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Besides basic SATS, revision, “I remember when”, congratulations and eavesdropping,

here are a few alternates and/or variations on those basic techniques.

The techniques above are here: and in this folder

Abdullah’s "Sit in the Hall" Technique
The Secret of Praying

When I was with my old friend Abdullah…I would have an exercise. And daily I would
sit in New York City where we lived in this apartment for fourteen years, almost
fourteen. In the living room, you could not see the hallway towards the telephone.
I’m seated in my easy chair in the living room. I would assume that I was seated at
the chair at the telephone. And so assume it that I would actually, in my mind’s
eye, I couldn’t see the living room and that I couldn’t see myself seated there. I
could see it in my mind’s eye only. I had to think, “Well, now, he’s in the chair.”
I so made myself sit here at the telephone that I could not and I wouldn’t let
myself see the chair. Then I would feel myself back into the chair. Then go back to
the telephone, go back to the chair, and try this feeling of changing in motion.

May I tell you, it’s very, very helpful, you get loose as it were. And the day will
come that you will think of something and then all of a sudden the very act of
imagining will detach you from this dark garment and you will be exactly where you
are imagining. So much so you will be seen by one who is there…you will actually be
seen. I have had that experience, where I would imagine myself elsewhere and
someone present at the time saw me. Then they were startled not to see me there
physically because they saw me as something physical.

Every dream has a single jet of truth, so when you read the story we see the
necessity of persistency in prayer until you master it. When you master it, the
most effective prayer in the world is “Thank you, Father,” the most effective
prayer in the world, after mastery. But until mastery then there is a technique.
And persistency is like an art. You must practice any art in this world. First, you
must find a good method and try to find the best method. When you’ve found it, then
it requires daily practice, any art in this world. If you don’t practice, well,
then you become rusty. So find a good method first and then practice.

After you’ve practiced you’ll find it so easy that it’s automatic, all through the
day. And it’s simply one of thanksgiving, “Thank you, Father!” For the most
effective prayer recorded in scripture we’ll read in the 11th chapter of John, when
he gave thanks to his Father: “Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. For
thou always hearest me” (verse 41).

Now, here tonight, we’ll take a technique of prayer and show you how it works.

Now, how do I do it? Now, you listen carefully. It’s a simple technique, but it
will take practice on your part to master it…yet it’s simple. When I have a desire…
now that’s my desire, I know exactly what I want—I’m pointing directly at it—that’s
my desire. I’m pointing…so, to point, the true direction. I’m thinking of it when I
have desire. But now I must transform it from thinking of to thinking from. I stand
here and all doors are open to me if I walk with my Imagination as my companion. My
Imagination is really my companion. I speak of my Imagination until finally, I know
I am what I formerly called my Imagination. But in the beginning, man still speaks
of my Imagination, it’s all your Imagination, it’s all so and so. So I could say…
it’s like my hand, you can amputate my hand. You can’t amputate my Imagination.
Amputate my arms, my legs, all kinds of parts of my body. You can’t amputate my
Imagination, for you can’t step on me. That’s the eternal self. But to make it
practical, I would say, that all doors are open in this world to the one who walks
with Imagination as his companion.

I’ll show you what I mean. I stand here and I desire to go elsewhere. Name it. I
say New York City. But time will not allow it, and maybe finances would not allow
it, maybe my commitments will not allow it. But I do desire to go to New York City.
While standing here I dare to assume that I am, right now, in New York City. That
act of assumption is a departure from this body of darkness…the very act of
assumption. I assume that I am in New York City. Well, were I in New York City I
would think of those I know here and love here, wouldn’t I? Well then, if I think
of them, where are they? Down the street, over here in the hills, or are they 3,000
miles away from where I am standing? If I am in New York City, then anyone I think
of in this area that I know would have to be relative to where I’m assuming that I
am. That’s my test. Have I really succeeded in moving towards New York City?

Now the word prayer means, literally, “motion towards, accession to, at or in the
vicinity of.”

The "Get Pregnant and Leave it Alone" Technique
“He Dreams in Me”

Q: Neville, last Friday you told us about how you had taken appointments in New
York, you’d take one case and then go to the next, did you have any specific
technique other than what you’ve already taught us?

