Cơm Đoàn Viên

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Between the undersigned

1) Provider :Wiseband 2) Producer : Nông Đức Tùng

2 Rue Ampère 132 Doc Lap, Giang Dien

85130 Les Landes Genusson 76000 Trang Bom
Legal number :
Below indicated: Wiseband
Hereinafter referred to as "the producer"

For the single :

Cơm Đoàn Viên (00:56:00)
Artist : Nông Đức Tùng

Label : Nông Đức Tùng

Genre : Electronic
Release date : 17/12/2023
Lyricist : Nông Đức Tùng
Composer : Nông Đức Tùng
Before the signature of the present agreement, it is reminded what follows

The PRODUCER is a transferee or a holder of the exclusive rights of reproduction and communication to the public of phonograms of the business to
have acquired them regularly, either artists concerned interpreters, or of phonographic PRODUCERS answering in the conditions of the article L 213-1
of the Code of the Intellectual property themselves having acquired these same rights of the artists interpreters, or still because he is at the same time
an artist and a PRODUCER of the same phonogram.

THE PRODUCER signed up for an Artist or Label account on Wiseband.

Wiseband is able to distribute the phonograms of the PRODUCER with various services assuring the provision or the sale on internet, in particular

That he detains the rights on a specific recording of an in particular indicated artist or all the recordings of the same artist even of several artists, the
PRODUCER wishes to confide the partial and limited distribution to Wiseband, who from his part is capable of distributing them in the conditions of the
present contract.

For the good understanding of the present agreement, the parties got on the following definitions to which they intend to refer.

Recordings: it is about the execution and/or about the performance by an artist of any musical work with or without words whatever is the nature, with
the aim of its digital distribution and the communication to the public.

Videomusics: it is also about any audiovisual work produced by fixing images intended to illustrate the performance of a musical work having been the
object of a recording.

Digital distribution: it is about the provision, thanks to wire or wirelessly and by every possible means about the transmission such as the internet
network or other existing transmission network or to come, of one or several recordings; this provision takes place so as to allow each one to have
access to it whenever and wherever he/she wants, just as this provision is immediate or postponed.

Digital transmission: it is about the transmission thanks to wire or wirelessly by every possible means about the transmission such as the internet
network or other existing network of transmission or to come from one or from several recordings for the purposes of reception by the public on whom
this one can decide or not on the nature of the recordings and on their order of transmission.

Online sales platforms: these are all services of music distribution on the Internet, on mobile phones or on any digital network, as download or stream,
by unit or by subscription.
Artist: it is about the artist interpret concerned by the recordings on which Wiseband will exercise exploitation rights in the limits granted by the
PRODUCER in the present contract.

Now, therefore, it has been agreed and established as follows, whereby the statement and the body of the act form a unique and inseparable whole


1.1 The PRODUCER grants to Wiseband, without any duration limit, and according to the article, the running rights on the recordings and the
videomusics in their entirety or as extracts, but with the limits fixed below, which he will supply pursuant to the present contract and guarantees that he
possesses for duration at least equal to that of the present contract, the right to run them freely.

This exploitation right includes in particular :

The right of reproduction and provision to the public by the digital distribution, in particular that of reproducing or making reproduce, digitizing or
making digitize, encoding or making encode, sending digitally or making send digitally, distributing digitally or to making distribute digitally the
recordings and the videomusics objects of the present contract in the definition of the word digital distribution given in the presentation above, be they
associated or not with the image taken from the originals and whatever use will be made.

The right of digital remote transmission to the public, by every possible means known or to be discoverred, on the recordings and videomusics,
purpose of the present contract.

The right of temporary or permanent provision by a digital data transport network allowing consumers to have access to diverse services such as, in
particular, ringtones, being understood that these uses and services can be developped and\or modified according to the evolution of the technology.

