwavering commitment to excellence and self-discovery.
Your pursuit of knowledge goes beyond the confines of a classroom; it is a journey towards understanding
your passions, strengths, and the unique tapestry of your aspirations.

To the spirited youth of La Purisima Concepcion Academy, may the factors explored within these
pages mirror the complexities of your considerations, and may the insights garnered aid you in making
informed and fulfilling choices for your Senior High School strands.

As you embark on this exciting chapter, may the choices you make reflect the essence of your
individuality, the strength of your character, and the limitless potential that resides within each one of you.


This research endeavor would not have been possible without the collective efforts, support, and
inspiration from various individuals and entities. With profound gratitude, we extend our appreciation to
our research adviser. Our sincere gratitude to the research advisers whose expertise and guidance steered
us through the complexities of the research process. Your mentorship has been instrumental in shaping the
methodology and outcomes of this study.

To La Purisima Concepcion Academy, A heartfelt thanks to the academic institution that

provided the fertile ground for this research to take root. The nurturing environment and commitment to
academic excellence have been instrumental in shaping the context and significance of our study.

To The Grade 10 Students of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, To the resilient Grade 10 students
who willingly shared their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives, your participation is the heart of this
research. Your openness and honesty have provided depth and authenticity to our findings.

To Parents and Guardians, We extend our appreciation to the parents and guardians who
supported and encouraged the participation of their children in this research. Your involvement is a
testament to the collaborative spirit that underlies the educational journey of these students.

To Peers and Colleagues, A special acknowledgment to our fellow researchers and colleagues
who offered valuable insights, critiques, and encouragement throughout the research process. Your
intellectual camaraderie has been a source of inspiration and motivation.

This research is a collective effort, and each contribution, whether big or small, has played a crucial
role in its realization. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey.




In today’s society, being a senior in high school is tough. This one year we are expected to decide
what we are going to do with our lives by picking a career path to follow and going to a college that can
teach us how to excel in that career path. Even just considering what to do after high school can make a
student extremely stressed. It is unsettling to consider what we will do if our parents aren't nearby or can't
easily come to our assistance with a single phone call. We need to consider our job goals and whether we
might support ourselves in that field before moving on to the next stage of our lives, such as education.
The next step is to apply to universities that match our professional interests or the career route that will
earn us a lot of money, even though we may not like it.

When the Philippine government signed RA 10533 into law. is a novel approach to prolonging
high school by two years through specialized academic sessions. This new grade level is known as senior
high school. Students who completed their fourth year of high school the previous year were eligible for
admittance to the college level and could choose the subject they wished to take. However, with the K -
12 program, instead of going straight to college, students must take an additional two years of specialized
subjects similar to colleges, such as technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) strand, humanities
and social sciences (HUMSS) strand, and general academic (GAS) strand, to be a senior high school
student who wants to pursue an academic track should choose a strand from ABM,STEM, HUMSS, and

Career choice is one of many critical decisions students make while selecting their future goals.
One of the biggest concerns for young people nearing the conclusion of their schooling is career choice.
This decision is crucial for both parents and their children since it will affect them for the rest of their life.
Every student, at some point, is presented with the decision of which career to pursue. The profession or
career of an individual is one of the most essential parts of human endeavor since it determines many
facets of human existence. It has the power to either make or damage one's delight and contentment.

The significance of serious planning or choosing a vocation, particularly for individuals whose
selections are heavily influenced by their parents, relatives, and friends, leaves them with difficulties in
deciding what they truly want to do. The effects on one's vocation selection can have an impact on one's

work life. It is critical for a person to be aware of his or her own strengths and interests. Students are
making decisions that will have a significant impact on their future educational and employment pathways.
They frequently do not have the required knowledge or guidance to aid them in making decisions that will
lead to success in their educational and career pathways. Students must have a plan for their future careers
in order to think about them basis of career awareness and experiences.

This study intends to identify the characteristics that influence the senior high school track
preferences of La Purisima Concepcion Academy's Grade 10 students. To determine the causes, this study
employs a descriptive research method. It would look to see if dependent variables such as personality,
family/relatives, interests, and career opportunities were major factors influencing respondents' track
selections. The quantitative methodologies utilized in the descriptive research were used to evaluate the
responses of the respondents. The respondents are given a scale/questionnaire to do the survey personally,
and the findings are collected afterward.

This chapter presents the literature relevant to the concept of the present study. It also analyses
some studies and materials from the internet to provide sufficient background information for the
accomplishment of this study. It sought to collect claims of previous studies about perception of Grade 10
Students of La Purisima Concepcion Academy towards Senior High School.

Statement of the Problem:

An individual’s success depends upon the effort he/she makes to complete the desired task. People can be
influenced by the various factors while they have to choose certain things in their life. Students choose
various subjects depending on the several reasons being led by the psychological and social factors. The
leading educationists and the critics believe that multiple intelligence theory of Howard Gardner can the
employed while analyzing the students’ mentality for joining some specific course. The critics further
argue that Gardener's definition of intelligence is too broad and that his eight different "intelligences"
simply represent talents, personality traits, and abilities in brief. Gardener's theory also suffers from a lack
of supporting empirical research. Our purpose to conduct this research is to find out the factors that are
affecting students' attraction on choosing the academic track. This study has also found out the possible
reasons and the issues that contribute in decreasing number of students especially in Humanities and
Education, however increasing in Science and others. Moreover, the perspective of the students and the

teachers’ views are being taken to verify the affecting variables related to the research title. Specifically,
this study answers the following questions:

Specific Problems:

1. What are the things to consider in choosing a strand?

2. What are the effects of choosing the wrong strand?
3. Why is it important for Grade 10 student of La Purisima Concepcion Academy to choose a strand
that is in line with their interest?
4. How the preferred strand of Grade 10 students of La Purisima Concepcion Academy would help
them in the future?
5. What are the main reason of Grade 10 Students of La Purisima Concepcion Academy in choosing
a strand?

Research Objectives:

This study aims to:

1. To find what are the things to consider in choosing a strand.

2. To know the effects of choosing the wrong strand.
3. To determine the importance of choosing a strand that is in line with the Grade 10 Students of
La Purisima Concepcion Academy.
4. To find out the preferred strand of Grade 10 Students of La Purisima Concepcion Academy
that would help them in the future.
5. To discover the main reasons of Grade 10 Students of La Purisima Concepcion Academy in
choosing a strand.

Significance of the study

This study aims to discuss the Importance of Choosing the Preferred strand of Grace 10 student
in La Purisima Concepcion Academy. Choosing a senior high school strand is one of the most challenging
decisions that Junior high school students will have to face. It is greatly important because the strand they
choose will serve as their training ground before entering college. Choosing a right tracks / strand can help
learners set goals and develop strategy for getting where they want to be. Part of selecting appropriate

strands involves making an honest self-evaluation of talents and Skills and also interest. Thus, the
following will benefit from this research:

Students. The result of the study will help them to take their decision seriously in choosing the
said strand. It will also assistance them to be ready in the future because choosing your right strand, is
choosing the right path of your life.

Teachers. The given data would give the teachers on what to do with the students. The teachers
would be able to understand the factors that affect the students’ choice.