A: No, I find that if I would take any request, give my undivided attention to the
one who is defining for me in words what he wants, and then assume to the best of
my ability that he has what he desires; and then turn—instead of dwelling upon it,
wondering how is it going to work after the horrible story that he told me about
himself, then he tells me he wants this, that and the other, and I’m thinking of a
thousand things and it’s all disturbing—by turning to another I drop him completely
and pay no further attention to that state, then I am keeping the sabbath relative
to him. For the sabbath is not a day of twenty-four hours. It is not any day or
Saturday or Sunday or anything else that the churches keep alive. The sabbath is
that moment of rest when the mind is undisturbed, having done the work. And so, he
worked and judged everything good. It’s all subjective. So he saw everything that
he had done and it was very good, and then the Lord rested. So the 7th day is the
sabbath of the Lord and in it man should not do any work. But if God and man are
one, well then, do it as the Lord does it. As you’re told, be imitators of God as
dear children. Well, if this is how he does it, he calls a thing that is not seen
as though it were and then the unseen becomes seen, well then, imitate him. But try
to keep the sabbath. The sabbath is that interval of time where you are completely

I was thinking of this sabbath going to New York in May and thinking about two
titles. I thought, well now, the word sabbath is not an appealing title for people
because it means…well, they go to church on Sunday or they go to church on Saturday
and so what. Who’s going to talk about the sabbath? I said to my wife, and I meant
it at the moment, quite seriously, she thought it was a joke. I said, “No, I’m not
kidding. You put down mystical pregnancy or a creative pregnancy, but get the word
pregnancy in it ___(??).” It’s a pregnant state…so that you create, it’s a creative
act, and the sabbath is part of the creative act. And so, I create it in my mind’s
eye, I see it clearly, and get the emotional thrill, the explosion that comes with
the creative act, only it’s done subjectively, and then you keep the sabbath. Well,
the sabbath is that interval of pregnancy. And what do you do to aid pregnancy?
Leave it alone. Any attempt on your part to aid it will bring about a mental
miscarriage. Just leave it alone. It comes in its own good time into the world. So
I simply call it a creative pregnancy. And so, if I just take it this way and then
drop it completely, and then turn to another, and then drop it, in the same light
vein, each then becomes a creative act.

I do not know anything else that I could tell you. I have no secrets. Every time I
take the platform I give you all that I have for the moment. I have no special
classes that I could give you more than I do for you to discuss. Some people come
out of the nowhere, that you never thought of before or for the moment you’ve
forgotten, but that doesn’t mean you have a secret. I tell it all.

The "Broken Telephone" Technique
Test Yourself (1967)

Now, repent means “a radical change of attitude”—why?—towards anything in this

world that we either dislike or would like to change. A radical change on our part
should produce a corresponding change in the outer world. Now, examine yourselves
to see whether you are holding to the faith, are you doing it? In the course of an
hour, you have unnumbered opportunities to test whether you are holding to the
faith. You see a headline, a telephone call, the morning’s mail, the daily paper,
all these are suggesting unlovely, horrible things to you. You accept them as fact.
Because, you will say these are now facts, the paper has now printed the facts of
life, just the fact. A friend calls you on the phone and pours out all the bilge in
the world, what they don’t want and what is happening to them that they dislike,
not mentioning anything positive, all that’s poured out. And so you listen and you…
all that’s coming in. If you understand this law, that imagining creates reality,
you should, while seemingly listening on that phone as it’s coming through, like a
computer, change everything that is coming through. So at the end, all you would
have to do is to now do it positively, and listen now for the ring and come
through…and hear what as you changed it did come through.

Now, let me give you a story. The lady is here tonight. I will tell three of her
stories, based upon this technique. She said, “I have found my telephone technique
infallible. It never fails, but never fails. A friend of mine wanted to take an
examination in the courts to be a reporter, a court stenotype reporter. As she
mentioned it to me, she filled me with all kinds of reasons why she could never
pass. There were nine reasons that she gave. As I heard her, I changed everything I
heard as it was coming through, but everything. When it was all over, all that I
had to do is now listen for the ring. I heard the phone ring, all in my
Imagination, and then I heard what I had brought to a head as I changed and revised
the entire conversation, that she had passed.

