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10th ICSE Eng Lit Test Rev-Exam (v2) Solutions

Student Name : ___________________________________ Marks : 80

School Name : ___________________________________ Time :2h
Date : ___________________________________ Pages :7

Q. 3.1. Explain: ‘…if my gossip Report be an honest woman of her word’. [4]
Ans. Report or Rumor is being personified as a talkative honest woman.
Salarino says that if the rumor proves to be true, then Antonio’s ship had been wrecked on the Goodwin Sands.
Salanio wishes that Madam Rumor proves to be as big a liar as any old woman who chew ginger and made her neighbors
believe that she wept when her third husband died.
They hope that the rumor turns out to be false and Antonio’s ships are safe.
Q. 3.2. How does Portia reply to Bassanio when he claims her after winning the lottery of caskets? [4]
Ans. Portia tells Bassanio that she is content to be as she is but for Bassanio's sake, she wishes she were sixty times better, a
thousand times more beautiful and ten thousand times wealthier.

ES Despite her beauty, friends and wealth, she considers herself as a maiden without education and experience.
However, she is glad that she is still young enough to have time to improve.
She is even happier because she is not so dull by nature as not to be able to learn.
She is happiest of all because she is now able to surrender her mind and heart to the guidance of Bassanio.
Q. 3.3. Choose the correct options:
(i) What will Jessica complain about Launcelot to Lorenzo?
A: Lorenzo informs Jessica that she would be damned.
B: Lorenzo informs Jessica that Lorenzo wasn’t a good Christian.
C: Both A & B
D: Neither A nor B
(ii) What would make Lorenzo jealous?
A: Launcelot going to heaven and not Lorenzo
B: Launcelot quarreling with Jessica
C: Launcelot getting Jessica into corners

D: None of the above

(iii) “Let me praise you while I have a stomach.” Here ‘stomach’ means:
A: Inclination to criticize
B: Appetite for dinner
C: Both A & B
D: Neither A nor B
(iv) What is Jessica’s opinion of Portia?
A: She finds her very kind.
B: She has a very high opinion of her.
C: She is jealous of her.
D: All of the above
Ans. (i) D
(ii) C
(iii) B
(iv) B
Q. 4.1. What does Antonio say in his last message when he thinks he is going to die? [4]
Ans. Antonio bids an emotional farewell to Bassanio in his last message when he thinks he is going to die
Antonio asks him not to grieve that he (Antonio) was going to die.
He feels fortunate that he won’t live till old-age as a bankrupt.
He states that Lady Fortune had spared him from prolonged suffering by gifting him death soon after his ships had wrecked.
He requests Bassanio to convey his regards to Portia, and tell her the manner of his death.

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He also asks him to tell her how much he loved Bassanio, and speak well of him after his death.
After telling her everything, Bassanio should ask her to judge and say whether or not Bassanio had a loving friend.
Bassanio must not regret the loss of a friend, for Antonio had no regrets in paying Bassanio’s debt by sacrificing his life.
Q. 5.1. Choose the correct option: [4]
i. Thou knowest where I will tarry.
What is the meaning of ‘tarry’ in the given sentence?
A: Travel by boat
B: Carry the documents
C: Wait for someone
D: Falter in the case
ii. At the end of Act 4 Scene 2, what does the clerk presumably request Gratiano to do?
A: Give him the ring.
B: Give the documents to Shylock.
C: Handover the documents to Lorenzo.
D: Show him Gratiano’s house.
iii. What does Gratiano inform Balthazar after catching up with him?
A: Bassanio had sent a ring for him.

ES B: Bassanio wishes to have his company at dinner.

C: Both A and B.
D: None of the above
iv. Why did Nerissa want to speak with Portia in an aside?
A: To get her help in getting the ring from Gratiano
B: To reveal the plan of how they could play a prank on their husbands in Venice
C: To inform that she was going to try to get her husband’s ring
D: All of the above
Ans. i. C
ii. A
iii. C
iv. C
Q. P6. Choose the correct option:
i. State the figure of speech used in: ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud.’

