Structure and oxidation behavior of γ-TiAl coating produced by laser cladding on titanium alloy

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Surface & Coatings Technology 319 (2017) 136–144

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Structure and oxidation behavior of γ-TiAl coating produced by laser

cladding on titanium alloy
Iu.N. Maliutina a,⁎, H. Si-Mohand b, J. Sijobert b, Ph. Bertrand b, D.V. Lazurenko a, I.A. Bataev a
Department of Materials Science in Mechanical Engineering, Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 K. Marks, 630073 Novosibirsk, Russia
Laboratory of Tribology and Systems Dynamics UMR CNRS 5513, National Engineering School of Saint-Etienne, Lyon University, 74 Rue des Acieries, 42000 Saint-Etienne, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, a laser cladding technique was used to produce a protective TiAl-based coating on TA6Zr4DE near-
Received 11 February 2017 alpha titanium alloy. Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder was used as a cladding material. The microstructure of samples was
Revised 4 April 2017 characterized using optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron mi-
Accepted in revised form 5 April 2017
croscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Fully lamellar microstructure consisting of γ-TiAl (fcc) and α2-
Available online 06 April 2017
Ti3Al (hcp) phases was observed in the coating. Oxidation resistance of substrate and coating was evaluated by
heating the samples in an air atmosphere at 700, 800 and 900 °С during 100 h. The oxidation process of TA6Zr4DE
Laser cladding alloy surface led to a formation of multilayered oxide films as result of repeated growth and peeling. The coated
Aluminides samples showed better oxidation resistance in whole temperature range compared to that of the substrate. This
Oxidation behavior was explained by the composition of the cladded layer. Niobium and chromium contained in the clad-
Microstructure ded powder inhibited the intensive growth of TiO2 (rutile) and contributed to the formation of a protective layer
composed mainly of alumina.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction automotive industries [9–11]. Ti-Al alloys with 40–50 at.% of aluminum
are called γ-TiAl based alloys [12]. Industrial γ-TiAl based alloys typical-
Titanium alloys are widely used for manufacturing of aircraft engines ly contain two phases (γ and α2) and a small amount of reinforcing pre-
components (e.g. compressors discs or blades) which operate at elevated cipitations of the third phase [13]. Minor additions of other elements
and high temperatures [1,2]. A higher efficiency of engines is achieved at (e.g. Nb, W, Si, Cr, and Ta) significantly improve the environment resis-
higher operating temperatures. However, the operating temperature for tance and provide long-term protection against oxidation up to 800 °C.
titanium alloys is usually limited to 500 °С due to their low long-term Among the foregoing elements, niobium provides a higher effect on the
strength and insufficient oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures. oxidation resistance [14–17]. Though the high-temperature behavior of
A degradation mechanism of Ti alloys due to oxidation is based on the for- binary Ti-Al based coatings fabricated on Ti substrates was already re-
mation of rapidly growing non-protective oxide scales consisting mainly ported (e.g. in ref. [18–21]), the oxidation resistance of multicomponent
of TiO2 which have a tendency to cracking [3–5]. Besides, saturation of coatings fabricated using industrial γ-TiAl alloys with high heat-resis-
the surface of titanium alloys with oxygen results in embrittlement of tance is not extensively studied.
outer layers deteriorating the mechanical properties of alloys. An effective The goal of this study was an investigation of the oxidation resis-
solution to oxidation problem is a surface modification [6]. tance of multicomponent coatings obtained on TA6Zr4DE near-alpha ti-
Laser cladding is an advanced technology to successfully enhance tanium alloy by laser cladding of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb alloy. The structure of
the wear and oxidation performance of titanium alloys [7,8]. This meth- the coatings was thoroughly characterized and the oxidation resistance
od is widely used in industry for surface modification of metals and al- of experimental samples was evaluated at 700, 800, and 900 °С and
loys due to the short processing time, flexibility, and precision in compared to the properties of the substrates. The surface and cross-sec-
operation. The local heating effect of the laser beam allows retaining tion of samples after the high-temperature test were analyzed by X-ray
the properties of the base material. diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dis-
TiAl-alloys are prospective high-temperature materials that can be persive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDX).
used as heat-resistant coatings. Due to their low density and high specif-
ic strength, these alloys are widely considered in the aerospace and
2. Experimental procedures

⁎ Corresponding author. Cylindrical billets of 35 mm in diameter and 10 mm in thickness of

E-mail address: (I.N. Maliutina). TA6Zr4DE (Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo) titanium alloy produced by Aubert &
0257-8972/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I.N. Maliutina et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 319 (2017) 136–144 137

Fig. 1. The microstructure of TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy. Fig. 2. OM image of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating on TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy substrate.

