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Discuss strategies used to empower women in Tanzania.

Are these strategies viable in achieving gender

equality and equity in the county?

According to Mwakajinga,L (2010),Women empowerment refers to the process of enabling

women to have control over their lives, make independent decisions and actively participate in social,
economic and political spheres. It involves enhancing women's abilities, fostering their self-confidence
and addressing societal barriers to ensure equal opportunities and rights. Empowering women in
Tanzania is crucial for archieving gender equality and equity in the country.Here are the strategies have
been used to empower women in Tanzania. These strategies are viable in achieving gender equality and
equity in the county.

The following are the strategies used to empower women in Tanzania;

Education skills training or education initiaves. Promoting access to education for girls and
women is a key strategy. Scholarships, awareness campaigns and community engagement help to break
barriers and empower women through knowledge and skills. Then in providing accessible and quality
education for girls and women along with vocational and technical skills training, can enhance their
employability and economic independence.

For example;The Tanzania Gender Networking Program(TGNP) has been instrumental in promoting girls'
education and women's vocational training. By establishing vocational schools and providing
scholarships, TGNP has enabled women to acquire skills in traditionally male-dominated fields like
carpentry and plumbing.

Legal reforms.This involves strengthening, enacting and enforcing laws to protect women's
rights such as laws against gender-based violence, discrimination and promoting equal opportunities,
can help to create enabling environment for women's empowerment. Also to address gender-based
violence, and ensure equal opportunities in various sectors contribute to creating more equitable legal

For example;The marriage Act of 1971 was amended in 2016 to raise the minimum age of marriage to
18 for bothboys and girls, reducing child marriage and promoting girls education.

Political participation. Encouraging women 's involvement in politics and leadership

roles,supporting women's decision making positions and addressing barriers to women's political
engagement through affirmative action policies and awareness campaigns helps address gender
imbalances in decision-making Processes.

For example: The Tanzania Women Parliamentary Group (TWPG) actively promotes women's political
representation. As a result, the number of women in Parliament has increased over the years with
women holding key government positions such as our president Dr Samia Suluhu Hassani and Minister
of Health named Ummy Mwalimu.
Economic Empowerment. Involves promoting women's entrepreneurship, access to credit
and capital and supporting women's participation in income-generating activities can improve their
economic status and decision making powers.

Also implementing initiatives like microfinance project and skills training programs enables women to
generate income, fostering financial independence and reducing gender-based economic disparities.

Health care access and Reproductive rights. Improving women's access to quality health
care services, including Reproductive health,family planning and maternal care can enhance their overall
well-being and empower them to informed decisions about their lives and families.

For example; The government has implemented initiatives like the National Family Planning Program,
which provides Reproductive health services and education. This program has contributed to a decline in
maternal mortality rates and increased women's control over Reproductive choices.

Women's Entrepreneurship. Promoting women's entrepreneurship has been a key strategy

also to empower women economically.

For instance; Program like the Tanzania Women's Chamber of Commerce provide training, mentorship
and access to resources for women entrepreneurs

Example, Mama Fresh,a Tanzanian social enterprise, supports women farmers by providing them with
training, access to markets and fair prices for their products.

Media engagement. Leveraging media to showcase positive stories of women's

achievements,challenges stereotypes and promoting diverse role models can influence public
perception and contribute to breaking down gender-based barriers.

For example;Initiatives like Femina Hip promote women's voices and stories through magazines, radio
and social media platforms. By challenging stereotypes and promoting positive role models, these
initiatives have contributed to changing perceptions about women's capabilities.

Gender mainstreaming in agriculture. Women play a vital role in Tanzania's agriculture

sector. Gender mainstreaming initiatives such as the Sustainable Agriculture in Tanzania (SAT) program,
it aim to enhance women's access to resources, training and markets.

By promoting gender- responsive agricultural practices, Sustainable Agriculture in Tanzania (SAT)

program has empowered women farmers and improved their livelihoods.
Community awareness and advocacy. Raising awareness about women's rights, gender
equality, promoting gender sensitivity nad challenging harmful gender norms through campaigns, media
and community engagement can Foster a more inclusive and gender -equitable environment.

Gender-Based violence prevention. Addressing gender based violence is a critical aspect of

women's empowerment. Organisations like the Tanzania Gender-Based Violence Network (TGBVN) work
to raise awareness provide support services and advocate for policies to combat gender-based violence
through campaigns and community dialogue, TGBVN has helped survivors seek justice and access
support systems.

Access to technology. Bridging the digital gender divide by increasing women's access to
information and communication technologies can enhance their access to education economic
opportunities and decision making platforms.

Therefore,while these strategies have made significant strides towards women's

empowerment in Tanzania, challenges still persist, cultural norms, limited resources and structural
barriers hinder the full realisation of gender equality and equity. Ongoing commitment, collaboration
between stakeholders and continues evaluation and refinement of these strategies are essential to
archieving lasting change.

Mwakajinga, L.(2013).Development studies. 7th edition. DSM.Mkuki na Nyota.

Todaro,M.(2010).Development studies. 10th edition. DSM.

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