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History end of year notes paper 1

The war of the roses

York: white rose

Lancaster: Red rose

The battle of Bosworth field

The Battle of Bosworth Field is a battle fought between Richard III (Yorkist) and Henry VII
(Lancastrian). Richard had a better chance of winning due to the larger number of people he
had than Henry. On his side were Norfolk’s army, Northumberland’s army, and the Stanley
brothers and their armies. Henry, however, only had his own army. Richard was supposed to
have a better chance at winning, but the problem was that Northumberland didn't fight at all
and stayed back, not wanting to risk anything, and the Stanley brothers were in a dilemma of
whether to help Richard or not. This was because they weren't that close with Richard and
didn't fully trust him. Norfolk was the only one fighting. As the battle continued, no army was
winning. Henry saw the dilemma the stanleys were in and decided to ask for their help. They
agreed since they didn't want to fight for Richard anyway. Richard saw Henry with the
Stanleys, and still thinking they were on his side and about to help him kill Henry, he went up
to them with only 1 knight and a horse. Richard was knocked off his horse and stabbed in
the eye, causing his death.

The Tudors

Henry Tudor
- Married to Elizabeth of York
- Reigned from 1485 -1489
- Father of Henry VIII

Henry VIII
- Wives:
- Catherine of Aragon - divorced
- Anne Boleyn - beheaded
- Jane Seymour - died
- Anne of Cleves - divorced
- Catherine Howard - beheaded
- Catherine Parr - survived
- Reigned from 1509 -1547
- Son of Henry VII
- Children: Elizabeth I, Mary I and Edward VI

Mary Tudor
- Married to Philip II of Spain
- Reigned 1553 - 1558
- Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon
Elizabeth I
- Wasn’t married
- Reigned 1558 - 1603
- Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn

The Reformation

Martin Luther was a German priest who started the Protestant Reformation. He mainly
criticised indulgences, which were payments made to the church to be forgiven for your sins.
The protestants were angry with the Catholics because they introduced indulgence as a way
to gain money, they did not want to translate the Bible into English for everyone to
understand, and they abused the power they had to gain wealth.
The reason Henry VIII wanted to make England protestant was because he wanted a
divorce, which was not allowed in the Catholic religion. He wanted to divorce Catherine of
Aragon because she was not able to produce an heir to the throne and marry Anne Boleyn,
who claimed to be pregnant with his son. The Act of Surpremacy was a law passed in
England that declared Henry VII head of the church and not the Pope, meaning he had
ultimate power over religious matters and could divorce Catherine of Aragon. This was
called the Church of England.

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