Final Position Qatar

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"Security Summit".

Crisis in Middle East: Israel - Gaza

Anna Laura Davila Lira

On behalf of Qatar, I greet with respect and consideration all present at this meeting where
we will expose this important situation and the injustices being committed in this regard, in
which Qatar has been an important mediator between Israel and Hamas.

The Hamas attacks on Israelis on October 7 shattered a growing regional and international
consensus that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was simmering. The violence was a terrible
reminder that regional transformation, based on integration and normalization between Arab
and Israeli states, which have long been hostile to each other, remains far away. But what
they ignore is the Palestinian reality of a conflict that has never ended.
To understand this context is not to justify Hamas's actions but to explore their roots. As UN
Secretary General Antonio Guterres stated, "Hamas attacks did not occur in a vacuum." Israel
rejected Guterres' comment and demanded his resignation. At least 10,800 Palestinians have
been killed in Gaza and more than two-thirds of the 2.3 million inhabitants have fled their
homes since Israel blockaded the enclave and unleashed a campaign of air and ground

At least 182 Palestinians have been killed and more than 2,250 injured as violence spreads
across the West Bank. If the war persists for a second month, the UN projects that Palestinian
GDP, previously at $20.4 billion annually, will fall by $1.7 billion, or 8.4 percent.The
economy is likely to contract by 12 percent, with losses of $2.5 billion and more than
660,000 people pushed into poverty, if the conflict drags on for a third month, the report
Qatar has in recent years paid the salaries of civil servants in the Gaza Strip, provided direct
cash transfers to poor families and offered other humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

Qatar has been engaged in a delicate international balancing act, as it maintains a relationship
with those considered terrorist groups by the West, while trying to preserve its close security
ties with the United States, but as the Emir declares "enough is enough"
Qatar's proposal calls for an urgent swap agreement to release elderly women captured by
Hamas in exchange for releasing all Palestinian women held in Israel's prisons.
In recent weeks, Doha has helped broker the release of four Israeli hostages held by
Palestinian militants. It helped to negotiate — in coordination with the U.S., Egypt, Israel and
Hamas — for foreigners trapped in Gaza to leave through the territory's crossing with Egypt.

Hamas and Israel have expressed in statements their readiness to resume hostilities after they
agreed to a Qatar-mediated pause in fighting.
The deal includes the release of 150 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails in exchange for
50 people held captive by Hamas in Gaza since the armed group that rules the enclave
stormed southern Israel on October 7

The State of Qatar affirms its commitment to ongoing diplomatic efforts to descalate
tensions, stop the bloodshed, and protect civilians.

In this regard, the State of Qatar appreciates the efforts of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the
United States of America in reaching this agreement.”

Quoting the emir "The only way to ensure the stability and security of the two peoples is to
establish a just and sustainable peace and to enable the Palestinian people to realize all their
legitimate rights as defined by international organizations".

Qatar is committed to working with all parties to find a lasting solution to the conflict, and we
look forward to your consideration in supporting the options presented.
We hope that our words have helped to advance the search for a just solution.
Thank you for your attention.
REFERENCIAS:, & (2023,

October 27). Ignoring the roots of violence in the Israel–Palestine conflict

challenges any future peace. Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank.


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Qatar positions itself as intermediary in Gaza war, even as leader blasts Israel. (2023).


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