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Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation
Table of Contents
Analysis and Evaluation of BREEAM ethos...........................................................................................4
Scope and Application of BREEAM:.......................................................................................................4
Methodology of Assessment and Main Areas of Focus:..........................................................................5
Effective Project management;.............................................................................................................6
Health and Wellbeing:...........................................................................................................................6
Transport and commuting....................................................................................................................6
Efficient water utilization:....................................................................................................................6
Discussion and Justification of Selected Strategy:..................................................................................7
The Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) is a
system used by green building sustainability to rate and assess the environmental performance of
buildings. It evaluates the building's performance over a range of environmental matters to
establish a rating that is either PASS, GOOD, EXCELLENT, or OUTSTANDING. Since its
inception in 1990, BREEAM has become distinguished around the globe for its mark of
sustainable construction. BREEAM has been extremely influential in the construction industry. It
is evident as statistics shows figures of over 562,000 certified building and over 2 million
construction structures registered for evaluation and assessment.

In the current world where environmental issues have become an important aspect, the
significance of BREEAM is evident. It involves a detailed assessment of construction works
which focuses on energy efficiency and overall construction sustainability. The report aims at
creating a strategic plan technique focusing on BREEAM rating optimization for building
structures, in this case, a 420-unit student accommodation block situated at High Street and
George Street in Urban Glasgow.

Figure 1, Ecological Landscape

Considering the massive impact urban cities have on the ecological landscape, the choice of this
project is a mirror of the current situation and strategic on its own. The integration of sustainable
living spaces and the ever busy city environment of Glasgow makes it crucial for the ethos of
BREEAM, aligning with its goals and objectives to ensure sustainability is implemented in
Urban areas. The rise in eco-friendly living spaces, hence, accommodations blocks become a
crucial reference point when establishing and executing a creative method that meets as well as
exceeds BREEAM objectives.

This report aims to explore numerous optimization method that goes beyond the traditional
approaches. Its objective is to provide a detailed BREEAM assessment approach to rating across
numerous categories. This practice aims to provide a holistic approach that shows commitment
to sustainability which is BREEAM goals and core principles rather than amassing high ratings
on students' accommodations architecture and functionality.
Additionally, the report will further discuss and describe BREEAM ethos, application of its
standards and scope, assessment of its methodology, and main section to focus on within its
detailed analysis. The report aims to commit to reaching and meeting BREEAM's stand as well
as going beyond expectations to ensure environmental responsibility at Glasgow city center is

Analysis and Evaluation of BREEAM ethos.

Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method is evidence of profound
commitment to achieve construction sustainable development. The ethos that supports BREEAM
focuses on establishing sustainability in both the building's design and operation. It is an aspect
that establishes the integration of environmental landscape, social impact, and economic factors,
showing the importance of creating such a structure that is environmentally sustainable and
enhances occupant well-being.

The core of BREEAM’s ethos is its relentless focus to reduce and minimize the ecological
impact of building. In the current world, the topic of climate change and resource depletion is
critical due to its existential threats to humankind. BREEAM plays an important role in the
responsible construction process. By setting strict quality standards and evaluation methods,
BREEAM has radicalized the entire construction industry. It gives the construction professionals
such as architects, engineers, estimators, and developers to always think green when designing,
costing, and constructing any building structure and considering long term environmental Impact
on the building and the surrounding. The evaluation technique recognizes the roles and
functionality of building to people's quality of life, especially the users. This includes access to
natural lighting, indoor air conditioning, and ventilation since they directly affect the overall
well-being of the occupants. The emphasis on human well-being within the built environment
indicates the focus on creating living spaces that allow future generations to enjoy the present
ecology and resources.

Financially, BREEAM's ethos recognizes that sustainable development practices are also
financially prudent apart from ecological responsibility. BREEAM's objective of financial
sustainability is achieved through promoting the efficient utilization of resources, energy-saving
appliances, and long-term feasibility. This mindset promotes environmental consciousness which
goes in hand with economic aspects. Perhaps, BREEAM ethos promotes creative and critical
thinking with future prospective in the construction industry. It shows that the built environment
is more than just building structures and mirrors society's values, morals, and aspirations. A
detailed evaluation nature of BREEAM's analysis shows the resilience to a holistic approach and
perspective on Building Performance aligning with sustainable development goals.

