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Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk to you about the importance

of participation in our lives. Participation is about
engaging actively in the world around us,
contributing our thoughts, time, and energy to
make a difference. It involves listening and
talking more, doing things for others, and
partaking in physical activities. It's a
fundamental aspect of a fulfilling and meaningful
life, and I believe that by actively participating,
we can enrich our own lives and the lives of
those around us.

So, why should we participate? What

encourages people to take an active role in their
lives and communities? There are several
factors that can motivate and encourage
participation. Competitive motives can drive us
to excel and push our boundaries, striving to be
the best versions of ourselves. Competence, the
feeling of being skilled and effective, can also be
a powerful motivator. Affiliation, the sense of
belonging to a group or community, can provide
a strong incentive for participation. Leading by
example is another important factor; when we
see others participating, it can inspire us to do
the same. Finally, identifying people's interests
and encouraging them to participate using those
interests can be a powerful motivator.
But what exactly is participation? Participation is
not just about being present; it's about actively
engaging with the world around us, contributing
our skills, ideas, and efforts to make a positive
impact. Whether it's through volunteering,
joining a sports team, or simply being an active
member of our communities, participation is
about taking an active role in shaping the world
around us.

However, despite the many benefits of

participation, there are factors that can stop
people from taking an active role in their lives.
One common barrier is the victim mentality, the
belief that one is powerless to change their
circumstances. We must always remember that
everyone's got a story and everyone wants to
tell their story, about how bad they've had it or
how difficult their life's been and the more times
you tell yourself or others that story, the more
you reinforce the fact that you're not supposed
have happiness, success, abundance, good
relationships, good health etc.This mindset can
be a significant obstacle to participation, as it
hinders individuals from taking initiative and
making a difference. Fear of failure is another
common barrier. Many people are hesitant to
participate because they are afraid of not
succeeding or of being judged by others. In life
people don't realise that they hold a pen and this
pen is used to write your story and the way in
which you want it to go. Even after all the
horrible experiences you go through in life, you
still hold that pen. Even when life gets tough
your story needs to go on, as there are
thousands of empty pages in your story that
need to be filled and they can only be filled if
you move on from the previous pages that have
been written by others in your story, so that you
are able to rewrite your story and let go of the
pages that were forcefully written by others. You
need to realise that you can use your pen to
write how your story is going to look from this
day forward but whats stopping you from doing
this is the work you haven't done yet, this is the
work of healing through traumas, insecurities,
limiting beliefs and many.Overcoming these
barriers is crucial for unlocking the potential of
participation and leading a more fulfilling life.

In conclusion, participation is crucial for

personal growth, community development, and
overall well-being. By actively listening and
talking more, doing things for others, and
engaging in physical activities, we can enrich
our lives and the lives of those around us. Let's
strive to encourage participation by fostering
competitive motives, promoting competence,
nurturing a sense of affiliation, leading by
example, and identifying and leveraging
people's interests. By addressing the barriers to
participation, such as the
victim mentality and fear of failure, we can
create a more engaged, empowered, and
vibrant society. So, let's all commit to
participating actively in our lives and
communities, and together, we can make a
positive difference. Thank you.

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