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Additional information for software release

Technical Specification moneo 1.13.0

1 Purpose of the document

The technical specification is summarizing the main technical properties for the moneo software in the
above-mentioned version.

2 Hardware requirements for host systems

All performance data given hereunder are based on the defined hardware requirements and the assumption
that beside moneo no other system, which consumes not neglectable system resources, is running on the
same hardware device.
It is strongly recommended to use as moneo client’s separate hardware devices and to operate the browser
on these separate devices. A browser operated on the moneo server is consuming significant system
resources which are then in return not available for moneo.

2.1 Hardware requirements for CPU and RAM

moneo performance data has been assessed and tested against the following standard hardware devices.

Number of CPU Clock RAM

Hardware class Reference OS
CPU cores [GHz] [GB]
4 2,3 8
Size S QHA200 moneo Appliance
QVA200 moneo vAppliance
Size L QVA200 moneo vAppliance 8 3,0 32

2.2 Hardware requirements for hard-drives

The SSD Hard-drive space required can be estimated as follows (depending on usage and use cases the
values may vary):
• 1 GB moneo Application
• 64 GB Process data storage, as defined in the standard configuration
• 5 GB Non process data storage
• 5 GB Log-Files
• 20 GB Recorded vibration raw data

In total about 95GB hard-drive space shall be reserved for the moneo application and its data.

3 Supported operating systems

• WINDOWS 10 (64 bit)
• WINDOWS Server 2016, 2019 und 2022
• Appliance Version: Operation in LINUX environments only released in combination with an ifm
• moneo for WINDOWS can be operated in a virtualized VMware vSphere / ESX environment. The
operation of moneo for WINDOWS for virtualized environments in any cloud environment (e.g.
AWS, AZURE, …) is not supported.

4 Supported web browsers

moneo has been tested against the following browser versions:
• Google Chrome Version 113
• Mozilla Firefox Version 102
• Microsoft Edge Version 113

For an optimized visualization it is recommended to use a full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixel and a
browser zoom level of 100%.

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Additional information for software release

5 Supported field devices, connectivity

Generally, it must be considered that the network configuration (both the settings on the client, in particular
VPN software, and the infrastructure components such as router, switches, firewalls) may have a significant
impact on the connectivity. This may result in problems during the device search, onboarding and data
transmission. In case connectivity problems are detected, please check possible root causes of the network

5.1 ifm VSE

5.1.1 ifm VSE devices
ifm VSE devices are connected to moneo by the VSE Communication Board [1] which is supporting the
following VSE devices:
• VSE002
• VSE003
• VSE100
• VSE101
• VSE150
• VSE151
• VSE152
• VSE153
• VSE953
• VSE903
• VSE950
• VSE951
• VYE004
• VYE113
• VYE114
• VYE115

The following VSE firmware versions are being supported:

• 0.6.11
• 0.7.X
• 0.11.X
• 0.13.X
• 2.0.X

Note: VSE Devices must be configured with the VES004 software to be compatible with moneo. VSE
Devices which have been configured with VES003 version can’t be on-boarded in moneo. In this case, one
has to use VES004, read the parameters from the VSE, write the parameters to the VSE and then on-
boarding the device in moneo shall work.

5.1.2 VSE Communication

VSE data is being pushed by the VSE devices towards moneo. Hence the configuration of VSE devices
and their objects determines the update rate of the data in moneo.

VSE diagnosis objects with a resolution faster than 12,5Hz (measurement time < 80ms) should not be
transferred and processed inside moneo because they can be neither reliable exported from the VSE device
nor reliable processed in moneo.

VSE analogue values are processed recorded in moneo with a sample rate of 1Hz (1 value per second).

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Additional information for software release

5.2 ifm IO-Link Master

5.2.1 Supported ifm IO-Link Master
moneo is compatible with all ifm IO-Link masters which handle communication via MQTT/JSON. IO-Link
Masters from 1st generation (Firmware-Version V1.n.n) are not supported but can be brought up to date
by software update.

The following series are supported:

• DataLine series upon Firmware-Version V2.0.n
• CabinetLine series upon Firmware-Version V2.0.n
• StandardLine series upon Firmware-Version V2.1.n
• PerformanceLine series upon Firmware-Version V3.0.n

Actually, described use cases with moneo|RTM are based on the usage of IO-Link Masters of the series:
• AL 13xx (DataLine)
• AL19xx (CabinetLine)

The communication of moneo|RTM with the IO-Link Masters should always be established through the IOT-
Port of the masters.

IO-Link Masters of the series AL11nn, AL12nn, AL14nn are not suited with a dedicated IOT-Port can be
used as well, however it must be noted that those devices have less performance.

The security feature of IO-Link master is not supported yet. If this feature has been enabled on the master,
it must be disabled again before connecting to moneo.