Scope and Application of BREEAM:

The scope and applicability of BREEAM expand vastly in the construction industry covering
numerous building types and scope within the construction industry. They range from residential
(i.e. student accommodation) to commercial and Educational buildings. BREEAM rating extends
further in the construction field to ensure sustainable practices are achieved.
BREEAM is distinguished for its unique system and practices that cover a range of building
types. Whether it's complex residential estates aim at creating sustainable housing solutions for
example providing sustainable student accommodation development, commercial structures
bustling with economic activities, or educational centers impacting and providing knowledge to
future generations. BREEAM plays a role in unifying the system since its rating, codes, and
standard aims to establish a building project that adapts to different demands and rising
challenges facing buildings rather than focusing only on the building's functionality and purpose.

When evaluating the Student's Accommodation building structure, BREEAM covers several
aspects of sustainability parameters. This includes energy and water utilization, and measures
against resource depletion are well assessed. BREEAM is keen to ensure that construction
projects such as the construction of student accommodations adopt energy-efficient technology
and water-efficient appliances that promote sustainability.

Construction Materials is core to BREEAM assessment. The assessment method urges the
utilization of locally sourced construction materials. Locally sourced materials reduce shipping
and storage hence minimizing emissions and energy usage. Therefore, it ultimately contributes to
sustainability and increases user confidence. The BREEAM's assessment advocates effective
procurement practices. By evaluating the construction materials' life cycle and the environmental
effect, BREEAM champions durable and genuine construction materials as an important aspect
of sustainability.

BREEAM review on the Pollution aspect of the construction process and ongoing projects. The
assessment encourages the construction project to mitigate pollution, thus protecting and
conserving the environment and broader ecosystem. This method aligns with sustainable
construction where environmental consequences are considered. BREEAM assessment takes into
account health and well-being. The technique recognizes that sustainable accommodations are
key to a sound environmental structure that promotes the health and comfort of its occupants
(students). BREEAM shows the importance of developing positively charged living spaces that
contribute to overall well-being from indoor ventilation to daylight accessibility to the building.

Methodology of Assessment and Main Areas of Focus:

BREEAM's methodology of assessment is a process formulated to analyze building
sustainability acknowledging the integration of numerous factors that affect the environment.
The assessment cut across numerous categories each representing important aspects of
sustainable construction practices. These categories include;

Effective Project management;

This section evaluates project management team resilience and commitment to sustainability,
ensuring adherence to environmental policies and incorporation of sustainable approaches into
the construction management plan ( Mourad, & Wahid, 2022). This category is essential for resolving
any site-related problem associated with corner location, for instance, utilization and
optimization of facility space usage.
Health and Wellbeing:

Occupants' health and well-being; BREEAM assessment focuses on the health and comfort of
student occupants. The building should have excellent indoor air quality and accessibility to
natural daylight ensuring living spaces are conducive and Environmentally effective. Using
corner location student accommodation windows effectively through a creative design approach
will ultimately be helpful to enhance the building environment quality and student
accommodation experiences.

Figure 2; BREEAM


Energy efficiency and effectiveness: This section focuses on minimizing energy usage through
the integration of smart building technologies, renewable energy sources, and techniques to
reduce waste ensuring that the building operates within the least ecological footprint. The
strategic approach of energy efficient method can be helpful to harness the exposure of sunlight
and directional patterns of the wind of the corner location student accommodation facility thus
maximizing building energy utilization.
Figure 3, Energy Efficiency.

Transport and commuting

This section encourages the utilization of sustainable transportation and commuting choices,
investing in bicycle storage space, and nearness to public transportation stations. Through this
implementation, BREEAM resolves the environmental impact on student accommodation
facilities by its contribution to achieving sustainable urban commuting and mobility. This
method helps to facilitate easy access and promote sustainable urban transport and commuting
enhancing overall accessibility to corner location student accommodation facility.

Efficient water utilization:

This category emphasizes the need to reduce water consumption within the student’s
accommodations facility by promoting water recycling and reusing thus helping in the mitigation
of any water-related environmental Impact (Mourad, & Wahid, 2022). This helps to reduce building
water utilization and consumption thus resolving water management issues in corner location
student accommodation.

