NEW 2024 Research Investigation

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History Research Project

Individuals & Societies

History , plus Rome
one of these …
● Politics

● Government

● Geography
● Environment
● Religion
● Economics

● Development
● Sociology
● Gender
● Philosophy
Requirements and instructions

Assessment Task
An individual research project on a subject and
research question of your choice.

It must be based on History plus one more I

and S subject.
1. Intended investigation …
You must hand in this form by the deadline !
It will count towards your planning grade.
2 Essay / Report in your own words . Word length :
about 900-1000 words ( including references in text
but excluding your bibliography ). This part is graded
on A and D .

3 Bibliography . This is graded on B and C

4. Reflection and Evaluation . Graded on D and B

You should explain why your research question is
relevant and important . You should evaluate two
sources . You should reflection and evaluate the
process of writing your research .
( About 400 words )
Structure ...
Lessons ...

Part of some lessons will be used for further

instructions to do with research, evaluating sources,
referencing and bibliography. All other lesson time
will be used for individual work on your project up
until the deadlines.

It is compulsory to come to all lessons !


Research proposal sheet : by Friday next week

Final essay / report: : Monday 13th May
Mon Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri.
Sat. Sund.
So , what “angle” do you want to do this from ?
History , plus …
1. Pick a subject
● Politics
● Government
● Geography
● Environment
● Religion
● Economics
● Development
● Sociology
● Gender
Not like this ! ● Philosophy
2. Choose a main concept / idea

● Change

● global interactions /

● Systems

● Time,

● place and space

3. Select one or two related concepts/ ideas

causes Resources
consequences Different perspectives
Globalization Sustainability
Power Culture
Choice Innovation
4. Come up with a research question
Writing a question is harder than
A good way to get started is to
it sounds. You need to create a
write a long list of questions about
question with a clear focus. your topic.
It helps to start with a command Then scrap the questions that
term when writing questions. don’t work well. Think about what
These are some examples: makes a good question ! It should
be clear and focused , and ideally
● Analyse
use a command term.
● Explain (Why, How
● Discuss ● Why did … ?
● How far.. ● How important is …?
● To what extent
● Explore
Examples ...
What were the causes and effects of the financial crisis in 2009 ?

To what extent has gender inequality been removed from British

business organisations ?
How did the use of Social Media influence the US Election in 2008. ?

To what extent has modern music shaped Black American political

protests ?

How Has Islam Influenced Turkish Politics In The 21st Century?

Why didn’t Communism collapse in China when the Cold War ended ?

Why were there witch trials in Sweden in the 17th century ?

How has mass tourism changed the environment ? A study of Croatia

in the 21st century.
‘Humanity has known about global warming for over 50 years. Why
haven’t we taken more action ?

How has the level of poverty in India been affected by the growth of the
Indian economy since 2000 ?

How has immigration impacted Sweden 1945 - 2015 ?

Is the control of Hong Kong all about economics not politics ?

What impact did WW1 have on women in Britain and did it stay like
that after the war ?

How effective was Martin Luther King Jrs. non-violence approach to the
Civil Rights Movement ?

How useful is the movie “Oppenheimer” in explaining why the Atomic

Bomb was used ?
Some links to get you started ….

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