So tonight, you can take this simple, simple principle and start with words of
Paul, the 5th verse of the 13th chapter of [2nd] Corinthians, “Examine yourselves,
to see whether you are holding to the faith.” Now, when you are satisfied that you
are, well now, test yourself. Tomorrow morning’s mail will bring good news or maybe
not so good news. Now, put yourself to the test. Don’t call the party up and say,
“You should not have written this letter,” and do anything about that one…that is
simply coming your way. Now you revise it and change it completely. The telephone
rings and you simply are not listening to all the stuff that’s coming through, the
nonsense, and you’re hearing only what you want to hear. When it’s all over, as the
lady said to me in her letter, “I then sit quietly and listen for the phone. I have
it ring in my Imagination and then I hear what I should have heard before. Then I
drop it. If I should think of it in the future, I will repeat that process of
hearing it ring and only what I want to hear.” And she said, “Neville, it is
infallible. It just cannot fail…this telephone technique.” So I pass it on to you.
As Fawcett said, “The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems to the
solution of which the mystic aspires. For supreme power, supreme wisdom, supreme
delight lie in the solution of this far off mystery.” So I ask all to share in the
search for the solution of this mystery. Now, she has contributed this night her
discovery and she calls it her telephone technique using. And she uses the word
revision, “I revise.” Well now, the Bible uses that word differently.

The "Walk In Faith Not Sight” Technique
The Bible is Addressed to the Imagination

What was, when I first came there, Sixth Avenue is now called the Avenue of the
Americas. You wouldn’t know where you are, because that was not something…it didn’t
exist. So now, that’s how I walk by sight. When I walk by sight I know my way by
objects that my eye sees.

Now how do I walk as Paul said he walked and invites us all to walk? He said, “I
walk by faith, not by sight.” When I walk by faith, I order my life by objects that
only my Imagination sees, that’s all, when I know where I want to go. Where do I
want to go? I want to go to the top of his particular business. I want to be
promoted from where I am to where I want to be. Well now, how do I rearrange the
structure of my mind? I can’t rearrange the structure of the outside physically,
that doesn’t help me. But if I walk by faith, I will now walk by a rearrangement of
the structure of my mind, all the things of my mind, and so set them up that that’s
all that I see. I must now remain faithful to this state.

Now he makes another observation, he said, “This is the one thing I do.” Well, if
it is the one thing I do, I should read it over and over and over. What is the one
thing that he does? This is in his letter to the Philippians, the 3rd chapter, “But
the one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies
ahead” (verse 13). Now, you name it. He had his goal. So that was his, but you need
not have such a high goal. You can have any goal in this world…a business beyond
the wildest dream of man. There is not a thing that did not begin in the
Imagination. No matter what it is, whether it’s the highest political position in
our world, the greatest financial structure of the world, all things begin in the
human Imagination. Because there’s only God and God and man’s own wonderful human
Imagination are one.

If they differ, and they do, it’s only in the degree of intensity, that’s all.
Keyed low as we are, well then, we have to either walk by sight or walk by
Imagination. We may falter in Imagination. Walking by sight is easy, because we
know things are fairly stable. They are not going to be rearranged suddenly
overnight so that you may lose your way tomorrow morning when you come out and turn
in one direction through habit to find the building isn’t there and you’re
completely lost. But if I walk by faith, I now order my objects in my mind’s eye,
as these are ordered here to my physical eye, and then I walk in that manner.

So we see the same thing, but we see it differently. So I either live by faith or I
live by sight. If I want to live by sight, well then, let me be just simply an
automaton and accept everything that happens; and if I fight from now to the ends
of time to change it, I will not change it. I will change it only as I begin to
live by faith. So I walk in faith and not by sight. That’s what we are told.

The "Fish For a Million Dollars" Technique
The Real Man (1965)

So I say, everyone here you can prove it now. If this is not true you can disprove
it in twenty-four hours. You can’t disprove what I’ll tell you later, but you can
disprove the power, just in twenty-four hours. How would I disprove it?

