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(Not B.S PLATITUDES or question tweets)
What to expect out of this book

Hacking the Algorithm

3 Pillars of Viral tweets


Bonus 1: Panda Platitudes

Bonus 2: Panda question tweets

Bonus 3: Secret Panda Sause

Final words
What to expect out of this
I am not some X guru saying this is what you
should do.

A few months back I was struggling to find out

The difference between a tweet and a thread

I am just a guy who tried a bunch of shit and

gives you the ones that worked.

I know you value your time

So I made this guide as short as possible

without missing any concept.
The first thing is you have to stop focusing on
impressions and for viral tweets

Because they are mostly useless otherthan

increasing your ego

“What about X AdSense?”

Trust me they pay peanuts.

And at the same time, do just post only threads

or long forms

because you will never grow by doing that too

You do need viral tweets but not just some

“tea or coffee?” tweets

At the end of the day, you are here to make


not to show to your GF that you got 10k views

You have to focus on tweeting stuff related to
your niche

And this e-book will help you make them go viral

Hacking the Algorithm
People say X algorithm changes but it’s all
tomato shit

So every social media platform’s algorithm’s

main purpose is to

Keep the viewer on the platform for longer and

show them ads

That’s it

So how does it do it?

By showing Panda tweets that are the top-tier


Which are just content that has more likes and


So when you post a tweet for the first few

Let’s say it’s shown to 50 people

If 20 people like it and engage with it,

The algorithm will see it as a panda tweet and

promote it even more

The more the people like and engage it is shown

to more people


That’s why “tea or coffee” posts get a lot of


Because people like it and it gets a lot of


So now let’s discuss how we can apply this

principle to every single tweet
3 Pillars of Viral tweets
A tweet has 3 pillars which are:


All 3 are equally important.

When you nail all 3 parts, that’s what makes a

tweet go viral

Your audience must go through each one of


From the hook to end

to reach to the bottom to like and engage

Most people use X, just like how women use

They just scroll all day long

So to grab their attention you need a solid


Hooks require a separate book for itself.

Which I will release soon, so keep an eye out for


Still, I will give you the most here.

Add odd numbers

Evoke a negative emotion
Use quote brackets
Call out the target audience
Weird shit
Call out a problem
Add odd numbers:
Evoke a negative emotion:
Use quote brackets:
Call out target audience:
Say about a problem:
Most people mess this up a lot

They have a good hook but the body looks like

a tomato.

Stop writing paragraphs

I promise you, no one will read it

When people see your post as a fat ass tweet

people will think

It’s a pain to read the entire stuff so they just

move on.

So have some structure and cut the extra fat.

People just add fluff to their tweets which

It makes people get bored and leave the post

Use stairs:

You might not be thinking that this would be
useful and

I am sure most people would have skipped this


Lucky for you, you can beat them with ease

People like or engage with your tweet only

after reading the end part

And trust me most people have such a short

attention span that

They will forget what they just read and

Make a decision based on the last line

So it’s important to nail this

Most people say you to add a quote or some

badass shit
Well it works but what I would suggest is to

Think about what they would feel when they

read the last line

Sometimes they might feel anger, motivation,

or some ah-ha movement

Until it doesn’t make them feel bored

It’s fine

So think, about what emotion the last line

makes the reader feel and optimize it
Bonus 1: Panda Platitudes
You might have seen these posts get a lot of

And X gurus are shitty on these posts and say

to never post them

Posting some random shit will get you a lot of

impressions and followers

But most of them are not your target audience.

But that doesn’t mean you should never post


Because these are gems and you can’t waste


So here is the proper way to use them and

attract your ideal customer


Post niche-specific platitudes

Instead of posting some generic “money is evil”

Post “Hooks are overrated” which is good for


Who are in ghostwriting or X growth niche

I mean in my niche

So now it will attract the right Target audience

So the next time before posting just ask

yourself who is this post attracting

Simple but so much more powerful.

Bonus 2: Panda question
So it has the same principle as platitudes

Think which customer avatar is this post


And stop posting some “tea or coffee” posts

Because it will attract everyone

And when you attract everyone you end up

attracting no one

Here is one of my generic posts that went viral:

But it ended up only getting me 3 followers

Why because it attracted the wrong people

Bonus 3: Secret Panda
Well now that you got all the information

I promise you that you are going to forget them

and go back to the old way

I am sure you didn’t take notes and stuff

So I did that work for you

So after writing your posts, take that post and

go through all these points

Click and copy this to your drive

Final words:
If you loved the course so far
Tweet it by tagging me and I will make sure to

Finally, if you have any questions feel free to

DM me

If you are struggling to grow on X and make

money, my 1-hour coaching call is for you

If you want to know A-Z about growing on X

fast you can grab my E-book on that

Until next time

Talk to you soon


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