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Level Up Your
Love Life

Saloua Lasri
Introduction 2

About me 4

Chapter I: Self- Examination

Chapter II: Level Up Your Mindset 9

Chapter III: Understand Your Worth 14

Chapter IV: Attracting The Right Man 19

Conclusion 21

By Saloua Lasri
Welcome Beautiful, I’m so glad you’re here. In this
E-book, I will teach you how you can level up your
love life and become a high-value woman. I’ll guide
you through understanding mistakes women
make, along with solutions and tasks to help you

Over the past period I’ve spent dating and working

with women, and as a coach specializing in love
and mindset, I have seen common struggles. Many
women find themselves in a cycle of attracting the
wrong partners.

Looking outside to find the reason; blaming

society or men. But it’s very important to look
within & consider the ways you might be
unconsciously contributing to your suffering. So
that you can break free, learn the lessons behind
why you keep attracting the same pattern so you
can break free and attract healthier relationships
into your life.

By Saloua Lasri
I have personally struggled with men &
relationships too… I was in the same (if not worse)
situation. My whole world collapsed when the
man who I thought was going to become my
husband betrayed me. And I promised myself I
would never find myself suffering ever again for

While therapy helped, the major key to my

healing was realizing this one thing; You can't
change anyone but you can change yourself. And
if you want to become the woman of his Life, you
must become the woman of your life, first.

It all starts with YOU. The power is within YOU.

And nothing changes if you don’t make a change

in your life. This is why I have designed this ebook
to provide you with the practical advice & tips I
used to transform my life and attract a healthy
relationship. These will help you break the cycle of
attracting & entertaining the wrong men and start
attracting the love/ relationship you truly deserve
and desire…

By Saloua Lasri

Hi, I’m Saloua Lasri, your mindset and love coach.

After decades of being the "nice girl" and failing in

my relationships, I learned to take control of my
life and live for myself and how to deeply love and
accept myself.

I made peace with my past and transformed my

pain into power and as a result, I manifested an
exciting love life, where I get treated like I’ve
always dreamed of! 👸🏻
I now help women who feel just like I did step into
their power, and become the best version of
themselves that no one can resist.

I help women realize their worth & value in/out of

romantic relationships and manifest their best
life/love using the power of their feminine energy.

By Saloua Lasri
It already exists in you, I just help you step into it. I
have the ability, knowledge, embodiment, and
calling for it because I've been there & done it.

And remember ladies it’s never too late to

change. ✨
I am very happy to be here to help you. So let’s get
started right now!

By Saloua Lasri

When you blame everyone for your failures, you

are giving away your power. You become stuck
and defeated. Taking responsibility means self-
reflecting to understand the causes of your
behaviors and their consequences, without
blaming external circumstances.

It involves recognizing your power to shape your

own life and relationships. Which then empowers
you with the tools to attract better relationships.

How to start taking responsibility:

1. Reflect on Past Relationships: Take the time to

analyze your past relationships and identify what
patterns or behaviors might have contributed to
attracting the wrong men. One common behavior
I noticed is a pleasing personality.

By Saloua Lasri
It means putting other people’s needs and desires
over your own, which leads to neglecting your
boundaries, making you attract emotionally
unstable men, and seeking validation and
reassurance from them to remove your feelings of
insecurity and anxiety.

This reliance on external validation makes you

depend on partners for your self-worth and
happiness. You end up attracting unhealthy men
who might take advantage of you and give you the
bare minimum in return

2. Identify Triggers and Beliefs: Explore any

underlying beliefs, fears, or insecurities that may be
influencing your relationship choices. Recognize how
these beliefs may have led to self-sabotage or
attracting unhealthy partners.

By Saloua Lasri
3. Practice Self-Compassion: Acknowledge any
past mistakes without judgment. Be gentle with
yourself as you navigate the process. Recognize
that taking responsibility doesn't mean blaming
yourself or feeling guilty, but rather getting your
power back to make positive changes.

By taking responsibility for your happiness and

well-being, you attract men who respect and
appreciate you as a high-value partner. You create
healthier relationships based on mutual respect,
trust, and growth.

By Saloua Lasri
Level-Up Your Mindset

Now that you have identified those negative

beliefs, you have to transform them into positive
ones that serve you because this shift in your
perspective, beliefs, and behaviors impacts
massively the quality of relationships you
attract and cultivate.