The right to assure freely the exploitation and the marketing of the recordings and the videomusics, in a free or paying way, including through the use
of one or several recordings or videomusics as digital compilations, which can, if necessary, be sold at a lower price than the unit price of market, or
broadcast as audio or video 'podcasts'.

1.2 The exchange, the hiring of phonograms and/or videograms, that is to say physical supports taken from the reproduction of the same recordings
are expressly excluded from the present contract any reproduction and put at the disposal of the public of the recordings by the sale, such as vinyl
records, cassettes, compact disks, videodisks, DVD, video cassettes, etc., the PRODUCER being totally free to have these rights as voucher seems to
him(her) in particular and including by concluding distribution agreements with any company(society) of distribution(casting) of his choice.


During all the period of execution of the present contract, the PRODUCER refrains to grant the same rights as those defined in the article 1 above in
any distribution company with which Wiseband has a relation of direct or indirect distribution for the digital distribution or the digital broadcasting, as to
grant them the rights of use of the recordings and the videomusics for the purposes aimed at the article 1.1 § 3 above. On the day of signature of the
present contract, Wiseband has a relation of direct or indirect distribution with the services of digital distribution iTunes, Amazon, OVI, Deezer, Spotify,
Simfy, 7Digital, Starzik, Qobuz, Rhapsody, eMusic, Qriocity, Rara, Google Play, Shazam, YouTube.

The PRODUCER makes on the other hand a commitment to supply to Wiseband all the recordings and the videomusics object of the present contract,
so as to allow it to assume its obligations in terms of digital distribution or digital transmission in the planned conditions.

The exclusivity will also concern all the recordings and the videomusics identified by THE PRODUCER on his Wiseband account.


3.1 The present contract contains no duration of exclusivity and can be broken by one or the other party after informing the other party with an
advance notice of one month.

Wiseband is in charge of doing what's necessary to remove as fast as possible from platforms and services of on-line sale the recordings object of the
present contract, as soon as the PRODUCER will have informed it that he put an end to the present contract or that the PRODUCER will have
specified on his account Wiseband the stop of the digital distribution of a particular recording. Wiseband will implement the procedures planned by the
platforms of on-line sale. Considering deadlines imposed by some of these services, Wiseband cannot be considered responsible for the availability of
the recordings after the date of the end which will have been notified by the PRODUCER.

The territory to which this contract applies is the world.


5.1 The PRODUCER makes a commitment to upload the recordings on the admin console on Wiseband, according to the technical specifications
defined periodically by Wiseband. These specifications are currently in mp3 format with a compression ratio of 320kbps.

The PRODUCER also makes a commitment to upload a picture for every album in the size 1448x1448 pixels, in JPEG or gif.

5.2 The PRODUCER guarantees that all the authorizations necessary for the use, including the digitalization of photos representing the artist as well
as in a general way all the elements composing the picture, including but without limitation, the possible initials and denominative and/or
representational brands, were acquired for the needs of the business, the advertising and the promotion planned in the present contract, and
guarantees Wiseband against any appeal to this subject.

The PRODUCER is in charge of the payment of the rights of mechanical reproduction of every musical work having been the object of recordings and
videomusics, owed or to their representation because of the digital distribution, of the download or of the digital transmission by download and
streaming platforms.

5.3 The reproduction, the communication to the public, the provision, the digital distribution, the download and the digital transmission of the
recordings and the videomusics object of the present contract, will be assured under the brand and the logo of Wiseband associated to the brand
and/or the label belonging to the PRODUCER accompanied with the logo and/or with its brand for the use from which he protects Wiseband against
any demand or complaint.

5.4 Wiseband makes a commitment to give any information to the PRODUCER, via in particular the accessible web site from the address http: //
www.wiseband.com, on the identity of web sites exploited by the distributors with whom it will have concluded the agreements with the aim of the
digital distribution, of the download or of the digital transmission of the recordings object of the present contract.

