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Cafés and their Impact on Our Community

Written by: Aaron John Leo Nereparambil

Cafés have started to become a very hot topic, not only among youngsters but also among adults. This
industry has been booming for the past few years and has also undoubtedly brought a few impacts on our
community. Are these impacts all good or bad, and are they here to stay?

Several people are getting tired of them as many have opened up over these several years. They always
have new things to attract customers and without realizing we have normalized paying for pricey drinks
and food items in a café, perceiving it to be reasonable. Some believe they shouldn’t be going that far just
to hang out with friends and that it may have become the norm lately. Moreover, most people want their
coffee or tea time to be personal and not have others disturb them while they are relaxing as well as
contemplating deep thoughts. As time passes by, I have come to realize that lesser and lesser people seem
to want to hang out at coffee shops. This might very well cause their businesses to harvest huge losses or
might even put them out of business. Appreciation for coffee shops has plummeted.

Contradictingly, the sheer increase in the number of cafés has promoted healthy competition among
themselves. Although the prices may be a bit too much, some people believe it to be worth it as they offer
a more quiet and relaxing atmosphere as well as more privacy. Furthermore, cafés has also been
recognized widely as a part of the modern world and it will most definitely play a crucial role in the
tourism sector of our country and increase our country’s economy too.

I for one believe that cafés have become a bit more popular than they should be. Most of the items
available are overpriced and in some cafés, the serving proportions are small as well. They are, as
mentioned before, putting coffee shops out of business and I believe they should strive to work together
and take each other into consideration. Coffee shops have been used to entertain colleagues as they can be
as loud as they want there that’s not the case with cafés. Once anybody makes a bit too loud of a noise, he
will be branded uncultured and as a nuisance and sometimes even asked to leve the café.

I will stop this article here and hope the readers are able to perceive my idea on cafés and their impact on
out community.

(410 words)

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