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The need to adopt a proper and settled direction in framing the constitution of
India. After just four days of inaugural meeting on 13th December 1946 the first
step towards its goal was taken when Pt Jawaharlal Nehru introduced the Objective


The need to adopt a proper and settled direction in framing the constitution was
fully realized by the Constituent Assembly. It felt imperative to define the
objectives, the values and ideological principles which were to guide its path and
condition its approach in the task of constitution making.
After the discussion and debates the objective resolution was finally passed on
22January, 1947.

Text of objective Resolution

1. This constitution Assembly declares its firm and solemn resolve to proclaim
India as an Independent, sovereign Republic and to draw up for the future
governance a constitution.
2. Wherein the territories that now comprise British India, the territories that
now form the Indian States as well as such other territories as are willing to
be constituted into the Independent, Sovereign India, shall be a union of
them all.
3. Wherein the safeguards shall be provided for minorities, backward and tribal
areas, and depressed and other backward classes
4. Wherein said territories, wheather with their present boundaries or with their
present boundaries or with such others as may be determined by constituent
assembly and thereafter according to the law of constitution , shall posses and
retain the status of autonomous units together with residuary powers and functions
of the goverment and administration ,save and except such powers and functions as
are vested in or assigned to the Union ,or as the inherent or implied in the Union on
reulting there from , and
On 15th august, 1947 India became independent. A day before 14th of august
pakistan was partitioned out of India. The constituent Assembly of India then got
under a change, started working again with learnt lessons, enthusiasm. The
acession of Indian Princely States of India made this august body and
representative. 73 Representatives were integrated with India which also became
part of Constituent Assembly. Later on, members of Muslim League [ India] also
joined it which further strengthened representation more.
For conducting the work in systematic and effective manner, the Constituent
Assembly constituted several committees which were to report on subjects
assigned to them. Some of these committees were committees on procedural
matters while others were on substantive matters.
In the making of the constitution, a very valuable role was played by the Drafting
committee. This committee was constituted on 29th august 1947 with Dr B.R.
Ambedkar as its chairman.the drafting committee submitted its report on 21 st
Feb ,1948 and debates took place on the basis of these discussions a new draft was
prepared by drafting committee and was submitted on 4th November ,1948. The
first debate on this draft was held from 4th to 9th November and later on from 15th
November to 17th October each clause was debated and discussed. In total 7635
amendments were proposed on which 2473 were discussed. On 26th of November
1949 Constitution was finally adopted and enacted when President signed it.
Some of the provisions came into operation immediately while as a whole the
Constitution was inaugurated on 26th january,1930.
It took 2 years,11 months and 17 days to accomplish the task of making the
constitution, it held 11 plenary sessions and discussions were held for 114 days. A
total of 6,396,273 Rupees were spent. Speaking immediately after the adoption of
constitution Dr Rajendra Prasad observed
‘I desire to congratulate the Assembly on accomplishing a task of such
tremendous is not my purpose to appraise the value of work
that the Assembly has done or the merits or demerits of the Constitution
which has framed, I am content to leave that to others and to posterity’.

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