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Implementing the Facebook Pixel, SDK

and API
Implementing Data Collection Tools
In previous lessons, we’ve learned about the many different types of data that can be collected,
from the different websites people visit to the ads they see along the way. Just like there are
many different data points, there are various ways to collect data, each with their own features
and purposes. Although much of the information these tools collect and organize for you can be
found on the web server logs for your site, that’s not always easy or practical. In this reading,
we’ll take a look at three tools that will help you collect data.

Facebook Pixel
Pixels, also referred to as tags, are used for tracking, measurement and advertising. As
mentioned in the introduction section above, it’s not always easy or practical to look at data from
your web server logs or even cookies. Luckily you can work with companies to help you track
user behavior or advertise products. A pixel is a small piece of code that you can add to your
website that instructs it to send some information to an identified third party, in other words,
these companies looking to help you utilize your data. The Facebook pixel is one example. Here,
the information is used to help connect advertising on Facebook with actions taken on the site,
allowing you to check how effective your advertising on Facebook was.

An SDK, or software development kit, is a library of pieces of code that you can integrate into
your app to add certain functions. Where on a website you can use a pixel or tag, you would use
an SDK for your app. The SDK sends the information about people’s interaction with the app to,
for example, Google Analytics where both website and app information can be aggregated. A
great example of an SDK that you might see every day is an app that asks you to sign in with
your Google or Facebook account. For your website, you might use an SDK to create a smooth
checkout experience for customers, as well as, of course, tracking various data points of your
browsers’ activity. If users have signed into your app using their Facebook account, for instance,
you can also see whether an ad they saw on Facebook inspired them to download your app and
make in-app purchases.

An API, or an application programming interface, is a tool that establishes a connection between
two pieces of software. Remember the example of sharing a news article on Twitter from the
previous lesson? In the same way APIs make it possible to share your article, they make it
possible to share data directly with certain marketing or advertising platforms. This is useful
because you can then use these connections to learn more about the results of your marketing
activities. For example, you can send purchase data to Facebook, which can then help you figure
out whether the ads you placed on their platform lead to the purchases.

Implementing the tools

How to do it
Using these tools is often as easy as integrating them into your website’s already existing code.
Most of these tools, for example the Facebook pixel and the Google Ads Remarketing, have the
code readily available in the help documentation or other information for web developers. This
allows you or your content developers to install the code easily so you can start tracking.

Why they’re useful

Implementing tools such as these can allow you to encourage browsers of your website and app
to purchase, subscribe and more. The Facebook pixel, for example, can also create custom
target audiences consisting of people who have engaged with the website and who you would
like to target with more specific advertising messages.

These tools also allow you to integrate your website experience with that of your app. For
example, you can use an SDK to instruct your app to send certain information over to the
platform that created the SDK, and that data can then be connected to other actions marketers
take using the platform, like advertising.

Where to Look for Data

Eurostat is a database that provides access to official statistics from
the European Union and is an excellent resource for economic and social data.
You can access data for different countries over many years, filter it, and
download the specific data you need.
Eurostat offers a data browser for easier filtering and analysis.
You can access all this online for free.
The OECD is another organization that provides a large catalog of
databases you can use for free.
OECD stands for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and it's
an international organization that works to build better policies for better lives.

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Google Analytics Basics
In the previous videos, we walked through the basic structure of Google Analytics and the
data you can find in a Google Analytics account. As you use Google Analytics, it is helpful
to keep in mind that the reports you find in Google Analytics focus on three main areas.

1. Life Cycle
2. Users
3. Events
Google Analytics Dashboard

1. Life Cycle
In the life cycle section, you will find data about how users come to your site or app, what
content they engage with and which actions they take (potentially leading to monetization).
You can also find data here on whether people return to your site.
2. Users
In this section, you can find data that give you a bit more insight into who your users are -
their demographics as well as the tech they are using to access your site or app.

3. Events
This section specifically focuses on the actions that you have identified as important for your
users. You can see the number of conversions (which could be sales or other actions like for
instance subscriptions to a newsletter) as well as the number of specific events that lead up to

Adjusting the reporting window

All reports you find in your Google Analytics dashboard will default to the last 7 days, but
you can easily adjust the reporting window.

The real-time view gives you information about the users who visited your site or app in the
past 30 mins.