Well, here is one…he writes me a letter, I got it yesterday morning…I don’t see him
here tonight…he said, “I went to bed as I always do thinking of nothing in
particular, and then I said, ‘What am I doing? I have gone to Neville, I have his
books, I believe him, but I don’t apply what he teaches. So I’m going fishing, but
literally fishing.” He’s a member of club that’s called The Gun (and something
else) Club, The Gun and something Club. I’m not familiar with these clubs, for I’m
not a joiner, but he’s a member of a club where it’s called by some other hunting
name, and he was going out fishing. Well, you cannot unless you bring back at least
a six-and-a-half pound trout even be mentioned among the members. Well, he wanted
to be the biggest aspidistra of them all. So in his Imagination, he puts himself
into this stream where he’s fishing…and he calls it the silver head trout. So
___(??) goes with the crowd. No one is catching anything, but he caught one. It was
only about six pounds and a little boy caught one that was something like almost
nine pounds. Well, he threw his line in again…all in his Imagination, and before he
went to this place he’d done it in his Imagination. And one little hook, and he
thought he held some kind of a piece of timber. But it wasn’t, it began to move and
it buried itself, and he waded out to his waist and disengaged his hook, and here
was a twelve-and-a-half pound trout, the biggest thing the club has ever had. All
in his Imagination he did it first.

Now he goes out. He may forget it from that moment on…he’d be so lost in his
twelve-and-a-half pound trout. He never tried to catch twelve thousand dollars. He
never tried to catch a million dollars. You can catch anything in this world…
they’re all fish…everything is fish in this world, but everything in the world just
like that. But he thought, “Alright, I’ll try it, I’ll try it tonight,” so he tried
it. And the very next day he goes out and he brings back his twelve-and-a-half
pound trout, and a length beyond anything this club had ever received. I say, he
may go sound asleep once more and completely forget the creative power that is his
own wonderful human Imagination that is Jesus Christ.

The "Breathe Explosion Inhalation" Technique
The Womb of the Universe (1965)

So I think of you, and I imagine anything in this world about you, and I set in
motion by that act a vortex. The vortex in this world is gathering density to make
itself apparent to the world.

So I bring before my mind’s eye you or others and imagine you as I would like you
to be. Then I try to find out how I set it in motion, by speculating, by
experimenting. And I found one little thing that I’ll share with you and you’ll
find it very, very successful. We are told, to make it alive he breathed into it.
Well, if I breathe into something you may think I’m exhaling, wouldn’t you? It’s
just the opposite. He breathed into it and it became something alive, a living
soul. But it’s not breathing into something outside of himself, because God can’t
get outside of himself. It’s inhalation in which you breathe. You don’t exhale, you
inhale. So you think of someone and you get yourself worked up to a certain state—-
just like the creative act—and when you bring them to a certain pitch within
yourself, then a deep inhalation. At that moment every atom of your body tingles
and you feel as though something has gone out of you. Then you’ll know the words,
“Don’t touch me, for I perceive virtue has gone out of me” (Luke 8:46). Something
alive seems to go out at that moment when you bring it right straight to a certain
focus, and then with one deep inhalation, you explode your whole body. Now, what do
you do after that? Nothing! That is a self-impregnation. There is nothing, as he
saw, nothing but himself. He was the womb of the universe. All these things he saw
taking place here and the whole “here” was contained within himself, so where could
he go? He can’t go outside of himself. So then Blake said: “All that you behold,
though it appears without, it is within, in your Imagination, of which this world
of mortality is but a shadow” (Jer., Plt.71).

So here, you look at it and you breathe with a certain rhythm. Try it, experiment
costs you nothing. Then when you reach a certain apex of intensity—just like a
creative act, that explosion is from within—you inhale deeply. That one deep
inhalation explodes your entire body, and everything tingles. And you have no
desire, just like a creative act, to repeat it, it’s done. And just like a creative
act you leave it just as it is, for that’s pregnancy now. Just let it unfold in its
own wonderful way. You can do nothing about it. You try it; try it just like that,
for that’s how it works.

