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Key Words with Peter ond '1

l,.r'yWrllrl:; ll, 1I,lt r' I ll l rlr,r,1,

Key Words with Po'ler or.)o Jone three
rrtrllr,,llrrrlr,,ltt(llil,it pcrollel series, eoc[r cr:ntoining l.wolvc L:ool<s All lhree
1 11 I tl i, ll lr, ,, ] ll ir ]Wl1l1
series cro written uslng thc- sorne corefully conir-ollecj
vocok- i-llory, t?eocjers wili gel the mosl out ,;f Key Words witht

l(r:y Worcls I r r l, lr lrr r, I | ,' ,i1 ,1 lr .ri

I I tll 1 l, )l llti l, rt tllV. Peter oncj Jone when ihey foilow the bool<s in ihe potterr-r
I o, I b, Ic; ')<J, ?l: 2c: or-rcl so ot-t,

grocj,;clly inlrocjLjcos or-rcj repoots to'vV worLis,

l)lQlyWorcj:;rr l rll onequorter
l ll, , l, ,, l, l, ll r, lWt il, I

l (X) Kcy Wctrd:; r r ,, I rl holf ,l ll rlr,l provic)es further prLtetiee o1 these some words, bul
, l, ', l, I rt rl,.,vl ll, ' in o rirfferc:nl contexl or]ci with rJifferent illustrolions,

r il :100 l(t:y Worcjs l, , r lr 1, ,r three quorters

Ill ' l t, 1,rr ri lwt ilrr fornilior-worcis to leooh phonics in o n-rethodiool woy,

I i rl I ll,l, encbling children io reod inr:reosir-ioly cjifficu;lt worcis

Jlrlr, ]lr,,l,r\()tll;ir;ifl, It oiso provicies o lini< to writing,
r ,lr r, ll' rl I l rll 11, ,t:,1, ll r, llrllt,l :;i tl tli:nc:cls
Irr I I lt , l, , lt,il,,, , 1l t, lr ]t lji l ly,

I ri rlil I I llr\,r l,lrtl, ll,fr lr,(!lr ll r;l tilrj't,;

i tli tl ll lrll ,l ,,l, lt',r,i, ,t, lWl ttll( )r)lt)lllr,,t
" I I ll ll lll l,i,i','111r1,, tt l:, rlril; ltlrlwn?

I ltl r| l,l1l,t, ,i (,ll ti:,, ,llt,rllllrtli,

llr ti trr ll rtl 1 l1',x,,rr r1, ].

r iir rr rllrr I I r r111,' 1, ,ll., lrrr llr:ll'lcw()rds

' ir I r lI ll ,tr I lt, l,l, lLll, ,:,ll tlll( ,lrr)()O
I i i, i I ll, ,t, I i ,l ,t lll, l llt, ,, ()t tf tlr;litll I

Ir I I tt I 'l Irl llt, ,\,/rlr ,:;r lil rl.

ffit[f: :}*frufl ryxt+l* $r;ulr

Published by Lcdybird Books LtC

A Penguin Compony
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Penguin Books Austrolio Ltd,707 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victorio 3008, Austrolio
Penguin Grcup (NZ) 6/ Apollo Drive, Rosedole, North Shore 0632, New Zeolond
026 written by W lVurroy
O LADYBIRD BCOKS LTD MCMLXIV this edition MMIX illustroted 5y tV Aitchison
LADYBIRD ond the device of o lodybird ore trodemorks of Lodybird Books Ltd
All rights reserved No port of this publicotion moy be reproduced,
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ISBN: 978-l -40930-l I B-9
Printed in Chinc
Peter ond Jone ore
of home.

Th.U ore ot plou.

Lool< of th is, sous Peter.

We lil<e ro jumP.

We con jump on this.

We con hove some fun

on th is.

ot plou on
Peter ond Jone lil<e
to ploU.
I wont to jump on thiS,
sous Peter.
Lool< of me, Jone.
Lool< of me.

Up I go.

Up ond up I go.

It's fun to plqu on this.

me Up uP
Jone wonts to ploU.
I wqnt to ploU, pleose,
Jone sogs.
Peter, I wont to jump,
Jone jumps up ond down.
Up ond down I go,
Jone soUS.
Up ond down, up ond
Lool< qt me, Peter.

pleose down
Peter lil(es to help.
He sees DoddLl go up.

He wonts to help Dqddg.

I wont to help Uou,

he soUS.

Pleose cqn I help Uou ?

Yes, soUS Doddg, Uou con

help me.

help DoddU
Here comes Jqne with
sorne tee"

Thls is for Uou, Dodd g,

Jone sous.

Here UOU ore. Here's

some teo for Uou. Come
down for the tecr, pleose.

Doddg sees Jone with the

teq, ond comes down.

with teo
FI ere's Dqddg with some

Peter hos on qpple, cnd

Jone hos on opple.

Peter ond Jsne see Dsddg

go up ond down.

Th*U wont to help Doddg

with the epples"

on opple qpples

Peter qnd Jone ore in

the cor with Doddq.

Th.U lil<e it in the cor.

Mummu is of home.

Th.U see q tou shop ond

o sweet shop.

Peter wqnts to see the


cffir MunnmU schmol

*a,tr*,iiii$.iry q,,','rij:iirjii,11rffi,, **ffi
Th.U go on to the school.
Here it is, sous Peter,
here's the school.
Peter ond Jqne lil<e the
Here's o col<e shop,
soUS Dodd g.

