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Republic of the Philippines


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Author The author of Beowulf is unknown.
The main characters in "Beowulf" include Beowulf himself, King Hrothgar,
Characters Grendel (the monster), Grendel's mother, Wiglaf, and other warriors and the Fire
Breathing Dragon.
The story was set in Denmark and Geatland (a region in what is now Sweden).
Setting As well as the mead hall of King Hrothgar called Heorot, where much of the
action takes place.


It begins when Beowulf arrives in Denmark to aid King Hrothgar, whose mead
hall is plagued by the monstrous Grendel. Beowulf defeats Grendel and later
Summary faces Grendel's vengeful mother. In his later years as king, Beowulf confronts a
dragon and, with the help of his loyal follower Wiglaf, defeats the beast but
succumbs to mortal wounds.
First and foremost, The conflict in Beowulf is both internal and external. The
external conflicts involve Beowulf facing various adversaries, such as Grendel,
Grendel's mother, and the dragon. The internal conflict is within Beowulf himself
as he grapples with his own mortality and the challenges of being a heroic
Generally, the conflict revolves around Beowulf's battles against supernatural
foes, symbolizing the eternal struggle between good and evil, heroism, and the
inevitability of death.
The problem was resolved through Beowulf's strength, courage, and heroism.
He defeats Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon through physical prowess
Solution/s and, in the case of the dragon, with the help of his loyal follower Wiglaf.
However, despite these victories, Beowulf ultimately succumbs to mortal wounds
during the battle with the dragon.
The most prominent underlying theme in Beowulf is the concept of heroism,
particularly the heroic code of conduct upheld by the characters. Beowulf
exemplifies qualities such as bravery, strength, loyalty, and honor. The poem
explores the challenges faced by a hero in a world where the forces of good and
evil are in constant conflict. Additionally, themes of fate, mortality, and the
cyclical nature of life are woven into the narrative.
Personal Reaction The most memorable scene for me was when Wiglaf helped Beowulf defeat his
foes, that was a true friend right there. Wiglaf stayed with Beowulf until his last
breath. I realized something, after reading this epic poem, especially with the
friendship of Beowulf and Wiglaf. I realized that we do not need a lot of friends to
stay with us, since we are not sure they are real or if they can stay with us, even
through our darkest of times. The bond between Beowulf and Wiglaf serves as a
powerful reminder of the importance of steadfast allies during difficult times and
we do not need to many friends to experience this. Quality over quantity.
Personally, the theme of genuine friendship and loyalty depicted in Beowulf is
timeless and resonates with present-day reality, as well as to me. In our lives,
the quality of relationships often matters more than the quantity of friendships.
True friends are those who stand by us in both good and challenging times,
Connection to the offering support, understanding, and loyalty. In the modern world, as individuals
Present Reality navigate their personal and professional lives, the concept of having a few
trusted and reliable friends aligns with the idea that deep connections are more
valuable than superficial ones. The loyalty and support exemplified by Beowulf
and Wiglaf serve as a timeless reminder of the enduring significance of true
friendship in the face of life's trials and tribulations.

Give the significance and contribution of Beowulf into the flourishing of English literature
and epics all over the world.

First and foremost, Beowulf significantly contributes to the flourishing of English literature and global epic
traditions. This Old English masterpiece offers a unique glimpse into the cultural and historical context of
early medieval England, reflecting the values and societal structures of the Anglo-Saxons. The literary
prowess displayed in the poem, with its skilled use of alliteration and rhythmic patterns, establishes it as a
cornerstone of Old English literature. Beowulf, as an epic hero, sets a standard that influences the portrayal
of heroes in literature across time. Its enduring legacy lies not only in its survival over a millennium but also
in its universal themes of heroism, fate, and the eternal struggle between good and evil, making it a
timeless and influential work.

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