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(Please Write your Roll No. immediately) Roll No.

Mid-Term Examination
B.Tech- 8th Sem April-May 2021
Paper Code: ETME-402 Subject: ESMS
Time: 1 hour Max Marks: 30
Note: Q. No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any one more Question from the rest.
Q.1. (3×5=15 Marks)
A. Define basic building blocks of a Mechanical system. (CO1)

B. What is system simulation and application of system simulation? (CO1)

C. Write down the mathematical expression for below mechanical model (CO1)


D. Write any five software used in designing and analysis. (CO2)

E. Water flowing out of a tank naturally with no input is an example of (CO1)

a) Second order dynamic system
b) First order dynamic system
c) First order dynamic system with forced response
d) None of the above

Q.2 Write down in detail with some features about any software which is used for 3D modeling as
well finite element analysis purposes. (CO2) (15 Marks)

Q.3 what are the different building blocks of a thermal system. Develop an expression which
expresses, temperature indicated by the thermometer vary with time for the given liquid at
temperature TL.
The figure shown below indicates a liquid at temperature TL, a thermometer has been inserted
in it and it reaches a temperature T, if the thermal resistance is R then, heat flow from liquid
to thermometer is q: (CO1) (15Marks)

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