Difference Between Common Law and Civil Law

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Difference Between Common Law and Civil Law

Civil law Common law

1. It is a roman law. 1. It is a English law.
2. State is full of soverign and it is a source 2. State has limited soverign and government was
of law and justice and rights. supported as demonator.
3. In the civil law system the only source of 3. The source of law is the reason and wisdom of
law is the legislature and the courts the court precident . they follow the principle
only apply the law. of stare decice.
4. Civil law police has huge powers and 4. Common law follow the adversarial mode of
they follow the inquisitorial justice justice delivery system which provided the
delivery system. limited and regulated role of the police
5. In the civil law system the only source of 5. In common law the Rule of law has a meaning
law is the legislature and the courts which is pre-constitutional and the due process
only apply the law. and principles of natural justice has important
6. Separation of Powers:- role to play.
By contrast, the original idea of 6. Separation of Powers
separation of powers in France was to In some common law countries, especially the
assign different roles to legislation and to United States, judges are seen as balancing the
judges, with the latter only applying the power of the other branches of government.
law (the judge as la bouche de la loi). 7. Common law opinions are much longer and
7. Legal opinions in civil law countries are contain elaborate reasoning. (Note-1).
usually very short and formal in nature. Tradition of writing seriatim and Dissenting
Judicial Dissent are not allowed in Civil Opinion.
Law countries. 8. Common law judges are usually selected from
8. Civil law judges are usually trained and accomplished and reputable attorneys. (Note-
promoted separately from attorneys. 2)

Principles of civil law: 1. Source of Law

Primary Sources :- Constitution Code Laws Customs General Principles

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