In addition, moneo|configure is able to configure IO-Link Devices via the ifm IO-Link masters E30390 and
AL1060 which are connectable to an USB port. For moneo|RTM Applications these masters are not
intended to be used.

moneo|configure does not support IO-Link firmware update or BLOB with the IO-Link master E30390. The
corresponding features are hidden for sensors connected to this master.

5.2.2 IO-Link Master Communication

IO-Link Data is being polled by moneo in a frequency of 1Hz when having a data source subscribed in
moneo|OS. This means that process data is being delivered by 1 value/sec from IO-Link devices.

5.2.3 IODD Management / Device Descriptions

moneo is being delivered with all ifm IO-Link device IODD available at the time when the software version
was released. Additional IODD can be added at any time by using the module “Device descriptions” of

5.3 moneo edgeConnect Agent

5.3.1 Boundary Conditions for moneo edgeConnect Agent
• The function is supported from Agent version 3.36.0 and from moneo version 1.5.0.
- Note: Agent is not part of the moneo delivery
• moneo access the process data via polling, polling rate is 1Hz and not adjustable
- No determinism or real time behavior available
• It is only possible to transfer single double values as process values to moneo
- moneo supports for the Agent Connector only the data type double. Other data types are not
- moneo uses directly the raw process value that is provided by the Agent instance
- The following attributes are transferred to moneo: process value, unit, timestamp
- It is not possible to handle Bulks, BLOBs, Blocks etc...
• The following changes in AGENT configurations can be managed by moneo “Refresh” function :

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Additional information for software release

- Added/deleted sub-devices
- Added/deleted datasources
- Change of datasources
• It is required to run the Agent on a separate system than the moneo host system
• moneo supports a maximum of 250 datasources per Agent instance

6 Data management, performance assessment

The following chapter describes some key performance values against which moneo has been tested. It
should give a guidance for selecting the hardware and to evaluate the system capabilities and boundaries.
The table below defines the main performance drivers assuming that all are operated in parallel. It shall be
read as follows: A Hardware size S is able to process 2500 values/sec and in parallel 100 calculated
values/sec and in parallel 3500 Navigator Nodes and in parallel 5 AI monitoring from the
moneo|DataScience Toolbox without reaching a critical system CPU load.

Data throughput rate

Hardware Calculated values 1) Number of Number of active AI
(Inbound data)
Size [Calc. values/sec] Navigator Nodes monitoring 2)
Size S 2500 100 3500 5
Size L 10000 300 12500 50
1) Calculated values are assessed by using operating hour counters
2) Total number of active monitoring tasks from tools of the moneo|DataScience Toolbox

6.1 Data throughput rate for inbound data

The data throughput rate provides the total number of inbound process values per second which can be
processed. The inbound data throughput rate includes all sources generating data such as datasources
from sensors, calculated values or virtual devices which deliver or provide data for moneo. The frequency
which a data source is delivering data must be taken into account as well as the number of datasources.

As an example, a data throughput rate of 2500 values/sec can be generated by

• 2500 datasources delivering 1 value/ second (frequency = 1 Hz)
• 500 datasources delivering 5 values/second (frequency = 5Hz)

6.2 Number of navigator nodes

The navigator inside moneo allows to build up a customer specific topology representing the customers
assets (machine, plant, device, datasource, etc.). The number of navigator nodes represents the total
amount of nodes, including data-source nodes and functional locations nodes, against which moneo has
been tested

6.3 Number of calculated values/sec

The number of calculated values per seconds represents the amount of data which can be calculated per
second by dataflow models which are producing as a result new data (calculated values). Attention shall
be paid to the operation mode of the individual dataflow model because the operation mode may result in
different amount of data/sec to be generated. Please refer to the Release Note moneo|OS 1.7.0.

Performance evaluation has been done by assessing the number of calculated values while using the
“Operating Hours Counter” as basic use case which is delivering cyclic 1 value/sec (Cycle frequency

The number of calculated values/sec depends on the operation mode of the dataflow. The following
examples shows how 50 calculated values / sec can be generated:
• 50 calculated values with Runmode cyclic and cycle frequency 1000ms
• 5 calculated values with Runmode cyclic and cycle frequency 100ms
• 5 calculated values with Runmode OnChange and an input datasource which provides data every
100ms (e.g. VSE object)

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Additional information for software release

6.4 DataScience Toolbox

6.4.1 SmartLimitWatcher
The default configuration for a stable operation of the SmartLimitWatcher on a moneo hardware Size S is
the following:
• A maximum of 10.000.000 process values is used to estimate smart limits.
• Live monitoring is limited to 5 simultaneous smart limits per license 2)
• The live monitoring job for SmartLimitWatcher limits is executed once per minute for all new
process values.
• Execution of training jobs for new smart limits is delayed by up to one minute if not enough system
resources are available.
• A single thread is used for live monitoring.
2) Each activated SmartLimitWatcher license allows the use of 5 SmartLimitWatcher profiles. By activating

