Microbiology and Imunology 26.12.23

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<T{{l 6"tYf {eT mBsnq fr.Jfunq.

Bangabandhu Sheikh )Iujib Medical University

rmr eFm q&tpB (fiGrqr ufi{)

nsfl frq{ 4r {N: ltfret<trslEe tfiEr{qGR'v-Ft e
a6En enrr1e< c{ffifr{RE lqr
qtffi-fi fifu-g-f,fl
+,tT-fl (Vision): r51 cq1g 61Gm{ BF Fpfi, '16q'TII s EI{ 651?fi Tffi4{

qftsry (Mission): e{ris q1_{cet{ 61GC-fl EF F;q1 s ei-6aaX ffis sfi q<1 qXG-r e Waffqrqft fuGETa

qr<lr{ qfft{ Esl wir{ <(c["lF q<lnFt <Rr I

qN, fift, mf+qa<rglfatq

{$l{ E oo Bl q{rPrcqEitrrmkmllet<
fqrfror<rcreG) rff< mn, fi(rfis <ino ccsE1.<
qMii€ ifrgffiaiifr-ern
qlmiqfrfrr< r{+'KFlq, l.oo il
,*6a5rcf'm. lTl<tt4: o)h)818h4'11
Gli* P6r - <r.fu rqFr{ti. Irrt{: nasersattar@gmai I com
:lEmtfinraG, qT,(,EFK,
eltc-ffiG. tREG, fuFq qrircq c
qiFr.<fiiFfuEa. F( wrfuo"qr"r+
a dra r<nt.
lrnreG. wqqqs
tnift c ,{FfrPrec
q{crFRfrssqo c
<r<qfao Fmr qlrq

rq'flEq]T mrlqrt]T rr<t< {{, e rc?ilfiIr{< Fft\?-Tg 6f$sr

cla-€ fi?IKq]T
di l6G olrlsPiE € clTftlT qm, "m?i, 6rpg aaa r3 !6{4
"Gf"n( "r5fu
8 a'

) Prolactin / Testosterone / 4l{C<l-l< )r Irliirsqnq atr/- TOlq b.oo l, w {rcElql6{I{rl-?r

FSH / LH ?ast i @fr"i{ (t<rii<rnofrs qcs <Ts U.oo Bt qqcqlfiI s:rtf'f6

e lqlFiRE+ lel .!< {KIC{ {rt(cT<rclrqG \e tftEr+nG ftstq
I{Kt{-|: o)qb)oh8oog
\ Estrogen / Progesterone 81ol-
in-n: shahcdaannarl 7 (4,gmail cottr
Testosterone (Free) vSol

8 GroMh Hormone c.l"/-

0' Cortisol ctr/-
g Anti Mellarian hormone 18oo/
p-hcG cto/-
E ACTH / I-PTH / Calcitonin beo/
b Renin )q"o/-
)o Aldosterone )t oo/-

'17-oH- rrgo/-
) t oo/-
)e T3/T4lTSH

<{qi 6"Ff {eT mB$nq fr.JfoiF-T
Bangabandhu Sheikh IIujib Medical University

@TT?F I{<FI iN MffiR qrilqdlll rT<r<w € rT<l EFta4< qtr${Igoi$sl

R ffifu sttqeEl € "rfrr"fi{ lqG fl{Amt qr, "rrft, c+n qT< \e itrl{q
FT3 / FT4 81o/- sB {rrqqtYt-fiflT
)c Anti thyroglobulin Ab (ATG) Soof- ,r<sfitqtrfi"to
Anti thyroid Peroxidase Ab Eoo/- qtcomr<mGc ffie-+nGfts,q
(TPO) fq<E{: o)qb)ob8Cog
)1 Thyroglobulin 81o/- !G-n: shahedaanrvarl 7 (@gnrail com
)b TSH Receptor Antibodies lool-
)h ANA by lmmunofluorescence vSol-
lo Anti-ds-DNA bc'o/-
tt Anti Cardiolipin Ab lgG/lgM )8a o/-
Anti Phospholipid Ab >ec."/-
l8 ENA Profile SVoo f -

tc' Anti Sm/RNP/SSA/SSB/ScL )too/-

ls Anti Centromere Ab ) t oo/-
Q1 ASO/RA/CRP/Rose Waaler / 8oof-
\E Anti-CCP
tb Tissue Transglutaminase lgA )Q.oo/-
\9o Anti Acetylcholine Receptor SVoof -
L-6 \8oo/-
S Ferritin Svol-
Anti LKM-'I / Anti Smooth \vool-
Muscle Ab
Auto lmmune Liver Diseases SVoo f -
0c Anti Mitochondrial Ab )loo/-
PSA/CEA/AFPICA-125 ato/-
91 cA-15 3/CA-'19I c'to/-
It lgG/lgM/l gA/lgE/C3/C4 9oo f
Echinococous Ab (ELISA) bco/-
8o Fecal Calprotectin gQoo f
8) Allergy Panel SVoo f -