Parents. This study will provide a sufficient number of information to enlighten and give insight
for the student’s parents for they are most affected in terms of monetary issues intertwined with the K-to-
12 program.

Researchers. It will help the researchers to come up with the exact result and for them to analyze
how their study will end.

Future Researcher. This study will benefit the future researchers to be mindful and
knowledgeable. They can use it as their reference for more studies in the future.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused to study of the factors affecting strand preferences of Senior high school
Students. This Study mainly focused on the factors such as their profile of the students, Parental Influence,
Peer Influence, interest, Aptitude and Opportunity. The Researches will provide questionnaire to 20
students. There may be more factors however, those would not be within this study. This research will be
conducted at La Purisima Concepcion Academy. The data will be taken from the 20 students of Grade 10
Students of La Purisima Concepcion Academy.

Operational Definition of terms

The following are operationally defined for better understanding of the readers:

1. Interest- a feeling that accompanies or causes special attention to something or someone.

2. Career- an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's
3. Personality- Personality refers to the enduring characteristics and behavior that comprise a
person's unique adjustment to life, including major traits, interests, drives, values, self-concept,
abilities, and emotional patterns.
4. Peer- a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social
5. Strand- fibers or filaments twisted, plaited, or laid parallel to form a unit for further twisting or
plaiting into yarn, thread, rope, or cordage.
6. K-12-It is a short form for the publicly supported school grades prior to college.
7. Perception- the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the
mind; cognition; understanding.
8. Senior High School- refers to Grades 11 and 12, the last two years of the K to 12 Basic Education

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This chapter presents a collection of literature and studies conducted by researchers and concepts
of well-known educators to give clarifications and support to selected variables or factors included in the

These were the references used in the conceptualization of this study.

I. Senior High School.

High School is two years of specialized upper secondary education; students may choose a
specialization based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track will define the
content of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS subjects fall under either the Core
Curriculum or specific Tracks (Official Gazette, 2012). Senior High School (SHS) covers the last two
years of the K to 12 program and includes Grades 11 and 12. In SHS, students will go through a core
curriculum and subjects under a track of their choice. K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years
of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of
Senior High School [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong
learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and
entrepreneur ship. Each student in Senior High School can choose among three tracks: Academic;
Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The Academic track includes three strands:
Accountancy, Business Management (ABM); Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS); and Science,
Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM). Students undergo immersion, which may Include earn-
while-you-learn opportunities, to provide them relevant exposure and actual experience in their chosen
track (Official Gazette, 2012).

Filipinos are known to be competitive in the international community. However, our current
education system hinders us from becoming even more competitive. Starting in the 2012-2013 school
year, the education system of the Philippines was enhanced from the ten years of basic education to a 12-
year program through an initiative called the K-12 Education Plan sponsored by the Department of
Education (Hub Pages Inc. 2016). The K-12 program offers a decongested 12-year program that gives
students sufficient time to master skills and absorb basic competencies. The K-12 program accelerates
mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries (K-12 Philippines, 2015.

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II. Different Strands in Senior High School.

Senior High School is two years of specialized upper secondary education; students may choose
a specialization based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track will define
the content of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. Each student in Senior High School
can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The
Academic track includes three strands: Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM); Humanities,
Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).

III. Importance of Choosing a Strand/Track.

In choosing a course, there are a lot of factors that student must consider. According to Boyer
(1987)," in taking a course, one of the life's major decisions is being made. A lot of time, money, and effort
will be involved. The shape of excellence of the student's life may rest on the result." In choosing a junior,
senior academic track and strand, a student should be a risk-taker. F. Yates, Veinotle and patalono (2003)
define a decision as "a commitment to a course of action that is intended to produce a satisfying state of
affairs." Making decision implies that there are choices to be considered, and in such case we want only
to identify as many alternatives as possible but to choose the best fits with their choices. Havris in 1980,
"Decision making is the best way to get satisfying life. One decent decision that a person will do can make
a huge impact in his or her life.

Benefits of Knowing the Importance of Choosing a Strand/Track.

IV. Future Opportunities/ Ideal Jobs

The earning potential of your chosen profession is likely tube a factor that influences your career
paths. You may found one aspects of your career is more financially rewarding than another, or that
working you way through the ranks holds greater financial incentive than staying in the same job. Your
personal financial needs are also likely to influence the career choices you make. Opportunity is the third
factor that has shape career choices for students. Opportunity may influence how students have perceived
their future in terms of the reasonable probability of a future in particular career fields.

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The issue of poverty has played an important determining role in the opportunities available to all
(McQuerrey, 2006). Opportunities in career choice would guidance, job placement, industry Contacts
(Kroll, Dinklage, Lee. Morley, &, 1970).

V. Academic Experience.

As reported by Martin (2013), the external experiences that help to shape an individual's career
choice are also influenced by significant others through social support from peers. People around
contribute a lot in one's decision-making. Individual interest may be affected by peers for the reason that
one wants to be with them in fulfilling dreams or a certain career. Classmates also play an important role
in the formation of student's achievement, related beliefs and values. Save avoid limiting opportunities in
the future. It is important to have a good understanding of share if these classmates do not always
correspond with the peer group of leisure-time friends.

This literature discusses how student perceptions of classroom values were significantly and
positively related to students' enjoyment. Developments of students' interest were really affected by their
peers and classmates. The aforesaid collection of literature some contributory factors to track and strand
choice and how it might affect their level of satisfaction such as family, personality, job opportunities, and
peer influence.

VI. Factors Affecting the Decision- Making of Senior High School Students.

This literature supports the inference of the researchers that opportunities may also affect the
strand and track choice of the student-respondents. Opportunity is one of factors that may shaped career
choices for students. Opportunity may influence how students have perceived their future in terms of the
reasonable probability of a future in particular career fields. The issue of poverty has played an important
determining role in the opportunities available to all.

According to Khare (2015), personality plays an important role in the choosing of the right

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career. A student's personality must be self-motivated type, as to investigate career possibilities from early
on in their lives, and not the procrastinating type that waits till they are compelled to decide. Perception
of being suitable for particular jobs also has been found to be influenced by a number of factors including
ethnic background, year in school, level of achievement, choice of subjects, attitudes and differences in
job characteristics.

VII. Improving Decision-Making Skills of Students.

Most of the students lack adequate information regarding various careers hence the choices that
they make are embedded in their perception of the ideal job and the subjects they study in secondary
school (Taylor et al, 2004).

In relation with the present study, these factors affecting the students' decision making namely,
student-related, family-related, and socioeconomic factors are highly important since these factors are also
included. Since the mentioned study was conducted in Taiwan, the researchers could compare and may
know whether if they may come up with the same results. This is also supported by the study entitled
"Factors Affecting the Student Career Decision-Making of Junior High School Students in Central Taiwan
Area" published by International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Su et. al. (2016)
revealed that students' career decision-making is most deeply affected by personal factor, next are group
and career exploration factor, and school factor has the lowest affecting level to them.

VIII. Essential Traits that Help in Achieving the Student’s Desired Goals.

Perseverance is synonymous with dedication. You will not quit up and accept incompetence, no
matter how complex your subjects/courses are. Instead, you will always put in sufficient effort, if not
more, to produce excellent output or performance. A good student never misses class. Yes, timeliness is
challenging to maintain, but if you are serious about getting the most out of your education, you will make
an effort to get at school early. This will prevent you from making a terrible first impression as well as
skipping early quizzes and other events.

