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Digital Electronics: EE 304

VHDL: Lecture 5
Introduction to Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description
Languages [VHDL]
Electrical and Electronic Department
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment

1 H.24.10.2022
M. Katongera Electrical and Electronic Department
OFFICE CD 37 mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment


VHDL Modules

VHDL Descriptions of Combinational Logic

2 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment

3 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment

A hardware description language (HDL) is a

computer-based language that describes the
hardware of digital systems in a textual form.

It can be used to represent logic diagrams, truth

tables, Boolean expressions, and complex
abstractions of the behaviour of a digital system

4 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment

HDL describes a relationship between the input

signals to a circuit and the output signals of the

5 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Introduction: Documentation

As a documentation language, an HDL is used to

represent and document digital systems in a form
that can be read by both humans and computers.

Design entry creates an HDL-based description of

the functionality that is to be implemented in

6 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Introduction: Documentation

The description can be in a variety of forms:

Boolean logic equations, truth tables, a netlist of
interconnected gates, or an abstract behavioural

7 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Introduction: Logic Simulation

Logic simulation displays the behaviour of a digital

system through the use of a computer.

Errors that are detected during a simulation can

be corrected by modifying the appropriate HDL

The stimulus that tests the functionality of the

design is called a test bench

8 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Introduction: Logic Simulation

An alternative and more complex approach to

testing relies on formal mathematical methods to
prove that a circuit is functional correct

9 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Introduction: Logic Synthesis

Logic synthesis is the process of deriving a list of

physical components and their interconnections
(called a netlist).

The netlist can be used to fabricate an integrated

circuit or to lay out a printed circuit board.

Logic synthesis is like compiling a program in a

conventional high level language

10 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Introduction: Logic Synthesis

The designs of today's large, complex circuits are

made possible by logic synthesis software

11 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Introduction: Timing verification

Timing verification confirms that the fabricated

integrated circuit will operate at a specified speed.

Timing verification checks each signal path to

verify that it is not compromised by propagation

12 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Introduction: Timing verification

In VLSI circuit design fault simulation compares

the behaviour of an ideal circuit with the behaviour
of a circuit that contains a process-induced flaw

13 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Introduction: VHDL

In the public domain, there are two standard

HDLs that are supported by the IEEE: VHDL and

14 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment

15 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules

To write a complete VHDL module like a logic

Declare all of the input and output signals using an
entity declaration, and

Specify the internal operation of the module using an

architecture declaration

16 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Example

VHDL module with two logic gates:

17 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Entity Declaration

VHDL Each entity declaration includes a list of

interface signals that can be used to connect to:
other modules

the outside world

18 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Entity Declaration

Port interface in square brackets is optional:

19 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Entity Declaration

Curly brackets indicate zero or more repetitions

Input signals are in mode in, and outputs are in

mode out.

Bidirectional signals are in mode inout

20 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Architecture Declaration

Associated with each entity is one or more

architecture declarations of the form

In declarations section, we find signals or

components used within the architecture

21 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Full Adder Example

Entity declaration of a full adder

Our input and output modes are of signal type


22 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Full Adder Example

Operation of the full adder is specified by an

architecture declaration
Note architecture name is Equations.

Entity name FullAdder should match a declared entity

23 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Full Adder Example

Sum and Cout represent the logic equations

In the Cout equation, parentheses are required around
(X and Y) because VHDL does not specify an order of
precedence for the logic operators

24 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Full Adder Example

Now we show how module FullAdder is used as a

component in VHDL

25 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Full Adder Example

The VHDL code of four bit full adder

26 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Signals and Constants

Input and output signals for a module are

declared in the ports

Signals internal to the module, are declared at

beginning of Architecture.
signal list_of_signal_names: type_name [constraint] [:=

signal A, B, C: bit_vector(3 downto 0):= “1111”;

27 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Signals and Constants

Constants used within the module, are declared at

beginning of Architecture.
constant constant_name: type_name [constraint] [:=

constant limit : integer := 17;

28 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Modules: Arrays

To use arrays, we first declare an array type and

then declare the array object after the array type.
type SHORT_WORD is array (15 downto 0) of bit;


signal ALT_WORD: SHORT_WORD := “0101010101010101”;

constant ONE_WORD: SHORT_WORD := (others => ‘1’);

Others will set all bits to 1.

29 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Operators

There are seven classes of VHD operators

30 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Packages and Libraries

Packages are used to reference frequently used

functions and components

Package declaration has the form:

31 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Packages and Libraries

The package body usually contains component

descriptions and the function and procedure

Package declaration has the form:

32 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Packages and Libraries

To use a package components and functions, at

the beginning of VHDL file you call package using
USE statement.

Say a library BITLIB has bit_pack package

library BITLIB;

use BITLIB.bit_pack.all;

33 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
VHDL Packages and Libraries

To use a package components and functions, at

the beginning of VHDL file you call package using
USE statement.

Say a library ieee has std_logic_1164 package

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

34 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Compilation and Simulation

After describing a digital system using VHDL one

can simulate the VHDL code by compiling.

If code has no error, compiler or analyser

generates intermediate code which can be used by

Elaboration is done, ports are created, memory

reserved for variables and necessary settings.

35 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
36 24.10.2022 H. M. Katongera – mkatongera@eng.uz.ac.zw Electrical and Electronic Department
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment

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