A: Hyperbole
B: Inversion
C: Simile
D: Metaphor
ii. The poet’s name is:
A: Roald Dahl
B: Ronan Keating
C: Robert Browning
D: William Wordsworth
iii. What inspired the poet to write the poem?
A: Walk with his sister
B: Sight of a belt of daffodils
C: Romanticism with nature
D: Pensive mood on the couch
iv. What is the meaning of ‘jocund company’?
A: Funny company
B: Dancing daffodils
C: Romantic companionship
D: Cheerful company
Ans. i. C
ii. D

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iii. B
iv. D
Q. P7. Describe the imageries used in the poem. [4]
Ans. Imageries help the readers imagine the scenes in the poem through their senses.
The caged bird standing on the grave of his dreams is a visual imagery which appeals to the sense of sight.
The bird singing with a fearful trill is an auditory imagery which appeals to the sense of hearing.
The free bird flying in the orange sky is a kinesthetic imagery which expresses motion.
Q. P8. What is the message of the poem? [4]
Ans. This poem is a critical satire on the public’s fickle-mindedness.
Their love and admiration isn’t permanent and fluctuates with their perception.
We should not get carried away by our success and should always stay humble.
We must be stoic and optimistic during good times and bad.
We must have faith that we will be rewarded sooner or later for our efforts.
We must do our duty without craving for popularity.
Q. P9. Choose the correct option: [4]
i. Which of the following lists are not mentioned in the poem?
A: List of people who love God

ES B: List of people who are loved by God

C: List of people who love their fellow beings
D: List of people who are blessed by God
ii. Which of the following does not refer to the angel in the poem?
A: Moonlight
B: Presence
C: Vision
D: Wakening light
iii. What kind of poem is this?
A: Didactic
B: Parable
C: Supernatural
D: All of the above
iv. What made Abou bold?
A: His hormones
B: His clean conscience
C: The angel’s kind face
D: None of the above
Ans. i) B
ii) A
iii) D
iv) B
Q. P10. Choose the correct option: [4]
i. Who is the poet?
A: Leigh Hunt
B: David Roth
C: William Wordsworth
D: Robert Browning
ii. Which virtue does the poem not inspire us to cherish?
A: Sportsmanship
B: Magnanimity
C: Sympathy
D: Fairness
iii. Which of the 9 athletes fell to the ground?
A: The weakest

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B: The youngest
C: The most handicapped
D: All of the above
iv. What does “Could not have been nearer the mark” mean?
A: Could not have been closer to the finishing line
B: Could not have been closer to the manner
C: Could not have been a tighter race
D: Could not have been more apt
Ans. i) B
ii) B
iii) B
iv) D
Q. S6. Choose the correct option: [4]
i. When Jane questioned Joe for getting the child home, Joe gave her a look stating:
a. Don’t scold her, she has just lost her mother.
b. Wait a moment for explanations, she has just lost her mother.
c. Don’t scold her, and be gentle.

ES d. Wait a moment for explanations, and be gentle.

ii. According to Joe, the Savior had said about children that:
a. Whosoever gave them even a cup of cold water shall go to heaven.
b. Whosoever gave them even a cup of cold water should not go unrewarded.
c. Whosoever gave them even a cup of cold water shall be blessed.
d. Whosoever isn’t kind to them, should be rebuked.
iii. When Joe arrived home at dusk, what brought Jane hurriedly from the room:
a. Joe asking for supper
b. Joe asking about Maggie
c. Joe treading heavily in the kitchen
d. Joe washing from his hands and face the dust and soil of work
iv. What was Maggie’s love like for Ms. Thompson?
a. Precious wine of life
b. Precious burden
c. Angel in disguise
d. Honey for the soul
Ans. i. d.
ii. b.
iii. c.
iv. d.
Q. S7. Justify the title of the story. [4]
Ans. The title 'The Little Match Girl' is quite an apt title as it revolves around a little girl, who sells matches.
The author has not given any name to the girl, which indicates that ‘the little match girl’ was just one of the many poor
children who had to face hardships because of poverty.
The little girl in the story was sent out by her father to sell matches on a chilly winter evening, which was a front for begging.
She was unable to sell any matches, showing the apathy of people.
She used the matches to give her some warmth, but ultimately died of cold, hunger and abuse.
People who did not care to look at her miserable condition the previous evening, stopped to look at her huddled body with
matches in hand.
The word 'match' in the title is symbolic of warmth and hope. Burning matches had caused her to hallucinate four visions.
Q. S8. Describe in detail the struggles of Sibia’s life. [8]
Ans. Sibia was a 12-year-old child-woman who believed that she was born to toil.
She was thin, starving and dressed in a rag.
The chupatti she ate with rancid butter would be divided by her to make it seem more.
She was bare foot and had never owned anything but a rag.

