Correlatives 2

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You will be able to:

Make comparisons using “correlative conjunctions”.
Compare situations with “eighter” ... or / “neither” ... not

Activity 1. look at the picture and discuss the questions.

What are the two cities?

What do you know about either of the cities?
What do you think is similar od different about the cities?

Activity 2. Read the conversatio and answer the questions in your note book

Emilio: What’s it like where you live, Robert? I bet it’s really different to Mexico.
Robert: I guess it is. I love in London, which is the capital city of England. it’s a big city with
lots of interesting things to do. There are bars and cáfes, restaurants and museums, and lots
of markers where you can buy anything you want, from food to clothes, or forniture and ...
well, like I say, just about anything!
Emilio: Actually, that, doesn’t sound different from where I live. I live in Mexico city, which is
also the capital of my country. it’s also really big! And we have all the things you mentioned
too - bars, cáfes, restaurants, theaters and markets! And we get a lot of tourist here. it’s a
very cosmopolitan city.
Robert: Yeah, London too. there are people of all nationalities here. Some are visiting and
others live here.
Emilio: So what do you like doing in London? I s there any part you like the best?
Robert: I love walking along the Thames. It’s a big rivers that runs through the center of the
city. You can ride on a boat pu the river too and see how different parts of the city change.
More and anything, I love the history surrounding London. There are so many buildings, but
there are also new modern skyscrapers. It’s a little weird seeing the two styles together, but I
guess it shows how the city has developed over the years. It’s interesting although I definitely
prefer the old architecture.
Emilio: Me too. I’m not so keen on modern buildings. There’s a mix here in Mexico City too.
The historical center is my favorite part of the city as well. I love walking through the
Alameda - That’s a big park in the city center. We don’t have a big river like you do, but did
you know the city was build over a huge lake?
Robert: Wow! Thet’s incredible. How come it doesn’t sink, Emilio?
Emilio: Well, actually, the city is sinking, very slowly through. I don’t think we’ll be getting we
just yet.
Robert: The only thing I don’t like about London is how much everuthing costs here. It’s to
expensive to live in the city, and to go out in the center, you have to spend a lot of money.
Emilio: It’s hte same here. It’s probably not as expensive here as it is in London, but it’s
definitely not cheap!
Robert: I’d love to visit city someday. I’ve never been to another country before, and Mexico
sounds cool!
Emilio: It is, but London sounds cool too. I’d love the chance to go abroad sometime. I hope
to see you soon, here of there!
Robert: Adios, amigo!
Emilio: Bye for now, my friend

1. What leisure activities can you do in eighter London or Mexico City?

2. What do Robert and Emilio say about hte people in their cities?
3. What part of their cities do Emilio and Robert both agree are the best?
4. What do neighter Emilio nor Robert like about the architecture?
5. What is a similar problem with living or going out in eighter city?
6. What have neighter Robert nor Emilio ever experienced?

Read the sentences on the left. Then complete the setences on the right

Mexico City is built on a lake, but _______ is used to introduce an idea that
London isn’t. is defferent from another idea.

London and Mexico City are very _________Is used to introduce two or
cosmopolitan. more ideas that are the same.

You can find lots of theathers in _________Is used with eighter to suggest
eighter Mexico City or London alternatives.

Neighter London nor Mexico City are ________is used with neighter to describe
completely safe at night similar attributes in the negative form.

Activity 3. Complete the sentences using “either ... or” & “neither ... nor”

1. You can find parks and

2._______________________________________________________has traveled outside og his country.

3.You can________________________along the river__________________________the parks.

4. The native language isn’t French____________________________________________________________

5._____________________________________________is the native language Russian.

6._____________________________________________Would be a great place to visit!

Activity 4. Read the information in the chart and complete the sentences below.

Cheap Big River Lakes Historical Small

London X X

Mexico X X X

1. __________________________________________________________________________is cheap to live in.

2. London has a big river running through it,_________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________have lakes
4. _______________________________________________________________________________are historical
5. You can visit____________________________________________________if you like historical places
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________are small

Activity for home

Choose a place you know well. Follow the instrutions with a partner

1. Share information about your place with your partner.

2. Listen to your partner’s description of the place.
3. Discuss and note down any similarities between the two places.
4. Discuss and note down any differences between the two places.

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