Duval company were used as substrates. Before the cladding, TA6Zr4DE with a sensitivity of 10−4 g. The mass gain Δm for substrate and coating
alloy had a lamellar α + β structure with well-defined α grain bound- after oxidation test was calculated as following:
aries (Fig. 1). Substrates were pre-sand blasted and subsequently
cleaned in acetone to remove contaminants from the surfaces. Before
the cladding, the substrates were preheated to 300 °С to reduce the Δm ¼ ð1Þ
temperature gradient between the substrate and the cladded layer. Dur-
ing the cladding process, the substrates' temperature was maintained at
this level by a heating plate which was located below the samples. where Δw is the weight increase of TA6Zr4DE or Ti48Al2Cr2Nb alloys
Ti48Al2Cr2Nb globular shape powder obtained by gas atomization (in mg); s is the area of TA6Zr4DE or Ti48Al2Cr2Nb alloys (in cm2).
was used as the cladding material. An average size of the powder parti- The phase composition of oxide layers was determined by ARL X'TRA
cles was 160 μm. Before the experiment, the powder was dried in a lab- X-ray diffractometer. A Cu Kα1, 2 radiation was used in experiments.
oratory furnace at 60° С for 1.5 h. The chemical compositions of the Registration of diffraction patterns was performed with a step size of
substrate and the cladded powder are listed in Table 1 [22,23]. 0.05° and dwell time of 5 s per point. Scanning angle during exposure
Laser cladding of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder on TA6Zr4DE substrates changed in the range from 25° to 80°.
was carried out using LASMA 1054 TRUMPF machine (in National Engi- The morphology and microstructure of the oxide scales formed on
neering School of Saint-Etienne, France). The selection of cladding re- the surface of samples were analyzed using Carl Zeiss EVO 50 XVP scan-
gimes was based on results of the previously published study [24]: the ning electron microscope equipped with Oxford Instruments X-ACT de-
laser power was 750 W, the scanning speed of nozzle was tector for energy dispersive analysis.
100 mm/min, and the powder feed rate was 3 g/min. The laser spot di-
ameter was 6 mm. Single-layer coatings were formed by the laser beam 3. Results and discussions
in a circumferential direction passing from the central to the border part
of substrates. An overlapping factor was 29%. 3.1. Structural analysis of laser cladded layer
Samples for microstructural characterization were prepared by
grinding followed by polishing using fine dispersive suspension of silica Fig. 2 shows a cross-sectional OM image of laser cladded
with 0.05 μm, and then chemically etched with Kroll's reagent. The mi- Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating on TA6Zr4DE alloy substrate. The average thick-
crostructure of the cladded layers and heat affected zones was analyzed ness of the coating was 0.6 mm. The microstructure of coating was ho-
by optical microscopy in the differential interference contrast mode mogeneous and the bonding to the substrate had a high metallurgical
(OM, Carl Zeiss Axio Observer Z1m), SEM (Carl Zeiss EVO 50 XVP) and quality, which was evidenced by a thin transition layer formed between
TEM (FEI Tecnai G2 200 kV). the coating and the substrate (Fig. 2). The structure and chemical com-
The coatings obtained by laser cladding were cut off from the sub- position of this layer were discussed earlier [24]. No microcracks and
strate by wire electrical discharge machining. Thus, it was possible to pores were observed in the coating suggesting that optimal laser clad-
carry out oxidation resistance tests of coatings and substrates indepen- ding regimes were used during experiments.
dently. The samples had disk geometry with the size of 35 × 0.5 mm2. Fig. 3a–d show high magnification SEM and TEM images of the
Before the test, all samples were mechanically ground with 1000 grit Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating and heat affected TA6Zr4DE substrate. Fully la-
SiC paper, followed by cleaning in ethanol. Oxidation resistance tests mellar microstructure consisting of γ-TiAl (fcc) and α2-Ti3Al (hcp)
were conducted in the furnace at 700, 800, and 900 °С in air. A total test- phases was observed in the cladded layer. Fig. 3b shows a bright field
ing time was 100 h. The samples were held at the desired temperature TEM image and the corresponding diffraction pattern of the specimen
for 5 h, then removed and air-cooled to room temperature. During the prepared from a horizontal (plane) slice of the coating. Formation of
oxidation test, all samples were placed in a corundum crucible. Thus, ex- such structure is associated with a rapid cooling in the process of laser
foliated oxides were collected and their mass was taken into account. cladding, which is the result of α/γ phase to α2/γ phase transformation
Mass change of all samples was measured using a laboratory balance [25]. Deformation microtwins and areas with a relatively high