Mummu wqnts some col<es.

We hove to get ccrl<es

for teo.

coke col<es get

Here we ore of home,
sous Dqddg.

Peter help, Dodd g with

the cqr, qnd Jone helpt
M ummu get the teo.

Good girl, soUS MummU

to JqJre.
You ore q good g ir! to
help me Iil<e th is.

Good qood g irl

Jone qnd Peter lil<e to
plqU with the robbits.

Peter hos one, qnd Jone

hos one.
Th.U ore good to the
Peter's robbit con jump,
ond Jone's robbit
con jump.
The robbits lil<e Peter
ond JqJJe.

robbit robbits one \



Here's o home for the

ro b b its.

Dodd y helpt Peter with it,

ond the dog looks on.

It's Pot. He's o good dog.

Pot lil(es rcrbbits.

He lil(es to plou with

the robbits.
Peter ond Jone hove
some fl owers,
Jone sogs, Girls lil<e
fl owers.

Peter sous, Yes, qnd boLfs

lil<e fl owers.
Jone wonts to hqve o
fl ower shop.
Peter helpr with it. ?

He gets some red fl o\ /ers E

for Jone" )

fl owers boqs red

Here's o tre€, soUS Johe,
ond here ore some
f lowers.

Come ond !ool(, Peter.

Lool<ot the red fl owers

ond the tree.

Peter lool<s.

Yes, he sqUS, I lil<e t he tree

ond I lil<e the fl owers"

o boot, sogs Peter,

Th is is
o boot on the woter.

Here's o mon in o boot.

A bou is with the mon.

Hove o lool(, JoJle.

Hove o lool< ot this red

boot on the woter.

boot mon

I \Mont o boot, sous Peter.

I wsnt one to ploU wlth.

Pleose help me, Doddg.

Pleose help me with this.

I wont sorne help with this.

Yes, sctus Dqddg, I wont to

help Uou with the boqt"


, :i.

Here's Peter with the



boot. l

i. l,rr,

It's o red one.

He wonts to go to the
woter with the boot.

Doddg gets the cor to go

to the woter.
Jone is in the cctr.
Here theLl ore, of the
Peter is in the woter
with the red boot.

He hos fun in the woter

with the boqt.

Con Uou see o fish in

the woter soUS Jone.

No, sous Peter.

Peter sees o mon ond
o bou.
The mon hos o boot.

It's o Police boot.

Peter to Jqhe,
Lool< of thot boot.

Thot mcn hos o Police

I !il<e thot Police boot.

Police thot
Th is is the schoo!.
The bous qnd girls ore
of school.
Here ore the Police.

The Police crre qt the

Th.U hove come in cl
Police cqr.
Th.U hove come to help
the bous ond g inls.
Peter hos ct tog cor.

Jqne is with Peter.

Jqne sous, Here's o shop
with opples.

Pleose get some qPples,


Go into this shop for

some opples.
Yes, we wqnt some oppl€s,
sous Peter.

Peter ond Jone wont to go

to the stqtion to see
the troins.
Th.U lilce to lool< ot the
troins qt the stqtion.

Here theu go, on o bus

to the stotion.
It's o red bus.

Th.U lil<e it on the bus.

stotion troi n trqi ns bus

The bou ond the girl
ore of home.
It wos fun of the stotion,
sous Jone.
Yes, it wos fun to see the
troins, sclUs Peter.
He gives o boll to Pot.
MummU gives Peter on
opple, ond g ives some
col<es to Jone.

wos glves
The tous go in here ,
soUS J one.

M ummu soUS, You hove

to go to bed, Jorle.
You hove to go to bed,
Pete r.

Come orJ, up to bed

uou go.
You ore o good girl, Jore,
ond Uou ore o good
bou, Peter.

Titlss In l(ey \ffords
New words used in this book
with Pmter nncl Jmnffi

(rl+) (fr))
Page Page fl$Uffiffi]i-ili,;,'t;Ill:.1fii[,{f,]ifffiillffilll mmmnnmf,*j1fl,#fffifif:Warut1fil,,1{{r,e1f


4 of ploy on 22 bbits one

ro **ffi" 't**m,,,
6 me up 26 f lowers boys
8 pleose down red l;


10 help sees 30 boot mon ffiffimmnnrtmmm

Doddy 38 Police thot
12 with teo 44 stotion tro in
14 on opple bus 1i,,)tir:li r I Llliq :l; I , lir:tic:; (
16 cor Mummy 48 wos gives l,l llrrlllr It
school 50 bed .', I
'.)lt l1 I r I
18 co ke get lt I .iJ r I ir ri rr , r(

20 good girl Itl 4l , i,tt , rl llr, I trtrr 4,

' ,t I lrl r ,r r lt rr I
. )t

r'rt I 1rJ r rl l, I
( )(

/r I /lt rl ri i tt rr,
I ir I ttl r ll lrllr rt t i(

(/J r I rtll lt 't rrll i

I( )t t l0l r I rl,rt I lO,

I lr r lllrlrrrl llt i i r lr l

I .'r t 1..'l rll ,rt ,l tt, L,, llrlr,lr

rl rrlil ,ltltrl
Total number of new words: 36
Average repetition per word: 11
: c*l *ll

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