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Medicine, 1st semester


A. Vocabulary chart
Find the translations of the contents in the chart and send them to the platform:
Hospital units Verbs Vocabulary
Cardiology unit Examine Checkup Dosage
Gynecology unit Operate Cardiac Pill
Pharmacy Prescribe Electrocardiogram Medication
Neurology unit Diagnose Uterus Prescription
Obstetrics Monitor Ovary Brain
Ortopedics Recommend Hypertension Nervous system
Patholgy unit Schedule Menstruation Fracture
Renal unit Advice Cervix MRI (Magnetic Resonance
Physiotherapy unit Treat Pregnancy Stroke
Surgery unit Test Delivery Seizure
Dermatology Rehabilitate Labor Dementia
Recover Bone Delivery


Rellena los espacios vacíos con la forma faltante del presente simple:
1. Examine:
The doctor ______________ the patient's heart in the cardiology unit.
The gynecologist _____________the pregnant woman during her checkup.
I am a neurologist, and I ______________ the patient's brain scans for abnormalities.

2. Operate:
The surgeon _______________ on the patient in the surgery unit.
The orthopedic surgeon _______________ on the broken leg in the orthopedics unit.
The dermatologist _______________ on the skin lesion in the dermatology unit.

Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo

Medicine, 1st semester

3. Prescribe:
The cardiologist _______________ medication for high blood pressure.
The gynecologist _______________ prenatal vitamins for the pregnant patient.
The neurologist _______________ medication for migraines.

4. Diagnose:
The pathologist _______________ cancer in the pathology unit.
The obstetrician _______________ pregnancy during the checkup.
The dermatologist _______________ eczema in the dermatology unit.

5. Monitor:
The nurse _______________ the patient's heart rate in the cardiology unit.
The obstetrician _______________ the baby's growth during pregnancy.
The neurologist _______________ the patient's seizures.

6. Recommend:
The cardiologist _______________ lifestyle changes for heart health.
The physiotherapist _______________exercises for rehabilitation.
The gynecologist _______________ birth control options.

7. Schedule:
The receptionist _______________ appointments in the cardiology unit.
The obstetrician _______________ prenatal visits for expectant mothers.
The surgeon _______________ surgeries for patients in the surgery unit.

Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo

Medicine, 1st semester

8. Advise:
The pharmacist _______________ patients on medication usage in the pharmacy.
The orthopedic surgeon _______________ against heavy lifting after surgery.
The neurologist _______________ patients on managing migraines.

9. Treat:
The oncologist _______________cancer patients in the oncology unit.
The physiotherapist _______________ patients with musculoskeletal injuries.
The dermatologist _______________ acne in the dermatology unit.

10. Test:
The cardiologist _______________ the patient's cholesterol levels.
The gynecologist _______________ for pregnancy during the appointment.
The neurologist _______________ nerve function in the patient.

11. Rehabilitate:
The physiotherapist _______________ patients after joint replacement surgery.
The orthopedic surgeon _______________ athletes after sports injuries.
The renal unit rehabilitates patients after kidney transplant surgery.

12. Help:
The nurse _____________ in the recovery room after surgery.
The obstetrician _______________ mothers recover after childbirth.
The physiotherapist _______________ patients recover from injuries.

2. Completa las siguientes oraciones con los verbos en presente simple:

Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo

Medicine, 1st semester

a) Many teenagers __pass________ (spend) too much time sitting and not enough
time exercising.
b) She _____eat_____ (eat) a lot of junk food every day.
c) My friends ____see______ (watch) TV for hours after school.
d) He _____play_____ (play) video games instead of going outside.
e) We _____drink_____ (drink) sugary drinks instead of water.
f) He ______read____ (read) a book every night before bed.
g) They _____liste_____ (listen) to music while they do their homework.
h) She _____practice_____ (practice) yoga three times a week.
i) We ____go______ (go) for a walk in the park every Sunday morning.
j) The students _____study_____ (study) English vocabulary every day after school.

3. Lee la siguiente rutina y luego escribe la tuya:

"Every morning, I wake up at 7 o'clock. Then, I brush my teeth and have

breakfast. After that, I go to school. In the afternoon, I have lunch with my
friends. After school, I do my homework and then I go for a walk with my
dog. Finally, I have dinner and go to bed at 10 o'clock."

Your routine:
7:00 am – Wake up and make the bed. 7:30 am – Have breakfast and review
the day’s schedule. 8:00 am – Attend classes or start the day’s tasks. 12:00

Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo

Medicine, 1st semester

I get up at 6:39am

As the 6:40

As the 7

As the 7:20

As the7:40

As the 8

As the
As the 12

As the 11:00 pm

4. Read the article and answer the questions:

Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo

Medicine, 1st semester

Title: Healthy Habits for Teens

In this article, we will talk about the

importance of maintaining healthy habits for
teenagers. Many young people spend too
much time sitting in front of a screen,
whether it's watching TV or playing video
games. This can lead to a sedentary lifestyle,
which can cause health problems like
obesity. It's important for teenagers to
exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet.
Instead of
spending hours in front of the screen, try going for a walk, riding a bike, or playing
sports with friends. Also, remember to include fruits, vegetables, and water in your
daily diet to keep your body healthy and fit.

Comprehension Questions:

True or False: The article discusses the benefits of spending long hours in front of a
screen. False
True or False: Eating a balanced diet is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

True or False: Teenagers should avoid exercising regularly to prevent obesity.


True or False: Including fruits, vegetables, and water in your diet is not necessary for
maintaining good health. False

Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo

Medicine, 1st semester

True or False: The article suggests going for a walk, riding a bike, or playing sports with
friends as alternatives to spending time in front of a screen. True

4. Read the text and answer the questions:

Tommy’s routine

Tommy is a typical ten-year-old boy

who loves playing video games and
watching cartoons. However, there's
one thing Tommy doesn't enjoy
- eating vegetables. Every
mealtime, Tommy's mom serves him a
plate of colorful vegetables, but Tommy
always refuses to eat them. Instead, he
asks for more pizza or chicken nuggets.
Tommy's dislike for vegetables is
starting to affect his health. He often
feels tired and lacks energy during
the day. His mom
worries that he's not getting enough essential nutrients to keep his body healthy and
To help Tommy develop better eating habits, his mom decides to involve him in meal
preparation. Together, they visit the local farmer's market to pick out fresh fruits and
vegetables. Tommy learns about the importance of eating a variety of foods to stay
healthy. Slowly, he starts to try new vegetables and discovers that some of them are
actually quite tasty.
Now, Tommy enjoys helping his mom cook meals and happily eats his vegetables. He
feels more energetic and ready to tackle his day, whether it's playing outside with his
friends or acing his math test at school.

Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo

Medicine, 1st semester

Comprehension Questions:
What does Tommy dislike eating?
A. Fruits
B. Vegetables
C. Pizza
D. Chicken nuggets

How does Tommy's mom help him develop

better eating habits? A. By buying more
video games
B. By involving him in meal preparation
C. By serving him more pizza
D. By taking him to a fast-food restaurant How
does Tommy feel after starting to eat
more vegetables?
A. Tired and lacking energy
B. Uninterested in playing outside
C. More energetic and ready to tackle his day
D. Hungry all the time

What does Tommy enjoy doing now?

A. Watching TV all day
B. Playing video games alone
C. Helping his mom cook meals and eating
D. Refusing to eat anything except pizza

Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo

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