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Evaluation Year 2

Listening: Listening in English in year 2 was not a problem for me and went perfectly fine, in class and
on other places even in Brighton it was totally understandable for me and I had no problem with
Reading: Sometimes reading was a bit harder for example when you see words that you haven’t seen
before it’s hard to just know what it means, but with a bit of help you’ll get there
Writing: For me writing was the hardest part of year 2 English. For me to wright some words was
hard but even though I made spelling mistakes I learned from my mistakes and I got better. If you
compare my English writing skills in the 1st year and 2th year it got way and way better!!
Speaking: As well as listening, speaking wasn’t a problem for me it went totally fine and I haven’t
really had problems except for my Dutch accent but even that has improved since the 1st year. My
speaking has gotten a lot better since Brighton. The experience was very good for me because I heard
how people talk in daily life it helped me improve my English!!
Grade: Overall I’d probably grade myself a 7 on second year. I did my best and it went fine the results
can still improve but I can say that my English has improved.

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