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Accrual Accounting

Chapter · April 2017

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_2271-1


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1 author:

Adriana Tiron Tudor

Babeş-Bolyai University


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Accrual Accounting as well as in literature. The financial statements

represent the result of recording transactions in a
Adriana Tiron-Tudor sequential and systematic manner following a set
Department of Accounting and Audit, of rules, prescribed in the accounting method.
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Most entities typically use one of two basic
Romania accounting methods to record transactions:
accrual or cash basis.
The term “accrual basis” refers to recording
Synonyms expenses or revenues when they occur, regardless
of when cash is exchanged. Alternatively, the term
Accrual basis of accounting; Accrual concept; “cash basis” refers to any entry recording with a
Accrual method; Accrual system cash impact. According to the accrual concept,
expenses occur when materials are consumed,
not when materials are acquired. Revenues are
Definition recorded when the right to receive the money is
issued not when the money is received in cash or
Accrual accounting is “a basis of accounting by bank transfer. Opposite to this, the cash method
according to which all the transactions and events supposes a flow of money in and out of an entity,
are recorded when they occur, without a relation so revenues are recorded when money is received,
with cash inflow or outflow. Therefore, the oper- and expenses, when it is paid.
ations and events are recorded in the accounting Cash-basis statements are simple, readable, but
records and recognized in the set of financial they can result in misleading financial statements.
statements of the periods to which they relate. Accrual basis is relative complex and more expen-
The elements recognized under accrual account- sive to implement, but looks at the economic
ing are assets, liabilities, net assets/equity, reve- reality of the activities, rather than the actual
nue, and expenses” (IPSASB 2006). cash inflows and outflows.
“Accruals” and “cash” are often portrayed as
opposing end-points on a spectrum of possible
The Accounting Methods bases for accounting and budgeting. In practice,
other two hybrids approaches can be classified
The importance of the accounting information either modified cash or modified accrual basis.
presented in the financial statements for In the case of modified cash, cash receipts and
decision-makers is very well known in practice disbursements made in a budget year are recorded
# Springer International Publishing AG 2017
A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_2271-1
2 Accrual Accounting

and reported up to a specified period after year provides information about past transactions and
end. While in the case of modified accrual, the other events, very useful to decision-makers and
accrual basis is used with some exceptions like for accountability purposes (IPSASB 2014).
assets (e.g., fixed assets) or liabilities, not Accrual-basis financial statements set include
recognized. the following: financial position, financial perfor-
A good measure of an entity’s operating mance, cash flow, changes in net assets/equity,
strength is the economic result of a period, and a budget execution, and notes. The main elements
clear public signal of this fundamental strength is of accrual-basis financial statements are assets,
the accounting result. But the accounting result liabilities, revenues, expenses, owners’ contribu-
differs from cash basis to an accrual basis of tions, and distributions.
accounting, and for this reason, the accounting
literature has extensively researched the precision • Assets represent resources controlled by an
or ability of an accounting system to capture the entity at present, the result of a past event.
reality of economic transactions. The source of • Liabilities are the current obligation of an
accuracy accounting arises from the following entity for resources’ outflow that results from
problem: period t cash flows are not period t a past event.
economic earnings. For example, the manager • Revenues are increases in the net financial
may have spent cash on investments that will position of the entity, other than arising from
pay back in the future, so the cash outflow is not ownership contributions.
a purely economic loss. Alternatively, assets may • Expenses are decreases in the net financial
have declined in value leading to economic loss, position of the entity, other than those resulting
but there is no cash flow impact because the goods from the owners’ contributions.
are not sold. Accounting, therefore, adjusts the • Owners’ contributions are inflows of owners’
operating cash flows (cash-basis accounting) to resources, which establish or increase interest
construct a measure of operating earnings. This in the net financial position of the entity.
adjustment is called accruals (accrual-basis • Owners’ distributions are outflows of
accounting). resources from the entity, distributed to
The need for this method arose out of the owners, which return or reduce an interest in
increasing complexity of an entity’s operations the net financial position of the entity.
and a desire for more accurate financial informa-
tion. According to accrual accounting, the events Only by the use of the accrual basis of account-
should also be reflected in the financial statements ing, an entity respects the matching principle by
during the same reporting period as that of trans- reporting expense on its statement of financial
actions, given a more precise image of entity’s performance in the same period as the related
current financial condition. revenues. According to the accrual basis, eco-
nomic events are recognized by matching reve-
nues to expenses at the time in which the
Accrual Accounting Influence on transaction occurs, either when a flow of money
Financial Statements appears. By deduction, totals of expenditures and
income are recognized in the financial statements,
Accrual-based financial statements contain a more whether or not were flows of cash in that period.
comprehensive set of information than that There are three different influences of expenses
provided by cash-based statements. They inform on the balance sheet. If the expense payment is
the users about past transactions with cash made at the time the expense was incurred, it will
movements during the reporting period, the be a decrease in cash. If there will be a future
entity’s resource, and future events like obliga- payment of the expense, it will be an increase in
tions to pay cash or consume other entity’s accounts payable. And, if the expense was paid in
resources at the reporting date. In comparison advance, it will be a decrease in prepaid expenses.
with another accounting basis, accrual basis
Accrual Accounting 3

