1ST Week

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WEEK: 1 DATES: February 12-16, 2024


I am currently teaching and/or my activities OR ASSIGNMENTS, were…

Having an orientation as stated from the Student’s Internship Plan. My co-interns were able
to meet the new Principal Mrs. Angelina Vivero, who also led the orientation. She was the
one who provided our teaching load which we were thankful of. We were able to have two
loads for each interns. The Principal provided a load which would help us focus only on our
I am with Mrs. Yvonne M. Café, and English major, Master teacher, whom was also
my English teacher when I was still in high school. The first day was fun since we were
introduced to our future students. I was assigned to two (2) grade 9, section Bronze and
Silver. The rest of the week was just an observation on my Cooperating Teacher’s class, for
me to be well aware on how she handles the class, specifically her techniques in teaching. We
were not able to do a lot of things since we were excuse for 1 ½ days to report Abuyog
Community College and helped ourselves enrolled for the semester.


1. Overall this week went successful and fun since I was able to know the students who are
active and participative. Those students who needs to have more attention for them to
catch up the lesson or discussion. I also felt nervous and at the same time happy, for the
reason that I was assigned in Grade 9, and I know that it would be fun since I won’t need
to treat them as babies, and be able to discuss lessons in a more interactive and easy way.
Because when I was having my Field study, I was assigned to Grade 7 which made me
worried on the techniques I was going to implement since I observed that they were
having difficulties on the subject (English), most of them couldn’t construct even a
simple sentence. And I was so happy that it will be different when I start to take over or
teach the class with my Cooperating Teacher’s guide.
2. I achieved success this week knowing that I am starting the crucial yet fun life in my
College journey. And knowing that I am to teach 3 rd level of Junior High School. It
would not be hard on my part since I can relate to them and vice versa. Another thing is
that they are not that hard headed or naughty as Grade 7 are.

The challenge I have face this week was the nervousness, knowing that I am in the
crucial part of my teaching journey.


1. I have learned that teachers are now using MELCS and not the Curriculum guide. Most of
the books are not used in teaching. And most of the modules and topic to be discussed can
mostly be seen on the internet.

2. If I were to relive the week that passed, I would love to facilitate the class I have
observed, because I know it would be more fun great for me to provide assistance to my
Cooperating Teacher and be able to get to know more to the Grade 9 students.


Since it is my first week in the school I am assigned with, I will definitely give my
best next week, with my first teaching and with the guide of my Cooperating Teacher.


I need support from my Cooperating Teacher in searching for appropriate modules as

a reference in making my lesson plans in the future. It would help me gather ideas which
would lead me to have a fixed materials to be discuss. I need support in keeping an eye on me
and give critical feedback. This would help me do much better on my next discussion or
session with the class.


This week is a great start for me in my pre-service journey. Given the fact that the
students treat me as a teacher already, the respect I gain from them makes me feel like I
needed to be a good model to them and become a teacher whatever it would take. This week
boosted me rather motivated me to become the person that the students sees me as I am in the
school. Next week is another week of journey, and I am still nervous yet excited to teach.

VIII. Next Steps:


Student Teaching Weekly Reflection Rubric

Excellent (4): Equivalent score of 90-100%
 Proficient (3): Equivalent score of 80-89%
 Developing (2): Equivalent score of 70-79%
 Needs Improvement (1): Equivalent score below 70%

Checked by: DR. DOMER P. REGIS Score: _____________

Student Teaching Coordinator

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