Wiseband will be considered on no account as person in charge of the errors which could be committed by inattention by sites exploiting offers of on-
line music and reserve the right not to accept systematically all the recordings, the artistic works, or the other materials which the PRODUCER will
submit it.
Sites exploiting offers of on-line music reserves the right not to publish or withhold the publication of your music if the sound quality of your recordings
is not correct and no refunds, even partial, can take place if your music is refused by a platform.

Wiseband makes a commitment to make all the necessary efforts to put or making put the on-line recordings or distribute them for the reasonable
deadline as from their date of reception and the date of reception of given metadata, taken in particular constraints of the specific deadlines its
partners; being understood that Wiseband makes a commitment to upload the recordings on at least one service of digital distribution in one delay of
one month after the upload of the recordings by the PRODUCER, and metadata (including the picture in the required size) complete.


6.1 More than the guarantees planned in the present contract, the PRODUCER declares to be the only holder of the exclusive rights of exploitation on
the recordings and the videomusics object of the present contract for the purposes of reproduction, of communication to the public, of provision in
particular by digital transmission, download, digital distribution and guarantees Wiseband against any complaint and any natural confusion to strike a
blow at the peaceful and enjoyment of the rights which he granted it.

6.2 Besides, he guarantees that expenses relative to the recording of the works on the masters which will have been confided to it were and will
entirely be paid and that on no account will not be asked some sum to Wiseband for it.

He guarantees that the ARTISTS and the musicians having participated in the RECORDINGS and in the VIDEOMUSICS gave in to him or gave in to
the PRODUCER whose rights he holds, and will give in to him or will give in to the PRODUCER whose rights he will hold, and it, by means of a paper,
the right to fix, to reproduce, to give to the public and to communicate to the public their performances and services object of the present contract for
all the exploitations aimed at the present.
The PRODUCER declares and guarantees finally that he fulfilled and will release any payable amount directly or indirectly to a some legal successor
in conformance with the exploitations planned in the present contract and guarantees Wiseband against any appeal in this respect.

The PRODUCER guarantees to have informed validly the artist according to provisions of the article L. 212-10 of the intellectual Code of the property,
stemming from the law of June 30th, 2006 relative to the copyright and to the similar rights in the society of information, its faculty to resort to the
technical measures of protection of phonograms by having specified the objectives pursued by every way of exploitation.

6.3 The PRODUCER guarantees the free enjoyment and the peaceful exploitation of the name of the artist among which the recordings and the
videomusics will be the object of exploitations object of the present contract.

6.4 The PRODUCER guarantees Wiseband against any appeal of third party concerning the works and the performances reproduced on the
recordings and the videomusics which will be the object of exploitations object of the present contract.

6.5 He guarantees finally that the performances of the artists concerned by the recordings and the videomusics which will be the object of exploitations
object of the present contract, will be exempt from any contents against the current law and against the regulations and\or slanderous and\or of any
element susceptible to violate the rights of some third party and to give place to actions based on particular on the plagiarism, the imitation, the unfair
competition, the civil liability and\or to bring some confusion to the exploitation of the recordings, the object of the present contract.

The PRODUCER guarantees Wiseband against any appeal in this respect.


Wiseband can use freely directly or indirectly the name of the artists concerned by the recordings and the videomusics which will be the object of
exploitations object of the present contract, photos and other images, fixed or full of life representing them for needs the aforementioned exploitations,
the whole, as long as Wiseband will run them.

When the PRODUCER will supply to Wiseband these photos and the other images, he guarantees it that he arranges copyright there relatives and
that he will make his personal business of any complaint of the concerned artists or the third parties in this subject.


To execute all the rights which are granted to it by the PRODUCER in the terms of the present contract, Wiseband can contract with every developer
of site offering some on-line music or any company running extracts of the recordings for any needs others than that of the download in particular for
the mobile phones or for the digital products specially intended for brands.

For that purpose it can give the recordings to above-mentioned retail websites, with the aim of their storage on the servers, for the purposes of
compression and of digitalization, of preservation of the digital files previously realized, for the purposes of hosting and at the technical needs bound to
the download of the recordings.