The "Time Exposure Technique" (Set Up For the Taking a Picture Technique)
see also Neville's "Taking a Picture" Technique
Believe in Him (1965)

Now let me use just a little imagery. I wouldn’t ask you to take it literally, but
I related it to my world. I think everyone in our world, this fabulous land of
America, or say the Western world, at some time owned a little camera. I know I
did, a little Brownie. Everyone at some time either owned one or experienced the
experience of having a photograph taken. And so, here we have this silly little
thing. Well, many years ago, it struck me forcibly that I would relate my mind to a
sensitized film that I would set up in a time-exposure before an imaginal event.
But you don’t need much time, you simply focus what you want to take and you set it
up in a time-exposure. Well, a time-exposure isn’t going to take more than a second
or two seconds at the most. But you set it up and then there’s a way of taking it.
Then you take it. Strangely enough this kind of camera is always loaded. You don’t
buy the film, you don’t send it off to be developed, it cost you nothing, it simply
produces results. It simply develops all that you take and projects it on the
screen of space. And there you have a three-dimensional picture in moving, moving
dramas in your world just based upon what you’re taking.

So I liken my mind to a sensitized film, which I would set up in a time-exposure

before an imaginal event. I could tell you what I’m going to focus and what I would
take. Then I discovered how it would do it. I found a great secret concerning
feeling. I tried all kinds of things and found that this peculiar thing worked. I
would simply get myself as I looked at my picture that I wanted to take and I would
breathe and breathe and breathe, in and out; and finally I got more and more
excited, as though the thing was becoming more sensitized. Then I found that as I
looked at it and made one deep inhalation, I exploded. The only word I can find to
describe the sensation, that every little atom of my being exploded, from my head
to my toes, my fingers, everything. Then I had no desire to repeat that
performance. It seemed to relieve me, a sense of release possessed me, so that I
used last Tuesday night an expression, “Of all the pleasures of the world, relief
is the most keenly felt.” I discovered that you feel it and you have no desire to
repeat it; and then time develops it, and projects it, and it comes to pass.

So I discovered that all that was written about me is true: There is no other
savior. You can bring yourself out of poverty into whatever you consider to be
wealth, and that’s a relative term. You may not desire a million dollars; you may
desire, say, a hundred thousand dollars. That may seem to you enormous security,
alright, if it does, that’s it. If ten thousand would make it, that’s it. I don’t
care what it is. You take the picture, leave it alone, and then the whole vast
world convulses and moves towards bringing to birth this picture. You may not like
many things that are going to happen between taking the picture and the birth or
the projection of that picture in three dimensions, but you took it, good, bad or

Now, if this night seated here, or when you go home, you can actually set up
something you want to photograph, set it up in the mind’s eye. You know it costs
you nothing. And let me remind you the camera is loaded, you didn’t buy the film,
and that wonderful film is very sensitive and all you have to practice is how to
take the picture. If you spoil a thousand films it makes no difference, it’s always
loaded. If you spoil unnumbered, it doesn’t make any difference. We are here to
practice how to take these pictures, and so take them that they will develop and
project themselves as three-dimensional objects in our world.

The "Falling" Technique
Occupant or Inmate (1966)

So are we occupants or inmates? Am I an occupant? Then I should be able to move

wherever I want to. But I usually go back to the same place night after night. But
suppose tonight I desire to be other than what I am. Will I sleep as though I am
what reason tells me I am, or will I sleep this night as though I am the man I
would like to be? If I dare to fall into that state and sleep, and then carry it
into dream so that it is the natural state, and then day after day that’s where I
dwell in consciousness, well then, the whole vast world must take on the atmosphere
of that state, it must. There is no power in the world that can stop it! I don’t
have to ask anyone to help me. I simply fall into the state, but this time I do it
knowingly, not unwittingly as we all do