Good students can put them all into their studies by researching widely online and through
numerous recommended texts to obtain a broader understanding of various topics and see a topic from a

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different perspective, rather than depending just on the coursework outline provided by their lecturers. All
of this can only be accomplished through hard work, as effective study takes hours.

This study is divided student-related factors affecting career decision-making into three aspects:
learning motivation, learning attitude, and self-efficacy; among which, students of large- sized schools
with taking household affairs courses whose overall affecting level of personal factors for their career
decision-making will be greater than students of medium-sizes schools with taking industrial and
commercial courses; students of large-sized schools with taking household affairs courses whose affecting
level of learning motivation will be greater than students of small-sized schools with taking commercial
courses; female students of medium/large-sized schools with middle-level education degree parents and
taking household affairs courses whose affecting level of learning attitude will be higher than male
students of medium-sized schools with lower education degree parents and taking industrial and
commercial courses; and students with taking household affairs course whose affecting level of self-
efficacy will be greater than students with taking commercial courses.


Grade 10 students at La Purisima Concepcion Academy are influenced by a myriad of factors when
contemplating their preferred Senior High School (SHS) strands. Personal interests and passions play a
pivotal role, with students often choosing strands aligned with subjects that resonate with their individual
inclinations. Career aspirations serve as a guiding force, as students consider SHS strands that align with
their envisioned professional paths. Academic performance is another influential factor, with students
gravitating towards strands where they feel confident and capable. Parental influence is significant, as
parents may provide guidance based on their experiences or expectations. School resources and facilities,
such as quality teachers and well-equipped labs, can sway decisions, as can the influence of peers.
Information and guidance from teachers and counselors are crucial in shaping choices, while awareness
of future opportunities post-graduation can impact decisions. Financial considerations and the availability
of extracurricular activities also contribute to the intricate web of influences on students' decisions. In this
multifaceted decision-making process, schools play a vital role in providing the necessary support and
information for students to make informed choices about their educational paths.

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Moreover, the social dynamics within the student community can be influential, as friends and
classmates may recommend or share similar interests, contributing to a collective decision-making
process. The school's efforts to organize workshops, seminars, and career fairs can provide students with
valuable insights and information, facilitating a more informed approach to choosing SHS strands.

Additionally, the consideration of the long-term benefits and consequences of selecting a particular
strand is crucial. Students weigh the potential opportunities for further education or employment that may
arise from their chosen path. Furthermore, the accessibility and affordability of specific strands, taking
into account financial constraints, can significantly impact the decision-making process.

In essence, the synthesis of factors influencing Grade 10 students at La Purisima Concepcion

Academy in selecting their preferred SHS strands underscores the intricate interplay of personal,
academic, familial, social, and practical considerations. Recognizing the complexity of these influences is
essential for educators, counselors, and parents to provide comprehensive support to students as they
navigate this critical decision-making phase in their academic journey.

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This chapter discusses the research strategy and methodology, as well as the study's location and

sample data of participants, research tools, methods for gathering data, and methods for data


Research Design

The purpose of this study was to discover the factors that influence Grade 10 students' choices of

Senior High School Track/s. The qualitative research design was used by the researcher to examine the

research goals and produce a fresh understanding of the information gathered. In order to gain a new

perspective on the data collected, the researcher used a qualitative research questions to analyze the

research objectives.

The study is qualitative since it seeks to ascertain whether junior high (JHS) decision-making has

an impact on which strand should be picked. Calmorin (2010) asserts that the defining Research explains

and contextualizes reality. It is concerned with the circumstances of existing connections, habits, ideas,

and procedures that are in use consequences or trends that are currently in progress developing. Design of

the descriptive survey was utilized because it outlines the influences preferences for senior high school

sports in grade 10 based on respondents' perceptions of the students utilizing a checklist-questionnaire.

Research Locale

The study concentrated on local concerns about choosing a right track. It is crucial for a student who has
yet to make a decision on what track to take in senior high school. The researchers will conduct an
interview to get the essential data with the Grade 10 Students of La Purisima Concepcion Academy, which
will happen in Barangay 2, Mataasnakahoy Batangas. Additionally, this study focuses on both internal and
external elements affecting students' decision-making both directly and indirectly subject. The La

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Purisima Concepcion academy's Grade 10 students were the source of the data. As researchers, we had a
direct contact and interaction with those 10th-grade students.

Sample of Respondents

The selection of respondents was done through convenience and quota sampling .Convenience
sampling is a non-probability sampling method where units are selected for inclusion in the sample
because they are the easiest for the researcher to access. This research will also be conducted in La
Purisima Concepcion Academy therefore convenience sampling is perfect to use because it relies on
location and accessibility to determine the research variables. This can be due to availability at a given
time, or willingness to participate in the research. Quota sampling is a non-probability sampling method
that relies on the non-random selection of a predetermined number or proportion of units. Since our
research questions is only limited od 10-15 students for us to interview. Also the researchers choose these
individuals/students according to specific traits or qualities.

Students in grade 10 made up the population of this study. The research chooses these schools
from among all the schools in Mataasnakahoy because the school is located in a neighborhood with a high
concentration of male and female teenagers aged 15 to 17, enrolled in the academic year 2022–
2023.openly invited the researchers to study their students, and the school gave them access to all the
information they needed. The fact that their responses would be kept anonymous and confidential was

made clear to the respondents.


Lescano, Sophia Ranielle R. 15 years old Female
Atienza, Ruffa Althea L. 16 years old Female
Torga, Mark Jerome G. 15 years old Male
Dimaculangan, Khiesha May 15 years old Female
Magpantay, Maven Kyle 15 years old Male
Ross, Mia Samantha 16 years old Female
Marasigan, Aliyah 15 years old Female
Barrion, Rhiyana 15 years old Female

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Fernandez, Jasmine 15 years old Female
Regalado, Mathe James O. 15 years old Male
Custodio, Gabriel Martin C. 15 years old Male
Manahan, Sean 15 years old Male
Malaluan, Pius 15 years old Male
Jenald, Jam 15 years old Male
De Guzman, Ara Joy 15 years old Female

Research Instrument

The primary data collection methods used in the study is interview collection. The data collected
through this methods can then be analyzed and used to support or refute research hypotheses and draw
conclusions about the study's subject matter. As the questionnaire was being created. The researcher polled
a small sample of students in a mini-survey to determine pertinent elements that significantly influence
students' decisions when selecting a particular academic on a path toward higher education.

Both open-ended and closed-ended questions were included in the questionnaire interconnected
with one another. In the event of understanding issues, the respondents had opportunity to comprehend
the researcher's explanations of the questions. Initially, the schools’ authority granted the researcher
permission to carry out this research tasks among the affected research's students. Second, he or she
described the goal of gathering responses is to use the findings. Third, the interview questions were given
out to the students and gathered once they were finished. The students had enough time to finish thinking
filling out their responses when us the researches interviewed them one by one.