The combination of scores across these sections creates an Overall BREEAM rating that ranges
between Pass to Outstanding. Student accommodation facility requires a detailed approach that
takes into account each section's uniqueness, needs, and challenges to acquire a higher BREEAM

Discussion and Justification of Selected Strategy:

The strategic approach for optimizing the BREEAM rating of the student accommodation
facility located in Glasgow is established in a technique that includes key sections and categories
that promote sustainability in the built environment. The BREEAM analysis aims to provide a
holistic approach that meets and exceeds expectations to be Outstanding.

State-of-the-art Energy efficiency.

The student accommodation facility needs to establish a state-of-the-art energy-efficient model

that utilizes renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind power. This will ensure that the
building is energy-self-sustained and achieves an Outstanding BREEAM rating. This emphasis
on renewable energy efficiency aligns with the wider ethos of BREEAM which reinforces
project objectives for long-term sustainability (Callway, Dixon, & Nikolic, 2019).
Figure 4, Green spaces and biodiversity.

Green Spaces and Biodiversity

The incorporation of green roofs, gardens, and eco-friendly features emerges as an important
element in the assessment, focusing on the efficient utilization of Land and the environment.
Beyond the aesthetic values integration of green spaces, these aspects contribute to the overall
environmental health of the building site, promoting biodiversity and sustainability. This aligns
with BREEAM rating analysis acknowledging how sustainable student accommodation goes
beyond the building structure to the surrounding environment (Callway, Dixon, & Nikolic, 2019).


The technique included cutting-edge innovative technology and design approaches that achieved
Outstanding BREEAM ratings. The student accommodation block needs to demonstrate high
levels of innovation and creativity which promotes the building's sustainability objectives. The
commitment to integrate the building structure with smart technology helps to align with
BREEAM rating analysis on the continuous promotion of innovation in the construction industry

Waste management

Effective and efficient waste management practices include recycling, and reusing, operational
construction waste which is crucial in reducing environmental effects. Justifying this aspect
insist on the project objective to practice BREEAM assessment rating to reduce waste and
promote ideal sustainable waste management methods.
Figure 5, Waste Management.

Community and Society Involvements.

Another important strategy is the involvement of the society and community to ensure a
sustainable corner location student accommodation facility. Incorporation of stakeholders and
considering various perspectives during the analysis process guarantee the project achieves
sustainability objectives that are oriented with society and community-specific requirements.
This justification insists on the need to create a sustainable corner location student
accommodation facility that promotes positive relationships with the adjacent society and

Building Resilience and Pollution Aspects

Ensuring that the corner location student accommodation is resilient and mitigates pollution is a
crucial aspect to be considered. The facility should ensure that it remains resilient to climate
change effects and minimize pollution during construction and facilitating stages fostering
environmental sustainability. This is achieved through a resilient design process, establishing
green construction plans, and implementing pollution control comprehensively.

Conclusively, in aiming to optimize the BREEAM rating for the student accommodations block
in Glasgow, the provided technique shows commitment and resilience to BREEAM ethos on
sustainable building design and ecological responsibility. The selected methods strategically
assess key sections aiming at providing an Outstanding rating. BREEAM aims to ensure that
student accommodation meets sustainable building standards through its resilience and
objectives to social, economic, and environmental aspects. The assessment insists that energy
efficiency through smart building technologies and renewable sources should meet BREEAM
goals to minimize environmental impact on a building. This practice provides a platform to
benchmark future projects towards sustainability.

Additionally, giving priority to locally sourced materials, combined with an effective waste
management system is a key role in BREEM's assessment, as well as good procurement methods
and waste management. This analysis goes further to obtain an Outstanding rating in the material
and waste categorical section insisting on the long-term environmental impact on construction
materials selection. Urban mobility is a crucial aspect of urban sustainability plans. Therefore,
ensuring sustainable transportation and accessibility contributes to the wider vision of BREEAM
ethos. The Incorporation of sustainable green spaces, eco-friendly features, and cutting-edge
smart building technologies. By excellent utilization of urban spaces through innovation and
creativity BREEM analysis ensures the built environment achieves sustainability.

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Mourad, R., & Wahid, J. B. (2022). A comparative study on sustainability assessment levels
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Callaway, R., Dixon, T., & Nikolic, D. (2019). Embedding green infrastructure evaluation in
neighborhood masterplans–Do BREEAM communities change anything? Journal of
Environmental Planning and Management, 62(14), 2478-2505.

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