The OSEMN framework is a methodology used in data science projects to streamline

the process of extracting insights from data. It stands for:

1. O (Obtain): This is the first step, where you gather the data necessary for your
project. Data can come from various sources, including public datasets,
company databases, online scraping, and more. The key is to acquire all
relevant data that can help in solving the problem or answering the research
2. S (Scrub or Clean): Once you have your data, the next step is to clean it. This
involves handling missing values, removing duplicates, correcting errors, and
converting data types if necessary. The goal is to ensure the quality of your
data is high and suitable for analysis.
3. E (Explore or Examine): This step involves exploring the data to understand
its characteristics and structure. This can include statistical analysis, visualizing
distributions of variables, identifying patterns or outliers, and making initial
observations. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is crucial for gaining insights
and deciding on the direction of your analysis.
4. M (Model): In this phase, you apply statistical models or machine learning
algorithms to your cleaned and explored data to test hypotheses or make
predictions. This step is iterative and may require going back to adjust the
model based on its performance and findings.
5. N (Interpret): The final step is to interpret the results of your modeling. This
means translating the outcomes of your data analysis into actionable insights,
making recommendations based on the data, and communicating the findings
in an understandable manner to stakeholders.

Certainly! The SMART framework is a tool used for setting clear, achievable goals. It's an
acronym that stands for:

1. **S (Specific):** Goals should be clear and specific, so you know exactly what you're
aiming for. This involves answering the who, what, where, when, which, and why questions
related to the goal. Being specific helps to focus efforts and clearly define what you are
going to do.

2. **M (Measurable):** Goals should have criteria for measuring progress and success. This
means you should be able to track your progress and know when the goal has been
achieved. Measurable goals help to stay on track, meet deadlines, and feel the excitement
of getting closer to achieving the goal.

3. **A (Achievable):** Goals should be realistic and attainable to be successful. This means
that while the goal should be challenging, it should still be possible to achieve with the
resources and time you have. Setting achievable goals helps to avoid discouragement and
keeps motivation high.

4. **R (Relevant):** Goals should be relevant to the direction you want your life or
work to take. This ensures that the goal aligns with

T (Time-bound): Goals should have a deadline or a timeframe in which the goal can
be achieved. This helps to create a sense of urgency and prompts you to prioritize
tasks and manage your time more effectively.
Summary: Exploring Data
Explore Checklist
What is your data telling you?

⏹ Inspect your data: If your dataset isn’t too large, read through your data to assess whether interesting
information jumps out

⏹ Use summary statistics: Evaluate your data by summarizing it (categorize, use statistics like average,
standard deviation, etc.)

⏹ Inspect a random sample of your data: if your dataset is too large, a random sample may give you
some initial information

Visualizing data

⏹ Visualize your data using bar charts, line charts or scatter plots to examine information hidden in your

Bar charts Line charts Scatter plots

Examine variable distributions

⏹ Inspect the distribution of your data

 Categorize the data

 Plot the categorized data

Common data distributions:

Normal Bimodal Log-normal Exponential Uniform

Learn more about your data:

⏹ Evaluate the minimum

⏹ Evaluate the maximum

⏹ Evaluate the mode

⏹ Evaluate the standard deviation

Examine variable relationships

⏹ Visualize variables to understand their correlation

Common visualizations:

Scatter plot Line chart

⏹ Calculate the correlation coefficient to understand the strength of the correlation

0 = no correlation

1 = perfect positive correlation

-1 = perfect negative correlation

iNterpret Checklist

Step 1: Understand the results of your analysis

Ask the following questions:

⏹ What was the objective for this analysis?

⏹ How does the data answer my questions?

⏹ What other learnings do I have?

⏹ How can I apply this to a business context?

⏹ How confident should I be?

 How wrong is the model?

 How likely is the model to be correct?

 What scenarios cause the model to be incorrect?

Step 2: Explain your findings

Build a presentation with these key components:

⏹ Recap

⏹ Method

⏹ Visualization

⏹ Explanation

⏹ Recommendation

Setup: This is the introduction where you establish the context,

introduce your topic, and outline the purpose and structure of your
presentation. It's where you grab the audience's attention and lay out
the "what" and "why" of your talk.

Buildup: Here, you delve into the main content, presenting facts, data,
and information. This section includes the development of your
argument or narrative, supported by evidence or examples. It's the "how"
that connects to the "what" and "why" presented in the setup.

Climax: This is the peak of your presentation, where you present the
most important finding, reveal the solution to a problem, or make the
most compelling argument. It's the pivotal moment that the buildup has
been leading to and should be the most memorable part of the

Conclusion: In the conclusion, you summarize the main points, restate

the significance of your topic, and leave the audience with a final
thought or call to action. This is where you wrap up your narrative and
give the audience a sense of closure.

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