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Interview Questions:

1. How do you see yourself in the future?

2. What are you good at?

3. What subjects do you enjoy the most and excel in?

4. What is the practical option for you?

5. How is your free time spent?

6. What are the things you should consider before choosing your strand?

7. How would you choose your strand in Senior high?

8. What do you think is the importance of choosing a strand that is in line with your interests?

9. What is your preferred strand?

10. How do you think this strand will help you in the future?

Data Collection Procedure

Questionnaires are popular research methods because they offer a fast, efficient and inexpensive
means of gathering large amounts of information from sizeable sample volumes. Despite that we’re gonna
use interview as a research instrument. The same survey question was made available to the chosen
participants via an interview. Those who volunteered and did research participants adhered strictly to the
procedure for a stronger emphasis and high-quality response son the research objectives. The validity and
reliability were cross-checked by comparing their responses analyzing the overall answer that they gave.
It is also noted that some students didn’t even want to answer certain questions being unwilling to reveal
their family and personal issues.

Both the qualitative and qualitative data were collected through the convenience and quota
sampling method. However, each and every students of the similar section were included as the
respondents while distributing questionnaire for their responses. Mostly primary data are used for
completing this research work. Primary data are taken from field visit and survey sampling and secondary
data is taken from concerned authorities.

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Data Analysis

The researchers assessed the evidence of strong ties between family influence, peer influence, and
employment opportunities the students' preferred courses, as well as their financial situation and personal
interests. Thinking properly in selecting the right track for students will help them to be ready for their
future and choosing the right track can help enhance their skills and capabilities in the track they will
choose. Teachers should guide and help their students in choosing the right and appropriate track for them
and keep their thoughts and arms open for students who intend to approach them in times of doubts and
difficulty in decision-making. Career guidance may be given intensively and be implemented in school
through the mandate of the school head.

Meanwhile, parents should monitor and support their children for they will have a challenging step
for their future. They shall be open to discussion with their son or daughter especially in education and
the future that entails with it.

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This chapter presents the research findings of the data collected from the case study samples. The
main source of data is interviews and is also supplemented by literature. The findings will be presented in
relation to the research objectives stated in the study. The method used to analyze the data is already
discussed in the methodology.

RQ 1 Things To Consider Before Choosing A Strand

Selecting a strand, a specialized academic or career track, is a pivotal moment in an individual's

educational journey. This decision holds the power to shape one's future, influencing not only academic
pursuits but also career prospects and personal satisfaction. Several factors should be carefully considered
before embarking on this educational crossroads to ensure that the chosen strand aligns with individual
goals, interests, and aspirations.

Before making a decision, it is crucial to engage in self-reflection. Consider your passions,

interests, and areas that spark enthusiasm. Choosing a strand that resonates with personal interests can
transform the educational experience into a journey of discovery and fulfillment. Assessing individual
skills and aptitudes is paramount. A strand that complements inherent strengths and abilities not only
enhances the learning experience but also sets the stage for success in future endeavors. Recognizing and
building upon one's natural talents can contribute significantly to personal and professional growth.

Contemplate long-term goals and aspirations. The chosen strand should align with these
objectives, laying the groundwork for a seamless transition from education to the professional world.
Considering the broader context of one's ambitions ensures that the chosen path is a stepping stone towards
a rewarding future. Thorough research into the career opportunities associated with each strand is
essential. Understanding the market demand for professionals in a particular field provides insight into
potential job prospects. Choosing a strand with diverse and growing career opportunities enhances the
likelihood of securing meaningful employment in the future.

Consider the educational requirements of each strand. Some may necessitate specific courses,
certifications, or degrees. Being aware of these prerequisites allows for informed decision-making and
ensures that one is prepared to meet the academic demands associated with the chosen path. The alignment

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of personal values and ethics with the chosen strand contributes to a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Considering the ethical implications and values associated with a particular field ensures that the
educational journey is not only professionally rewarding but also personally enriching.

Assess the flexibility and adaptability of the chosen strand. Some fields offer a broader range of
career options and ease of transition. Choosing a flexible strand allows for exploration and adaptation to
changing circumstances, providing a safety net for unforeseen shifts in career interests. Financial aspects
should not be overlooked. Some strands may require additional financial investment in materials,
equipment, or specialized training. Understanding these financial considerations is crucial for effective
planning and ensuring that the chosen path is financially sustainable.

Choosing a strand is a significant decision that necessitates careful consideration of multiple

factors. By engaging in self-reflection, assessing skills and goals, researching career opportunities, and
considering personal values, individuals can navigate this educational crossroads with confidence. A
thoughtful and informed decision not only enhances the educational experience but also lays the
foundation for a fulfilling and successful future. As the journey unfolds, individuals may find themselves
not merely choosing a strand but shaping a path that aligns harmoniously with their unique aspirations
and potential.

RQ 2 Effects Of Choosing The Wrong Strand

Selecting an academic or career strand is a pivotal decision in a student's life, one that can
significantly influence their future trajectory. While choosing the right strand can lead to personal and
professional fulfillment, the consequences of selecting the wrong one can be profound. This essay explores
the effects of making an ill-informed strand choice and the challenges students may encounter as a result.

Selecting the wrong strand can result in a misalignment between the chosen field of study and the
individual's actual career aspirations. This disconnect may lead to dissatisfaction, as the chosen strand
may not provide the necessary skills or knowledge for the desired profession. A misjudged strand choice
can lead to academic challenges. Students may find themselves struggling with coursework that does not
resonate with their interests or strengths, potentially impacting their grades and overall academic

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When students are not passionate about the subject matter within their chosen strand, they may
experience a lack of motivation. This can result in disengagement from classes, reduced effort, and a
diminished sense of purpose in their academic journey. Choosing the wrong strand may necessitate a
course correction, leading to delayed graduation or the need to switch strands. This can extend the time
and financial resources required to complete an academic program, causing stress and uncertainty about
the future.

The effects of a misguided strand choice may extend beyond the academic realm into the
professional sphere. Graduates may find themselves in careers that do not align with their skills, interests,
or long-term goals, leading to dissatisfaction and potential career transitions. The realization of having
chosen the wrong strand can cause emotional stress and anxiety. Students may grapple with feelings of
uncertainty, self-doubt, and pressure to make difficult decisions about their academic and professional

Choosing the wrong strand is a significant decision with far-reaching consequences. It can impact
academic success, professional fulfillment, financial stability, and mental well-being. Recognizing the
signs of a mismatched strand choice and taking proactive steps to address the situation, such as seeking
guidance from mentors or exploring opportunities for course adjustments, can help mitigate the negative
effects and pave the way for a more aligned and fulfilling educational and professional journey.

RQ 3 Importance Of Choosing A Strand That Is In Line With The Interest Of Grade 10 Student In
La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Selecting a strand that aligns with the interests of Grade 10 students at La Purisima Concepcion
Academy is of paramount importance for several compelling reasons. Firstly, choosing a strand based on
personal interests fosters a sense of enthusiasm and engagement in the academic journey. When students
pursue subjects and activities that genuinely captivate their attention, it transforms the learning experience
from a mere obligation to a fulfilling exploration of knowledge. This heightened interest can contribute to
improved academic performance as students are more likely to invest time and effort in areas that resonate
with their passions.

