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Lesson 3

Talking About
Daily Routines

Dr. Ebtesam Alqahtani

What's your typical day like?
What time do you usually wake up?
What time do you have your breakfast?
What time do you usually go to work or school?
What time do you get home?
What time do you usually have lunch/ dinner?
What time do you usually go to bed?
How many times a week do you exercise?
How often do you go to the movies/ go shopping/ meet your friends?
early / ‫باكرا‬ always/ ‫دائما‬
Late/ ‫متأخر‬ usually/ ‫عادة‬
before / ‫قبل‬ sometimes/ ‫أحيانا‬
drink / ‫يشرب‬ rarely/ ‫نادرا‬
eat / ‫يأكل‬ after/ ‫بعد‬
Sleep/ ‫ينام‬
wake up / ‫يستيقظ‬
Midnight/ ‫منتصف الليل‬
Next- after that/ ‫بعد ذلك‬
read / ‫يقرأ‬
Then / ‫ثم‬
Useful Expressions for Daily Routines
in the morning / ‫في الصباح‬
do exercise /‫يمارس التمارين‬
in the evening / ‫في المساء‬
do homework / ‫ينجز الواجبات‬
in the afternoon/ ‫في الظهيرة‬
check the email/ ‫يتفقد االيميل‬
at night/ ‫عند المساء‬
at noon /‫عند الظهيرة‬ watch TV / ‫يشاهد التلفاز‬
at dawn / ‫عند الفجر‬ go to bed / ‫يذهب للفراش‬
have breakfast /‫يتناول اإلفطار‬ go to work / ‫يذهب للعمل‬
have lunch / ‫يتناول الغداء‬ go home / ‫يذهب للمنزل‬
have dinner/ ‫يتناول العشاء‬ do the laundry/ ‫يغسل المالبس‬
Make dinner / ‫يعد العشاء‬ Do the dishes / ‫يغسل االواني‬
Make lunch / ‫يعد الغداء‬
Useful Expressions for Daily Routines

Brush the teeth /‫يفرش اسنانه‬

On (day )/ ‫في يوم‬
Take a bath / ‫يستحم‬
at (time) / ‫عند الساعة‬
Surf the net / ‫يتصفح االنترنت‬
every day/ ‫كل يوم‬
check social media / ‫يتصفح مواقع التواصل االجتماعي‬
clean the house / ‫ينظف المنزل‬
Get dressed / ‫يلبس مالبسه‬ play sport / ‫يمارس الرياضة‬
Go out with a friend / ‫يخرج مع اصدقاءة‬ on the weekend /‫في عطلة نهاية االسبوع‬
Water the plant / ‫يسقي النباتات‬ Go for a walk / ‫يخرج للتنزه‬

make the bed / ‫يرتب السرير‬ go shopping / ‫يذهب للتسوق‬

have a shower / ‫يستحم‬
meet my friends / ‫اقابل اصدقائي‬
What's your typical morning like?

"well, I'm pretty busy. I

get up early. I check my
email, and I watch the
"I get up early in the
news. Then I study."
morning, take a shower
and eat my breakfast.
After that go to the gym"
Mike: Hey Sam, what does your daily routine look like?
Sam: I usually wake up around 6:30 am, have breakfast and then
head to class.
Mike: That’s interesting, my routine is a bit different. I usually
wake up at 8 am, have breakfast and then spend some time on
my hobbies before heading to class.
Sam: Oh, that’s cool. What kind of hobbies do you have?
Mike: I like to draw and paint, it helps me relax and be creative.
Sam: That sounds fun, I like to read and play video games in my
free time.
Mike: That’s great,
Linda daily routine
I'm Linda. I normally get up at 7:00 a.m and I brush my
teeth. After that, I have a shower and get dressed. Then, I
have breakfast and I prepare my lunch. Next, I drive to work.
When I get to work at 8:30, I usually check my emails and
work on the computer. At 1:00, I have lunch with my co-
workers. After that, we work until 5:30 and then I go home. I
get home at around 6.
After work, I usually go running or I read. Then I make my
lunch. I usually have a salad and some fruit, but on Fridays, I
often eat pizza. Next, I watch some TV and I go to bed.
Derek daily routine
My name is Derek. I always wake up at 5 o’clock in the
morning then I take a shower and put my clothes on.
I have my breakfast and then I get the car out of the garage.
I arrived to high school at 7.
At 11 o’clock I finish teaching classes then I often take my
lunch break and talk with my friends.
At around 12 noon I continue teaching classes until 4: 20
then I drive home.
When I get home, I usually watch some TV and chat with my
family. At 9 o’clock I read a book and go to sleep.

Choose the correct verb:

John ............. to bed.

1. eats

2. goes

3. watches

Describe John's daily routine

in these pictures.
Common English Phrases

Out of respect ‫من باب االحترام‬

out of curiosty ‫من باب الفضول‬
can't stand him/ her ‫ها‬/‫ال اطيقه‬

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