How to start transforming your mindset;

1. Move from Scarcity to Abundance: A scarcity

mindset makes you believe there are no more
good men and you settle for relationships that
don’t truly fulfill you.

But when you shift your mindset to one of

abundance, you recognize your inherent worth
and understand that there are plenty of potential
partners who will appreciate and value you for
who you are.

This shift in mindset will empower you to set

higher standards for the type of partner you want
to attract.
By Saloua Lasri
Making it less likely for you to settle for less than
you deserve and easier for you to attract the man
of your dreams.

2. Move from self-doubt to self-love and

confidence: When you start cultivating a strong
sense of self-love and self-worth, you'll notice that
you naturally gravitate towards partners who
respect and cherish you.

Because self-love boosts your confidence and self-

esteem, making it less likely for you to seek
validation or approval from anyone.
By prioritizing self-love and nurturing your inner
garden, you become less dependent on external
validation and become more discerning in
choosing partners who genuinely appreciate and
value you.

3. Move from people pleaser to boundary setter:

Boundaries help you protect yourself. Having
strong boundaries shows self-respect and self-
worth, signaling to your ideal partners that you
won't tolerate behavior that undermines your

Your boundaries not only protect your energy and

time but also filter out men who are not willing to
respect your boundaries.
YFL 10
By Saloua Lasri
3 actionable tips you can start practicing to
transform your mindset to attract the man
of your dreams;

1. Practice Self-Awareness: Pay attention to your

thoughts and beliefs about yourself and your
relationships. Notice any negative patterns or limiting
beliefs holding you back from attracting better men.

Grab a pen and paper and do this simple exercise-

write down your thoughts on these questions:

What do I believe about love? Is it complicated just

like we have been conditioned to believe

What do I believe about men?

Do I honestly believe I am worthy of a great

relationship? How do I see myself? What is the self-
concept I have about me?

Do I recognize my worth & value? And where does

my worth/value come from? (e.g. overdoing &
overgiving? aka people pleasing) And why?

Take your time to HONESTLY answer these questions,

you might be surprised by what you discover!

By Saloua Lasri
2. Challenge Limiting Beliefs: Challenge the beliefs that
have come up from the exercise above such as "I'm
not worthy of love" or "All men are the same." Replace
them with positive ones like :

“Love flows into my life, and I am worthy of the

most loving relationship ”.

"I attract respectful, loving, and supportive men

who cherish and appreciate me for who I am”.

"I am inherently worthy of love, happiness, and

abundance, simply by being myself."

"I am lovable and deserving of love just as I am. I

radiate love and attract it effortlessly into my life."

3. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude for yourself,

your experiences, and the lessons they bring. Focus on
the positive aspects of yourself and your life. Develop
a mindset of abundance and appreciation.

Take real steps towards self-improvement and

transformation.— Include small daily habits in your
life like reading instead of watching a series,
prioritizing your well-being, walking, and eating
healthier, all those little steps you are taking to
level up your journey will highly boost your

By Saloua Lasri
Do what resonates with you and engage in
activities that you like, without forcing yourself.

Surround Yourself with Positivity. — Whether it's

supportive friends, inspiring books, or uplifting
podcasts… Only engage with content and people
that uplift and empower you. Allow yourself to
prioritize yourself and DON’T hesitate to let go of
anyone that doesn't support you on your journey.

By transforming your mindset, you elevate your self-

worth, attract healthier relationships, and cultivate a
deeper sense of fulfillment and happiness in your life
& love life.
You become a magnet for men who align with your
values, aspirations, and vision for a loving, supportive

By Saloua Lasri
Understand Your Worth

Understanding your worth is very important to

help you start attracting the right men &
relationships because it's how you perceive and
value yourself that sets a standard for how you
expect to be treated in a relationship. The more
value you set for yourself, the more high-value
men you’ll attract.

3 things to help you know your worth:

1. Leave the "nice girl syndrome" behind. The "nice

girl" syndrome makes you prioritize other people's
needs and desires over your ones, sometimes
even hurting your well-being. By breaking free
from this pattern, you reclaim your power in
relationships. You learn to set boundaries, speak
up for your needs, and healthily assert yourself.

This shift in behavior helps you attract partners

who respect and honor your boundaries, giving
you fulfilling relationships.