Moreover, selecting a strand in line with personal interests lays the groundwork for future career
satisfaction. La Purisima Concepcion Academy recognizes the significance of preparing students not only

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academically but also for their professional journey. When students pursue a strand that aligns with their
interests, they are more likely to find joy and fulfillment in their chosen careers. This connection between
personal passion and professional pursuits can lead to a more purposeful and rewarding life.

Additionally, aligning a strand with the interests of Grade 10 students promotes a seamless
transition from academic learning to real-world application. La Purisima Concepcion Academy aims to
equip students with practical skills and knowledge that they can confidently apply in their future
endeavors. By choosing a strand that resonates with their interests, students are better positioned to
leverage their education for success in their chosen fields, contributing meaningfully to their communities
and society at large.

In conclusion, the importance of choosing a strand in line with the interests of Grade 10 students
at La Purisima Concepcion Academy cannot be overstated. This strategic alignment enhances academic
engagement, promotes future career satisfaction, and facilitates a smooth transition from education to the
professional world. Ultimately, it empowers students to pursue paths that not only lead to success but also
bring them a sense of fulfillment and purpose in their academic and professional journeys.

RQ 4 Preferred Strand of Grade 10 Students of La Purisima Concepcion Academy That Would

Help Them In The Future

Understanding the preferred strand of Grade 10 students at La Purisima Concepcion Academy is

a crucial aspect of guiding them toward a future that aligns with their goals and aspirations. While
individual preferences may vary, a strand that holds promise for their future success and fulfillment is the
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) strand.

The STEM strand is characterized by a curriculum that places a strong emphasis on scientific
inquiry, technological proficiency, and mathematical reasoning. Choosing this strand equips students with
a solid foundation in the core disciplines that are driving innovation and progress in the contemporary
world. In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, STEM skills have become increasingly essential
across various industries, making this strand a strategic choice for future career opportunities.

Opting for the STEM strand at La Purisima Concepcion Academy provides students with the
chance to delve into subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, and advanced mathematics. These

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subjects not only challenge and stimulate intellectual curiosity but also lay the groundwork for pursuing
higher education and careers in fields such as engineering, computer science, biotechnology, and medical

Moreover, the STEM strand promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills—
attributes that are highly valued in the modern workforce. As students engage in hands-on experiments,
projects, and collaborative activities, they develop the practical skills necessary for success in a variety of
STEM-related professions. La Purisima Concepcion Academy recognizes the importance of preparing
students not only academically but also for the demands of an ever-evolving job market, and the STEM
strand is well-positioned to meet these demands.

To sum up, the preferred strand of Grade 10 students at La Purisima Concepcion Academy that
holds the potential to significantly impact their future success is the STEM strand. By choosing this
pathway, students not only immerse themselves in a rich and challenging academic experience but also
set the stage for future careers in high-demand fields that drive innovation and contribute to the
advancement of society. The STEM strand serves as a bridge between academic excellence and real-world
application, empowering students to navigate the complexities of the future with confidence and purpose.

RQ 5 Main Reason Of Grade 10 Students of La Purisima Concepcion Academy In Choosing A


The process of choosing a strand among Grade 10 students at La Purisima Concepcion Academy
is a pivotal moment, marked by a confluence of personal reflections, aspirations, and external influences.
One of the primary drivers behind their decisions lies in personal interests and passions. Many students
embark on this journey with a genuine curiosity for specific subjects or a deep-seated passion for a
particular field. This intrinsic motivation serves as a compass, guiding them toward strands that resonate
with their natural inclinations, creating a foundation for a more engaged and fulfilling academic

Career aspirations also weigh heavily in the decision-making process. Grade 10 students often
view the choice of a strand as a strategic step towards their envisioned professional future. Whether their
ambitions lie in the realms of science, technology, arts, business, or other specialized areas, selecting a
strand aligned with their career goals becomes a deliberate and purposeful choice. It is a proactive measure

26 | P a g e
to equip themselves with the requisite knowledge and skills that will pave the way for success in their
chosen careers.

Family influence and expectations play a significant role, introducing an additional layer to the
decision-making process. The wishes and guidance of parents or guardians, informed by family traditions
or preferences, may influence students as they navigate the multitude of available strands. In such cases,
the decision becomes a delicate balance between personal aspirations and familial expectations, further
emphasizing the importance of thoughtful consideration.

Educational and academic strengths also factor into the equation. Grade 10 students often assess
their academic performance in specific subjects, opting for strands that align with their strengths. This
strategic approach positions them for success, as they embark on a journey where they can excel
academically and build upon existing skills, setting a solid foundation for future educational pursuits.

Awareness of future opportunities and industry trends is another influential factor. Some students
adopt a forward-looking perspective, selecting a strand that aligns with emerging fields or industries.
Anticipating that this choice will provide a competitive edge in the job market upon graduation, these
students navigate their academic journey with an eye towards the future and the dynamic demands of the
professional landscape.

Peer and social influences within the school community contribute to the shaping of students'
aspirations. Inspired by the choices of friends or influenced by prevailing trends, students may find
themselves drawn to strands that align with the discussions and preferences circulating among their peers.
Social dynamics thus become a subtle yet impactful element in the decision-making process.

Extracurricular involvement serves as both a catalyst and a compass. Participation in clubs,

activities, or competitions often sparks a student's interest in a particular strand. Success or enjoyment in
these extracurricular pursuits can ignite a passion that translates into a deliberate choice when selecting a
strand, creating a bridge between academic and extracurricular interests.

Guidance from teachers and school counselors adds a valuable dimension to the decision-making
process. Students seek advice from educational professionals who can provide insights into the academic
requirements, career prospects, and personal suitability of different strands. In the pursuit of a well-
informed decision, the guidance received becomes a crucial anchor, offering clarity amidst the myriad of

27 | P a g e
A desire for a well-rounded education is a motive for some students. Choosing a strand that offers
a balanced curriculum, encompassing various subjects, allows them to explore diverse areas of knowledge.
This approach, rooted in the aspiration for a comprehensive skill set, enables students to develop versatility
and adaptability qualities that are increasingly valued in a rapidly changing world.

In contemplating their choices, Grade 10 students also consider the long-term implications and
vision for their future. Recognizing that the decisions made during their academic journey can have a
lasting impact on their personal and professional trajectories, students take into account their long-term
goals and aspirations, ensuring that the selected strand aligns harmoniously with their broader life vision.

In conclusion, the main reasons behind the decisions of Grade 10 students at La Purisima
Concepcion Academy in choosing a strand are nuanced and multifaceted. Personal interests, career
aspirations, family influences, academic strengths, awareness of future opportunities, peer dynamics,
extracurricular involvement, guidance from educators, and a vision for the future all converge in this
pivotal decision-making process. The choice of a strand becomes a reflective and strategic endeavor,
shaping not only their academic journey but also laying the groundwork for their future endeavors and
contributions to the wider world.

28 | P a g e


This chapter shows the summary of the whole study, including the research findings. It also
includes the conclusions and recommendations that were drawn from the results of the study.

Summary of Findings

1. Considerations in Choosing a Strand:

The study found that Grade 10 students at La Purisima Concepcion Academy consider various
factors when selecting a senior high school strand. Academic interests, future career goals, parental
influence, and peer suggestions emerged as significant elements in the decision-making process. The
desire for a well-rounded education that aligns with personal strengths and passions was a common theme
among respondents.