additional licenses, the number of profiles can be increased. Example: Having 2 SmartLimitWatcher
licenses activated, 10 SmartLimitWatcher profiles can be used.
6.4.2 PatternMonitor
The default configuration for a stable operation of the PatternMonitor on a moneo hardware Size S is the
• A maximum of 3.700.000 process values is used for evaluation using manual configuration mode.
• Live monitoring is limited to 5 simultaneous monitorings per license 2)
• The live monitoring job for PatternMonitor is executed once per minute for all new process values.
• Execution of training jobs for new smart limits is delayed by up to one minute if not enough system
resources are available.
• A single thread is used for live monitoring.
2) Each activated PatternMonitor license allows the active monitoring with 5 PatternMonitor profiles. By

activating additional licenses, the number of profiles can be increased. Example: Having 2 PatternMonitor
licenses activated, 10 PatternMonitor profiles can be used.

6.5 Disk space consumption for process data

Collecting process data generated either by sensors or virtual devices result in allocation of disk space
which is used to make the data persistent. While selecting the hardware environment, in particular the
amount of process data generated need to be taken into account in order to size the disk space.

As a rule of thumb it can be assumed that one dataset for a raw process data including the value and its
timestamp consumes about 5 Byte of storage space. The total amount of storage space can be estimated
by considering, the frequency of data generation (values/sec), the amount of datasources used in the

In addition, the storage space required for the compressed data need to be taken into account assuming
that a compressed dataset consumes about 50 Byte and that per datasource every minute and every hour
one compressed value is generated.

6.6 Disk space consumption for vibration raw data recording

moneo allows recording of raw vibration data from VVB and VSE devices. These recordings are stored in
the data storage and could occupy a huge amount of disk space, depending on length, sampling rate and
number of recordings.

Typical disk space consumption of raw data recordings, taken with moneo Version = > 1.9.0, are:
• One VVB raw data recording (length of 4 Seconds, 25kHz): 04 MB/recording
• One VSE raw data recording (length of 10 Seconds, 50kHz): 0,9 MB/recording
• One VSE raw data recording (length of 1 Second, 50kHz): 0,2 MB/recording
• One VSE raw data recording (length of 60 Seconds, 100kHz): 7,3 MB/recording

moneo allows to store 500 raw data recordings per system. A nightly job deletes oldest raw data recordings
if a maximum number of 500 raw data recordings is exceeded.

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Additional information for software release

When estimating the necessary hard drive space, the raw data recording space needed shall be taken into

6.7 Data throughput rate for outbound data via edgeConnect

moneo is able to provide or deliver process data to other systems as outbound data. The outbound data
throughput rate provides the total number of process values per second which can be provided to other
Hardware Data throughput rate Data throughput rate
Size (Outbound data) (Outbound data)
[values/sec] [values/sec]
Size S 1000 1000

7 Concurrent users
Ten (10) concurrent users can perform simultaneously the same interactions with moneo w/o having
significant performance impacts. Interactions may be the visualization of dashboards or analysis, the
observation of the monitoring table or the task and ticket table or any similar user interaction.

One (1) administrator is supposed to perform the system administrations tasks, such as onboarding of
devices, organization of the navigator, setting up rules or user management at a time.

Only one (1) single user can connect to an IO-Link device for configuration with moneo|configure.

8 Supported languages
moneo is available in the following languages which are presented according to the language settings in
the browser: English (GB), German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean.

moneo provides a full translation in German and English at the date when a new version is released. New
features introduced in the latest release may only be available in German and English at day of release,
their translation will follow latest with the next upcoming main release.

If no translation is available moneo is showing the English language as default.

9 System Interfaces

9.1 External URLS

moneo is communicating with the following URLs are external resources are need for certain functions. As
some firewalls require an explicit permission for external resources the list provides an overview about the
used URL.

URL Service Feature IoddParser Download of IFM IODDs

Ds_LRS4/$file/update_IODDs_LRS4.xml which are not on IoddFinder IoddParser Check IoddFinder updates{0} against local IODDs Download IODD by{0}&deviceId={1}&ioLink IoddFinder
Rev={2} Parameterization Get vendor name for new imported *.lrp files{region}/{locale}/product/{productId} Device manual of IFM devices

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Additional information for software release

URL Service Feature{locale}/{pr
oductId}_manual.pdf{productId} AMS Online Updates ( Remote Support LicenseManagement License Activation

9.2 Ports used in the WINDOWS System

The following list shows the ports that are used by the different moneo components during installation and
operation. Those ports shouldn't be used / blocked by any other application.
• 5000 (TCP) - moneo
• 8086 (TCP) - influx DB
• 8088 (TCP) - influx backup DB
• 5439 (TCP) - postgres DB
• 5093 (TCP/UDP) - Sentinel RMS License Manager
• 40501 (HTTP) – Agent for USB IOL Master
• 40502 (TCP) – Agent for USB IOL Master
• 4840 (TCP) – OPC UA Server

[1] VSE COMMUNICATION SDK, Functional Specification 151708, 12/2022

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