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Child Abuse

Child abuse is any particular form of harm or torture that a child may undergo such as neglect,
physical, emotional and sexual. It can result to lethal effects on child’s mental and physical
wellbeing, additionally, it can seriously affect future advancements and relationships. Child
abuse is a serious thing that cause tremendous effects in various ways. It can result in instant and
long-term damage to child’s mental, physical and emotional health, that why it is an important
aspect in our society. This essay seeks to describe and discuss on the types of child abuse, the
effects and ways of preventing child abuse in our society.
Types of Child Abuse
There are various types of child abuse which includes physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect
abuse, and sexual abuse.
Physical Abuse; This refers to a torture as a result of physical assault. Even though the tortured
was not intentional the action is referred as physical abuse. It can include hitting, slapping or
beating (Finkelhor, & Korbin, 2018).
Emotional child abuse; these referred to any form of failure, attitude or behavior to perform
that might affect child development and mental health. It can result from a simple act of
vocal offence to dangerous type of punishment. Astonishingly, emotional abuse can result
to a long term mental effect and its always present in other types of abuse.
Sexual abuse; these refers to any form of sexual activity comprising a child and adult such
as sodomy, oral sex, intercourse, incent, penetration and rape.
Child neglect; This refers to abandonment of a child, which is a common form of child
abuse. Unfortunately, most neglected children are not often known since mostly it is a form
of child abuse that is an action of not doing something.
Effects of child abuse
Child abuse can result into tremendous effects such as self-blame, low-self-esteem, guilt, and
fear, distrusting adults, and having difficulties forming new relationships with others.
Finkelhor, D., & Korbin, J. (1988). Child abuse as an international issue. Child Abuse &
Neglect, 12(1), 3-23.

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