The financial performance statement reflects cash to accruals, because of numerous changes
revenues when they are earned – which often and an increased complexity of public sector
occurs before the cash is received from the cus- activities across the world, categorized as New
tomers. Similarly, as in the case of expenses, there Public Management (NPM) characteristics.
are three different influences of the revenues in the The movement from cash to accrual account-
balance sheet. If the service or sale were for cash, ing in public sector is significant because it is
it would be an increase in cash. If the service were supposed to go from a strict situation of cashed
performed on credit, it would be increased in incomes and paid expenses to a situation where
accounts receivable. If the customer had paid in the emphasis is on achievements in performance
advance for the service and the service was conditions.
conducted afterward, it would be a decrease in According to the accrual-basis system, the
unearned revenues. emphasis is on efficiency.
At the end of the period under the accrual-basis During the last 30 years, the number of coun-
accounting, the time differences in recognizing tries having moved or moving toward accrual
revenues and expenses result in the following accounting at different government levels
adjusting entries: (central, regional, local) has increased, but still
nowadays, the world’s governments are evenly
A. Accrued revenue/expenses are recognized split between cash-basis and accrual-basis
before cash is received/paid, using receivables systems.
and liabilities accounts. Since the late 1980s, only Australia and
B. Deferred revenues/expenditures are recog- New Zealand recorded a significant movement
nized after cash is received/paid, using receiv- toward accruals-basis accounting in the public
ables and liabilities accounts. sector. The proponents were claiming that it pro-
vides new and, arguably, better information deci-
This method provides a more accurate picture sion on the balance between current and capital
of the entity’s current financial performance and expenditure, taking into account the opportunity
position. On the one side, all of the revenues cost of capital and its consumption over time.
earned during the period and the other side, all Then, the trend extended to other countries
of the expenses incurred to obtain the revenues, where there is a strong influence of the manage-
according to the accrual basis, will be presented in ment philosophy, as the UK and the USA. The
the income statement. And all assets that were transition approach differs around the globe, from
earned are reported, and all liabilities that were a total shift toward accrual accounting (the New
incurred will be reported. Cash-basis information Zeeland case, in 1992) to gradual changes in dif-
is provided in the statement of cash flows that ferent regions (e.g., in the case of USA), or differ-
present inflow and outflow of cash grouped with ent level of governments and institutions. In the
operating, investing, and financing activities. UK, accrual accounting was introduced for local
authority accounts from the mid-nineteenth cen-
tury and for the National Health services at the
Shifting from Cash to Accrual beginning of the 1990s. Then in 1993 accrual-
Accounting in the Public Sector basis accounting was proposed to be accepted by
the central authority and was subsequently
The cash-basis system was considered for a long implemented (until 2001) (Hyndman and
time as being perfect for the public sector account- Connolly 2011).
ing and budgeting, being also sustained by the Nowadays in Europe, accrual accounting is
supreme principle of compliance with rules and used more and more by national governments:
regulations. However, over the last 30 years, there 17 EU member states already use accrual account-
has been a shift in the orientation of accounting ing (PWC 2014), and several others are in the
and budgeting systems in the public sector from process of switching to it. The member states
4 Accrual Accounting

