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1. What is the synopsis of your show? Young Joe and his family love their collie, Lassie.

however he
must sell the dog Lassie escapes and undertakes a long journey to reunite with her family.

2. How does this show reflect life in the 1950s? (Provide at least 3 solid examples) 1. The show is in
black and white. 2. The slang and actions are making it clear that it is in the 50's. 3. WW2 is mentioned
a lot and it being after the war

3. What major differences can you find between your chosen show and shows you watch today?
(provide at least 3) It is in black and white, The quality is not as good, The are very little effects in the

4. If this show was on today, do you think it would be a hit or a flop? Why? I think it would be a hit.
Because it was changed and revamped and is on the air today.

5. Please provide photos to illustrate the above questions.

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