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MODULE 1 Text Information, and Media

What`s In
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. E

What`s New
1. The tone of the context is urgent and convincing, aiming to capture the recipient`s attention.
2. Some Filipinos might fall victim to this type of message due to the promise of a large sum of
money from well known personality like Willy Revillame.
3. This message sounds convincing because it includes details like the name of a popular TV
show (Wowowin), and the mention of a lawyer (Atty. Filepe L. Gozun), which added credibility
to the claim.

What`s more
Activity 1.1
Design Principles and Liquid Soap (Left Picture) Liquid Soap (Right Picture)
Emphasis Too light, not realistic, too Too dark, realistic, catchy,
simple detailed
Appropriateness Simple composition, easy to Products name is
understand inappropriate, well organized
Proximity Unrealistic, no value, too Elements are well organized
Alignment Symmetric Symmetric
Organization Good spacing, good Good composition, good
composition spacing
Repetition Good pattern Good pattern
Contrast Too light, unrealistic Too dark, realistic
Activity 1.2
1. Who are the possible readers of this Possible readers could be drivers, pedestrians,
signage? or anyone intending to park in the area.
2. Who could have possible written this It could have been written by a property
signage? owner.
3. What is the tone of the text in the signage?
The tone is authoritative and strict.
4. What is the intention of the signage? The intention is to communicate a clear
prohibition against unauthorized parking and
warn of potential consequences.
5. What are the design principles and The design likely includes bold, large text for
elements present in the signage? easy visibility, and a contrasting color scheme
to catch attention.
6. What are the emphasized phrases in the The emphasized phrases are “NO
signage? Why were these given particular PARKING”, “TOWED AWAY”, and “AT
highlighting the prohibition, consequences,
and financial liability.

What I Have Learned

1. Send a polite and respectful email highlighting the error and provide a correct information.
2. Absolutely, because transparency builds trust and credibility.
3. Editors and content creators, because as an editor and content creator, they should ensure
accuracy to maintain credibility and trust.
MODULE 2 Visual Information and Media

What`s In
1. C
2. A
3. E
4. B
5. D

What`s New
1. The visual media presented above is a text-based infographic.
2. The purpose of this visual media is to provide clear, and proper instructions on first aid for
snake bites and to emphasize critical dos and don`ts.
3. The design elements present images for easy understanding, bold text for emphasis, and
emphasized critical dos and don`ts.
What`s More
Activity 1.1
Component Guide Questions Answer
Spectator To whom is the infographic 1. The infographic is for
for? visitors to the Presidential
Museum and Library.
Creator Who is the producer of the 2. The producer of the
infographic? infographic is likely the
Presidential Museum and
Objective What is the purpose of the 3. The purpose of the
infographic? infographic is to inform
visitors about the museum`s
schedule, ticket prices,
reservation process, and
Substance What is the message of the 4. The message of the
infographic? infographic is to provide
important information and
instructions for a smooth visit
to the museum.
Manner How was the information 5. The information is
presented? Did it make use of presented in a clear and
appropriate design elements organized manner, utilizing
and principles? bullet points, bold text, and
numbered lists for easy
Transmission Is this the best platform to 6. This platform is suitable
use? Why? for sharing information, for
wider dissemination, other
platforms like social media,
websites, or physical
brochures could also be
Activity 1.2
Visual Design Elements and Principles Your Descriptions and Observation
1. Center of interest The center of interest is good as it
immediately draws me to theme of the picture
which is the traffic in manila.
2. Balance The elements are distributed harmoniously
throughout the composition, creating visual
stability and interest. Overall, the balance is
3. Harmony It creates a sense of unity and rhythm
throughout the composition.
4. Contrast Too dark. Wish I would see the colored

picture 😊
5. Directional movement It guides my eye smoothly through the
composition, and leads me to the point which
is the traffic in Manila.
6. Rhythm It creates sense of visual harmony and balance
through repetition, variation, and movement.
7. Perspective It provides depth and dimension, leading me
into the scene and creating a sense of realism.

What I Have Learned

1. If people can`t easily understand what someone`s showing, it might not be appealing,
especially if clarity is important for the situation and the audience.
2. Yes, because everyone sees and understands art differently, based on their own thoughts and
3. When looking at visual info, a smart media user should think about if it`s correct, where it`s
coming from, and if there might be any unfair influences affecting it.

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