develop their country-specific rules for accrual Accrual accounting is considered a component
accounting in the public sector basis according of managerialism and New Public Management
with the International Public Sector Accounting (NPM). The most cited arguments for accrual
Standards (IPSAS). There are a lot of countries, accounting refers to providing a transparent,
defined by pluralism and diversity which apply clear, and pertinent imagine regarding financial/
accrual at different or all levels of government nonfinancial performance of public institutions
(Caperchione and Lapsley 2011; Busca et al. (Guthrie 1998), increasing the external account-
2015; Manes-Rossi et al. 2016) or with the inten- ability (Ryan 1998) and the capacity to reasonably
tion to use accrual or which have started the reflect the patrimony (Kober et al. 2010).
implementation process of accrual. But the move Another group of arguments relates to the
to the accrual basis for public sector financial capacity to obtain full cost information, a critical
reporting has not gained universal acceptance; a element for improved organizational planning,
lot of countries are circumspect about accrual- controlling, and accountability (Chan 2003),
basis accounting and budgeting in the public budgeting and allocation of financial resources,
sector. outsourcing decisions, service costs evaluation,
For example, in 2010, the German federal gov- and internal accountability (Likierman 2000).
ernment abandoned its accrual-basis budgeting The accrual accounting benefits, according to
and accounting reform. The main reason for this FEE (2016), IFAC (2013), and Khan and Meyers
action was the parliamentarian concerns about the (2009), are as follows:
loss of their control over the budget and the gov-
ernment’s finances (Jones and Luder 2011). • Using assets effectively, because accrual
The use of accrual basis for accounting is accounting requires complete recording of all
widespread in many countries, but the status is assets that are relevant to the overall stance of
not the same as the budget. Most states, even if fiscal policy and financial sustainability.
they apply accrual basis for accounting, prefer to • Managing liabilities, because under accrual
apply cash basis for budgeting or use accruals to accounting, both financial and nonfinancial lia-
only a limited number of transactions in the bud- bilities have to be reported in the annual
get (Anessi-Pessina et al. 2016). The accrual bud- accounts such as accounts payable for the
get is not so popular because is believed to risk receipt of goods and services and employee
budget discipline and affect the control of public liabilities like for civil service pensions and
money and there is a legislature’s general resis- provide a broader measure of the burden of
tance to its adoption, due to the complexity of government financial commitments.
accruals (Blöndal 2003). • Managing performance, by having a more
complete and realistic picture of costs for a
particular reporting period and the total cost
of a government’s activities, essential for
Pro and Cons of Accrual Accounting in
assessing the efficiency of public services.
Public Sector Entities
• Addressing the citizens’ right to know whether
public services represent value for money.
In this context, there have been many pro and con
• Increasing the comparability between the
debates of accrual accounting in the public sector
financial position and performance of the EU
and over the benefits and risks of using accrual
member states.
basis in public sector accounting. But the
• Giving a complete picture of governments’
expected benefits are overwhelmingly more
revenue and expenses, allowing them to initi-
significant in comparison to the drawbacks, and,
ate action at an early enough stage, thereby
thus, an increasing number of governments
preserving assets for future generations.
initiate the adoption of accrual accounting
• Contributing to long-term planning and assist
(Guthrie 1998).
governments in sustainable decision-making.
Accrual Accounting 5

On an opposite position, some researchers con- Supporters of Accrual in Public Sector

