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Human resources are the basic assests and the success determinant in economic and
agricultural development. The present and the future agricultural development are oriented
towards agribusiness and agroindustry. SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan Pelaihari (State
Vocational High School for developmental agriculture Pelaihari) prepares prospective middle
level farmers, especially in agriculture.

To make SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan Pelaihari as the center of excellent in animal
husbandry and animal health education at the middle level with quality management ISO
9001:2015, to produce graduates who are devout and pious, professional, have entrepreneurial
spirit and environmental insight.

1. To improve educational facilities and infrastructure in accordance with determined
standards and being friendly to the environment.
2. To improve the quality of human resources which consist of educators and educational
3. To increase students' competencies in order to sharpen their life skills so that they are
highly competitive and able to make efforts to preserve environmental functions.
4. To expand the network by fostering cooperation with the business world and the
5. To foster technical cooperation relationships with the relevant government and non-
govermental institutions.
6. To improve the ability of breeders and farmers in managing their farming businesses so
that they can be a harmonious and synergistic working partner with the educational
program at SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan Pelaihari.
7. To increase awareness and love for the environment.
8. To develop production and ecotourism units which are oriented to agribusiness and
environment as the prevention effort to the environmental damage

SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan Pelaihari with Livestock Production Agribusiness and
Animal Health Study Program aims to produce prospective farmers and breeders, young
entrepreneurs or agricultural middle technicians with entrepreneurial spirit who are capable of
developing the activities of agribusiness, livestock production agro industries and animal

 Providing learning and training for students about animal husbandry skills, animal health,
extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.
 Guiding and counseling for students
 Training students the skill of selling to the community
 Fostering cooperative relationships with the business world, students' parents and the
 Managing administrative matters

 As a forum for conducting education and training
 As a forum for developing the training participants or students’ potency academically
 As a forum for developing and fostering the students’ potency, talents and interests
 Creating the competitive human resources
 Preparing professional and independent middle level labors
 Preparing graduates who are intelligent, skillful and have entrepreneurial spirit with faith
and piety

Qualifications of all educators in SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan Pelaihari comprise
Veterinarians, Bachelor of Agriculture, Bachelor of Animal Husbandry, Masters of Science,
Masters of Education, Bachelor of Computer, Bachelor of Engineering, and Bachelor of

SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan Pelaihari has the following infrastructures. They are office
buildings, housing for teachers and administrative staff, classrooms, a library, a hall, male and
female dormitories, integrated science laboratories, a computer laboratory, animal and
reproductive clinics, large and small livestock installations, poultry installations, poultry
breeding installations, production unit installations of laying hens, plantation plant
installations, and School Health Clinic.

SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan Pelaihari collaborates with some institutions and also the
world of Business and of the Animal Husbandry Industry to carry out the apprenticeship
activities and the distribution of graduates.

SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan Pelaihari is open to all junior high school graduates who
want to pursue a career in animal husbandry by meeting the following requirements:
 Boys / Girls of Indonesian Citizens
 Physically and mentally health (stated by the certificate from doctor and not color blind)
 Graduated from junior high school (has a list of National Exam scores and the last
diplomas, a maximum age of 19 years old and not married)
 Good behavior, stated by a Certificate from the police or school
 SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan Pelaihari has implemented 2013 Curriculum

The management leader has established an Institutional Quality policy that is known and
understood by all personnel in SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan Pelaihari.
"To provide satisfaction to customers, we are determined to establish a quality management
system ISO 9001: 2015 in order to become a quality-oriented education and training provider
institution for all activities."
We built the above quality management through five main pillars (5K), namely:
a. Commitment
We always provide the best service for customer satisfaction (Customer Satisfaction) by
working in compliance with the principles
b. Consistency
To provide satisfaction to our customers, we will always try to provide services in
accordance with what has been set.
c. Excellence
To realize the customer satisfaction, we will always try to create excellence in all aspects
by increasing the professionalism and productivity through continuous quality
improvement and empowering all of our resources.
d. Togetherness
To create excellence, professionalism and productivity, we will always build togetherness
as a team work that is steady, solid, open and support each other.
e. Conducive Condition
To provide satisfaction to customers, we will build togetherness as a team work with a
pleasant and friendly atmosphere.
And the four work attitudes that we follow are:
a. Work honestly
We realize the duties and responsibilities given to us are trustworthy in order to educate
the life of the nation, therefore we always work honestly in a conducive atmosphere.
b. Work Responsibly
We realize that in achieving excellence, we will always be responsible for providing the
best service to customers. Therefore, we will always be responsible for the tasks that have
been mandated to us in order to improve its quality continuously.
c. Work Competently
We realize that customer needs will always change dynamically in accordance with the
development and progress of technology and science. Therefore, we will always follow
the development and the progress and always try to improve our competence in order to
be able to respond the changing of customer needs.
d. Work Completely
We realize that in order to give satisfaction to customers, we should give a whole,
comprehensive, and quality work and trust. Therefore we will always work thoroughly
and in integrated way.

The scope of work includes livestock production businesses, livestock production facilities,
livestock business / services / consultants, livestock product processing businesses, animal
feed industry / HMT, and animal husbandry technicians in government / State Owned
Enterprises (BUMN) / private agencies. Graduates are expected to have the ability to plan
animal husbandry agribusiness, to work as a professional intermediate technician in animal
husbandry and also to continue their study to university.

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