It can also assure the provision of the user in the form of extracts of a maximum duration of 30 seconds to allow him/her to listen to them, streaming
exclusively, so that he can proceed to his choice within the aforementioned offer.

The bonds of Wiseband are best effort undertakings.

Wiseband makes a commitment to make all the necessary efforts to allow to assure best the digital distribution, the digital transmission and the digital
exploitation of the recordings object of the present contract, according to the agreements which it will have concluded with the companies specialized
for that purpose and according to the request of these.

On no account Wiseband could be in charge of an obligatory result.


In payment for its help and for sale prices of the rights granted by the present contract, Wiseband will overturn to the PRODUCER for each of the
exploitations of these recordings and these vidéomusics in the conditions of the present contract, a royalty talling with 91% of its net earnings.

By nett takings, it is necessary to understand any amount that Wiseband will collect directly developers of the recordings and the videomusics with
whom it will have contracted with the aim of their license of digital distribution, download or digital transmission as of use in the purposes aimed at the
article 1.1 § 3 above, any commission of distribution being already deducted because retained by the dismissed developer, decreased only rights of
mechanical reproduction of the concerned works when Wiseband assumes the responsibility.


The states of royalties planned in the article 10 above will be sent by Wiseband on the 15th of every month and integrated into the statement of sales
supplied by Wiseband for the current account of THE PRODUCER.

The payment of the amount possibly due will be done in the 15 days following the presentation of an invoice in compliance with the order of:
8 Impasse Auvynet
ZA De Beaupuy


In case of dispute or disagreement, the PRODUCER can appoint at his own expense an independent agency, subject to professional secrecy and
confidentiality, an audit of records accounts of sales by Wiseband relating to this Agreement subject to a period of attentiveness of 10 (ten) days and
not more than once per year.

If the audit results show that the PRODUCER's remuneration after Wiseband initial statements is less than 5 (five)% of that determined by the audit,
the audit costs will be borne entirely by Wiseband in a maximum limit of 2,000 (two thousand) Euros HT on presentation of receipts. The agency will
notify the PRODUCER only the results of its audit. The results of the audit are confidential.


The present contract can be cancelled at any time if one or another party thinks it's good, with an advance notice of month. Wiseband will implement
the procedures planned by the platforms of download to stop the sales of the recordings object of the present contract as soon as possible. On no
account Wiseband can be held person in charge of the deadlines of the execution by the platforms.


The PRODUCER can freely give up the rights and the obligations, the objects of the present contract. To do so, he must inform Wiseband about it by
simple letter as soon as possible.

No modification of the legal situation of the undersigned parties can end the present contract, which will continue between this one or their legal
successors for duration remaining to run. The contract will continue to produce its effects in spite of possible modifications or transfers susceptible to
happen during its execution in the legal shape and/or the moral personality of the PRODUCER. So, in particular in case of modification of his legal and
social organization, transfer of its rights for a third party, the legal entity who can be in the rights of the PRODUCER will be substituted for profits and
responsibilities resulting from present contract and will be consequently, holder of the rights and the obligations, the object of the present contract, for
period remaining to run.


Any difficulty arisen from the performance and/or from the execution of the present contract will be subjected to the appreciation of the competent
Courts of ANGERS, the applicable laws being the French laws.

Amazon 7Digital Deezer Spotify

Youtube Content ID Wiseband Qobuz Napster

Beatport Juno Tidal Apple Music | iTunes | Shazam

Pandora Boomplay ALL Traxsource

BMAT Facebook - Insta Netease Alibaba

Tencent TikTok Anghami Youtube Music | Youtube Art track

Yandex UMA AWA iHeartRadio

JioSaavn Mixcloud Slacker Resso

Flo Bridge Audio Kuaishou Supernatural

Trebel Soundcloud Library Soundcloud Content ID KKBox


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