2. Effects of Choosing the Wrong Strand:

The research indicates that selecting an incompatible strand can have significant consequences on
students' academic performance, motivation, and overall well-being. Students who found themselves in a
mismatched strand experienced increased stress, dissatisfaction, and a sense of unfulfillment. These
effects not only affected their academic journey but also had potential repercussions on their mental health
and future career prospects.

3. Importance of Alignment with Interests:

The study highlights the paramount importance of aligning a chosen strand with the interests of
Grade 10 students. Respondents who selected a strand in line with their passions exhibited higher levels
of motivation, engagement, and satisfaction. The findings underscore the correlation between interest
alignment and academic success, as well as overall personal fulfillment during the senior high school

4. Future Implications of Preferred Strand:

Examining the future perspectives of Grade 10 students, the research reveals that choosing a
preferred strand at La Purisima Concepcion Academy positively influences long-term outcomes. Students
who selected a strand aligned with their career aspirations expressed greater confidence in their future

29 | P a g e
endeavors. The study suggests that a well-chosen strand not only enhances academic and professional
development but also contributes to a sense of purpose and direction beyond high school.

5. Main Reasons for Choosing a Strand:

The primary motivations for selecting a strand among Grade 10 students at La Purisima
Concepcion Academy include personal interest and passion, perceived career opportunities, and the
influence of family and friends. The research highlights the need for guidance and information
dissemination regarding different strands to aid students in making informed decisions. Additionally, it
emphasizes the role of school counselors and educators in providing comprehensive support during the
decision-making process.


In conclusion, this study illuminates the intricate factors influencing the choices of Grade 10
students at La Purisima Concepcion Academy in selecting their senior high school strands. The
considerations, ranging from academic interests to parental influence, underscore the complexity of this
decision-making process. The common thread of a desire for a well-rounded education aligning with
personal strengths and passions unifies the diverse elements guiding students' choices.

The research emphasizes the significant consequences of choosing an incompatible strand,

revealing its impact on academic performance, motivation, and overall well-being. The study underscores
the broader implications, extending beyond the academic journey to potential repercussions on mental
health and future career prospects for students who find themselves in a mismatched strand.

The primary motivations for choosing a strand, including personal interest and passion, perceived
career opportunities, and influence from family and friends, underscore the need for informed decision-
making. The study emphasizes the critical role of guidance and information dissemination, with a call for
increased support from school counselors and educators to aid students in making well-informed decisions
that will shape their educational and personal trajectories positively. Overall, this research provides
valuable insights into the complexities of strand selection, contributing to a more comprehensive
understanding of the factors influencing students' choices and the importance of support systems in the
educational environment.

30 | P a g e

The research on the factors influencing Grade 10 students at La Purisima Concepcion Academy in
choosing their preferred senior high school strands holds significant relevance for various stakeholders
involved in the educational landscape. The following groups can make effective use of this research:

1.Educators and School Administrators:

Curriculum Planning: The findings can aid educators and administrators in refining or adapting
the curriculum to better align with the interests and preferences of students. This could contribute to higher
student engagement and satisfaction.

Guidance and Counseling: School counselors can leverage the insights to enhance guidance
programs, providing tailored support to students during the decision-making process and addressing
potential challenges.

2.Parents and Guardians:

Informed Support: Parents can use the research to gain a deeper understanding of the factors
influencing their child's strand preferences. This knowledge enables them to provide more informed and
supportive guidance in their child's educational journey.


Informed Decision-Making: Grade 10 students themselves can benefit by gaining insights into the
experiences and considerations of their peers. This knowledge can empower them to make more informed
decisions about their own preferred strands.

Expectation Management: Understanding the potential consequences of choosing a mismatched

strand can help students manage their expectations and make decisions that align more closely with their
interests and aspirations.

4.Guidance Counselors:

Tailored Counseling: Counselors can use the research findings to enhance their counseling
services, offering more personalized guidance to students based on the identified factors that influence
strand preferences.

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32 | P a g e


Qualitative Data Gathering: Transcripts of Structured Interviews

Timeframe of Interviews: November 23 & 24

GUIDE QUESTION: How do you see yourself in the future?

R1: I see myself as a nurse someday.

R2: Future Architect.

R3: I see myself as a pro basketball player.

R4: I see myself in the future as an architect.

R5: I see myself in the future as an architect.

R6: Cabin crew.

R7: Nurse.

R8: Accountancy.

R9: Drawing Financially.

R10: To be successful.

R11: Possibly and I.T. or pediatrician.

R12: Businessman.

R13: Successful Pro Player.

R14: Successful Entrepreneur.

33 | P a g e
R15: Nurse/Doctor.

GUIDE QUESTION: What are you good at?

R1: I’m good communicating with others.

R2: Drawing, Painting, And Solving Mathematical Problems.

R3: Playing Basketball.

R4: I’m good at arts.

R5: I’m good at arts.

R6: Academics.

R7: Dancing.

R8: Academics.

R9: Drawing.

R10: I’m good at sports.

R11: Computer.

R12: Playing online games.

R13: Sports.

R14: Sports.

R15: Academics.

34 | P a g e
GUIDE QUESTION : What subject do you enjoy the most and excel in?

R1: English.

R2: Science & Math.


R4: I enjoy mapeh subject because it has arts and p.e.

R5: I enjoy mapeh and English subjects.

R6: Science.

R7: Mapeh.

R8: Math.

R9: English.

R10: The subject I enjoy is P.E.

R11: Computer.

R12: Science.

R13: Computer.

R14: Science.

R15: Math & Science.

GUIDE QUESTION: What is practical option for you?



35 | P a g e

R4: My practical option is to choose GAS or spend time to think about it.

R5: I’ll choose ABM.


R7: For me it would be STEM.


R9: For me it would be HUMSS.

R10: I will be a HUMSS.

R11: GAS.


R13: To be a HUMSS student.


R15: STEM.

GUIDE QUESTION: How is your free time spent?

R1: Watching movies and listening to music.

R2: Painting, drawing and solving mathematical problems.

R3: Playing Instrument.

R4: By watching tiktok.

36 | P a g e
R5: Watching movies and listening to music.

R6: Watching tiktok videos.

R7: Celphone.

R8: Reading novels and sitting pretty.

R9: Drawing & animations.

R10: Sometimes good and sometimes bad.

R11: Using phone or studying computer.

R12: Not bad.

R13: Online games.

R14: By reading or sleeping.

R15: Watching tiktoks and sitting pretty.

GUIDE QUESTION: What are the things you should consider before choosing your strand?

R1: The things I like to do and my hobbies.

R2: If it’s inclined with my preferred course.

R3: What I am good at and what I want.

R4: My capabilities or he course I am taking.

R5: Thinking about my hobbies and the things I am good at.

R6: Knowledge and abilities.

R7: The thng that I really need to think first is if I can do it?

37 | P a g e
R8: Knowledge and skills.

R9: My capabilities and how much can I handlethe strand.

R10: The thing you need to consider is “dapat kaya mo”

R11: Personal interest and income.