8l ICT Filaria/ Kalaazarl goof-

Malaria/ TB
89 ICT Leptospira/ Salmonella ba'o/-
Typhi lgM+lgG
88 ICT For H phylori Stool Voof-
8C. Anti TB lgG/lgM/lgA qe.o/-

8g H Pylori lgG vSol

8q Adenosine deaminase (ADA)
8E PRL(VDRL) a."o/-
8b TPHA SQol-
Qo Widal Test t oo/-

c') Febrile Antigens 81ol -

ct Pro Calcitonin (PCT) \ooo f -

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
:lI<II9t, EFFI- )ooo I


€I({tqiF qTfrW1qs{s\tr
tr;1TO TT<1< i]T ICiil EhFr I}KK {r' €

i( ffifu s]ttqlg \9
"Grfl{ "ihfu q!-rfi{t qm,
"rqft,646a6 s ljqQE
)l.oo/- q:gPr:FqTqHEqEqItrTq
c\] Automated Blood Culture
with MIC qffienfrEc-qtqGM
a'8 Conventional Blood Culture ec"/- IEl<lt{: o)1)beqEbCe
cc' Stool/ Fu ngus/Mycobacteria/ Qoof- ira{a: 2nsa1.1'rpgmail. com,
c'9 Urine/ Throat Swab/ Wound Soof-
cl P/S-U/S-HVS-Sputum-pus Eaal-
(u Gram's/ AFB/ KLB Stain/ >a"l-
Funqus M/E
ab LD Body/ Microfilaria/ MP r.col-
go DGI for Leptospira (Urine) \eol-
Slit Skin Smear for AFB Soof-
st Microscopy of hydatid cyst loo/-
from fluid
Pregnancy Test :tr/-
g8 Semen Analysis lao/-
\94' Tuberculin Skin Test :r.o/-
\99 MTB-NTM / MTB-MDR 99oo/- wrFFFqE{rqr{!r{clElr
\9q Quantiferon TB Gold Plus Qooof - ffiromrc{qG \3 tfrErqlEe fut
,9b Genexpert MTB/RlF egoo/- r{ffi{r o)b)818bci1
,gb Bacterial Meningitis panel 9\9oo/ ({tE: nasersattar@gmail.com

Respiratory Bacterial panel SVoo f -

cl Tropical Fever Panel qi.oo/-

Eye Panel (HSV1/2, Adeno, 8loo/-
Chlam V7\A
18 KRAS/N RAS/BRAF/P I K3CA/ gooo f -
10' Colorectal Cancer full panel l)ooo/-
qg EGFR Mutation b8oo f -

BRCA 1/2 VSool-

HLA-ABDR genotyping >Qooof -
qb HLA-DR genotyping qooo f -

Vo HLA-C genotyping oooo I

b) HLA-DQB1 genotyping
b\ HLA-827 DNA \eoo I -
b\9 T-cell, B-cell cross matching 8t oo/-
b8 lmmunophenotyping for hCoo/-
Acute leukemia
bQ- lmmunophenotyping for PNH Sooo f -
b\9 Stem cell enumeration gooo f -

bq BCR-ABL (Major) bQoo f -

Ouantitative for CML
w BCR-ABL screening 6ooo f -
(Ma ior/minor/micro)
bh BCR-ABL Quantitative for 6ooo f -
CML followup
bo PML-RARA t('15-17) Vtoo f -
b) JAK2 V617F mutation SAoo I -


/ .lfK*r' co*zr
<T<T 6.trt {Gr m&-rrlq AqRhrfffi
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
.If*tT5t, EFFI- 5ooo I


rff]<{I{ IT{l qrr4 emqilT rffi<T{I € CT<I Eq]r{{ qft-gqs5ffi1

r!{'Allr qm, qr{ c l3!t4
1( vl?] 9 AnEtolO € d?r,rrc "rhfu "t,ial, cen
h\9 Primary immunodefi ciency QQoo f - slEr-fiT{Kil{
(PrD) nqffiqq16
b8 CD19 B cell count t Goo/- qtcoffi-srqG e ?frBcffie ft enr
bc' CD4 T lymphocyte count looo/- I!r{Tt{r o)CCl\9o)g)l
t hg CD4:CD8 ratio t Coo/- tIrto: chandanroll4)bsrnmu edu bd

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