By Saloua Lasri
Actionable tips to make the switch;

Learn to set Boundaries: Practice saying no

when you feel uncomfortable or when
something doesn't align with your values or

Practice Assertive Communication: Learn to

express your thoughts, feelings, and opinions
assertively, without apologizing or seeking
approval. Use "I" statements to assert yourself
respectfully, and practice active listening to
ensure you understand others' perspectives
while still advocating for your own needs and

2. Unleash the High-Value Woman inside of YOU. A

high-value woman understands that she deserves
to be with someone who recognizes and respects
her worth. Because she sees and knows her

She would never entertain any type of

Relationship where her love is not reciprocated
and where she is not respected.

She would never put a man in the center of her

life, she doesn’t wait for a man to be happy.
By Saloua Lasri
A man is not a need in her life.

This mindset helps you avoid relationships where

you feel undervalued or unappreciated. By
acknowledging your value, you naturally attract
men who see and admire your qualities, rather
than take you for granted.

Actionable tips to do it:

Invest in Personal Growth—Continuously

invest in your personal growth and
transformation by seeking opportunities for
learning, self-reflection, and self-improvement.

Develop strong standards and boundaries—

establish clear expectations for how you
deserve to be treated in relationships. Use
your strong boundaries to protect your well-
being and ensure that you only invest your
time and energy in relationships that align with
your values and contribute positively to your

This communicates your self-respect and worth,

attracting men who value and appreciate you for
who you are.

By Saloua Lasri
3. Embracing Your Feminine Energy. Often feminine
energy has been wrongly associated with weakness or

What it means is embracing your softness and

vulnerability as strengths. Feminine energy relates to
qualities like softness, nurturing, intuition, and

By embracing your feminine energy, you tap into your

power as a woman. When you cultivate your feminine
energy, you attract men who appreciate and resonate
with these qualities and are also in their masculine
energy, leading to relationships where you're handled
with love, care & respect.

Actionable tips to embrace it:

Honor Your Intuition: Your intuition is a powerful

guide that can help you discern between genuine
connections and red flags, allowing you to attract
men who align with your values and intentions.

Practice listening and trusting your intuition in dating

and relationships. Make time to tune into your inner
voice and gut feelings when making decisions or
interacting with potential partners.

By Saloua Lasri
Embrace Vulnerability: Allow yourself to be
vulnerable and authentic in your interactions
with men. Share your thoughts, feelings, and
desires openly and honestly, without fear of
judgment or rejection. This will highly increase
your connection. Allow yourself to be in the
receiving mode.

Prioritize Self-Care & Connect with Your

Sensuality: Embrace your sensuality by
engaging in activities that make you feel
feminine and empowered, such as dancing,
wearing clothes that make you feel confident,
or pampering yourself with self-care rituals like
a relaxing bath or massage.

Connecting with your sensuality enhances your

feminine energy and radiance, making you
more attractive and magnetic to masculine men
who appreciate and respect your femininity.

Your Feminine Energy will be your magnet to

attract good types of Men. Remember that taking
care of yourself isn't selfish—it's essential for
maintaining balance and happiness in your life.

By Saloua Lasri
Attracting The Right Man

You attract the right man by aligning your

actions with your desires.

3 steps to do it:

Be Clear About Your Priorities: Define what

you truly want in a partner and relationship,
then align your actions accordingly to attract
those qualities.

Set Boundaries: have strong boundaries that

honor your needs and values, guiding your
interactions with potential partners in
alignment with your desires.

Take Proactive Steps: Actively engage in

activities or social settings that align with your
interests and values. The more you enjoy your
life, the more you become magnetic.

By Saloua Lasri
When you do these, you're sending a clear
message to the universe and men about what you
want and DESERVE in a relationship. This helps
you stop attracting the wrong men by filtering out
men who are incompatible with your vision of love
and a relationship.

It also helps you shift your focus away from

attracting the wrong men and instead direct your
energy towards manifesting the right man who
aligns with the love and relationship you desire.

By Saloua Lasri
Breaking free from the cycle of attracting the wrong
men requires self-awareness, self-love, and a
willingness to break free from old patterns.

So continue replacing negative beliefs with positive

ones, embracing your feminine energy, and
developing yourself into the high-value woman that
you are. Remember that you have the power to shape
your reality.

Surround yourself with supportive friends and


Embrace your journey, and celebrate your growth as

you move from the "nice girl" to a high-value woman.

As you work to understand yourself, transform

yourself, and love yourself; you attract the right kind of
love/relationship into your life while repelling
everything that isn't.

Keep in mind that you deserve ALL the love and

happiness you desire.

By Saloua Lasri
Level Up Your
Love Life

By Saloua Lasri

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