R12: Responsibilities.

R13: Income.

R14: By what I enjoy and love doing.

R15: Knowledge and capabilities.

GUIDE QUESTION: How would you choose your strand in Senior High?

R1: By considering the things that I’m good at.

R2: I would choose according to my preferred course.

R3: I will choose my strand base on what I want.

R4: By picking and relating it to my wants.

R5: By thinking on what I am good at?

R6: By relating it to my future job.

R7: “Pag iisipan po ng mabuti”

R8: Depends on my skills and in line with the profession I want.

R9: What I can mentally handle and could possibly excel in.

38 | P a g e
R10: I will choose for my family and for me to achieve what I will achieve.

R11: I would choose stem.

R12: I pick stem.

R13: I would choose stem.

R14: By choosing the most reliable strand according to what I like.

R15: Connected to my future jobs.

GUIDE QUESTION: What do you think is the most importance of choosing a strand that is in
line with your interests?

R1: I can fulfill my dream.

R2: If the strand is inline with my future course then I can expand my knowledge and excel
them when I get to college.

R3: It will be my early practice for my future.

R4: It is important to choose a right strand in line with your interest because it can affect your

R5: Because this isn’t only about for college, this is about your future.

R6: So I can fulfill my dream job and live comfortably.

R7: Because my dream job was in that strand.

R8: It will be hard to get my preferred job.

R9: Something that would help me keep with my interest but would also support me
financially in the future.

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R10: The importance is you go to school everyday and listen well.

R11: To be more focus and have a better time.

R12: With my excellence.

R13: To have something to do.

R14: To have fun and enjoy.

R15: So I can live in my future job.

GUIDE QUESTION: What is your preferred strand?

R1: My preferred strand is STEM.



R4: I preferred taking STEM.

R5: I preferred STEM strand.





R10: I prefer STEM.

R11: STEM.

R12: STEM.

40 | P a g e
R13: STEM.

R14: ABM.


GUIDE QUESTION: How do you think this strand will help you in the future?

R1: It will be a big help for the course that I choose.

R2: STEM focuses on subject related to BS Architecture so I think that STEM will really help
me in the near future.

R3: This strand will help me communicate and improve my confidence.

R4: It will help me to become an architect.

R5: I think this strand will help me to be a professional architect.

R6: I can fulfill my profession.

R7: It can help me to achieve my dream job.

R8: I can choose my dream job.

R9: Help me understand more about the human nature and it’s reason for the change of society
through the course of time.

R10: It will help me to achieve what I want to do.

R11: In either the field of I.T. or in the field of medicine.

R12: By choosing what job I would pick.

R13: It will help me with my knowledge.

R14: It will help me gain a lot of knowledge about the career I want.

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R15: I seen a lot of student improving their skills and knowledge in this strand.

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Interview Questions:

1. How do you see yourself in the future?

2. What are you good at?

3. What subjects do you enjoy the most and excel in?

4. What is the practical option for you?

5. How is your free time spent?

6. What are the things you should consider before choosing your strand?

7. How would you choose your strand in Senior high?

8. What do you think is the importance of choosing a strand that is in line with your interests?

9. What is your preferred strand?

10. How do you think this strand will help you in the future?

43 | P a g e

Informed Consent Form

Factors that Influence Grade 10 Students of La Purisima Concepcion Academy About their Preferred
Senior High School Strands.

Purpose of the Study

You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide to participate in this study,
it is important that you understand why the research is being done and what your participation will involve.
Please read the following information carefully and feel free to ask the researcher if there is anything that
is not clear or if you need more information.
The study aims to investigate the preferred senior high school strands among Grade 10 students.
The choice of senior high school strands is a crucial decision as it plays a significant role in shaping
students' future academic and career paths. By understanding the preferences of Grade 10 students,
educators and policymakers can better tailor educational programs to meet their specific needs and

Study Procedures
To conduct the study, a survey questionnaire will be distributed to Grade 10 students in La Purisima
Concepcion Academy. The questionnaire will include items that assess students' knowledge and
understanding of senior high school strands, their level of interest in each strand, and their perceived
alignment of each strand with their future career goals. Additionally, socio-demographic data will be
collected to identify potential variations in preferences across different groups.

A survey questionnaire is a qualitative research method that relies on asking questions in order to collect
data. Interviews involve two or more people, one of whom is the interviewer asking the questions. There
are several types of interviews, often differentiated by their level of structure. In this interview, it will

44 | P a g e
conducted once only, with the respondents to answer the survey questionnaire he/she can answer it in the
duration of 10-15 minutes to more than 20 minutes, It depends on how long the respondents answer the

Voluntary Participation
Your participation in this study is voluntary. It is up to you whether or not you decide to participate.
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to sign this consent form. After you sign this consent form,
you are still free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason. Withdrawing from this study will
not affect the relationship you have, if any, with the researcher. If you withdraw from the study before data
collection is completed, your data will be destroyed.

Your responses in this research will be anonymous. Every effort will be made by the researcher to
preserve your confidentiality, including the following:
1. Keep all the research information shared with me confidential. I will not discuss or share the
research information with anyone other than with the Researcher(s) or others identified by the
2. Keep all respondents information secure while it is possession.
3. Return all research information to the Researcher(s) when I have completed the research
tasks or upon request, whichever is earlier.
4. Destroy all research information regarding this research project that is not returnable to
the Researcher(s) after consulting with the Researcher(s).
5. Comply with the instructions of the Researcher(s) about requirements to physically
and/or electronically secure records (including password protection, file/folder
encryption, and/or use of secure electronic transfer of records through file sharing, use
of virtual private networks, etc.).
6. Not allow any personally identifiable information to which I have access to be accessible
from outside.

(This section is mandatory]
I have read the information provided, or it has been read to me. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about it
and any questions I have been asked and have been answered to my satisfaction. I understand that I will be given a
copy of this form, and the researcher will keep another copy on file. I consent voluntarily to be a participant in this

45 | P a g e
Print Name of Respondent __________________________

Signature of Respondent___________________________

Date _________________________

Print Name of Respondent __________________________

Signature of Respondent___________________________

Date _________________________

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Print Name of Respondent __________________________

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Signature of Respondent___________________________

Date _________________________

Print Name of Respondent __________________________

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Date _________________________

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Signature of Respondent___________________________

Date _________________________

(This section is mandatory]

Print Name of Researcher __________________________

Signature of Researcher___________________________

Date _________________________

Print Name of Researcher __________________________

Signature of Researcher ___________________________

Date _________________________

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Print Name of Researcher __________________________

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Date _________________________

Print Name of Researcher __________________________

Signature of Researcher ___________________________

Date _________________________

49 | P a g e
Name: Louis O. Peji

Address: Upa, MataasnaKahoy, Santa Fe

Mobile Number: 09664254631



Age : 19

Sex : Male

Date of Birth : November 29, 2004

Place of Birth : Lipa City, Medix

Height : 5’8

Weight : 36

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Father’s Name : Gerardo R. Peji

Mother’s Name : Sharon Grace O. Peji


● Technologically literate in computer and internet research skills

● Flexibility and excellent interpersonal skills with team coordination experience
● Communicate in English and Filipino Language


Secondary Education: La Purisima Concepcion Academy

School :La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Year Graduated :August 2017 – June 2024

Primary Level: La Purisima Concepcion Academy

School :La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Year Graduated :July 2013 – March 2018

I hereby declare that all the details mentioned above are in accordance with the truth and fact as per my knowledge and I
hold the responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.

