Resolve The Conflict

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Resolve That Conflict!

Directions: Read each story and write what you think the best conflict
resolution strategy would be in that situation. Explain the benefits of using that
strategy and how it could help prevent a physical fight. Then answer the questions.

Story 1
Denny and Ali have been friends for a few months, but lately they’ve been having some problems.
Denny likes to joke around a lot, and sometimes Ali wants to take things more seriously.
Yesterday, Denny started teasing Ali about something, and instead of laughing Ali got upset.
Maybe have a balance of jokes and takeing things more seriously
Best conflict resolution strategy: 
Benefits of using this strategy: 
You would have less problems in your friendship

How this strategy would help avoid a physical fight: 

By keeping a balance you could a lot of things

Story 2
Jerome and his brother share a bedroom at home. When they were younger, it wasn’t a
problem. But lately they’ve been arguing a lot. Jerome’s brother likes things to be neat and
always the same. He always hangs his clothes up and puts things away right after he uses
them. Jerome doesn’t see the point of that. If he knows he’s going to wear or use something
again, he leaves it out where he can find it easily. Today, when Jerome came home from school,
his brother was throwing all Jerome’s stuff out into the hallway. “If you can’t put it away, I don’t
want it in here!” he said. Jerome felt really mad.
Middle School

Best conflict resolution strategy: Slipt the room in half each get one side
Benefits of using this strategy: 
If each a side of the room thats means one can be nit and the other messy

How this strategy would help avoid a physical fight: 

There not allowed to on each other’s side

Violence & Injury Prevention • Student Workbook • Lesson 14 47

Resolve That Conflict!


Story 3
Steph had a disagreement with another student during PE over whose turn it was to use some
equipment. Steph wanted to work things out so they could share, but the other person got
really angry and even threatened, “I’ll teach you not to mess with me.” When Steph went to the
locker room after PE, this person was waiting there with a few friends.
Best conflict resolution strategy: 
Benefits of using this strategy: 

How this strategy would help avoid a physical fight: 

1 Why is it important to understand the other person’s point of view when you negotiate a

2 Which conflict resolution strategies do you think would work best to avoid a physical fight
and why? 

Middle School

3 Name someone you would go to for help with a I identified which conflict resolution strategy
dangerous conflict.  would work best in each situation.
I explained why it’s important to understand

the other person’s point of view.

I explained which strategies would work best
to avoid a physical fight.

48 Violence & Injury Prevention • Student Workbook • Lesson 14

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