sider evident that the expected benefits of accrual
accounting cannot be achieved (Cohen et al. There are a lot of important supporters of accrual
2013) or implementing accrual basis in this sector basis in public sector accounting like IFAC, who
in not useful or necessary (Nasi and Steccolini issued IPSAS based on accrual accounting, WB,
2008). The top of the disadvantages of accrual OECD, and IMF at an international level and FEE
accounting basis list includes some of the follow and EU Commission on the European scale.
items. To record some financial events, more IFAC and IPSASB have commented exten-
transactions are required. At the end of the period, sively on the advantages of accrual accounting
there are more complex requirements to calculate for governments with different occasions and in
and manage the adjustments. The accrual account- various reports and studies. IMF, also a supporter
ing implementation often requires professional of accrual accounting, considers the recent evolu-
accounting training. Professional judgment is tion of accrual accounting implementation in pub-
used to identify the timing and scope of revenues lic sector in different states as an explicit
and expense. The preparation of the financial recognition of the limits of cash accounting.
reports takes longer since income/expense adjust- A significant contribution to the spread of accrual
ments require additional investigation. accounting in the public sector is due to the devel-
Also, there are some suspicions considering opment of accrual-based international standards
that the accrual adjustments are relevant, but for accounting (IPSAS) and government fiscal
their reliability can be imperfect. Specifically, reli- and financial reporting (GFSM). Moreover, the
ability or precision can be impaired because man- professionalization of the government accounting
agement can make estimation mistakes or can staff, the implementation of private sector tech-
misuse its discretion over accruals to conceal eco- niques into the public sector, and the advent of
nomic reality, or the possibility to recognize and computerized financial management information
assets correctly. systems (FMISs) which significantly reduce the
The acceptance of accrual accounting in the transaction costs of collecting and consolidating
public sector has not been unanimous. Some accrual-based information are strong arguments
researchers express serious doubts about the (IMF 2016).
applicability of accrual accounting in the public At a European level, the European Commis-
sector. They invoke the fact that the accrual tech- sion/Eurostat (2013) underlines the fact that
niques have been specifically designed to serve “Accruals accounting is the only accepted basis
the needs of private firms. Other issues are the that provides an accurate image of the financial
measurement problems, lack of theoretical sup- and economic position and performance of a gov-
port and increased subjectivity (Chan 2003), and ernment [. . .]”. In line with this, FEE supports the
the diverse nature of accountability in the public move from cash to accrual accounting by issuing
sector. Guthrie (1998) considers that accrual statements in connection with accrual accounting
accounting does not measure outcomes, and and organizing workshops and conference on this
accrual accounting provides a small idea of per- theme. FEE aims at highlighting some of the main
formance, focusing on the cost of services and advantages of adopting accrual accounting and its
efficiency. An important topic is also related to contribution to governments’ financial decision-
the difficulty and costs of implementation. All of making process. Accrual accounting supports
these should be considered reasons why a devel- macro fiscal policy and a better management of
oped country refused to adopt IPSAS standards, assets and liabilities by measuring assets and lia-
basis to accrual accounting. bilities relevant to the overall stance of fiscal
policy and fiscal sustainability, but which are not
measured by cash accounting (e.g., accounts pay-
able, employee pension liability, PPP).
6 Accrual Accounting

At the same time, the countries which decide to Chan JL (2003) Government accounting: an assessment of
pass from cash accounting to accrual accounting theory, purposes, and standards. Public Money Manag
are warned by IFAC to analyze very carefully the Caperchione E, Lapsley I (2011) Making comparisons
validity and the benefits expected from this reform in government accounting. Fin Account Manag
taking into account the conditions, the priorities, 27(2):103–106
and the local characteristics. Also, the European Deaconu A, Nistor C S, Filip C (2011) The impact of
accrual accounting on public sector management. An
Federation of Accountants issued a paper exploratory study for Romania, Transylvanian Review
outlining the risks involved and explaining the of Administrative Sciences, No. 32 E/2011, pp. 74–97
essential preconditions for the successful imple- FEE (2006) Better financial information for better decision
mentation of accrual accounting. making
FEE (2016) Accrual accounting: a key step toward better
public finances
Guthrie J (1998) Application of accrual accounting in the
Conclusions Australian public sector – rhetoric or reality? Fin
Account Manag 14(1):1–19
Hyndman N, Connolly C (2011) Accruals accounting in
Even if the accrual accounting system is for some the public sector: a road not always taken. Manag
authors accurate and suitable for the private sec- Account Res 22(1):36–45
tor, it gained over the last 30 years more adepts in IFAC (2013) Transition to the Accrual Basis of Account-
the public sector. There are a lot of arguments for ing: Guidance for Governments and Government Enti-
ties” IFAC Public Sector Committee Study no 14
this, leading to the idea that accrual accounting IMF (2016) Implementing accrual accounting in the public
would provide more appropriate information for sector
decision-makers and lead to better decision- IPSASB (2006) Glossary of Defined Terms, IPSAS 1 to
making. IPSAS 12
IPSASB (2014) Conceptual framework for general pur-
If accrual accounting adoption in public sector pose financial reporting by public sector entities
accounting will reach its goals, it is too early to Jones R, Lüder K (2011) The Federal Government of
express an opinion. However, a complete analysis Germany's circumspection concerning accrual
will be possible in the future, after some years of budgeting and accounting. Public Money Manag
application. Khan A, Meyer S (2009) Transition to accrual accounting.
Despite the limited empirical evidence of its IMF, Washington, DC
usefulness in the public sector and the reserva- Kober R, Lee J, Ng J (2010) Mind your accruals: perceived
tions expressed by academics, the adoption of usefulness of financial information in the Australian
public sector under different accounting systems. Fin
accrual accounting is regarded nowadays, as Account Manag 26(3):267–298
self-evident (Deaconu et al. 2011). Likierman A (2000) Changes to managerial decision-
taking in UK central government. Manag Account
Res 11(2):253–261
Manes-Rossi F, Cohen S, Caperchione E, Brusca I (2016)
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