50 | P a g e
Name: Jayshelle G. Palcuto

Address: Brgy. IV Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Mobile Number: 09695691845



Age : 18

Sex : Female

Date of Birth : May 06, 2005

Place of Birth : Batangas Regional Hospital

Height : 5’2

Weight : 39

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Father’s Name : Jay R. Palcuto

Mother’s Name : Shella Marie G. Palcuto


● Technologically literate in computer and internet research skills

● Flexibility and excellent interpersonal skills with team coordination experience
● Communicate in English and Filipino Language


Secondary Education :La Purisima Concepcion Academy

School :La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Year Graduated :August 2022 – June 2024

Primary Level :Tapulao Elementary School

School :Tapulao Elementary School

Orani, Bataan

Year Graduated :July 2013 – March 2018

I hereby declare that all the details mentioned above are in accordance with the truth and fact as per my knowledge and I hold the
responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.

51 | P a g e
Name: Sofia denise B. Dimaano

Address: heritage ville,bagong pook,lipa city

Mobile Number: 09662382489



Age : 17

Sex : femle

Date of Birth : sept 14 2006

Place of Birth : San Jose Hospital

Height : 5’9

Weight : 60

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Father’s Name : Dennis Dimaano

Mother’s Name : Vanessa Fe Dimaano


● Technologically literate in computer and internet research skills

● Flexibility and excellent interpersonal skills with team coordination experience
● Communicate in English and Filipino Language


Secondary Education : La Purisima Concepcion Academy

School :La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Year Graduated :August 2022 – June 2024

Primary Level: Paaralang Sentral ng Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

School :La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Year Graduated :July 2013 – March 2018

I hereby declare that all the details mentioned above are in accordance with the truth and fact as per my knowledge and I hold the
responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.

52 | P a g e
Name: Paul Deniel P. Postrero

Address: Brgy II Mataasnakahoy Batangas

Mobile Number: 09468047649



Age : 19

Sex : Male

Date of Birth : November 24 2004

Place of Birth : Palyer, Mataasnakahoy Batangas

Height : 5’9

Weight : 69

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Father’s Name : Boyet Postrero

Mother’s Name : Belen Postrero


● Technologically literate in computer and internet research skills

● Flexibility and excellent interpersonal skills with team coordination experience
● Communicate in English and Filipino Language


Secondary Education: La Purisima Concepcion Academy

School :La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Year Graduated : August 2022 – June 2024

Primary Level : Paaralang Sentral ng Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

School : La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Year Graduated : July 2013 – March 2018

I hereby declare that all the details mentioned above are in accordance with the truth and fact as per my knowledge and I hold the
responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.

53 | P a g e
Name: Jerome W. Tanael

Address: Brgy Upa Mataasnakahoy Batangas

Mobile Number: 0993 648 0696



Age : 18

Sex : Male

Date of Birth : October 22 2005

Place of Birth : Heritage, Mataasnakahoy Batangas

Height : 5’10

Weight : 60

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Father’s Name : Jerry Tanael

Mother’s Name : Jocelyn Waller


● Technologically literate in computer and internet research skills

● Flexibility and excellent interpersonal skills with team coordination experience
● Communicate in English and Filipino Language


Secondary Education: La Purisima Concepcion Academy

School :La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Year Graduated : August 2022 – June 2024

Primary Level: Paaralang Sentral ng Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

School :La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Year Graduated :July 2013 – March 2018

I hereby declare that all the details mentioned above are in accordance with the truth and fact as per my knowledge and I hold the
responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.

54 | P a g e
Name: Clancy Eayah M. Baculo

Address: Brgy II-A Mataasnakahoy Batang

Mobile Number: 09690001131



Age : 18

Sex : Female

Date of Birth : May 17 2005

Place of Birth : Palyer, Mataasnakahoy Batangas

Height : 5’0

Weight : 38

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Father’s Name : Edgardo V. Baculo

Mother’s Name : Jennifer M. Baculo


● Technologically literate in computer and internet research skills

● Flexibility and excellent interpersonal skills with team coordination experience
● Communicate in English and Filipino Language


Secondary Education: La Purisima Concepcion Academy

School :La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Year Graduated :August 2022 – June 2024

Primary Level :Paaralang Sentral ng Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

School :La Purisima Concepcion Academy

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Year Graduated :June 2011 – March 2018

I hereby declare that all the details mentioned above are in accordance with the truth and fact as per my knowledge and I hold the
responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.

55 | P a g e

For the Grade 10 students of La Purisima Concepcion Academy that is prepare to embark on
their senior high school journey, the decision-making process surrounding the selection of preferred
strands is marked by a myriad of influential factors. This pivotal choice not only shapes their academic
trajectory but also lays the foundation for their future endeavors. Understanding the intricate interplay of
these factors is essential for educators, parents, and school administrators to provide informed guidance
and support.
The factors influencing the choices of Grade 10 students are diverse and nuanced. Personal
interests and passions emerge as significant drivers, leading students towards strands that align with
their intrinsic motivations. Career aspirations play a vital role, directing students towards strands that
equip them with the skills necessary for their envisioned professions. Academic strengths and
performance contribute to decision-making, with students seeking strands where they can leverage their
demonstrated proficiency. Family influence and expectations carry weight, as students consider the
wishes and aspirations of their parents or guardians.
A forward-looking perspective prompts some students to consider future opportunities and
industry trends, strategically choosing strands that align with emerging fields. Peer dynamics and social
influences within the school community also shape decisions, with students being inspired by the
choices of their friends or influenced by prevailing trends. Extracurricular involvement serves as a
catalyst, sparking interest in specific strands and creating a bridge between academic and extracurricular
pursuits. Guidance from teachers and school counselors is invaluable, providing insights into academic
requirements, career prospects, and personal suitability.
The distribution of survey questionnaires at La Purisima Concepcion Academy is a dynamic and
inclusive process that seeks to capture the diverse perspectives of grade 10 students in La Purisima
Concepcion Academy. Also distributing of survey questionnaires is not just a routine task but a
transformative journey. It is a testament to the collaborative spirit within the grade 10 students of La
Purisima Concepcion Academy, where student voices are not only heard but actively shape the evolution
of our educational community.

56 | P a g e
Some students prioritize a well-rounded education, opting for strands that offer a balanced
curriculum and exposure to various subjects. Consideration of long-term goals and vision for the future
is paramount, with students choosing strands that align harmoniously with their broader life aspirations.

57 | P a g e
These multifaceted factors collectively contribute to the decisions of Grade 10 students, reflecting their
unique goals and aspirations as they navigate the transformative journey into senior high school.

In conclusion, the decision-making process for Grade 10 students at La Purisima Concepcion

Academy regarding their preferred senior high school strands is a complex and thoughtful endeavor. The
interplay of personal interests, career aspirations, academic strengths, family influences, awareness of
future opportunities, peer dynamics, and guidance from educators collectively shapes their choices.

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