Table 1
Compositions of TA6Zr4DE alloy and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb powder (wt%).

C Ti Al Zr Sn Mo Nb Cr

TA6Zr4DE [22] Bal. 5.5–6.5 3.6–4.4 1.8–2.2 1.8–2.2 – –

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb [23] Bal. 30.05–35.05 – – – 3.15–5.30 1.95–2.85
138 I.N. Maliutina et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 319 (2017) 136–144

Fig. 3. The microstructure of coating (a, b) and adjacent heat affected substrate (c, d): a, c – SEM images; b, d – TEM images.

dislocations' density which also indicate rapid cooling associated with square of oxidation time. The values of n, obtained for all reactions
laser cladding were observed in lamellas of TiAl-phase. were close to 2. Thus, it is obvious that the kinetics of oxidation for all
А typical microstructure of heat affected TA6Zr4DE substrate close to samples exposed at 700, 800, and 900 °С proceeded in accordance
the interface with the coating is shown in Fig. 3c, d. In this zone, titani- with a parabolic law equation.
um alloy consisted of martensitic plates that contained high dislocation To find kp an Arrhenius relationship was used:
density, microtwins, and stacking faults. At high cooling rates, taking  
place during laser cladding process, the β (bcc) phase partially trans- −Q eff
kp ¼ k0 exp ð3Þ
formed into the α″ (hcp) phase by a diffusionless transformation RT
where Qeff is an effective activation energy for oxidation, k0 a constant
3.2. Cyclic oxidation kinetics for a given material (or pre-exponential factor), T is the absolute tem-
perature and R is the universal gas constant.
The results of oxidation test at various temperatures of TA6Zr4DE Obtained values of oxidation rate constant lnkp as a function of 1/T
alloy and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating are presented in Fig. 4a and b respec- are presented in Fig. 5. It is clear from the plots that the oxidation rate
tively. At 700 °С no significant mass gain in the coating as compared of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb alloys is lower than that of TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy.
to the initial samples was observed. For the substrate mass gain at this The values of effective energy activation were 191 and 251 kJ/mol for ti-
temperature after 100 h was 0.3 mg/cm2. The increase of mass gain tanium alloy and TiAl-based coating, respectively. These activation en-
for both the substrate and the coating was observed at 800 °С. The coat- ergies are in good correspondence with those reported in the
ing mass gain at this temperature after 100 h experiment was literature for the oxidation of (α + β) titanium alloys as well as TiAl
0.8 mg/cm2, which is 6 times less than that of TA6Zr4DE titanium + Ti3Al alloys [3,27].
alloy (4.8 mg/cm2). The intensive of oxidation processes on the surface
of analyzed materials was observed at 900 °С. The mass gain in 3.3. Characterization of the oxidized specimens
TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating after 100 h of expo-
sure was 31.4 and 3.5 mg/cm2, respectively. XRD studies of TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating
The growth of oxide films that took place in the oxidation process of after 100 h of oxidation experiment are presented in Fig. 6. Since the
titanium alloy and TiAl-based coating can be described by reaction rate oxide layer on the samples subjected to oxidation at 700 °С was rather
equation [26]: thin, XRD patterns of these samples contained peaks of substrate mate-
rials as well as of oxidation products. α-Ti phase and a mixture of γ-TiAl
ðΔmÞn ¼ kp t ð2Þ and α2-Ti3Al phases were observed for TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy and
Ti48Al2Cr2Nb sample respectively. At 800 and 900 °C, the peaks of the
where kp is the oxidation rate constant, n is the rate exponent, and t is base materials were not detected at X-ray diffraction patterns due to
the oxidation time. The rate exponent n for each temperature can be the thick layer of scale. The main oxidation product at 700 °C for both
easily found from the plot of the mass gain per surface area versus the materials was TiO2 (rutile) phase. After oxidation at 800 °C for 100 h
I.N. Maliutina et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 319 (2017) 136–144 139

