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Something impossible

Over my dead body!

To be impossible. You will never let you do that! No way
Example: “Mom, all of my friends are going out to the lake tonight and I'm going too!"
Answer: "Over my dead body you are!"

It’s out of the question

To be impossible
Example: Asking my father for money was completely out of
the ques1on.

When pigs fly

To be impossible
Example: “I might wake up early to clean my room…”
•“Yeah right, you'll do that when pigs fly.”

Giving opinion / speaking

Beat around the bush

Avoiding the main topic, not speaking directly
Example: If you want to ask me, just ask; don't
beat around the bush."
Speak your mind
To say directly what you think.
Example: I would like to speak my mind in this regard/point

Sitting on the fence

Remain neutral about a decision / To delay making a decision
Example: They are siIng on the fence and refusing to commit

To play the devil’s advocate

A person who likes to argue just to make a conversaJon interesJng
Example: I don't really believe all that - I was just playing devil's advocate.

Point’s taken
You understand the message, the point
Example: "You have to help them." "Point taken. I'll do what I
Fair enough
When you understand and accept what somebody says
Example: "I'll wash the dishes today, and you can wash them
tomorrow." "Fair enough."

To have an axe to grind

to have a strong personal opinion about something that you want people
to accept and that is the reason why you do something.
Example: Environmentalists have no poliAcal axe to grind - they just want
to save the planet.

Knock your socks off

Amaze or shock someone
Example: I have to tell you something that will knock your socks off.

To zip your lip

to close your mouth, not to say anything
Example: "I zipped my lip at yesterday's meeJng, as there was no point in saying
let the cat out of the bag
To reveal a secret
Example: He let the cat out of the bag when he accidentally told her about the surprise party.

Being nervous / To be in a difficult situation

to have butterflies in the stomach

To be anxious and have a nervous feeling in the stomach. (More related to being
nervous than to love)
Example: He always gets butterflies in his stomach before a test.

To get cold feet

to feel too frightened to do something that you had planned to do
Example: My friend got cold feet and decided not to do a bungee jump.

To be in hot water
to be in or get into a difficult situaJon in which you are in danger of being
criJcized or punished
Example: I’m in hot water with my teacher because she caught me cheating in the
To be caught between two stools
Unable to fit into either of two conflicJng categories, and as a result likely to fail.
Example: If you try to please both your father and mother, you can end up caught between two
Being ill
To be under the weather
To feel ill.
Example: I am feeling a bit under the weather – I think I’m getting a cold

To be easy
To be a piece of cake
Something very easy
Example: Was your Math exam hard? – No, it was really a piece of cake.

To be expensivc
To cost an arm and leg
To be very expensive
Example: I don’t know how you could afford this sports car. It must have cost an arm and a leg

Listening & music

To have Van Gogh’s Ear for music
to be tone deaf
Example: “Jeff tried to sing, but he had Van Gogh's ear for music and was soon
ushered out of the audiJon.”

to be all ears
to listen a[enJvely
Example: Everyone on the plane was all ears when the pilot said
we had to make an emergency landing.
Example: Tell me who was at the party. I am all ears

Going to bed
Hit the sack
Go to bed
Example: I’d better hit the sack now. I’m feeling really exhausted.

To do something quickly
At the drop of a hat
To do something immediately, without thinking
Example: We’re all packed and ready to go - we can leave at the drop of a hat.
To hold your horses
Wait, slow down
Example: Just hold your horses! Let’s think about this for a moment.
pig out
eat a lot and quickly
Example: "Last night I watched such a sad movie, I pigged out on a full carton
of ice-cream to make myself feel be[er."

To be no unnecessary
to be washed up
to be no longer successful
Example: The tragedy of being a dancer is that you're all washed up by the Jme
you're 35.
to arrange the deckchairs on the Titanic
to do something pointless
Example: “Why are we worrying about the price of office supplies? We could be
bankrupt in three months! We’re just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.”
to flog a dead horse
to do something pointless
Example: I don't mean to flog a dead horse, but I sJll don't understand what

To pull a prank
To pull one’s leg
to try to persuade someone to believe something that is not true, as a joke
Example: Is Samantha really getting married or are you just pulling my leg?

Intelligence / being crazy

Use your loaf
to use your head, to think smart
Example: "Is it so hard to use your loaf and understand what this situaJon means
for your brother?”

to lose your marbles

Example: Okay, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do, although you’ll probably think that I have
lost my marbles.

The lights are on, but nobody’s home

somebody stupid
Example: No ma[er how hard I try to understand what Jim is talking about, it is
apparent that his lights are on but nobody is home. Source:

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