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She used to see all the finery in the market but had no money to buy beads, bangles, sweets, etc.
She couldn’t even buy a needle to make a necklace out of seeds.
Since she was a toddler she had husked corn, gathered sticks and put dung to dry.
She even cooked, weeded, fetched water and cut grass for fodder.
She would carry her sickle and hayfork and climb a cliff to cut paper grass in order to sell it.
She faced the danger of encountering wildlife on a regular basis.
Q. S9. Justify the title of the story. [4]
Ans. Despite knowing that helping Owens will reduce his chances of winning in broad jump, Long gave him a suggestion.
That night, Owens went to Long’s room and spoke about many topics at length, kindling a friendship for a lifetime.
The next day, when Owens won gold, Long showed his true friendship by being the first to congratulate his opponent.
Owens calls this ‘My Greatest Olympic Prize’ as the ‘24-carat friendship’ between Owens and Long was unadulterated.
It was a friendship free from jealousy and insecurity as seen in the events of the 1936 Olympic Games.
Owens feels that his friendship with Long was more precious than all the gold medals and cups he had won.
Q. S10. Choose the correct option: [4]
i. The sky darkened into midnight in a flash.
What is the meaning of the given sentence?
A: The clouds hid the sun.

ES B: The rains stopped.

C: The moon appeared instantly.
D: None of the above
ii. What is the genre of the story?
A: Fantasy
B: Didactic
C: Sci-Fi
D: Dystopian
iii. Whom did the children belong to?
A: Venetians
B: Star Trekkers
C: Scientists
D: Rocket men and women
iv. When the rain stopped, it became so quiet that it was as if, in the midst of a film concerning a natural phenomenon,
something had gone wrong with the sound apparatus. Which natural phenomenon was mentioned in the text?
A: Avalanche
B: Hurricane
C: Volcanic eruption
D: All of the above
Ans. i. A
ii. C
iii. D
iv. D
Q. M. Choose the correct option: [16]
i. In the story ‘The Little Match Girl’ the hallucinations of the little girl reflected her need for:
a. food, warmth, love and protection
b. food, shelter, good clothes and her grandmother
c. food, security, enjoyment and celebration
d. warm clothes, shoes, hot food and a home
ii. In the poem, ‘The Patriot’, the sun symbolizes:
a. glory, power and immortality
b. glow, light and warmth
c. war, victory and power
d. war, defeat and end of life
iii. Identify the two poetic devices used together in the line ‘deep dream of peace’:

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a. Symbolism & Allegory
b. Allegory & Alliteration
c. Alliteration & Symbolism
d. Alliteration & Consonance
iv. Beside which lake does Wordsworth see the daffodils?
a. Grasmere
b. Essex
c. Ullswater
d. Glenocyne
v. Who granted Midas the golden touch?
a. Zeus
b. Jupiter
c. Dionysus
d. Apollo
vi. Whom does the expression ‘snaky golden locks’ allude to?
a. Athena
b. Medusa
c. Hesione



d. Medea
Who promised Hercules his celebrated immortal horses as a gift for rescuing Hesione from the sea monster.
a. Lycidas
b. Laomedon
c. Heracles
d. Priam
Why doesn’t the patriot blame the people throwing stones at him?
a. He has committed a misdeed.
b. He is in pain.
c. He knows that they misunderstood him.
d. He knows that he will be free soon.
On a metaphorical level, ‘a great wakening light’ which the angel brought can:
a. wake up a man from sleep
b. enlighten our mind
c. make the room bright
d. end the darkness
x. The students locked Margot in the closet because:
a. They did not think the sun would come out.
b. They were jealous that she had already seen the sun.
c. They were being mean because she acted strangely.
d. They thought she had lied to them about the sun.
xi. The author’s description of Margot as “a very frail girl … an old photograph” indicates that:
a. Margot is undernourished.
b. Margot lacks liveliness, energy, and vitality
c. Margot feels colorless.
d. Margot dresses in an old-fashioned way.
xii. What conclusion does Joe come to when he narrates to Jane how Maggie was left alone?
a. Women’s hearts are not half so hard as men’s.
b. Women’s hearts are sometimes very hard.
c. He wasn’t going on a fool’s errand.
d. The Savior had rebuked his disciples.
xiii. What causes Shylock’s downfall?
a. Meaning of the bond
b. Non-payment of bond
c. Bond’s cruelty
d. Shylock’s lack of wit
xiv. Who said the line “I wish your ladyship all heart’s content.”?
a. Jessica

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b. Portia
c. Lorenzo
d. Balthazar
xv. To what does the poet in the poem “Abou Ben Adhem” compare the angel?
a. Sun
b. Moonlight
c. Lily
d. Star
xvi. What does ‘antediluvian saurian’ mean?
a. Reptile belonging to the Great Flood period
b. Ferocious creature
c. Friendly foe
d. Prehistoric mammal
Ans. i. a
ii. a
iii. d
iv. c
v. c

ES vi. b
vii. b
viii. c
ix. b
x. b
xi. b
xii. b
xiii. a
xiv. a
xv. c
xvi. a

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