Fig. 4. Mass gain curves for the TA6Zr4DE (a) and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb (b) alloys exposed at Fig. 6. X-ray diffraction patterns for the oxides formed on TA6Zr4DE (a) and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb
various testing temperatures. (b) alloys exposed at various testing temperatures for 100 h.

on the outer layer of the oxide films formed on the surface of TA6Zr4DE enhances diffusion processes in the film and increases the oxidation
titanium alloy and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating were found rutile phase and rate of titanium alloy. The surfaces of the samples oxidized at 900 °C
the minor amount of alumina Al2O3. Weak peaks corresponding to for 100 h mainly consisted of two phases: TiO2 (rutile) and Al2O3.
ZrO2 phase were found on the surface of titanium alloy subjected to ox- The surface morphology of TA6Zr4DE and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb alloys after
idation at 800 °С and 900 °С. The heterogeneous composition of the oxidation at 700, 800, and 900 °С for 100 h is shown in Figs. 7 and 8.
oxide film with different volume ratios of TiO2 and Al2O3 phases On the surface of TA6Zr4DE titanium and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb alloys after
700 °С for 100 h signs after preliminary mechanical grinding were ob-
served (Figs. 7a, b and 8a, b). Despite of non-visible changes on surfaces
morphology, the electron microprobe analysis showed that on average
42 and 35 wt% of oxygen was accumulated by the surfaces of the sub-
strate and the coating respectively.
On the surface of TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy coarse easily exfoliated
oxides flakes (Fig. 7c) were formed during oxidation at 800 °C. More de-
tailed studies of the surface of these flakes revealed that oxides were
coated with small particles having substantially cubic morphology
(Fig. 7d). With the increase in testing temperature to 900 °С the
particle's size increased significantly but their morphology remained
the same (Fig. 7e, f). Oxide scales on the surface of TA6Zr4DE titanium
alloy had high hardness and brittleness, as evidenced by flat particles
boundaries caused by exfoliation and spallation. According to the elec-
tron microprobe analysis, it was found that by increasing the tempera-
ture from 800 to 900 °С the oxygen concentration increased from 50
to 60 wt%. X-ray phase analysis showed that oxide particles covering
the surface of substrate consisted mainly of TiO2 (rutile) and a small
Fig. 5. Arrhenius plots of the parabolic rate constant of oxidation process. amount of Al2O3 phase. Unlike the aluminum oxides, the titanium
140 I.N. Maliutina et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 319 (2017) 136–144

Fig. 7. Surface morphologies of oxides formed on the TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy exposed at 700 °C (a, b), 800 °C (c, d) and 900 °C (e, f) for 100 h.

oxides rapidly grow in the oxidation process, due to the highest affinity 3.4. Cross-sectional observations of the oxidized specimens
of titanium to oxygen, and provide only a limited protection of the sam-
ples surfaces. It is known that 33 at.% of oxygen can be easily dissolved The maximum thicknesses of the oxide scales formed on the surfaces
in titanium (so-called “α case”) leading to intensive embrittlement of of TA6Zr4DE alloy and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating exposed to 100 h oxida-
surface [28]. In turn, this causes a severe degradation of mechanical tion at various temperatures are listed in Table 2. SEM study of samples
properties and limits the application of such materials. For this reason, subjected to 700 °C oxidation tests did not allow measuring correctly
in accordance with the data obtained in research, the resistance of the thickness of the oxide scales. One can notice the significant increase
TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy did not exceed 700 °С. in oxide layer growth rate with the temperature increase. The oxide
After 800 °С tests Ti48Al2Cr2Nb alloy samples were partially cov- layer thickness increased 10 and 7.5 times for TA6Zr4DE titanium
ered with the oxide layer (Fig. 8c). Oxidation at 900 °С resulted in a uni- alloy and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating respectively when the temperature in-
form distribution and filling of the entire surface of the coating with creased from 800 °C to 900 °C. This indicates lower oxides' growth rate
oxides. Partial exfoliation of brittle oxides (Fig. 8e) was observed at on the coated samples in comparison to the uncoated substrates.
low magnification images. The morphology of oxides shown in Fig. 8c Fig. 9 shows oxide layers and their corresponding compositional
was similar to the morphology of exfoliated oxides formed in oxidation profiles in the cross section of the samples exposed to 100 h at 900 °C.
experiments of TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy. For instance, fine cubic crystal- For TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy the thickness of oxide layer varied in differ-
lites were also observed on the surface of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb samples sub- ent areas of material. The maximum thickness of oxide scale of analyzed
jected to oxidation at high temperatures (Fig. 8f).
I.N. Maliutina et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 319 (2017) 136–144 141

