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Smith, R.R.R. Hellenistic Sculpture (1991) Ridgway, B.S. Fourth-Century Styles in Greek Sculpture (1997) Portraits: Dillon S., Ancient Greek portrait sculpture : contexts, subjects, and styles (Cambridge and New York 2006) Finlay M., Arion NS 3 (1976) 79-93: rev. of D. Metzler, Portrt und Gesellscahft Richter, G.M.A. Portraits of the Greeks (ed: 1984) Zanker P., The Mask of Sokrates: The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity (1995) chs. 1-2 Anatolia: Borchhardt J., Die Bauskulptur des Heroon von Limyra (1976) Childs W.A.P, P. Demargne, Fouilles de Xanthos VIII (1989) - Nereid Monument Childs W.A.P., City Reliefs of Lycia (1978) Eichler F., Die Reliefs des Heroon von Gjolbaschi-Trysa (1950) - Trysa Hanfmann, G. From Croesus to Constantine: The Cities of Western Asia Minor and their Arts in Greek and Roman Times (1975) Robinson Th., 'The Nereid Monument at Xanthos or the Eliyana Monument at Arnna?', Oxford Journal of Archaeology 14.3 (1995) 355-59 Robinson Th., 'The Nereid Monument', in G.R. Tsetskhladze, Ancient Greeks, West and East (Brill 1999) Waywell G., Free-standing Sculpture of the Mausoleum (1978) - Mausoleum Written sources Overbeck, J. Die antiken Schriftquellen (1868) - collects (almost) all sources in original Pausanias, Guide to Ancient Greece (Loeb, Penguin) Pliny the Elder, Natural History (Loeb, and Jex-Blake & Sellers) Habicht, C. Pausanias' Guide to Ancient Greece (1985) Jex-Blake, K., Sellers, E. The Elder Pliny's Chapters on the History of Art (1896) - with excellent introduction on the Hellenistic art-histories that lie behind Pliny's text Meiggs, R., Lewis, D., A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the 5th Century BC (1969) Pollitt, J.J. The Art of Greece, 1400-31 BC: Sources and Documents (1965) Pollitt, J.J. The Ancient View of Greek Art (1974) Raubitschek, A. Dedications from the Athenian Acropolis (1949)

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