While we are here on earth wearing these masks that hide us, we can apply this
marvelous principle, not only for ourselves but for everyone. So like the lady who
calls me all the time that they don’t like her, when I hang up I still must do what
she asks of me…to have them like her. “Lord, how long, how long?” “Seventy times
seven,” until you do it. That’s all there is to it. Until marvellousso put her into
the state of being wanted and loved that she remains and occupies that state, you
just keep on doing it. That’s what I’m told. Never give up and turn and discard it
as something hopeless. It is not hopeless…only if you give up. How long, my Lord,
must I do it? If some brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him?
“Seventy times seven.” Four hundred and ninety times? No, until I actually do it,
that’s what he means. When I really succeed in putting him into the state where it
is his dwelling place, he occupies it, and the world reflects it. He dwells in that
state and the world sees him as that being and now he is happy in that state. Only
then can you relax. He turned to you, didn’t he? Well, if he turned to you, is
there another in the world? There can’t be another: God is one. So the one who
turns to you, is it not yourself? Is it not yourself made visible? It is yourself
extended, and you want that changed, all right, and you do it—if the phone rings
forever—until that one occupies the state they desire.

Yes, we are human enough to say, oh, my Lord, when Lord, when will they remain in
the state into which I have put them? So they get a job right after they have been
fired, a marvelous job, and they all love me. You relax, and the phone rings a week
later, “They’re all talking about me.” No matter what you say, “It is all in your
Imagination,” they go right back into it. All you can do is not to complain…“Lord,
how often? Seventy times seven”…keep on doing it…it’s good for you. You do it over
and over and all of a sudden it jells, and then they remain in that state. It is
yourself made visible and you can’t discard any being in this world. It is not your
Father’s pleasure that one be lost, why?—because he’s in everyone. Because he’s in
me, he can’t lose me. Were he not in me and only in you, then he could discard me…
but he can’t because he dwells in me and you. Therefore, he can’t discard any being
in the world. But because he’s one, then bear one another’s burdens. And everyone
who is asking for help, do it even if they can’t see immediate results and it seems
hopeless. There is nothing hopeless…it is only a state…everything is a state in
this world. And when you see the state, you stand amazed. They are all human.
Strangely enough every state I’ve ever seen is personified—hope, love, faith—all

So tonight learn how to move. Move from one state into another state. And it takes
no time, just the willingness to let go completely. You cannot serve two masters;
you either believe me or you don’t. He who is with me then he is not against me. He
said, you are either with me or against me. And so burn your bridges and completely
abandon yourself to a state. It seems mad, doesn’t it? Sleep this night as though
you were exactly the person you want to be.

So tonight try it. Try this simple little technique, a falling. You can feel it.
Sit quietly, so you won’t physically fall and hurt yourself, get on the bed and try
to get the feeling of falling backwards, knowing where you’re going to go. Don’t
fall into just any state…you are going to fall into security. Let yourself go.
Don’t open your eyes because you feel yourself falling, let yourself go. You won’t
die, no, not really die. Weren’t you told that by the serpent, not really die? So
you fall and fall right into a state and you’ll find it natural to get into it,
natural to be in that state. And then from then on you’ll find yourself returning
to it more constantly, and the state to which we most constantly return constitutes
our dwelling place.

So “Where do you dwell Lord? Come and see.” And you move. If I say come and see,
you’re going to move. Everything remains just as it is unless man moves. This world
will remain completely what it is until I move. If I move the slightest little way
and look at the same room, I see it from a different angle, so I see it
differently. So don’t hail anyone as a great important person and don’t put anyone
down. They are only in states, though they don’t know it. The majority knows
nothing of what you’ve heard. But as you are told, “Thank you, Father, that you hid
these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them unto babes; for such was
thy gracious pleasure” (Mat.11:25). You aren’t going to find it in books or by
scientific research. You hear it right from one who experienced it, and you either
believe it or you don’t believe it. If you believe it, you can test it.

Q: How do you get around the fear of height and falling?

A: Lie on your bed and know you are there. Then you can induce a sensation of
falling while you can’t physically. If the garment is secure—you don’t want to fall
and be injured—then in your Imagination have the feeling of falling into the most
glorious state.

Reason will tell you your body is secure, it won’t fall, then let yourself go. What
can go but your wonderful immortal, eternal Imagination, that’s all. Just let
yourself go.