Fig. 8. Surface morphologies of oxides formed on the Ti48Al2Cr2Nb alloy exposed at 700 °C (a, b), 800 °C (c, d) and 900 °C (e, f) for 100 h.

samples was 200 μm. The structure of the surface oxides shown in Fig. dark layers of aluminum oxides (Fig. 9a, c). Herein, the volume fraction
9a indicates that they were formed by multi-repeated layer build-up of titanium oxide in the layer was dominated, which was also confirmed
and its easy exfoliation, due to its high hardness and brittleness. As re- by XRD analysis. Lower oxide layers that were located directly at the
sult of such mechanism of growth, the multilayer composition was border to the substrate had a porous structure and were identified as
formed consisting of alternating light layers of titanium oxides and TiO2 and Al2O3 mixture based on results of the XRD analysis in Fig. 6a
and the compositional profiles in Fig. 9e. It should be noted that each
layer, regardless of its distance from the surface of TA6Zr4DE substrate,
Table 2
The maximum thickness of oxide scales formed on the surface of analyzed materials ex- had the similar structure. Fig. 9b shows the structure of one of the oxide
posed to 100 h oxidation test at various testing temperature. layers. An adhesive strength of oxide layers having high hardness and
brittleness with the surface of TA6Zr4DE titanium alloy was low. This
Temperature, °C Thickness of oxide scales, μm
led to its easy spallation during exposure of material at high tempera-
TA6Zr4DE Ti48Al2Cr2Nb
ture. Another reason of oxide scales delamination or its continuous
700 – – spallation was thermal stresses developed between the oxide layers
800 20 2 and the substrate, deteriorating the oxidation behavior of TA6Zr4DE ti-
900 200 15
tanium alloy at temperatures above 700 °С.
142 I.N. Maliutina et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 319 (2017) 136–144

Fig. 9. Cross-sectional SEM micrographs and element distributions of oxide scales formed on TA6Zr4DE (a, c, e) and Ti48Al2Cr2Nb (b, d, f) alloys exposed at 900 °C for 100 h.

The maximum thickness of oxide scale formed on the surface of

Ti48Al2Cr2Nb alloy was 15 μm. Unlike in oxidized specimens of
TA6Zr4DE alloy, no multilayered oxide structures were observed in
this case. The oxide layer formed on the surface of coating had a high
density and compactness (Fig. 9d). The adhesion between the oxide
layer and surface was quite high. Cracking and continuous spallation
of oxides during oxidation did not occur. A thin white layer was detect-
ed between the oxide layer and the surface of the coating (Fig. 9d). Ac-
cording to EDX analysis, this layer was identified as a layer enriched
with niobium and chromium (Fig. 9f). Many studies pointed out the
positive effect of niobium and chromium on the oxidation behavior of
Ti-Al intermetallic alloys [14,15,29–35]. There is the following explana-
tion of this effect in the case of niobium [30]. During alloying, niobium
substitute titanium atoms in the crystal structure. Rutile grows mainly
due to oxygen diffusion via the vacancy mechanism. Substitution of tita-
nium with niobium, having a greater valence (valences of titanium and
Fig. 10. Mass gain of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating produced in this study in comparison with the
niobium are + 4 and + 5, respectively), reduces the concentration of ox- mass gain of same composition alloys produced by other methods. These data correspond
ygen vacancies, thus, suppressing the growth of rutile. Thus, the to oxidation tests at 800 °C for 100 h.
I.N. Maliutina et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 319 (2017) 136–144 143

addition of niobium inhibits the transport of oxygen, increases of alumi- Acknowledgements

num activity relative to titanium, and, consequently, improves the oxi-
dation behavior of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb alloy. This work was partially supported by RFBR, research project No. 15-
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