The "For Those Who Can’t Meditate or Dramatize Technique"
My Husband

So in this interval we are all concerned, horribly concerned. And we find out
certain techniques by which we can realize our objectives. Then comes the whole
thing pounding in on us again, not only our individual lives but the lives of those
we love…a telephone call, the morning’s mail, or just a contact. And you don’t want
them to go through the struggle, and so you wonder why can’t things be just as they
ought to be as you see them, as all things are crowding in on you. This is called
the day of the Lord, the day of darkness, not the day of light.

If you don’t take Jesus Christ to bed with you as though you were he, well then,
you will take the limited being called Neville, John, Mary, any other being in this
world. Then I tell you “I have been crucified with Christ”…and in his letter to the
Colossians, “You have died and your life is hid with Christ, and when Christ
appears you appear with him in glory.”

So here, everyone this night…and may I tell you from experience…you try it. When
you go to bed tonight—it may seem arrogant, it may seem blasphemous—no matter how
wonderful you are in this world, forget it! All the honors of this world, all the
possessions of this world are as nothing; that when you are really one with this
being you own the world.

Now let me share with you a simple, simple technique. It’s very simple for those
who cannot meditate more than a matter of seconds, more than a matter of moments,
and can’t dramatize anything, this works like a charm. You sit quietly, close your
eyes, turn your attention only into your skull, from the outside into your skull.
In a little while, with practice…it may not come the first day…but I don’t think it
will take too long before suddenly your skull and all the dark convolutions of the
brain will begin to grow luminous, and you will see golden liquid clouds forming
all over your head. And while in this state think of anyone in this world, but
anyone, and when you think of them think of them with empathy. Not sympathy,
empathy. Bring them into your mind’s eye and rejoice with them because of their
good fortune. Empathize, don’t sympathize. Sympathizing is the acceptance of their
lack whatever it is. If they are unwell and you feel sorry for them, you only
reinforce what they seem to be to you. If they are in need and you sympathize, you
are simply accepting that limitation and make it all the more real in your world.
Learn to actually bring to pass through empathy whatever would give you joy
concerning them. Empathize! Try it. Sitting in a quiet, simple way, not bursting
one blood vessel, not making any physical effort to do anything, just simply losing
yourself in the joy of the other’s good fortune. Try that. But always do it in
empathy. If you do it in empathy, you’re doing it in love. You can not empathize
with another and not be in love…you can’t do it. Therefore, you are doing the right

So tonight, when you retire (and I would not mislead you, I assure you), when you
retire change your identity. Though you have not yet had the experience of the
resurrection and the birth from above, speaking from experience, I tell you, you
are going to be resurrected in that wonderful skull of yours, called Golgotha. You
alone will be born. And if, as told in scripture, we are born from above through
the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and you and you alone are resurrected when you
are resurrected, and only Jesus Christ is resurrected, then you must be he. So
before you have the experience, believe it, and therefore begin to identify
yourself with him. Don’t wait for the experience but identify yourself with him now
and share the power that is Christ before you have the experience of the
resurrection and the birth from above.

The "Be Annoyed" Technique
Be Master of the Mood

But here, on this mastery of moods, it is so important that you actually observe
yours and use anything to get out of a bad mood, but anything at all. If you want
to use an irritation, like you’re in a long line waiting to put in a huge big
check, use it as an irritant if that is going to get you out of the mood of want
into the mood of affluence. Because if you can deposit a huge big check and
annoyance goes with it, just be annoyed. Not a thing wrong with that. And so you
want to have it painted and you can’t afford it, and then you put your hands on wet
paint and you get annoyed, then put your hand mentally on wet paint and get
annoyed. And so, he has that quirk. And so, he’s creative and yet maybe he needs
that peculiar quirk of negation to spur his Imagination to create, maybe he does.
But if you can use that…that’s a contribution of that to each who will accept it…to
bring here and share with me what they did. And then you can use that and apply
that to business. If something annoys you in business, it’s so big that you didn’t
have time to handle it, would something annoy you? If the oil for ___(??) that you
could fill, well, then get annoyed. It’s far better that way than not have any oil.
And so, you take this and apply it wisely. It’s a simple, simple technique.

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